Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi ladies,
i am facing with a real problem here, wld like to seek advice from all the experienced mummies here like tamarind, janet, jo, KC etc

after a long long stuggle whether to keep my 6 mths old maid or not, i think i have decided to say goodbye to her. really very tired and sian liao. There are a few things i very blur abt sending her home.
1) Is it true i just buy her the air ticket, cancel her work permit and off she goes? Do i need to inform the agent?
2) Her home is at East Java, flight to Jarkarta then how? i mean how do i arranged her to "reach" her home?
3) I'm worried that once she enters the departure gates at airport, she won't know how to board the plane and i also scared what if she didn't want to take the plane (sorry if i sounded silly here)

And lastly, any kind souls who can share good agencies with me? My agent is kinda good in their maid's discipline, but is expensive and when i wanted to change my maid, many times cannot. They gave reasons like no avail transfer maid, and limited maids now becos of the hari raya that was just over.

Thanks again, will really appreciate.
can understand ur frustration. i think the problem with the agency is that they hv so many branches, so there's bound to be problem coordinating between the branches, n we hv to bear the inconveniences as employers. the particular agent u contacted isn't a good agent. she shouldn't be pushing transfer maids to u when u said u didn't want any. i'm quite glad my agent didn't do that to me, n instead, allowed me to do all my selection n interviews over the phone. it saved me quite a bit of trouble.

hv u selected a maid already?

i m puzzled abt u sending ur maid back..

u will hv to go thru ur contract with ur agency.. see if they mention anyting on returning maid / terminating contract b4 it ends.

normalli, agencies wld ask u to return maid to them if u dun want them anymore. the rest the agent will handle.. u dun hv to worri anything at all..
thats nice of your agent. I remembered mine didn't allow any phone interviews at all.


ya basically i have 2 options. sent back to agent or back to Indo.
decided to send her back becos:
1) i need an immediate maid to replace her, if send her back agent, i have to wait for max 28 days before i can apply for a new one.
2) she has already finished her loan. i already told agent i not keeping her. agent suggested i sent her back home.
basically once my agent after sales support is no good. thats why i will not go back to them again now i'm searching for a new maid.

no problem!

but if u send her back to indo, will the agent help u settle all the documentation like getting airtkt, escort her to airport etc? or do u hv to find ur own tkt.. ??

oh yah.. fyi.. the agent i emailed u.. allow phone interviews n allow us to contact the ex employer too..
Hi och

Your agent really good to allow interview and selection thru phone. Right now I dun have a maid yet.

I express interest in another 2 maid and emailed another agency but got no reply.

I called a recommended agency and they were very prompt with their replies and email me a number of biodata. However, they are all from philippines. I am having a hard time convincing my family to get from philippines becos of prior very bad experience quite many years ago.

The agent is really efficient so mayb I will try to talk to her and ask for indon maid if she has.
Hi och,
Can I know which agent?

Anybody use Nation maid agency and Pertama maid?
How's their service? Pls advise..thks
I pay for my maid's haircut. I think we should pay for it since we are the one who ask them to cut short.
I'm going to change my 3rd maid (within half year) and am sourcing for a good agency. Could you please email me the information? Email addy: [email protected]. Trying to visit them by this weekend. Enough of Myanmar maids for me for the moment. Thanks..

me too.. i paid for my maid's haircut.. if her hair is long.. n u dun mind she keep long hair.. ask her to tie it up in a pony tail..
Hi jo

Thankyou very much for your recommendation!!!

I manage to convince family to take Philippines maid. Grace has really been patient with me and is really efficient too. I manage to speak to a few maids and confirm one liao. Looking forward to her arrival now.

I got 3 PM on maid agency and I thought the first Pm is from u and I call up!

Juz realise the nick different! I cant believe myself!!! All these time din realise/check the nick. Oh my goodness.......

I am really stretched and stressed out! Praying hard that this one I confirm is a good one! My Goodness!!!
Hi och,
I prefer indon maid. Can i know which Nxxxxx is yr maid fr? i quite worry with their service...
the sale ppl quite helpful now.
mine is fr the bt timah branch. i think this agency has v. mixed reviews abt service, so the agent probably matters too.
mine is fr hougang green branch. They email a few biodata to me and i still choosing. The only thing i worry is after sale service.
Hi jo

This would be my 2nd maid but felt like first cos the 1st one not train by me but my mom.

The 1st one dun like nor want to take care of my child even thot when i interview her n told her that she has to take care of my bb......... tahan for 1 1/2 yr.... cant tahan anymore.

watever it is.. watever we ask or tell the maid during the interview.. they will say "yes mdm".. everyting ok. when they arrive.. their pattern will start to show..
Hi mummies
thx for sharing and giving advice on yr maid problems. Makes me feel I m not alone. My current maid is starting to show true colours because bascically we are very nice to her, buy her $70 baju kurung during puasa,(after her woking less than 4 months) w us, gave her off on hari raya, if her food comes first, let her eat first while I take care of my child. Give her additional $10 on top of salary etc... but thinks she's starting to behave strangely. I have 2 main concerns. No1 she always stays in the toilet for abt half an hr or more(more than once a day) in the afternoon when I am in the room putting my boy to nap. I m ok with her if she needs a break but wondering wat's she doing in there? I even told her if she wants to rest can rest in her room for 45 mins - 1h when my child is napping.but she still in the toilet No 2 - recently she had asked me to buy thread , needles etc say want to sew the dropped button for my son. then after a few days , i decided it's not wise to let her keep needles thread in her room as I heard tt they might steal things and sew on their clothes so I kept them. few days later the thread and needles were missing, she had taken them fr my room's toilet w/o permission and kept them in the kitchen. When I asked her where are the thread and needles nicely, she started explaining tt she asked me b4 she took them as she was going to sew my boy's clothes. why was she lying? I feel very uncomfortable but i will only confront her if i m verysure she is stealing things as I will not wanna risk child's safety. I never checks her things. ( as I feel it's not nice) Am I being overly suspicious? Think I m so tired of having maid, I will send my child to childcare soon. any experience or advise for me? also hubby not very bothered by all these. always say "up to you"

man are oways not very much bothered by wat the maids do. in fact, my hb can tell me, "dun torture the maid.. nothing to do let her watch tv". my reply to hb.. "u shld know that there is nothing much to do when maid returns from my mum's place.. then i employ her here to watch tv? she can clean up the storeroom but she didnt.. n i hv to tell her go do it then she do.. somemore anyhow do.

i see that u are too nice to ur maid oredi. for me, when i sense that someting is not rite.. i will rack the maid's stuff without her knowing. if not, i will ask her into the room n ask her to pour out every single thing she hv..

as employers.. we hv the rites to check on their stuff as long as u feel suspicious of their actions. my maid has kana checked by me a few times.. which warning has been given to her.. she try to hide / steal something.. n i discover.. i wont hesitate to report to the police.
i also agree that your maid is behaving suspiciously, and won't be comfortable with god knows what she's up to. i am also very uncomfortable with her insisting on having the needle and thread.

my maid also helps me sew loose buttons on hubby's clothes, but the thread and needles are with me, and everytime there are loose buttons to sew she will show me the piece of clothing and then ask me for the thread/needle. then i will pass them to her and i can see her sewing the clothing right there in the living room. and once she finish she will pass everything back to me.

i don't think you are being overly suspicious. if you are tired of having a maid ard, esp these kinds of maid, my advice is to just send your son to CC once he is 18mths old and do without the maid. if you don't overly depend on your maid to do household chores then i believe you will manage well without her. how old is your son now btw?

another thing - your maid also lied to you. to me this is a behaviour that is intolerable. if she can lie about such a small thing, what else will she also lie about in future?
Hi all.

would like to check with mummies here.....

Do you know where to get powerful deodorant or anything for body odour? My new maid is quite good and so I decided to keep her...but problem is her smell so bad and after her shower and 10mins later, the smell came.... sometime when she went to the room to get something, the room will have her BO smell or even the bathe room..... I've told her many times until she feel so paisay and I feel bad too but I got no choice cos I got kids around and when I'm busy I need her to carry my baby and I don't expect my baby to be smelly too... she uses deodorant,use protex anti bacterial shower gel, lux shampoo...all power stuff but still smelly.... She bathe twice per day and I told her to bathe when she perspire alot or getting smelly but still doesn't help
Please help cos I don't want to ask her to leave just because of her odour as I find she's pretty good in her work and good maid difficult to find now. TIA!!
Thx for yr advise. her loan repayment only ends in march. Unless I m willing to forget abt the $700+ . Main prob w sending her home is hubby thinks i m over reacting and not agreeable to my actions. I dunthink i will ever get a maid again if I send her back as I have lost all trust in maid. My job is also very heavy but I m willing to lose sleep to do hsework - anyway I used to have a reliable part time maid.

Do U think it's serious enuff to send her off immediately? Coz I got no more leave tis yr. but certainly i m making plans for next yr.

Used to think maid are the sufferers until I have one.
Thx, I think I too nice to her. I know it's very hard to change as the culture is set. I kept thinking " do to others ..." but think I m the sufferer now. I think given my character shld not have a maid and in my household, i m the "fiercest" so really hopeless, my hubby is the kind who only knows how to show displeasure to family members (wife , mother, sister etc)

I feel tt if i check her stuff now, she might do funny thngs to my son behind my back. or like the realtionship wld be very strained.

Can u advise me if I shld send her back immediately but then no reason no proof very strange..
you do not need proof of anything to send your maid back. if you are willing to forgo the $700+ that you've already paid to the agency (which is probably non-refundable), and your mind and heart is already set, then go ahead. perhaps you want to seek the advice of tamarind. she's sent a few maids back home (i believe she also forfeited some money she paid to agency already). she did say that the process is very easy and hassle-free. why don't you PM her and ask for her advice on how to go about doing it. i also agree that there is no point in confronting her or checking her things, as she will just be very resentful and may take it out on your bb instead. if you have decided to send her back, do all the admin work quickly (ie cancellation of work permit and buying of air tix). then about an hour before she is due to leave for airport inform her, and ask her to pack her bags immed, then bring her to airport and get her to board the plane. no need to give her advanced notice. while she is packing her bags make sure you are there wathcing her all the time, so that she won't do anything funny to your home or to your family members.

you probably also need to get your hubby to support you more when it comes to making decisions regarding the maid.

my hubby and i have an agreement. it's my job to manage my maid and make all the necessary decisions, and whatever decisions i make he will support me, no questions asked. but of course if any bad decisions were made by me i am also responsible for it lah! but heng, so far i've not made any bad decisions, so our lives with the maid ard has been quite good, and she's fitting in well with my family.

your maid's BO problem is easy to solve. her BO occurs when she sweats, so no amount of deoderant, soap, etc can solve it. you need to get her to wear anti-perspirant instead. so far i've found that the best anti-perspirant on the market are the ones from Marks & Spencer's. They are quite cheap, ard $5.90-$7.90 only, and come in so many nice fragrances some more! Get her to try that, and see if it works. Good luck!
hi ladies,
i am going to due in 2 mths time and would like to find a maid to look after my 2 yrs old toddler and baby after my ML.. this is my first time hiring a maid, so there is a lot of things toleran from u all... i have a problem here, financial prob... initially, we have tok to MIL to look after two kids for us, but suddenly she chnage her mind.. ok, i am earning 1040 and hb 950 after cpf.. so financially really tight..

a few qns...
1) how much upfront fee do we have to pay agency?
2) can pay by installment if upfront is over 1k?
3) maid from which country will be more suitable for mi? ( look after infant, toddler and cook , simple hsewrk )
4) which agency charges cheaper fee?
5) by estimation, how much do we have to fort out everymth for a maid? ( meals, levy, salary, daily necessarities )

is there anything i still need to know?
if i were to take the maid by beginning jan? when should i go to agency to hire a maid?

thanx a lot ladies.. need help from u all.. no where to go liao...
lani, thanks for recommending!! My sister recommended me perspirex from unity or guardian but find it quite exp... $23 for a small bottle. My maid Bo really powerfully...can mark& spencers anti-perspirant helps? Thanks!
you're welcome. your maid BO very "powderful" ah? haha. i believe the marks & spencer one should help. i've recommended to several ppl and they all said it works. see if it works for your maid lor.

pls don't take this the wrong way or be offended by anything i have to say, but i personally feel that financially it is going to be very tight for you and hubby if you were to get a maid. i am not sure what are the upfront fees to the agency, as my maid was a transfer maid i took over from another mummy, but the monthly cost for the maid would be around $500-$600. my maid's salary is $300 and the maid levy is $200, so that comes up to $500 already. then you have to take into a/c all her expenses you need to cover, eg. food, basic toileteries, medical costs (if any). so you maybe need to factor in another $100 for all that. so for you to spend $600/mth on a maid when your total take home pay is $2K is very high, and not financially prudent. that's more than 25% of your total take home pay leh.
ya, i have thought of that.. but wat other ways now? i am really lost now... my MIL initially say ok to look after the kids for us, then now no 2 not out yet, she change her mind, we pay her 500 for my no 1.. she says 500 for son expenses only, so she ask for 700.. now we pay her 700 every mth.. then plus no 2 she wans bout 1200-1500... wah, how am i going to fort out? actually is my SIL making noise, now my son is at sarawak.. we everymth remittance 1000++rm back then for this month onwards, she says she got high blood pressure b'cuz of my son, so nx month must bring back 1800rm for her medical fee... she says if wan her to look after no 2, then no 1 must bring back.. then we have to pay here and there for nanny fee.. thats y i thought of taking a maid...
as for childcare and infant care, it will cost bout 280 for cc and 450 for infant care after subsidy.. added up also exceeds maid costs..
apart from maid, any other way for mi?
koh, wah your MIL is too much huh...
the upfront fee is it the maid loan? If so, then I'm paying $2240. It depends how many months you're paying for the loan. If you know how to speak malay, indon shld be good for you as their not as expensive like filipino maids. But still depends on your luck whether can get a good maid or not...look for those with experience on baby and toddler, ex-sg and transfer is good too but need to check their record. Hths!
wah u r paying quite a lot hor, can pay by installement? hmm.. i don know malay leh.. but HB can speak malay ( a bit only ).. all indo maid don know english?
koh, because I pay for 8 months loan and maid salary is $300. I think some agency allow those post-dated cheque...not so sure how it works..

I think most new maid from indon don't understand English,like me...I definitely got communication problem with them if they don't understand I got myself ex-sg maid and she knows alittle English which is good enough for me and ex-sg or some good transfer maid got experience in sg I don't have to train them like mad as I'm quite impatient type of person hee....
besides ex-sin, u can also look for ex-malaysia indon maids. those who worked for chinese families b4 will hv styles more compatible with sg.
Hi all,

Did you read Today's newspaper? I bought one copy today and at the announcement there's a missing maid call ranti. I was about to take her as my maid last month but luckily she's scary man...don't know what happen to her..
if that's the case then the cheapest alternative for you now is to get a maid lah. even nannies charge $550 per child, so it would be too expensive to get a nanny for them. i think your MIL/SIL asking too much leh! $1K-plus is so much!

i think agency fees are seperate from the upfront maid loan. the agency fees (it varies) is what you need to pay to get a maid. the loan actually is paid out of the maid's salary. so for eg if her loan is to be paid over 8mths, then you will need to give the agency 8 post-dated cheques. this means that for those 8mths, instead of paying your maid her salary you actually pay the agency her salary. you get what i mean?

other than that your mthly expenses shd not be more than $500+. if you get a fresh indo maid theur salary is ard $280, if w/ exp ard $300. filipinos are a bit more exp, maybe ard $320 w/ exp. if you buy cheap groceries and cook breakfast/lunch/dinner everyday then your maid's mthly expenses will be very little. also to keep expenses low just buy her the basic and cheapest toileteries you can find.

i think if you get fresh maid their english will be very very poor. those w/ exp will prob know more english. some indo maids w/ exp. can even understand simple mandarin or dialects.
Hi Koh,
Is it possible for you to consider the option of you quitting work and stay home to look after both kids? then no need to pay for maid and also no headache over maid.. then try to economise surviving on 1 income?

Kids are only young once and mother's presence is irreplaceable..
koh, another thing you got to take note that Jo mentioned combine gross income must be 30k P.A. This is important or the MOM will reject your application. Maybe there's special cases for the income thingy...check with MOM.
annlee, grace..
i am erning more than my hubby, if i quit then hubby might nit be able to support us...
as for the 30k gross income, is combine for husband and wife or just one person?

The $30k combined income shd be calculated as gross monthly pay including cpf & bonus so as long as you and your husband have 13-mth bonus shd be fine. You need to work out the sum.

Given your circumstances, I agree with Lani getting a maid seems a wise decision. At least you can spend time with both kids in Singa rather than sacrifice their childhood by letting your mil look after them in Sarawak. Also you will have control over how you want to bring your children up. I do not know your relationship with your mil. There are good mil around but there are also unreasonable ones...if they are not objective, they could raise your child to dislike you. Moreover having a maid also means you are relieved of housework and cooking aftr a tired day. Sure you will need to be prepared for adjusting to a stranger at home initially, and there is a possibility of a lousy maid but given your limited choices, you need to adopt a positive attitude. I am a first time mother and maid employer. My maid is from Indonesia. She is a fresh maid. She does not know how to cook or look after a baby. Sounds unconvincing to be a maid.....but she is kind hearted and after some training she is a good maid. She also pick up English very fast...and learning some mandarin too. I think spending $500+ per month for all this is a good deal. You can do the same for your family esp. your 2nd one on the way. Start to plan now...about trimming your finances, about the work schedule for your maid, etc.

You and your husband may not earn much after cpf deduction. But I believe you can still manage if you have a will. Do you know there are many people out there who earn much more but they also have more liability like car, reno loan, credit card loan, expensive lifestyle etc. at the end of the day, their take home cash may be even lesser than what you have! So think positive and don't be afraid to ask. If you have a religion, pray God send you a good maid. I am a Buddhist and I 'tell' Buddha my concern and ask for a good maid. I was sent one. Speak with the agency and don't be shy to share about your constraint. Agent can be money spinner but they can also be compassionate and help you with the best scheme and even screen for you a suitable maid with a lesser chance to go wrong.

Write to us if you need more assistance on the maid issue.

Have been MIA from this thread, since my boy was having bronchitis. Really worrying.

Personally I feel that the best is for you to stay at home and look after your kids. Although you income will be reduced by 50%, but it is the best and safest choice, and your kids will enjoy what many kids do not have nowadays, which is having a mommy to look after them. Sorry to be very frank here, but you got to consider, is your job worth it ? I am managing my household expenses, and $950 is sufficient for 2 adults and 2 kids, if you try hard to save, like cook at home every day. If possible, you can rent out a room. Or you can babysit another baby at home to help with finances.

Getting a maid is taking a risk. You must have someone to supervise your maid at home. Do not leave the kids alone with the maid. You never know what kind of maid you are getting. You may have to change many times in order to get a good maid, and this will cost a lot of money.

There is a family in my neigbourhood, quite similar to your case. They have a maid to take care of 2 kids whole day, and there is no one to supervise her. I always see the maid with the kids downstairs. The maid will chit chat with her friends, and ignore the kids. The younger girl is only about 18 months. She looked so pale and weak. I feel so sorry for her.

Nice to know that your new maid is good ! It's so difficult to find a perfect maid.

Lani is right. You don't have to give any reason when you send the maid back. If it is not stated in the agency agreement that the loan will be refundable, then you will not get back your loan. I have forfeited $500 before. Read your agreement carefully, I think most agencies will require you to return the maid to them within a certain period of time. You just have to call your agency to come and bring you maid back.
