Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

PinkTweet, tat's wat i did tis morning.. no effect i gave up.. told her hb will tok to her..

Now, she's calling home, askin her mum to trf 20mil rupiah to us, den we can take it as guarantee for her return.. wonder if her mum wld really do it.. its not a small sum lor.. i hear liao also WOW!!

Suggest to be direct to your maid. No need to play mind game. It's very tiring and taxing on your mental health. Tell her you are not happy that she use her hp during her working hours. Tell her it's because you want her FULL concentration when she's at work and don want any hp distraction, esp. so she's looking after kids. Tell her she can only use her hp only after she completed all work for the day, eg. after 9pm or 10pm? Also, pre-warn her if you ever see her use hp during working hours, you will keep her hp for her and only return her at night.

Try if can work. :p
mrs wang, oic, d agt meant tat d fili maids do extra biz in saudi lor coz d law thr veri harsh for saudi women ma, so saudi men lk for fili maids lor, some more d fili maids ex saudi veri hiao (tey used to such things there liao so come here oso lk tat lor).

Wendy, warned oso no use leh, my prev hiao fili maid warned oso no use ... best is to keep d hp n onli passed to her in d eve n tk back in d morn or onli during w/ends lor.

nellu, yr maid veri gd in going back to reverse gear haha but nothing new wiz maids la, trbl is tat maids nowadays nvr bother to even try to remember n try their best ... d siao ting tong burmese maid, dunno how many times asked her to help to cook nyonya noodles liao, she can oso put in d shredded fried eggs n beansprout to boil for 1 hr in d soup, dun no how many times boil soup ie. pumpkin soup, ABC soup n yet each time, she dun no how to cut, can sometimes, cut into thin strips ... o my o my, how to boil soup?, probs wiz maids nowadays is tey r told tat they can chg emplys anytime tey not happy, so tey dun bother to listen to emply instructions at all n dun even bother to try at all! Yday, still all d clothes r not kept in d wardrobes n cabinets, those kept, can keep until d cabinet drawer broke ... haiz i no eyes to see n no voice to tell liao.

celtricia, wow, a lot of $$ leh, she must b actress la, where so ez can trsfr such a big amt of $$ according to their std, dun believe it until u c d actual $$ in yr a/c n must b real $$ not juz a chq $$ whr d chq can bounced out ltr lor.
Ya, her loan is abt 3200.. a lot right.. anyway.. as of last night.. after the phone calls n some chit chatting sessions.. (YAWN~~~) She told us she dun wan to go bak liao.. coz air tix during hari raya v ex.. n she's happy to work for us.. kaoz.. really BTH.. after gg thru so much.. told her i won't tolerate if she go on her crying episodes or no improvements on english.. i will juz send her off..
celtricia, wow liao, she reali tiao qi lai mai, hope she dun chg her mind agn n got some improvement in her engl la but if she dun, as long as she wk hard, behv okie, okie wiz yr kids, oso close one eye la.
Kanna_sai.. ya lor.. n she asked us issit we choose another maid.. hb told her yes.. coz if she go bak dun come bak at least we have backup, coz we can't base on wat she say n expect not having maid, n if she dun come bak, at least we no nid last min go in search for one.. hehe.. tink tat's y she also afraid wait she go den come bak she can't wrk for us.. n will get a worst off employer.. wahahah.. so we shall c.. she ask my mum hw is her performance.. den she ask me also.. told her only ok.. not v bad not v gd.. worst is the crying part n no initiative.. mum told her hsewrk ok but child minding no gd.. she tell mum coz bak in indo, they dun look after kids... or play wif them.. tat's y no exp.. so mum ask her to learn n try her best.. besides, saturdays we aws go over my grandma's plc.. so aunt's phil maid can teach her hw to play w kids.. haha.. really cross fingers pray hard tat she will b good..
Alamak, I oso tink Myanmar maid cannot make it.. or maybe I oni encounter those cannot make it type. Currently tis one that just came.. Looks quite hardworking wakes up at 4.30am to work today although I told her to wake up at 6.30am.. But very very slow.. Takes mins to walk from room to kitchen and my flat is only 5room flat. Told me last time work in private house, 2 storey. I duno how long she takes to walk for 1st to 2nd floor. I think my ah ma oso walk faster than her. Slow nevermind.. I still can close one eye.. praying dun give me their attitude problem.

Gracian, any idea why it is not encourage to install CCTV? Thanks for the receipe, but now no time to go market… both boys very sticky to me.. plus the elder one hfmd, I cannot bring him out to buy. HB busy at work no help. Parents on holiday. RENZZZ… lucky I tink tml will be my boy to the clinic to check again. His spots seems to have dried up.

Celtricia, if your maid’s mom really going to send the $$ over. Faster send her off. But I tink very hard. Air ticket ex only excuse. So now she finally wakes up and want to work?

Wendy, Your maid really shows no respect for you. Does she have your permission to keep a hp? If yes, did you lay down the rules on hp usage? If you haven’t than best talk to her. My 1st maid can carry my baby to rock to sleep while talking to her fren with her hp between her head and shoulder… If her hp slip, I duno she will go catch her hp or catch my bb. you are not stupid la. Maybe u r like me, like to keep the relationship frenly.. but than that’s when they take advantage. Like my 1st one, test market.. use hp infront of me, when I never says anything.. she can talk on the phone for hours everyday.. cos her hp is incoming call free..

Oh, Anyone know of a transfer maid call Ma Thaung Tin? She’s my new maid.. Like to check something.
may, ya lor, higher % of myanmar maids cmi lor, huh walk so slow, lk d siao ting tong maid leh, but luckili ma thaung tin not d siao ting tong la, d siao ting tong walk veri slow, she walk as if she is dying liao, walk up d stairs worse than old ah ma lor, heng she left my hse liao.

celtricia, huh she dun wan to go back liao, hope she buck up lor but if d $$ remitted to u, let her go back lor, true, back in their hometown, tey nvr lk aft d kids, wan, all lk aft by their mum, indo, fili, myanmar all same same la.
I'm into my 3rd maid now and will be changing to no. 4 soon. Totally agree that with maids cannot give them any leeway. Give them an inch... they want a mile. My first 3 were all Filipinas.

1st maid, no experience (married with young children) -->
cannot cook / clean. No heart to look after children. Teach her how to do things, always show black face. Tinks she knows alot but actually everything also dunno how to do. Worse part was she claim to be under a spell and that if she wear red, got some spirit will come attack her. I straightaway send her back. Seemed to be a mental case or a ploy to make me send her back.

2nd maid, transfer maid and completed 1 contract (single, no children) -->
Totally cannot cook at all. Teach her also dun want to listen and learn. At ex-employer house, dinner is usually "ta-bao". Housework skill is only mediocre. But can "play" with my 2 gals. After 6-months, her pattern is... housework not getting done. Late in sending my gals to CCC and late in fetching them home. Cooking skill gets more horrible! In end, before I can send her back... she came back after her sunday off and told me she found new family liaoz. I was so so angry! So immediate transfer out! I regret till this day for being so nice to allow her to transfer to expat family. Should have send her back to her home country! Found out that she actually use me as a transition employer till she find expat family cos her WP with the ex-employer expiring. aarrgghh!!!

3rd Maid, 12-yrs experience in SG with chinese and expat families (widower with 3 grown-up children) -->
At first still ok. Cooking skills are good... housework quite auto. No need to tell already know what to do. Probelm arise after I shift house. She looking at salary increment of $50. Mind you I'm already her $450 per month + every sunday & PH off. Becos I din raise her salary... pattern come out. Housework decline in standard. Cooking get from bad to worse. Keep forgetting to inform when household items/food or my gals diapers are running out. Last minute gotta make mad rush to NTUC. Steal my hubby's wine to drink. Ate my expensive unopened packet of cheeries without asking. Help me to "waste" water and electricity. Worse... caught her several times talking on the phone when she's supposed to be taking care of my gals!

From my experience... it doesn't seem to matter how experienced the maid is. All will come out with true colours 6-months down the road. Treat them as you would a normal employee. Be firm and strict. Not overly friendly cos they will climb on your heads.

FYI - all my maids got good life hor. Evey sunday off, Salary range from $350-$450 depending on experience. Work hours only 7am - 10pm. My gals go to full day CCC so they only need to concentrate on the housework. Both me and hub working... no one to supervise them, thus they are basically.... own time own target.

For no.4 have decided to try out Indon instead. Lets see how long this one lasts.
Btw, I need some advise. As this is my first time hiring Indon Maids...

1) Do you allow them to pray?
2) The maid salary is S$350 + 1 off day. Is this reasonable?
3) The maid has 8-yrs experience in SG. Reason for leaving the ex-employer is that they dun need her help anymore. But the children are stil young leh... 9 + 10yrs.
Given this reason, will you all take her?

Lastly, what are your experiences with Indon maids? Are Indon maids better then Filly's?
May, the mum din call bak, neither did maid request to call bak liao.. so din give acct number, hw to transfer or remit $$$... so she cfm not gg bak liao.. but we shall c her progress.. tink its becoz she noe we lookin for replacement, tat's y she decide not to go bak.. she was askin my mum y we choose another 1, den ask my hb again.. we told her we nid standby mah, in case she dun come bak.. so mayb she scare if she did den we won't wan her bak n accept the new maid.. i duno watz her tinkin leh.. i find she too ba kua (kaypo) aws asking personal qns.. sometimes i juz choose to ignore her..

May, no remit of $$ liao lah..if she no exp in lookin after kids.. den learn lor.. not say we not teaching her.. but am still having reservations abt her..

tis morning, i asked hb, wat he tinks of maid progress... he say.. machiam like frm gd to bad.. n i ask, hw so... he say, tings done b4, she kept forgetting n ask a few times.. whh i find its true lor.. ytd.. she finish most of the tings.. but i did told her on friday she nid to wipe the stroller.. up till last evening still din.. whole afternoon super free... so go iron all my kids' home wear clothes.. faintz.. she also quite forgetful, but i still find her more bearable den my 2nd maid, the phil one.. heh..
Dymples, my current maid is my 2nd indo.. i wld say.. i prefer indos to phils as they haf less attitude prob.. my 1st indo attitude prob came only after she finished her loan.. n she's an ex-msia.. i find them less attitude n less demanding, but no v gd wif kids, but hsewrk quite gd..

1) No, i dun allow them to pray.. not even fasting..
2) all my maids no off days - my current is $320 w/o off, coz she's fresh. but i tink urs wif exp shld consider quite cheap..
3) issit becoz the mdm decide to b SAHM?
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Thks for your advise. It's ok if the Indon is not good with kids cos I'm resigning from my work to be SAHM. No choice lah. Already got 2 gals, then no.3 on the way. Really tiring to juggle family with work. On top of this, I dun have any family to help out after BB is born.

AS for point 3, I did ask her why... the maid only said the family dun need her services anymore. Yah.. could be the mdm decide to be SAHM bah. But both the agency and maid din elaborate despite me asking leh. That's my concern.

No prob... Anything to help.. But both ur gals hw old? if ur no.3 come, den u bf, ur gals will definitely seek ur attn mah.. tat's wat am afraid, so i prefer tat they can play wif kids or manage them.. as like u, i haf 2 kids liao.. no.3 due in feb.. my son is coming to 3 while my ger is only 1yr plus.. n my hb dun wish tat i become SAHM.. sigh..

but for pt 3, if both agent n maid din elaborate.. sounds fishy leh.. to me lor..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
My olders gals are already 6-yrs and 4-yrs. So they are quite independant and won't require much attention. Actually my hub would also prefer if I can continue working due to $$$, but no choice... I got no family to count on for help, plus I dun want maid to look after BB.

Yah... I also find it fishy leh... hhmm.. let me call the agency again and see what they say bah.
Hi Dymples,

I was just reading your post, can't help but to advise that probably should press the maid for the reason for leaving. Sorry, hope that I being paranoid but I have a feeling that they are trying to cover up something. Possible to speak to previous employer?
Dymples.. ah.. no wonder.. tat's gd.. at least they quite independant liao.. not too bad.. ya.. tat's the ting when no family members can help.. sigh.. am also looking out for infant care nw.. coz i also dun wan maid to look after BB.. can't b trusted..

Yes, u beta pressed them for answer.. if not dun take her.. care to share whh agency?
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine &amp; Celtricia</font>,
I called the maid agency already and they said because the children are big already(9yrs+ 10yrs), the family decided to try to do without maid anymore. They said that the family even contacted this agency 1-month before sending the maid back for 2-months "holiday" so that the maid can find new employer.

Apparently, the maid found 1 new employer and the new employer actually wait for her 2-mths to return to SG after her holiday in Indo. However, the new employer cannot get along with the maid and send her back to the agency after 1-week only. Reason being - the new employer has depression and cannot cope with training "new" maid.

The agency name is Express Employment @ Jurong East.
Dymples.. ic ic.. i mean.. duno hw true lah.. i nvr take their words 100%.. if u noe wat i mean.. everything is a risk lor.. but u may wan to try her out.. seems quite ok..
Hee... Celtricia, I noe what you mean. I had learnt not to trust maids and agencies totally. :p
Though what the agency had said seem acceptable, still, I feel it would be better if can speak to the previous employers.
if the previous employer is letting her go and wanting to save from levy, i suppose they will not tell the truth also??
Yah... I also dunno whether to "trust" the agency or not. Have come across a few that will lie quite obviously.

After interviewing this maid, she seems quite ok. My hubby thinking of trying her out cos he reasons that if she can stay with same employer for 8-yrs straight should be ok lah.

Haiz... I hate getting new maids. At first all seem ok.. but later pattern come out. Worse is they start to mis-behave after the 6-month free replacement period. *faintz*
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine</font>,
Any idea how I can speak to the 1st employer? Do I need to go thru the maid agency or can check thru MOM?
nowadays, emply oso wl not tell d truth lor, juz lk my case, i juz want to get d siao tong tong myanmar maid out of my hse, i oso nvr tell d truth lor, n i oso tink tat d siao ting tong may b d gila girl in my hse but who knows may be okie in new emply hse ma. Haiz, maids, depends on our luck lor but why r we so suay, come on our luck liao to get a good maid la.

Dymples, SAHM oso if get a good maid, okie la but get a bad or half past six, wl vomit blood leh, tink abt it leh. if a maid wk too long in sgp oso no good, they know all d shortcuts n pick up bad habits lor.
dymples, if u got d fdw work permit no, u can go to d mom website to check wht it is true that d maid hv ever work for d same emply for 8 yrs lor. Wkd in sgp for 8 yrs too long liao, they too seasoned liao n mb too demanding n difficult to mng.
Ya, see if can get the maid agency to contact the first employer so that you can talk to them. But, just pray that even if the agency can help, they will really get the 'genuine' person. Maybe, if possible go agency and ensure that they are using the contact no from the maid's file.

Sorry, I totally disappointed by the agencies 'patterns' liow, that why getting a bit paranoid. Hee... :p
<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Yah.. I am kinda scared that cos she got 8-yrs exp will be too smart liaoz... like my current Phil lor. I'm ok with maids that have little experience cos still can train her in housework, but I need a maid that can cook without training cos I dunno how to leh. *paiseh*

That's the main prob. Those fresh ones totally cannot cook. Those with 2yrs exp not easy to come by. Haiz... I been searching for one that cook for nearly 3-weeks liaoz. And I will need to change fast cos scared my no.3 will "pop" soon cos I'm already in my 30-weeks and both my gals were early delivery (37-wks).
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine</font>,
Thats a good idea. I'll pop by the agency tomorrow morning and tell them to call the 1st employer for me. Thks for the advise.

Btw, I can sssooo understand your paranoid about maid agencies cos I totally agree that they are in general quite unreliable.

P/s: I've changed 3-maids already and the same goes for the maid agencies I use too. All give horrible after sales service. Can't be bothered about you and the maid once they "grab" all your $$$. Haiz...
Dymples, same same.

I also changed 3 maids liow within a year, till I gave up and have been maidless for nearly 1 year liow. Happier though quite tough to handle work, housework and kids.

But, at least for me I have my in-laws and mum to help.

Do really hope you can find a good maid. Take good care yourself, I totally can understand the pain of looking for a maid and the initial training period. :>
dymples, my frenz went to this fili agt in tg pagar n d fili staff gv my frenz a fake emply no. to call (not d actual emply) n my frenz called n d lady highly recommended d maid, ltr aft tkg d maid, my frenz found out tat d lady is actually not d real emply (all set up) n she trsfr d maid out to another emply aft kanna her true colour, ltr d new emply sent her back coz d maid pregnant even bef she go to my frenz place. heng, my frenz trsfr out fast.
sunshine, congrats for being maidless - stressfree, lucky u got in laws n mum to help. me got no one to help, so got to depend on maid.
Sunshine.. ya lor.. but even so.. toking to employer over phone also quite risky.. like wat the rest say.. those who wan to get rid of problematic maid fast will say anything to get them out of their employment..
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine</font>,
Wow!! You're really lucky to able to do away with your maid. I also hope to get rid of all my maids but cannot cos no family to turn to for help.
On top of this, no.3 "popping" out soon + 1st gal going to P1 next year. Too much things to cope with lor.

<font color="aa00aa">Kanasai</font>,
OMG!!! That's horrible lah! Wah... these agencies really got lots of pattern man. *faintz*

Really lucky your fren trfs her out fast enough.
dymples, it seems tat is d usual practice of a lot of agts leh, haiz. these so called emply veri experience one - agt staff la, they know what to say n answ lor. so be careful n ask a lot of questions.

last time, wiz my 1st fili maid, i oso sent my son to a baby sitter n onli bring back my son when he was abt 9 mths plus coz even tho my 1st fili maid was good, i oso dun trust maid to lk aft new born bb but d cost veri high lor.
Must say you are a very generous employer with your Filos...high salary + every Sun off + PH too....and still got attitude problem???

I really cannot agree to give maid a pay rise mid-contract. If they signed on for $350 then they should stick with it until renewal time. Did she ask for additional $50 because your new place is much bigger than your old one?

I'm on my 6th Filo and I think Filo's are "smarter" all round but I have this phobia about Indos not being very hygenic (not all of course) and so many mummies mentioned they have BO and bad breath...I really cannot take it. Also another thing to look out for is their diet restrictions. Cannot eat pork, cannot touch pork etc. Some say ok to handle but once you get them so troublesome. Just my 2 cents worth...I've never had an Indo although my family has had Indo maids for 40 yrs+++. Just keep hearing them say they are lazy and cannot think and not auto...good luck with your new maid...hope she is one of those good ones.
any one use <font size="+2">advance link</font> before?

My current maid contract ending dec08. Should i send her back home or agent?
Hi all,

I have a good maid to transfer as we are moving back to Auckland. I hired her when my baby was one-month old and he's now 10 months old. Since I went back to work 4 mths ago, she has been his primary caregiver. My mum helps out but does not do much apart from playing with the baby so she is solely in charge of all his needs. She is very good with the baby and i would highly recommend her to any family.

Just a summary of her tasks :
1) General cleaning of the house
- she mops the whole house every day and the kitchen after cooking lunch and dinner.
- all washing and laundry, and ironing for me, hubby, my mum and baby
- cooking lunch and dinner every day apart from Sunday and sometimes Saturday
- bathing baby every days, and feeding him.
- preparing some of baby's food
- cleaning litter for my cats
- clean and scrub the patio
- clean glass windows and balcony doors
- make the bed daily and wash all 5 toilets every day.

Miscellaneous things that she does on a weekly basis, depending on the need
- change sofa covers
- change bed sheets weekly
- wash curtains
- clean out the fridge and cupboards

Things she does not do (mostly because i dont ask her to)
- wash car.
- marketing. My hubby and i prefer to do that ourselves
- preparing most of baby's food. i do that myself though she'll prepare simple things like pureed carrots. But I cook the stew and meals myself.

I like her diligence and attentiveness to the baby. She is very careful with him. Her cooking is good , though not superb and the repertoire is not great but certainly keen to learn. She's bought some recipes books to learn herself. And she's recently learnt how to bake.

I"m now looking for a nice family for her and would like the family to meet her and myself before i transfer her to the new family. Anyone intersted pls email me at [email protected].

One question : if i should fail to find her a transfer maid in time before i leave the country, what do i do? I didnt get her through on agent so i can't "return" her to an agency. Can someone advise pls?
<font color="aa00aa">Liana</font>,
Yah.. despite all the perks my current 3rd maid still got attitude problem. Tink the main issue stems from the fact that she's work for 2 expat families and before me, the expat family "spoil market" by giving her salary of $600 + every sunday off + every PH off.

When I interviewed her, I did make it clear that her salary will be $450 cos I'm paying for her experience and cooking abilities. But cos I was living in 4-rm flat, no such thing as paying her salary of $600. During negotiations I also decided to retain her day off perks. Guess she took up my offer at that time cos she's aware that at her age of 40-yrs +, it won't be easy for her to find replacement employer, plus her WP was expiring soon. My current condo is not much bigger then my old 4-rm flat. The extra space is = to 1 dining room only. At that time, I also took her cos my 2nd maid "run-off" to new expat family leaving me maid-less. As I was working in super high stress job with lots of irregular and long hours (hospitality), I was in a mad scramble to find a experience maid that dun require any training. Can straightaway work type.

She din directly ask for the salary increment during the "talk about her slackening work" till I probed her further on her sucky attitude. I said... "I know you looking at higher salary right?" She just give me that laugh. Then I ask how much, she said about $50 lah. But mam, you can decide. *faintz* She's also taking advantage of the situation that I'm preggie and most probably won't want her to go. She tinks she's so good that she's totally indispensable.

I've also heard that Indon's in general are not as clean as the Phil's and they they are more "blur". But after 3 Phil's, I am more then fed-up with their uppitty attitude. Anyway, I dun find any of maids cleaning really good wor. All will find all sorts of way to cut corners and slack. So now decide to give Indon maids a try-out. Really do hope that this so-called experienced Indon will be good lah.
Yeah...totally understand when you mention uppity attitude and looking for ways to cut corners. I visited my expat fren's house recently and her maid was sitting on the sofa on her mobile phone while my fren was feeding her kid! House not very clean either leh. No wonder they want to work for expat family. Totally spoil market man. Honestly, my maid gets $350 with every Sunday off and very light duties. I don't think I would be willing to pay her more for the job she does. Furthermore, she was supposed to pack my girl's antibiotics to go to nanny's place last week and she FORGOT even though I had put it in a ziplock with clear instructions and mentioned to her it's important that the medication is given at the same time each day until finished. She didn't even say sorry. I had to force a sorry out of her. Typical.
hi anyone noes hw much do i need to pay for myanmar airticket to send maid back? i got a feeling i got to buy 2 tickets instead of 1... cos the currently replacement sucks... Alamak, i tink my current maid maybe relative with your ex maid.. same pattern... faint... very pooor hygenic.. talk to her, she scatch back side/ scatch armpit.. everytime! tell her to stop, she says ' sorry i forget' dan scatch again. I dinner time, she stand there watch us eat.. dan hor... 'dig' her back side infront of us... wa biang! told her from the 1st day, wear ur clothes properly before coming out of bathroom. Yday saw her washing baby bottles, her shorts is halfway down. showing about 15cms of her panties.. cannot feel it one meh?? told her sleep at 9.30pm, wake up 5.30pm. she 8plus go to bed. everything not done.. dan i went in and ask her out to do, the moment i went back to my room i heard her room door close again. went to knock on her door.. no reply. dan i open the door, she lying on her bed.. dun bother to get up oso. i ask her she sick issit, she says no and continue lying there. i really cant stand her.. feel like ganna cheated. cant work and interview dat time told me not afraid of dogs. come to my house, dun even dare to pour food for the dog. keep asking my son the dog will bite or not. the dog is aldy fence up.. still scare the dog bite. ask her to shower for the dog in the agency says can can... come back here dun even dare to go inside the toilet with the dog inside when i was trying to teach her.
I went maid shopping yesterday...

had a phone interview and shortlisted a potential Filo. She's married with a 3 y.o kid. Not sure if that would lead to any potential problems??

One thing though, she says she's never worked overseas before. Last employer was Taiwanese but it was in the Phil. However, agent says she's Ex-Taiwan. Well, agent could have gotten it wrong lah...have told agent to check it. Salary difference between Ex-Taiwan and non-Ex is $20 per month. Do you think agent will play punk to market her as Ex-Taiwan? Not quite sure how to handle such issues / agent....

This maid sounds quite friendly though...
hi may, u no nn to send her back to myanmar leh, juz send her back to agt for trsfr leh. oh my oh my, d prev emply reali told great lies leh, hardwkg huh, pls leh. wa biang dig back side huh, got wash hands aft tat or not?? she lk my prev hiao fili maid leh, scratch here, scratch thr, dig here dig there. ask her got gold inside ha? d siao ting tong wl dig nose, squeeze/touch her pimples all d time even when bathing my kids leh, wa biang. may, myanmar maid reali cmi, dun tk anymore myanmar maid liao leh, those tat mng to get good ones, % not veri high, so dun tk yr chances leh.

yes, yes, i tink she certainli reltv wiz my prev siao ting tong myanmar maid, same same pattern on hygiene n not onli tat, d panties pattern oso same same leh, alwy can see d siao ting tong maid panties n bra too so yucki!. sleeping patten oso same same leh, wk not done, went to her rm to call her oso she zzzzz in d bed n dun bother to wk up when call her.

dog, mb she dun underst what u ask her leh at d agency, she onli know to say yes yes to everi questions leh, sometimes, i tink if i m to ask them whether they eat sxxt during intv, they wl oso say yes yes.

CSI Fan, sounds not bad leh, must ask agt to check agn leh but if they mkt as ex taiwan, tell them leh that maid said nvr wk in taiwan before. Hope all our maids okie leh.

wendy, my frenz went to advance link many yrs ago, pd everithing in full but maid last min can not come coz agt said maid invl in accident, she was gvn other choices but she dun find any suitable ones, end up full payment not refunded to her coz agt said it is my frenz fault as all d choices not suitable.
