Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


ya.. she hugged my mum when she reached the agency n when mum abt to leave. hahaha.. well.. i wld b scared too.. lucky i wasn't ard.. duno if she will hug me or not.. hahah.. coz i haf been quite harsh in tone to her b4 hb was bak due to communciation.. heehee..

pinktweet, haha, u so funny, my 1st fili maid oso hugged all of us when she left but she was retiring for good leh coz earn enuf liao but den come to tink of it, if she reali love us so much, she wud decided not to retire yet n stay on n continue to wk for another 2 yrs lor. Maids r maids lor, juz lk to act.
Kanna sai.. oh.. no more liao ah.. hmm.. den u shld consider to change if tis one really dun wrk out.. but will cross fingers n pray hard for u tat tis will last..

duno leh.. wan to b hard hearted, but sometimes c them also quite ke lian.. duno hw.. stressing out myself i tink.. so do u ladies tink i shld consider the indo wif saudi exp?
celtricia, tq very much, i oso hope tis one wl work out la, juz lk i say before lor, crossing so many seas to shred my bad luck on maid, reali hope my luck wl chg for bttr.

u must b hard hearted leh, no nn to ke lian them one, tey veri clever to act, even those that is good, infront of emply, tey good, at d back, pls la. i heard fm agt tat those ex saudi veri hiao n demanding one, so u bttr reconsider but den agn, it depends on our luck lor, my ex colliq maid indo ex saudi okie leh, no off day, quite well behaved, no hp nonsense kind but den one day, dun no where or when she ctc her fmly in indo, said mother passed away, want to go home immed. den, my ex colliq mng to ask her to stay on lor coz she oso malay ma. dun no true or not her mother passed away lor.
kanna_sai.. np.. all us wish the best of maids for each other mah.. heehee..

ya i noe muz b hard hearted.. but i find it hard leh, sigh.. though i noe watz the outcome of being too nice.. so nw i try to b as nice n not nice when nid to.. so cham.. haf to b actress like them.. hahaha.. i hearsay tat over there they got to wrk quite hard n haf v demanding employers.. duno hw true lah.. i also heard of cases like u mentioned quite hiao.. so duno lor.. tonight will break news to maid say she can't go bak.. c hw she react, etc.. n we'll take it frm there lor.. i tink it really all boils down to luck bah..
haha . . kanna_sai & celtricia
maybe i old fashion .. can't accept huggings by people not close to me, let alone my maid who had body odour and mouth odour .. after she left, my 18mths toddler is free of ba-wu liao .. cos last time he likes to cling onto her and likes to nua onto her and ended up he smelled like her, yucks .. after she left, my son finally belongs to me though my 3yr old girl is still super jealous and will push her didi away whenever i carry him or play with him .. sigh, i still headache over such sibbling rivery ..
so now you got another maid or what?

i also cannot tahan the maid hugging us. My previous maid #2 loved to do that esp when she had made a mistake. She really thought if hug hug then can forget about the wrong she did! fat hope man!
PinkTweet... nah.. its norm lah.. not becoz ur old fashion.. hahaha.. anyway.. juz to side track a bit.. hw come ur girl still jealous of ur son ah? did u haf biaise over the both? did u bot gift bak for ur girl when u discharge off wif ur son n let ur girl noe its frm your boy? coz though my son n girl is abt 19mths age difference.. the rivalery not as strong as it sounds like urs leh..
Maid requested to leave, reason is because her mother is sick and threaten to disown her if she don go back to take care of her. Well, i only half-believe her cos she tell too much lies liao. We din retain her cos MIL can't stand her also .. MIL also suspect she purposly diao(4)-qi(3)-lai(2)-mai(4) to test us .. MIL din want another maid cos can't stand maids anymore. FIL quitted his job to stay at home to assist MIL in taking care of the kids, 2 are mine and 2 are my SIL's. Ages are 1.5, 3, 6 and 9. Cos now my son is bigger liao, easier to handle, they say don need and don want maid.

Yes leh, I bought a gift for my girl and handed to her in hospital after i gave birth and told her the gift is from her didi .. And she loved the gift (a soft toy dog) very much and hug the dog to sleep every night. We had reminded her every now and then to test her whether she knows who give her the dog and she remembered leh .. She's getting very mischievous nowadays and super sensitive to me showing affection towards my boy. Terrible Twos/Threes? She got a stubborn and senstive character. But strange, she only showed sibbling rivery over me, but not over other family members. It's ok for other family members to show affection for her didi, but not me. I'm now feeling bad towards my son. But i can't reprimend/scold my girl for that, in case she dislike him even more. I talked and explained to her nicely, she seemed to understand but still won't change her way .. Celtricia, maybe your kids' character matches each others' .. kekee.
Kristen, why did your maid cry?? Bcos she miss home? I heard from my agent, my 1st Myanmar maid cries everyday at the new employer house cos she want to go home, doesn’t want to work.. the poor new employer got to send her back. But your maid is terrible.. How can let a 2.5yo child take lift by herself.. At least my 2 ex Myanmar maid will pull my son out if my son ran in w/o us.

Celtricia, hw’s ur maid? Have she call her mother regarding the loan? Ya I tink if she still insist on going home you may have to consider abt new maid. Cos going home maybe her excuse of escaping. Yes, yday just sign on the Myanmar maid … really no choice… Hands tied. My elder boy hfm quite bad… tml onwards I got to take care of him and my bb by myself.. agent told me if I take her, chances are the permit will be out today and I can bring her home tml.

Mrs wang, agree with u abt the maid off day. Its not that we are unhappy bcos of that 1-3 hr.. it’s the break of trust. And sometimes we need to wait for the maid to come back to take over the children while we cook dinner or going out for dinner.. Coming back late will result in everything else delay.

Hi alamak, welcome back. Yes, I told hb, good oso.. she left herself.. but we find her weird.. cos all the while I have been telling her, nicely somemore, if she want to call agent or go back agent let us noe, we will bring her there… still, she prefer to runaway with my key hanging on the lock. Irresponsible.

Pinktweet, my elder boy use to have the same prob. dan I tried to side with her. If didi takes his toys I will say 'nvm, didi small let him have it' I will act act and scold didi.. ' gege is mummy precious u noe.. u cannot take gege things..' but ofcos cannot always do that.. just once a while.

This time round I am really desperate.. even went to match my Chinese zodiac signs with the new maid.. haha.. 70%. Previous 2 only 40%. Mummies, is there any suggestion on hw to separate 2 children? I dun wan to let my sons mix with the bb as currently bb no signs of the hfm. But the boy miss his brother. Today is the 3rd day of the hfm. And I bot him home last night to sleep in the spare room. But today and tml will be a challenge. Cos I am the only one taking care of them. Is there any chance if I let them play together and the hfm wont spread?

I believe for the initial period my maid cried was due to homesick but after a while I concluded that she is a cry baby.

She would cry whenever we want to bring her over to my in-law house esp on weekends when we will be out the whole day and we dont feel safe leaving her alone at my home. She would cry whenever I scold her for her repeated mistakes. She would cry if we leave her at my in-laws house to spend the night on weekdays evening. My intention was just to let her rest early since my in-laws sleep pretty early like 9pm and she could get to rest early too...I did not have these problems with all my previous maids but only she! The most irritating thing was before she started crying, she would wail like a small kid and shake her body...exactly like how a small kid throws tantrum! Really cannot stand it!!!

As for your case, I think the best way is to seperate your sons. I know it is hard but for the sake of their health, you have no choice. Can you bring one of them to your parents or in-laws house. Also, you must constantly clean all the toys and floor with dettol to kill the germs. Seperate your son's utensils with the rest.

Take care.
PinkTweet, no lah.. dun tink coz their character match.. hahaha.. well i wld say my younger girl is more mischevious n can b quite a bully. Tis days she wld beat her bro, n bro will juz nicely say no if in gd mood.. if not bro will whine n shout at her.. hahaha.. but i won't take sides lah... wld scold n beat my girl lor.. n explain to my son tat he cannot shout at his mei mei, haf to come to me to tell me mei mei beat him.. or tell mei mei nicely to stop, etc.. tat sort of ting.. of coz there's also bad tiems lah.. but well.. nw wif my #3 in me, both equally sticky to me.. so bo bian at times each on 1 arm to hug while am sitting down.. LoL...

May, hb told maid last nite to tat my mum will bring her down to agent tdy to get some of her stuff tat she left behind when she went bak during tat crying episode, n at same time she can go ask agent if she's allow to go bak for the 2 or 1 week n the other arrangements w/o us forking out a single cent. Though i areadi noe the answer is No, we juz wan to let her go handle it herself.. so later on tdy i will noe the outcome lor.. right nw i juz close 1 eye n accept her to help out in the hse, other than tat will c the result of certain tings frm tis evening onwards.. heh..

Oh, another myanmar maid ah.. well i guess for nw, is to help u out.. i also not sure hw to seperate them.. unless u got ILs or ur own parents to help out to let ur bb stay wif them for time being, if not also difficult leh..
Kristen_mum, aiyo.. this kind of maid is like having another bb to take care of.. I cant separate my son cos my parents going for short holiday, mil cannot take care of children one.. a few times we tried leaving my son with them.. the longest period is half an hr.. dan she start calling us to come home.. once, even before 5mins she surrender. I just use detrol to mop the floor.. later will clean the toys… haiz.. tiring..

celtricia, good... let the agent talk to her ... but maybe she wont even dare to ask the agent. Yes another myanmar.. haiz no choice need a maid urgently...
may, huh, another myanmar maid, hope she turns out well, btw, is she fm d kayin tribe n christian? as for d runaway maid, send her back immed leh, coz why shud u still b paying her levy n then buy airtkt for her go back too leh.
anyw, i heard fm my nb last time tat for those who wk as a maid here bef can not come back here as nurse leh, so haha in d end, she is d one on d losing end lor, let her find out d hard way.

as for me, i veri scared to get myanmar maid liao. for hfmd, must try to separate d kids if possible n keep washing their hands with dettol soap leh.

Celtricia, ya, we must oso be good actress juz lk them lor hehe. wat i heard was tat d fili maid ex saudi is highly sex lor coz saudi men there veri hiao but indo maid ex saudi i nvr hear la but my ex colliq maid ex saudi okie leh, so i tink indo maid ex saudi okie lor, i tink it oso depends on luck lor.

pinktweet, i oso dun lk strangers/maids to hug me leh, but tat 1st fili maid, we treat her lk fmly lor, so okie lor. Congrats leh, to be maid free leh, u so lucky got parents to help u.

tdy, my colliq juz told she got a new indo maid as she sent her prev indo maid who finished ctrt back home. wah liao, gd actress leh, d prev indo maid, pretend to pack infront of tem last minute (tey told her in advance of her going back 1 wk before, sending her off 2 mths bef she actuali finishes ctrt), my colliq mum juz found out yday aft d maid left tat she stole all their lock & lock containers oso.
PinkTweet, tink u quite lucky tat ur fil willing to quit to look after the kids, n tat ur MIL find tat there isn't a nid for maid.. so nw u are maid free.. tink for all of us, having maids r like nightmares.. more troubles instead of trouble free.

May, she will ask lor.. coz the agent tat she will b speakin to is quite nice though firm n fierce.. will speak nicely to her at times.. not tat boss tat shouted.. haha.. ya i guess u dun haf much choice nw but to make do wif wat u tink is best, as u nid help esp since ur child got hmfd..

Kanna_sai, phil mayb lah.. for sex i will tink the possibility is there.. but indo.. we nvr noe.. as there's a few tat can b same attitude as phil.. but tis one i haf on hand to choose is quite fat n not pretty.. so will c the outcome of maid's talk wif agent later n tis evening her tok wif us, den we decide..

wah.. ur colliq's ex-maid damn tokong lor.. LOCK & LOCK containers!!! wow wow wow.. dun tink they stupid.. they noe watz gd n ex.. faintz..
alamak, haiz.. the new one from a village.. not kayin and not christian.. but i cant be choosy nw... hands tied. Actually the runaway maid I wan to send her back, but agent yday told me she says wan to work.. was quite surprise cos she keep saying she wan to go back myanmar. Yday while I am there, guess wat, another agent was recommending a lady my maid.. ofcos the agent nv says she runs away, but told the lady, she was 'sent back' bcos she couldnt get along with my mum.. and when she told me, I became angry with her and start to be difficult towards her... so maddening. She heng I didnt hear her say.. hb was the one who heard it and he only told me when we are in the car. Hb says its over, dun think abt her. She like to be nurse so much, maybe she will feel happy in that family.
celtricia, ya lor, some more my colliq said d indo maid tk all those new ones, nvr used before one leh, so many of tem leh, pretend to pack her belongings last min infront of tem so tat they nvr check her bag but in actual fact, pre-pack d lock & lock in her bag long time liao. So actress leh.

may, u poor thing, yr runaway maid reali veri yucks n can turn ard/twist n turns words ... well, let her trsfr, at least u dun hv to pay for her airtkt ... haha see how long she can last there lor. Agents alw lk tat lor, nvr tell d truth but at least, she get trsfr faster n u dun hv to pay d levy for so long.

at least yr new maid fm another village n not fm bigger town, hope she turn out to b okie leh,
come on it is our turn liao la to be luckier wiz maids, we can not be so suay alw.

btw, why was she trsfr out by emply?
celtricia, fm d way u describe d ex saudi indo maid, sounds okie but den it depends on our luck lor, btw did d agt tell why she was trsfr leh?
may, sorri, what i meant, is tat d true reason she was trsfr out lor but as yr hands r tight, so be it lor even if it is lie but hope for d best lor. we all definitely deserve a bttr maid liao la.
hi alamak, according to the agent, the reason for the transfer is bcos of her english. this time round the agent is quite sure.. not like the time i took my runaway maid.. hopefully this is the last time i chg a maid..
may, ya let us hope for the best la, i oso hope tis wl b d last time i chg maid ... it extremely stressful haiz sian. how is yr son hfmd liao?
hi alamak, thanks for asking. currently alot of red spots.. he's still very active.. but very sad that he is not able to play with didi.. haiz.
may, poor boy, usually tey goes off pretti fast ... let him drink more water n let him rest more, he wl recover faster.

may & mummies

since coming to this forum, i felt bttr, at least i know i was not d only one tat hv a horrible maid, i was so down, veri stressful when i kanna d hiao fili n siao ting tong myanmar maid n my reltv agt potrayed me as d diff one (what man, my 1st fili maid stayed wiz me for 5 years hor), according to her, all her maids wk out n emply nvr chg maids one leh ... tat day when d relatv agt sent d new fili maid to my hse, hb mistakenly chck her hp coz tey both hv d same hp n reltv agt put her hp on d tbl, oh my ... he saw a sms fm an emply tat read ... d maid became veri agitated n went mad agn ... haha, it seems her maid mad one lk my siao ting tong burmese maid haha
alamak, thanks. omg.. myanmar maid again? nwadays so many maids going mad... I use to tink myanmar maid very quiet and hardworking but slow.. but my cousin told me actually dey very lazy.. cos her work got deal with myanmar ppl. I really chg my mindset abt dem esp after the runaway one.
may, i not sure leh, myanmar maid agn oh my oh my but i dun tink it is myanmar maid, mb fili or indo maid lor coz she dun do so much myanmar maid coz she said myanmar maid alw got probs.

me too used to tink tat myanmar maid veri quiet n hardwkg ... oh my oh my, no lor, veri outspoken, slow n yes veri lazy, tey dun wan to do more, if do more, can not liao, tey buay tahan liao. most important pt is tat tey can not stand hardship juz lk yr runaway n my siao ting tong maid. but lk all races, thr r oso some good ones n some mummies r reali lucki to get those good myanmar maid lor.
abt the maids not being able to take hardship, one agent told me that even PH maids also cannot take hardship one. little bit only want to quit liao. and some more like to dramamama. ..

wah..such a great discovery your hb made with the mistake on the hp! now you know your relative also lying lah..
nellu, yes, fili n indo maids oso can not tk hardships but it is well known liao. for myanmar maids, most ppl hv d perceptions tat all myanmar maids r hardwkg n can tk hardships which r potrayed by agts lor ... misleading us into believing tat lor which is not true ... onli those luckier emply get good ones lor, % veri small compared to what agt said, all myanmar maids r hardwkg n can tk hardships haiz.

yes, such a great discovery, some more reltv agt is a so called christian n she says it is bttr to hv god blessings, so she dun chg her maids for tsfr fee, but lie to emply n we r reltv leh, why lie to us! i emailed her abt mrs wang case, u know what she told me, dun believe all these rubbish, it is not true, all these ppl in these forums r problematic emply writing lies! dun believe what is written thr, tey r all rubbish! i hear liao i damn x@$%!
she's first a business woman, second your relative. She's obviously more concerned about her $$ than abt ethics!
nellu, she not my reltv kannasai she, she is hb reltv. yes, all she know is $$. How is yr confrontation wiz yr maid?

Ladies, nvr tk maids fm reltv! My mistake!
not done yet. cos hubby is busy. so wait for end of the week lor...meanwhile i'm nitpicking! so bad hor...
wat u mean by "d fili maid ex saudi is highly sex lor" ? I have someone on my list for trial which is a indonesian experience in saudi leh!
hi mommies

just to share... watched oprah yesterday and she had this guy on the show that said that if you suspect your nanny/helper is harming your child, should just sack or change and not adopt "wait n see if true". showed a video of a home nurse beating an 90yr old elderly man, the guy(speaker) dun encourage installing CCTV...

if we follow what he say then sure kenna haul up by MOM for lessons :p anyway, maid watched with me and i told her about mrs wang's maid...

may, sorry to hear about your boy kenna HFMD. my boy cc supervisor mentioned got TCM can help, but i forgotten only remembered must use black sugar. maybe you can ask around. boil green beans and barley, green bean detoxifice and cooling.

encourage you to change to part time. my situation also similiar to you, no PIL to help and parents are working part time(unwilling to stop to look after 2 grandkids), if maid fly kite, i die. so i changed to part time 1 mth after ML. now my poor salary is halved, but happier cos more time with 2 boys, especially with my 3yr old. quite blessed that supervisor was agreeable and timing was perfect.
mrs wang, i dun no leh, my reltv agt told me one but she said fili ex saudi la, i tink indo ex saudi shud be okie lor coz my ex colliq maid ex saudi okie. just a caution, my reltv agt warned abt direct hiring, she said not advisable as these maids r more well off type back home, as can buy airtkt to come here for hols/trial.

nellu, mai tu liao, tis kind of maid can not keep liao. lk me i tu so long on d siao ting tong until i reali hv bn living a great fear everiday.

gracian, me too tot want to chg to part time but can not la, stay at home wiz maid, can vomit blood leh, more stressed up. bttr b away fm home n close one eye!

may, o ya, i remembered now, i oso heard fm d cc principal bef, boil barley, green bean with chinese black sugar to help to detoxify and speed up d healing.
Kanna_sai.. tat ex-saudi maid nt avail liao.. taken areadi. so nw i gotta choose again.. sigh.. she's not trfed.. she finish her contract n went bak indo..
celtricia, poor thing, good ones snatched up so fast or gone back to retire haiz. Slowly choose la coz u still hv d current one wiz u, no nn to rush la.
kanna sai, current one duno can tong for how long.. ytd let her call bak.. cry big time again... lucky at my hse n my younger girl at MIL plc.. only son wif me. haiz. tis morning ask to speak to me to let her go bak 1-2 weeks... promise she'll come bak.. told her i can let her go,but coz agent can't guarantee she'll b bak n i'll lugi my $$ tat's y she can't, den she plead to me say i n hb gd employers.. etc.. faintz.. told her to speak to my hb.. hb told her tonight call her mum ask mum to pay agent money den she can go bak liao.. heh.. so nw really haf to look lor..
since she's using soft tactic (ie. whine whine and act poor thing, prasing u good boss, etc etc), then u also use soft tactic .. say u very poor, earning very little, can't afford she go back and never come back .. etc .. to counter her .. die die must ask for repayment back before letting her go, else there goes your hard-earned money ..

Ya, i've regained my full freedom in my own house, though very tiring having to do own housework, but happy .. no need to see a statue walking and there and no need to always see my toilet door closed perpectually .. .. haha, and hubby can now changed his shirts anywhere in the house, no need to go into room and close door to change ..
celtricia, yes, i wud oso say u oso actress lk her n use soft tactic, saying yr $$ gone, u oso veri poor thing, kids young & etc. ask her to ask her mum to send $$ to agt first, nvr believe a maid's words. my frenz hor, fili maid wk for her 8 yrs hor, went back but nvr come back, my frenz n fmly waited at d airport to pick her up but she nvr turned up n nvr hv d courtesy to call them. Aft 1 wk, my frenz went to cxl d wk permit lor. u c, u can nvr believe them. Ask for $$ first bef u let her go!

Pinktweet, congrats, freedom n maid free at last, hsewk nvr mind la, treat it as exercise leh.
congratulations on being maid free! I long for the day again!

your current maid very troublesome leh..whiny whiny..obviously she knows how to get to you huh.. maybe do like what pinktweet says..see what her reaction is.

decided to goreng the maid tonight.

yday told her to keep the last rinse of baby laundry to use to clean toilet (both toilets). This morning saw her cleaning common bathroom but baby laundry not done yet. Went to check. she said she kept the water from yday! Piang! i felt like strangling her!!! the first day she came and i reminded her many many times, never to keep any stagnant water over night, to make sure the kitchen sink and basin in bathroom is kept dry before she goes to bed cos I dun want to have mosquitoes breeding in my house. She still go and keep the water!! so angry! told my hubby. he said unacceptable behaviour. really dunno what the s**t this maid is up to. moreover everytime something like that happens, she'll want to explain and make it like it's my fault that my instructions are not clear. It's plain stupid. if instructions are not clear, she should ask for clarification straight away! GRRRR....
nellu, wah liau, keep stagnant water overnight, oh my oh my, must goreng her, so smelly some more leh. Tell her ltr mosquito breed n bite her, she deep s**t haha. For yr case, she is not new liao, can not gv time liao.

i kanna until not onli close two eyes liao, mouth oso taped up wiz plaster, i dare not even tell them off, my new fili maid kept d water for steam iron in d container since mon, i saw yday, i oso dare not say haiz, forgot to off the main switch for d iron, whole hse in a mess, asked her to tidy kitchen, she re-organise to a big mess, asked her whether she ck half boiled egg before, she said yes but she asked me aft do half boiled eggs, i fry again ???, clothes fm mon still nvr keep in cabinet until this morn, asked her whether she cleaned all d bedrms, she said yes but d dust is thick as we hv bn away for hols, asked her to heat up the tiffin food for dnr, she onli heat up d leftover noodles fm lunch, asked to fry d ham for 1 - 2 mins, she fried until burnt oso continue frying, asked her to tidy d dressing tables, she re-organise into a big mess, haiz ... i oso kept quiet coz i dun want to chg maid agn, as long as d behv is acceptable, not siao, my kids safe wiz her n she okie wiz them, i okie liao, it is veri stressful to keep chg maids, not to mention d $$ lost. i oso underst that she is new n veri suaku, so hv to gv her time.
hi mummies,
need some advice again.
those with maid having hp, do they sms in front of you?

mine did.
i find it irritating.
not sure if i'm too strict.
but i'm just afraid the next time she will just use hands-free and talk while doing housework.
and i noticed she keep her hp by her side every moment.


I meant wat u meant by that statement. You mean they have high sex drive, are involved in sex with their employers or they are sexy??

I still prefers to direct hire becos i dun need to pay agent more money for fake bios. For my case, i pay for ticket to sgp & they pay for their way back using the salary from the trial.
i think you are not strict at all that's why she can do this kind of things in front of you. I cannot tolerate use of hp during maid's working hours, esp if there is a toddler/baby in the house!
Why are you even letting her use her mobile during work hours?
My 1st maid used to sms, call and her phone rang when I was around. I soon realised she had no respect and sure she went.
my maid's performance today is really from version 4 revert to version 0.0000001!!

not only the morning's issue with the water surfaced, this aftnn also another tok gong incident. She knows that every thurs aftnn i'll need to go to do grocery shopping. Every thurs since she came we do the same thing. So today I told her to start boiling the soup straight aft her lunch. She came to tell me she wanted to clean windows. *roll eyes* I was thinking to myself, "she's stupid or what? cannot remember the days of the week??"

then told her to cook soup. I've taught her how to do it before (as in when do what and put what into the pot and boil for how long)... All the order reversed! Sianz! no wonder the soup had been tasting like long gang water! This one really revert back to version 0.000001! boil soup such a simple task also cannot do well.

damn sian lor. my routine week in week out is the same. so difficult to handle meh??
you are the employer. Dun let the maid control you.
take control of the situation and let her know who's boss.

really thanks for all the reminders.

but it is really mentally straining trying to play this mind game with her.

