Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Yes I have 2 maids under my name. The concessionary levy applies to the second maid as well.

Yes this is my first time going to Crislo. I need to pay upfront cash around $2000, can't remember exactly how much I was told, I will be collecting the maid this weekend. Will let you know the exact figure then.

Yes that's the one.

My fees are
Agency fee: $88
Document fee: $60
Bond protector: $88
Maid Loan: around $2000
many thanks for ur details, serves as an excellent guide.

well, she is ex-sin. chris's reasons for picking her r dat bcos she is ex-sin, she knows cultures of sing well enough, i do not hv to bother much wif training. pros n cons loh. bcos she was in sing b4 4 3 n half yrs, she understands dialect 2 a certain extent. there is not much privacy though when it comes to communication (abt her, hee). she is capable of more tricks as well 2 counter us. so much so dat i do understand y some mums will not go 4 ex-sing. i m surprised when i was talking to a mum of 2 the other day abt maids, she said neber get ex-sing.

i know better now wat mistakes not to commit when it comes 2 a maid. i agree with mums here who insist dat hv to b strict right from the start.

i was recommended to crislo by a colleague. she got an ex-hongkong fr her of whom she was very satisfied wif. well, it still boils down to luck. agree with wat u say, heng or suay.

can anymore mums share ur recent experience with maid agencies n how much u paid if u hv got a maid recently? many thanks in advance.
Thks for your info. My mum also advise me not to get EX-SIN because they bound to have friends here and will exchange info. And usually EX-SIN asked for high pay and demand for more off days.

We do not want our maid to have off days so getting a fresh one is a better choice for us.

It also depends on where the maids are from. My current maid is from Central Java (Kendah). So far she has good working attitude. Wake up on time (5.30am), ask permission before making phone calls, ask permission to buy things (I keep all her $$$) and even informed me when I come back that she has made phone call when nobody is around (No adults, only my kids are around but already sleeping). She uses phonecard to call so I could not track if she had not told me.
I pay upfront cash, to take advantage of the $88 agency fee. If by installment, the agency fee will be higher.

There was once when I visit a fortune teller, she told me that people do bring their maid's DOB to her to see if it suits their family. I feel like doing it also.

There was a mommy in this thread, Jo(Bliss) who got a few maids from Crislo and said she hated them. But I still got the new maid from them, because I found a suitable maid and their agent fees is low, and also another mommy said she has no problem with them. It all depends on our luck when it comes to choosing maids, nothing to do with the agency.
I truely agree that there is nothing to do with the agency but more on our luck.

But one thing to find out is check where is their training centre. I know that those maids from Batam training centres sucks.... N***** maids are from Batam. So I will not get from them.

Which fortune teller u visit? Maybe I also want to ask....
By the way anyone get Maids from these agencies??

Best Home
Net Resources
Orchard Manpower
AIS Employment

Is their service of matching candidates to families needs good?

Pls share your view if you get maids from above agencies before. Also dun mind to share the breakdown of fees you have paid in getting a maid from these agencies.
For intermares, I called them a few times before, because their maids seem to be very highly experienced. Checkout their webpage But everytime I called, the first thing they asked is "Can you give off day every week" ? The maid salary is also very high, mostly over $400. The agency fee over $600. Their maids seem to be very good but it's way over my budget.

The fortune teller is Yuan Zhong Xiu, their shop is opposite Chinatownpoint. Their owner, who is also the main fortune teller, used to be working as an engineer. That's why I chose them, because I am an engineer too hehehe But that time I didn't get to see the owner, because his schedule is packed and I didn't want to wait too long. I saw a lady fortune teller at his shop, not cheap, paid $98 to ask about my own personal fate. I didn't ask them to check my maid's DOB lar, so don't know whether good or not.
Wah thk I will give Intermares a miss because I don't want my maid to have off days.

Oh...asking oso not cheap.... Haiz thk have to depend on our luck liao....
Dear all,

Pls do not employ this maid, ENI ASTUTI if you need her to look after aged parents, babies or children.
Reply you already

She was your maid ? Can share what she did ?
Hi Babycutie & Tamarind,

Perhaps I share with u on my 'sway' maid exps ever since my 2 yrs maid left...

After she left after her 2 yrs contract, i employed an Indon Christian maid. Transferred her out after 2 months cos she have no sense of urgency, very slow, walk like a princess, always taking her sweet time.. 2nd maid was good, ex sg maid but MOM wanted us to send bcos of cheating, there's no way i can take her back. Cheating was due to her false declaration on her date of birth.4 yrs ago, she worked in sg for 2 yrs.. at that time she declared she was born on the yr 1977 and when she came back to work for me in dec, she declared 1983. IPA approved, she came to sg.. when she went to do her thumbprint, thumbprint matched with her old details, MOM wants be to send her back as they considered such cases as cheating and i was not allowed her to employ her anymore and she was also blacklisted. There are no way she can step in to sg to work anymore. I've to pay for airtix back to surabaya. I dun blame her for that cos she seriously wanted to work with us, the indon agent shld advised her to follow her old passport details. With such a short notice, i've no choice but to employ a transfer maid.. i took a phil maid instead.. very daring lady, accused my elder son when the keys were left outside the door, claiming that is my elder son that opened the door but she's the last one that came in. Worse was when she shouted at a relative at home, managed to see that when i came home in time.. the only plus point is that she loves my younger boy.

Finally have no choice but to change agency which i greatly regretted.. I walked to whole of BT shopping centre maid agencies and did'nt want to commit on any maids till i met this ENI AUSTUTI. She was a runaway maid that claimed abuse by her previous employer in Jurong. She accused her jurong employer for not giving her medication when she's sick, allowing her only 4 hrs of sleep per day, kept her in the hse w/o giving her the keys, etc.. She claimed she managed to run away bcos her Sir did not lock the padlock and she ran to Indon embassy. I even tell the agent that she must be damn smart to run away and she replied me saying if you are the one that get abuse, will you run away?? I interviewed this ENI, she was ex-sg maid that completed her 2 yrs contract in Feb 06, went to hong kong on sep 06 and came back to SG in jan 07. She claimed she can't stand the cold weather in HK. She speaks very good english and cantonese. I even asked her can she manage kids and she said she likes kids and dun mind looking after them. So i decided to take her, wrong choice made.. barely 10 days, she ran away. On the 16 Feb, i went home at abt 12 plus, my gate and door were unlocked, she has already left. called the agency, they told me they will check with the indon embassy, they advised me to made a police report too. When i walked over to the bus stop, i saw at the opp waiting for a taxi.
Thanks for sharing.

That maid that MOM wanted you to send back, did she come back with a new name ? I wonder if MOM check the thumbprints of all maids, if not, how did they know who to check ?

For your second maid who ran away, did you buy the bond protector ? So sorry that this happened to you, and thanks for warning us all.
My new maid arrived on Friday night. Her English is surprisingly good, no problem communicating. Seems like new maids have a higher standard of English nowadays, due to the need to go through the English test.
I chose this maid myself. Didn't get to meet Chris at all, she was not at the office.

The new maid has no working experience as a maid. I chose her simply because she has a 3 year old child, she is of the right weight, height and age. The rest I leave to chances lor. She learns fast, has a good attitude, has initiative and is hardworking. For a new maid, the standard of English is most important. She didn't have any problem following all my instructions in English.

I think Crislo is very strict with their maids. If they were sent back, they get serious scolding.

Forgot to mention earlier, I paid $2160 for her maid loan.
tamarind, your last maid that gave you problems is it from gold**** agency? As for your new maid, is she ex-sg or experience maid from overseas?
My new maid has totally no experience anywhere, not even in her own country. She used to work in the factory.

Yes the old maid was from Gold Year. Actually she didn't give me any problems at all, very obedient, follows all my instructions. But after 4 months she asked to leave, because she wanted to find an easy job where she can take afternoon naps. So I just let her go.

Gold Year is totally opposite from Crislo. When a maid returns to the agency, they are more than happy, because they can earn agency fees again !

ha... no wonder...when I send my first maid back to them, they only say no problem and when I complain to them they don't seems to be bother and don't take it seriously.
Thanks for sharing.

I have decided to get Fresh maid who have not worked in Sg before for replacement after my current maid's contract expires.

Yes. Since last year, Sg has set higher standard for English level for those fresh maid who wants to come to sg to work. They must at least complete 8 years of academic studies.
Hahaha.. realised my story got cut off...

I called the agent after spotting her and was told to send her back to agency for couselling. I asked her the reason for running away, she said she wants to change employer. I scolded for that as i mentioned to all my maids b4 that in any case if they did not want to work for me, do let me know. I dun like forcing her as its pointless for me to keep them if their heart is not with me. She claimed i was busy, coming home late e'nite.. How abt my husband? He was at home the whole week.. Y did'nt she speak to him. She went speechless!! What pissed me off was the darn agent!! Gv me her passport and told me to complain to MOM if i want to blacklist her.. after 2 wasted trip, the agent told me i cnt cancel her workpermit.. if i do so, i must bear her outstanding loan!! Anywhere, i've made tat Eni to write a statement on the reason of running away and also made a police report on her. Cnt stand her attitude cos she wants an easy life like her 1st employment doing only general hsekeeping and cooking.. That agent is even worse, telling me her company's motto is no matter how bad the maid, they still have to sell them... that even pissed me off big time!!!!!
Yes there are agencies like these, totally unethical. Why don't you complain to MOM about the maid agency ?

My maid 7 also asked to transfer because she wanted an easy life like her first job, where she can take afternoon naps and talk on the phone all day. Nowadays experienced maids are becoming so demanding !!!

The biggest problem is when we hire maids, we can only depend on what the maid agency said, and what the maid said about her past experience. But the only people who will tell the truth, is the ex-employers themselves. I hired my father's maid because she has a good reference letter written by her ex-employer, and she turns out to be honest and reliable. I am certainly not going to hire an experienced maid in the future, without any reference from the ex-employer.
Hi All,

My fil maid better still, told me that her daughter has died, so out of compassion, I did not even get a S pass, bought a 2 way ticket costing me $320, gave her her outstanding pay, another $200 for her funeral expenses, let her go home for more than 1 week, sent her to the airport the very next day. Called me 4 days after returning home and saying that her husband doesn't allow her to come and not contactable anymore after that day.

Now, I don't know what to do ? Feel so cheated and silly....she has been with me for 1 year!!!
Hi All,

My fil maid better still, told me that her daughter has died, so out of compassion, I did not even get a S pass, bought a 2 way ticket costing me $320, gave her her outstanding pay, another $200 for her funeral expenses, let her go home for more than 1 week, sent her to the airport the very next day. Called me 4 days after returning home and saying that her husband doesn't allow her to come and not contactable anymore after that day.
Now, I don't know what to do ? Feel so cheated and silly....she has been with me for 1 year!!!
Just get a new maid lor. This type of maid who will even lie about her daughter dying, is really not worth keeping.

My ex Indonesian maid also lied that her mother died so that I can let her go home for a few days.

This is something I cannot understand. Is it only in Chinese Culture that we find it unacceptable to tell lies about our loved ones dying ?

I oso dun understand how can ppl lied abt their loved ones dying??

In my case, my maid's mom really passed away one yr into her contract with us. She requested for 3 mths salary but i refused. It will be really silly of me if i agreed then. I got to pay $750 (air tix + home leave) for her trip home, give her her current mth salary $320. lucky she has $600 with me. so we figured tat our nett loss will be abt $400 shd she decide not to return.
May be because Chinese are more superstitious.

babycutie, Dramaqueen, annlee,
My ex-maid found a new employer already, so fast ! I sent her back last Friday only. This type of maid people also want.

Yesterday I asked my new maid to give my girl fresh milk. She took the 1 litre pack of fresh milk from the fridge and gave the whole pack to my girl, faint... Must remember to always to give detailed instructions about everything.
Well, if she finds that her new employer does not suits her, she may request for transfer again. Is your Indo or Phil? Can share with us the name n where is she from.

For fresh maid, u must give specific instruction. Treat that they are a child and know nothing. Have to teach from scratch. Must have a lot of patience with fresh maid.

For those maid who lied, they will had their retribution one day.
pooh, babycutie,
OK will PM you. Actually she is not that bad lah, aside from the fact that she is a serial job hopper, she does not give any trouble at all. That's why I won't publicize her name here.
Any mummies who renewed their maid's passport before? Wd like to check if anyone paid for their maid's renewal in full or charge to their maid?
tamarind, I guess your ex-maid new employer doesn't know anything about her, who wants to employ a maid that want to take a nap and on the phone all the time... unless is a male employer who wants to marry her hee...
She's not bad looking, very fair and has long hair. May be that's why she gets hired so quickly. She is already married.
Thank you for your maid's info.

Get hired quickly doesn't mean she will stay with that employer for long. If the employer finds her not suitable or vice versa, she will still be kick back to the agency. Unless her employer is a bachelor...hahahaha.... or she is hired to take care of elderly/children with no adults to supervise.
Usually those who had worked in Sg likes to work in a family without any adult at home to supervise.

Only those new/fresh maids do not mind because she dunno anything and needs supervision.

Of course there are goods one around but very little... maybe 1 in every 1000.....
today my hubby came back home and told me one of his subordinates sending her maid back to agency, cause she found out that the reason this maid was returned by her ex-employer was because she had an affair with the Sir!! and you know how she found out? this ex-Sir of hers came looking for her at this new employer's house! wah piang! so after some questioning, and putting 2+2 together, that's how she deducted that the maid had an affair with the ex-Sir. and my hubby's subordinate also suspects that the ex-Sir and this maid of hers may have secretly gotten married somewhere in Bintan or Batam! wah piang!! of course the agency failed to tell her all these things lah, luckily she was smart enough to find out early, before anything happened. so ladies, be warned...there are all kinds of maids out there!
New/fresh maids will learn very soon if they mix with other maids in the neighbourhood.

My new maid is only allowed to go out to throw rubbish, and there are no other maids in my level. I don't specifically disallow her to talk to other maids because it seems quite inhumane, but there are no maids around anyway. She can talk to my father's maid, who is quite sensible.

My father's maid is quite good, she has worked in Singapore for 6 years, previously to look after elderly who used to be a doctor and lived in a big bungalow. She does not complain about her work now and is willing to do anything. So there are good maids out there, just difficult to find.

I think we mommies are most afraid of this kind of maid !!!
We better get those not so good looking maids.

There is a family with maid in my level. We only allow the maid to go out n throw rubbish. Otherwise follow my mum to the market every weekend. Other than that, we don't allow our maid to go out.

Have just chosen a maid by the name of Daryanti...with no it common to have maids without sirname?...i question the agency and they told me it's common that they were just given a simple it true?
wat if the name is a fake to check?
My maid don't have her surname too. Ask her before and say she has surname but very long and say is ok only with name on passport. I'm bringing her to travel soon and not sure her name shld put on first or last name, hope no problem when checking in.
I got one ex-maid with one name only, no surname. There is no way for you to check whether it is fake.

The main concern is whether she has worked in Singapore before, then change her name and apply again. When she comes into Singapore, and goes to MOM to take her thumbprint, MOM may be able to match her thumbprint to her previous record.

I brought that maid with one name only to travel before, no problems at all.
Hi Mummies,

I have a package for Ex-SIN signed up with Crislo and any one interested, pls send me an email [email protected]. I have not sign up any maid yet...Dont worry, i am not working with this agency but have other alternatives after making downpayment.
Could anyone make any sense out of the following stories created by my maid? Note that she only worked in 1 family in Msia (unless she under-declare her work experience)
Story 1 : My ex employer in Msia asked me to do lots of work.Every morning I had to get up at 3am n had to clean 6 cars, a double storey hse plus a shop. I can only sleep at 11pm -12 midnite daily.
Story 2 : My ex employer in Msia gave me a room with TV.When I finished my chores,I can watch tv.
Story 3 : My ex employer in Msia always bring me out to see wayang.everytime I need to send things back,I just need to tell them and everything is done by them.

my feel is just listen like a story. u wont know which statement is real and which is not.

a lot of times, maids just say for the sake of saying and hoping that they current employer will agree.

if u think tat u treated them fairly and they r asking for too much, just tell them. most of the times, when u exposed their dishonesty (in their stories), they just shrug their shoulders and smile at u. they dun even feel a sense of remorse. so no point getting upset abt it.

U just listen lor... anyway u do not need to comply. Tell her every household have their own rules and regulations and roles oso varies.

Just ignore her statement. Get the agency to counsel her if she go overboard.
