Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


Like to get some advice here.

My maid will be completing her 2 year contract with me in June. She is not too bad taking care of my son, doing housework is so-so. Hence, we do not intent to renew her contract. Partly also because I don't want my son to be too attached to a maid.

When should I inform her that I am not renewing her contact? What should I say? I am afraid that if I tell her too early, she will be up to no good.

Thanks in advance.

I have posted the house rules here.

Some people may find it very exacting. But actually when we live with our parents, we have to follow their rules too, right ? My hubby's mother would be angry with him if he didn't push back the chair at the dining table after using it.

The purpose of the rules is just to make it easier for the maid to fit into our house quickly. It works very well for my new maid. But it works best if you show to the maid on the first day. If your maid is too used to the freedom, it will be difficult to make her follow.

Red Tulip,
If you think your maid is good, you may want to give her a chance to transfer to a new employer. If you don't trust your maid, it's best to give her as short a notice as possible.

I always only give my ex-maids 1 hour notice to pack and go to the airport. I will tell her that my kids are going to childcare, or the whole family migrating to USA. No need to tell them the truth.

In case anybody think this is "cruel", let me tell you how big companies retrench their employees. The employee is called into the manager's office, showed the notice, then the manager will immediately accompany him to pack his things and leave the company. Why should the maid deserve any better treatment ?
The medical checkout only checks whether she is pregnant or have any sexually transmitted disease. It doesn't check other things so doesn't matter if she is coughing.

I think it is risky to delay past the due date, her work permit may get cancelled.
tamarind: totally agree with your rules! although i never gave my maid those rules, i'm kinda glad to see she abides with most of them.. except for the eating coz we have so much food at home that i actually have to beg her to help finish! imagine i still have bak kwa from CNY still fully wrapped not opened! hehe, oh and talking on the phone... i've never really monitored how often she talks on the phone but i do give her 15 mintues every 2 weeks to call her family using our phone. will take note of that!

Well, I can think of a few reasons why they should be treated better. There is no job like such that singaporeans will take up:

1) You work 24/7 a day.
2) You got only 1 day leave MAX per month.
3) There is no such thing as no pay leave, MC or 14 days leave.
4) You work away from home.
5) You call back home is restricted and monitor.
6) You have to ensure that everything at home is working properly.
7) You are answerable for the kids well being.
8) You need to ensure housework is done.
9) You salary is not even 1k or even half of it.

Come to think of it. Can any singaporean do this type of job??

Well, I do have a maid. But let's treat them with a little humanity. They are human too, they got emotion, they feel sad while away from home. While work need to be done, there are times they will feel tired as well. I always ensure that my nephew address my maid as auntie XXX as a form of respect and not by addressing her by name. I treat her as part of the family and as a helper in the house. Never as a maid or a slave.

Things have been working well so far in my place. I have another maid before but sent her back as she is really forgetful. I do not mind slow learner, but not someone who keep forgetting things.

We give her a new $10 IDD phonecard every mth to keep in touch with her family which she call back every weekend.

At the end of the day, we are trying to strike a balance to get a win-win situation for both parties. Hope it helps for you all.

I welcome and comments from anyone.

No ill intention directed to anyone.
Actually it is not true that no Singaporean will do this type of job. Every SAHM in this forum is doing this type of job with the exception of your point 4 and 5. But remember that SAHMs are not even paid a salary, and they have absolutely no day off.

Nobody forces these maids to come and work in Singapore. They came here to work for a salary which is many times higher than what they can get at home. Please do not call them slaves. If they don't like the job, they can always go home. Why do they keep coming ?

Maids should be treated like any other workers in Singapore. I see no reason why they should be treated any better.

Please do not think that I do not treat my maids as humans. In fact, I treat my maid so well that my own mother gets jealous. They get good food, and enough rest. They can call home as often as they like, as long as they have finished their work for the day. They are allowed to read newspapers when they are free, and they can even listen to the radio all day long. I never screen their letters and never search their belongings. If they perform well, they get a few hundred $ ang bao during their birthday, Hari Raya Puasa and Chinese New Year. I only expect them to follow the house rules, and do all the work required.
Yes a good maid will not need to be told all these rules. But we never know what kind of maid we are getting, so for a new maid listing everything down at the beginning will save us some frustration.

I agreed that maids are human beings too. But as long as we treat them fair, abide according to the rules & guidelines of the MOM's, i think it should be good enough.

Imagine their own families might be treating them even worse off. Heard a lot of stories that the husband letting the wife travel so far to work, earn for the family and yet himself jobless and either drinking all day long or having many wives at home town while the wife struggle. Or some parents keep requesting the maid to send them $$$ to build house, build this and that or send the younger siblings to school and treat them like 'money tree'? Wont they even worse off?

If they are at their home country, some dont even get proper food or meal. Medical is either not advance or expensive and sucks. Over here, we employer at minimum give them 3 meals and teabreak too. Proper medical when they are sick and 1/2 yearly medical check too. Aren't they better off at home?

Nobody of right mind will abuse their maid. Most of the abuse cases we read in the newspaper are mostly the employer having some mental problem.

Sometimes even you try to strike a balance, never will you get a win-win situation in return. For me, i just hope they have good attitude, helping us out, finish their contract and bye bye.
i agree with the way tamarind treats her maid, ie. very strictly, but with respect, kindness and consideration. in fact, i also treat my maid the same way. my maid is very aware of what areas of her work i am very fussy about and won't tolerate any mistakes (eg. when it comes to my dd's well-being, safety, health & hygiene). whenever she slacks in these areas she will get a small reprimand from me and hubby, but then after that we don't harp or dwell on it anymore. however she has told us before that we are very kind towards her and that she is grateful to us for that.
I agree with you.

I heard that the maid's salary is equivalent to a school principal salary in Indonesia. With their salary, they can buy house and land at home. So what is so pitiful about them ?
Pls all, I never mention that tamarind treated her maid like slaves. I am just stating some examples and fact. I know that everyone of you here treat your maid humanly. I would I do not cause any misunderstanding here. If I do, I do apologise.

I just merely stating what I think of. Last but not least, while I do agree that some are better off here than in their homeland. But there is these emotion part that is really hard to balance when you are away from home.

But for those like me that leave my baby solely in the care of my maid, I got no choice but to treat her better just to be on the safe side. Sometimes, my wife mention that we are the maid instead coz we do sometimes help to do some housework if she cannot manage.

While I do agree that some SAHM can cope with all the task, but SAHM don't have anyone to monitor and inspect on their job done at the end of the day. Do the husband come back and mention, that "hey, how come this not done, that not done? This is not clean." And to certain extend, some even scold and say "why you so stupid, tell u so many times, still don't understand?"

Well, I am again not implying that any of you did this, but I really just stating classical example. Hope no one get offended.
liverpool11, firstly, great choice in football teams
, secondly, i kinda see where you are coming from, being a maid can't always be compared to the function of a SAHM becuase the emotional aspect of being away from your loved ones can't be quantified. Also, most of us are wary of having a stranger in our house, i guess conversely, the maids would also be wary of staying at a strangers house... so many things to consider!!
No worries. Different opinions are always welcome here so long as it is civilised discussion. It's good that we all agree that maids should be treated with respect and dignity.

Actually some SAHM's hubby do complain about things not being done, and not all can appreciate their wives. I have read some sad stories in this forum. Some hubbys think that their wives are enjoying lives at home.

Not all maids are sad to leave home. I have an ex-maid who is more than happy to be here. After I sent her back, she immediately return within a few days, with the help of her boyfriend in Singapore.

No problem. There won't be any misunderstanding as we long-time posting mummies will know Tamarind well and know how she treat her maid.

O, i see, you are at the 'mercy' of your maid as your baby is solely taken care by her, then you should give her some royal treatment and treat her better hor...otherwise who knows what will be happening or going on.

Personally, I think another part is most men/daddies always have different opinion or dont even heck care about maid issues than the woman/mummies...For my own hb, he will tell me they are like that one lor and dont even want to bother. Some men can even say change and change maid until you find one better. So women and men tends to have different opinion. Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus.
KC, haha, think coz it's not them who will be stressed in finding/training a new maid. but my hb will always say to me, close one eye if it's not major, remember her first duty is to look after the baby.
yah...I agreed with that to close one eye if is not major... last time I will nagged at my hb that the maid is slow, not clean and hope she got more common sense etc... but my hb will tell me, hey... she only earn $10 per day, need to clean the house, cook and entertain my naughty boys etc..,is not an easy job. So he's telling me our maid is pretty good after all and just close one eye for minor things and tells her lor....and I'll also be happier than picking on her on little things, why wanna make my life so miserable hee....
I agreed that we are all trying to be good employers but there are some maids that are not even trying to be good workers.

We sent back my first maid cos she stole our money, used my husband's handphone to call her lover and went out without our knowledge.

My current maid also told lies when I asked her some questions. She forgot that I can easliy check with MIL on her side of the stories. But I choose to close one eye as the lies does not affect me.

For me, I feel that the maids nowadays are not really coming to Singapore to work for the money. They treat the 2 years as a chance to go overseas to see the world and experience another kind of lifestlye. A little bit like overseas posting. Mine even order pork chop for lunch!

Hence, they are not serious about the quality of their work. For the extreme case, they really do not mind if they keep changing employers or that we send them back home before the 2 years contract. Also they tend to spend a lot of their hard earned money on handphone etc.

Last but not least, most of the time the government keep talking about protecting the maids from abuse. But we do not really have something to protect the employers from emotional abuse, stealings and hurt & pain to our children.
My hubby is those who will not listen to any complains. He just ask me to change if I don't like. But hor he is not the one paying the agency fees and the maid loan !!!

Red Tulip,
I got an ex-maid who has been changing 4 - 5 employers for the past year. Not because her employer sent her back, but she always asked to transfer because she wanted to find a job where she can talk on the phone all day and take afternoon naps. That's why I do not have any sympathy on these maids. I don't give a damn about treating them like royalty just because they are away from their home.
I myself used to travel very frequently overseas to work, I don't feel sad about being away from home, in fact, I enjoyed being able to work in another country. Especially if the maid is single, there should be no reason why she should feel very sad. If she does, then she is not suitable to work as a maid overseas and should go home, no one is forcing her to stay.
Lani / tamarind,
Thanks. I have brought my maid for the routine checkup oredi. Result would be out in few days time I guess.
Hi babycutie, hv email u on those 2 agencies..

Tamarind, understand that if maid changes their employers too many times, she will also be called in for interview.. Her time will come..
hi ladies,
i just came acorss this thread. I would like to share my frist experience with my maid who i just send home without finishing her contract( end in May 07)
we had her for 8 month. her scope of work is to mainly looking after my mil who has abit of walking problem . Cook and do some household . Looking after my son when he is back from my mum place. ( hubby work night shift , so bb stay at mum place, only come home when hubby not working)
in the mid of the night , when my mil need to go to toilet , she has to accompany her.

When she came to our place , she did not know how to cook. so my mil teach her , but she always said she forgets , end up my mil did the cooking herself. In the middle of the night , my mil ask her to wake up to accompany her to go toilet , she give her black face and ans her off.
we did bring her to go to agent and to tell her off and told her we will give her another month probation. That one month , improved . But after that ... worst ... my son clothing is wash by her ( handwash) , sizes can change from Small to medium... my clothing do not know how she wash ,spoilt a few( machine wash) , she blame is washing machine problem , ask he rhand wash she denied.
when my mil tell her to do thing she ask complain to my mil , say why she always ask her to do thing. play with my son toys, even watch tv ( she claim i allow her to watch) . she came here for 8 month , spoilt 3 pots. Tell her to be careful , she just smile. headache.
she still have sink sentivities ... problem . cannot tahan her liao , one day i was at home told her to do thing, she turn around and say she very busy and very tired , do ask her to do many thing.
(BTW , when my hubby go to work at night, she finish her household chrose around 7plus bath and can go to sleep , latest by 8pm.)
i do not understand why she is tired. she ans back to be and stare at me, i cannot stand her attitude so bring her back to the agent and send her home.
so can anyone teach me how i can confrim she is back home .

Need to check has anyone renew their indo maid passport themselves? How much does it cost try to search but no result.
You will receive a letter from MOM when your maid's work permit is cancelled or when she is transferred. Note that you continue to pay for her levy even though she is not working for you. Most likely the agency will be finding a new employer for her. It can take up to 30 days which means you are paying 30 days levy for nothing. You can just call your maid agency to check. They have the responsibility to update you.

You can also check here.

Click Login to WP online. You need your Singpass to login. Then look for history of worker and enter her WP number.

I renewed the passport myself, cost about $300.
U can start looking out in April.

My maid told me her body cannot take it anymore and requested me to send her back. I agreed but told her have to let me find a suitable one to replace her and may take up to 1 or 2 mths depends on availability. Also told her she has to bear her own air ticket because she has not complete her contract with me.

How was your maid? I am like you, looking for one who can take care of 2 kids and do some housekeeping. Night care is needed for my kids.

Do u thk fresh maid can handle? My mum said to bring in fresh maid instead of ex-sin.
thank you for your advice. accordingly to the agent they are going to send her back cos i have pay for the air ticket for her to go back .
you mean even thought we pay the air ticket for the maid to go back the agent will still find a new empolyer for her to stay here but lied to us that she has gone back ?
then i better check with mom tml
thanks for your advices
Hallo mummies,

Can someone help me translate this? i really hate snooping into my maid's handfone but she has started giving me probs of late and i suspect she is depressed. She went missing for 30mins on her 2nd week here, locked me in but eventually came back... its a long story... appreciate if u can help me out, so i can know if she is in need of help or anythg.

I've a 18mth old n a 2mth old bb so if she is psychotic i will send her back. Thank U!

<font color="0000ff">Tatay mar kumusta rin po ka u jan. Pasiny a na po biglaan ang alis ko. Pak i sabi kay sir dan at sir glenn sori po kc dime naka pag pa alam. Ba lik me jan atr 2yrs SA 50's kung kunin pa ako ni sir dan. He3X! Mis ko po ka komusta sa ihat.</font>
Is your maid's name Casmini ? What your maid did is outrageous, I would have sent her back immediately, don't bother about investigations. My maid is asleep now, will ask her to translate tomorrow.

You did not cancel the work permit yourself, so the agent can do anything. Did you remember signing any forms authorizing them to do everything on your behalf ?

My new maid has a good attitude and very hardworking. I wrote all her tasks down on paper, and she is able to follow all the instructions very well. But she is not very good with kids, though she tries very hard to get along with them. Also she doesn't quite understand my mother's malay, so my mother has a hard time teaching her how to cook. My mother refused to write anything down for her. My maid do not need to sleep with the kids.

I think a fresh maid will take at least 6 months to train, so you really need to be very patient. But you are thinking of getting ex-malaysia right ? You can find one who has experience thinking care of 2 or more kids. I have seen such maids during my maid search.

Fresh maid from Indonesia most likely will have communication problem, even though your mother knows Malay, the maid may not understand.

Are you looking for fresh maids ? If the maid does not have passport, it may take about 1 - 2 months for her to come in, even though the maid agency may promise you a shorter time. If the maid has passport, then about 1 month. Once your new maid comes in, you have 3 weeks to send back your old maid or for her to transfer to a new employer.

Do you have a lot of requirements for the maid ? Initially I wanted an experienced maid, work for 1 employer for at least 3 years, has taken care of 2 kids under 3 years old, can cook, work in HDB, salary $300, agree not to have handphone, and zodiac must be goat, monkey or rooster. I spent about half a year and still cannot find a maid who suits all this requirement !!! In the end I settle for a fresh maid with no experience at all, and who is a monkey, that was much easier
what happened until your maid can lock you in for 30mins?? that sounds sooo scary! don't you have seperate set of keys from your maid? to me ah, this one incident alone is intolerable. i also think you should just send her back, no need to find out if she is psychotic or not.

wow, what language is that your maid just sms'd in? i can't understand at all leh, even tho i can understand bahasa indonesia. isit javanese?

Hahaha...reading how you select your maid is exactly what I did...but cannot find what I want , so just throw to fate, picked a pig which I never liked.....Why goat, monkey or rooster?I do not mind rooster too....

Few days ago, my gf told me about ex malaysia maid that she encounter. They will run across the crossway eventhough no passport and thus we lost 5k....sonething like that....

Problem with ex sin or malaysia is that they are no doubt experience but will be GOOD for usually up till the day their loan is up...My maid problem all surface around 6mths...I never believe what my friend said but see it in my own eyes now....

I do not understand that language too tho I know a bit of bahasang indonesian...I think its a mixture of english and something else....
I have approached Shirley Maids (Have you heard of this agency?). She shortlisted one philipino for me. She only has 2 years working experience in Philippines taking care of one 2yrs child and generous housekeeping in 1997 - 1999.

Shirley told me that she interviewed the maids personally and the one she recommended me is interviewed by her assistant. She told me most of her matchings of maid to employers are 80%. She will also teach them the basic words of Cantonese or Hokkien if employer requested.

She has 2 kids of her own. 6years and 4 years old.

I am quite skeptical leh. Showed the biodata to my mum. She said looks "lao shi" but its still a gamble. Because she only take care of 1 child for her employer. Furthermore I am quite worried abt communication barrier.

Shirley told me she will be flying off on Monday for interviews. And her next batch of maid will be available in early April.

Maybe I should wait? And at the same time approach another agency for more choice?
I just asked my maid to read that message. She said it is not Indonesian. Then I realised that your maid is filipino. Can wait for Patsy to translate.

Filipino maid's salary is going to be raised to above $600. If I were you, I would rather hire 2 indonesian maids with that money. Actually frankly speaking in your case 2 maids will be the best solution. Your brother is bringing his baby to your house, right ? Why don't you ask him to hire a maid and bring to your house ? The maid levy is going to be reduced to $170, more affordable. In fact, I currently have 2 maids to take care of 2 kids and my father and it works out fine. It's very difficult to find a super maid who can do everything. Even though she has a very good attitude, and very hardworking, she may not have the capability to do it.
I haven't heard of Shirley's agency before. Have you checked with them what happens if you return the maid ? Maid loan refundable ?

Goat, monkey and rooster suits my family the most.

Here's the complete listing. Only for those mommies who believe in Chinese zodiac signs. If don't believe just ignore OK ? Good means that person is your "gui ren", and will bring good luck to you. Bad means that person may bring your bad luck.

Good: OX, Dragon, Snake
Bad: Mouse, Horse, Rabbit

Good: Rabbit, Horse, Pig
Bad: Dragon, Ox, Dog

Good: Tiger, Rabbit, Horse
Bad: Ox, Goat, Rooster

Good: Rabbit, Dog, Tiger
Bad: Snake, Dragon, Monkey

Good: Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Bad: Rabbit, Horse, Goat

Good: Mouse, Snake, Rooster
Bad: Snake, Dog, Goat

Good: Horse, Dog, Pig
Bad: Snake, Monkey, Ox

Good: Goat, Pig, Dog
Bad: Mouse, Rooster, Tiger

Good: Mouse, Monkey, Rooster
Bad: Ox, Pig, Goat

Good: Ox, Rooster, Horse
Bad: Tiger, Monkey, Pig

Good: Tiger, Goat, Dog
Bad: Mouse, Ox, Rabbit

Good: Mouse, Dragon, Rooster
Bad: Tiger, Pig, Snake
i don't believe in zodiac signs, but i just want to find out out of curiosity! hee...

do we follow my zodiac sign or my hubby's ah? mine is ox, whereas hubby's is rat. and my maid is born in year 1974, so what is her sign?

i had a feeling that maybe that was tagalog, cause sure doesn't sound indonesian or javanese leh! for a while there i thought what dialect that is, so chim, i never heard before. hee....

yes, the best person to get to translate for you is patsy. why don't you PM her?
Tatay mar kumusta rin po ka u jan. Pasiny a na po biglaan ang alis ko. Pak i sabi kay sir dan at sir glenn sori po kc dime naka pag pa alam. Ba lik me jan atr 2yrs SA 50's kung kunin pa ako ni sir dan. He3X! Mis ko po ka komusta sa ihat.

--dad Mar, how are you all there? Sorry i left in a hurry. Please also tell Sir Dan and Sir Glenn sorry I was not able to say goodbye. I will be back there after 2 years here, hopefully Sir Dan will still take me back. I miss you and give my regards to everyone -- I don't get that part bout the 50's tho... sorry.

How long has she been with you? If you really need help I can try to talk to her in tagalog.. to see what is bugging her...

maybe i should start a maid intervention/translation service for filipino maids hor?? hehe
tamarind and lani, sollie i din make myself clear about the contents heheh. yess its in tagalog! Remember my old post about being a maid virgin and both of u helped me w the timetable? Eventually the 1st maid didnt get to come to Singapore because she didnt pass her medical test, she had thyroid and pneumonia!

So i got this one instead from the agency. Tamarind, her name aint casmini heheh.

On her second week here, she went MIA while throwing rubbish. We have a common chute at the lift lobby. I found myself locked in, she took the keys w her. My babies were sleeping then. When she didnt return in 10mins, i panicked and retrived a spare key from my drawer, ran to the lift lobby and didnt find her there.

Went back home to check if my babies were still sleeping. Ran back to the lift lobby 15mins later and still didnt c her at the chute. Caught her coming up from the staircase of 17th floor (i stay on the 18th and my lift stops at every floor)

Her excuse: Mdm i was admiring the scenery when the keys fell. I had to look for it at the void deck

Me: Y didnt you tell me? i tot u ran away u got me worried sick and y did u have to lock me in when u were only throwing rubbish

Her: i scared someone will take the keys away so i ran down immediately. i dun remember locking the door w u inside

Me: ooookay... what were u doing on the 17th floor then?

Her: Someone in d same lift pressed the 17th floor and i tot it was 18th and came out accidentally...

Me:....... (thinking...she is either telling the truth or darn good at lying or i have sucker spelt on my forehead)
anyway i called up the agency to discuss about this matter and was told to give her another chance since she is good at everything else (she doesnt handle the kids at all except playtime). chloe absolutely adores her.

and she seems pretty honest *fingers crossed*

her only flaw is that she has a prob w asking for permission. Her previous employer was an angmo family and she was w 'em for 4 yrs, during which they brought her over to taiwan for 2 years. very street smart, very independent and sometimes i do like that about her because she doesnt make me puke blood, jus makes my blood boil a bit sometimes heheh
patsy, thank u soooo much! i guess she jus misses home, which is understandable. i will continue w her as long as the safety of my children is not compromised....the downside is, i have a big prob w trusting her after the 30min locked in cum MIA incident and i have to bring her everywhere i go, until i install cameras i guess

meantime if my blood pressure goes up again i will just come here n pour my woes.
recently she has been rather distracted and seems to have a lot in her head. she raised her voice often and cried often. There was one time i asked her nicely if she had mopped the floor. if she hadnt done so, it would be a good chance since chloe was wasnt even an accusation and i was even too scared to ask. she yelled "yess, this morning i did! if i didnt mop i wont be standing here talking to u now..." that came outta nowhere and i got scolded instead...

we went out yday and i told her to leave the diaper bag in d car and she was a bit hesitant. eventually she confessed that she brought her handfone out and was worried that someone will break into the car and steal her fone.

that was when it dawned upon me to do a spot check. i jus needed to know if she was having probs....
her story about going MIA for 30mins seems rather lame and suspicious, but i guess you have no proof to dispel it. so my advice is no need to send her back, just monitor her closely lah over the next couple of weeks.

yah, you should start a maid intervention/translation svc for the moms here! hee...

yes i've been told by some ppl that my hubby and i are a good match as far as our horoscopes are concerned. even our "westernised" zodiac signs are a good match - we are both pisces. maybe that's why we are still together and going strong after 16yrs? hee...
Hey mummies here

Wonder what would you do if your maid starts to tell you that she misses her mum after working a year plus with you?Does it mean that she is hiniting she want to leave?If yes, should one start to have a backup plan?
dressaholic: well, i guess for now you have to give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe it really happened that the key fell blah blah blah... since as you say you're quite happy with her otherwise, right? monitor her closely for a few more weeks and see how things go. Again, if you really need me to talk to her, just PM me.

tamarind: aiyo, my hb brings me bad luck, i should tell him that! hhahaha

Lani: any mums with filipino maids that have problems can leave a msg here and i can see what i can do to help

Envy you

Both my parents bring me bad luck. That explains why I never win TOTO or any lucky draw. But it is something I cannot control, so I don't dwell over it. I am only concerned with things that I can control, like selecting a maid

My first rule of hiring maid, is to send her back whenever she shows signs of bad or disturbing behaviour. The fact that your maid yells at you, is very bad behaviour, I would never accept a maid like that. You must have this mindset that you may have to keep changing until you get a good maid.

That does sound like she has no heart working for you. No harm looking around now.
