Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

<font color="aa00aa">Liana</font>,
I also dun understand why maids cannot take simple instructions. Always claim they FORGET!! Next time their pay day come... say you also FORGET lah. See how she feel! Terrible! Yah expats tend to pamper their maids cos they say must treat them fairly. But then... these expat get such big pay packets... of cos can afford to say that lah. Just read the expat's forum and you know what I mean liaoz. Wah pianz... they can pay the maid up to $700 salary and give them not only sunday and PH off's... but the maid also allowed to go out with the children jalan-jalan during weekdays hor. *faintz* Give them too much freedom and liberty.

<font color="aa00aa">May</font>,
Aiyoh... the maid so "dirty". How can keep scratching back side and armpits??!! So unhygenic. Your maid also really attitude wor. Dare dare go back to room and refuse to get up even when you told her to. *faintz* If got Budget airlines serving Myanmar, you can just book that. No need to give them those full service airlines. For what "pamper" them? They dun deserve it lah. If I'm not wrong, Air Asia has flights to Myanmar. You can check their website for the ticket availbility and prices.

<font color="aa00aa">CSI</font>,
I dun tink your agent should market her as "EX-TWN" cos she only got work exp with taiwanese back in Phil. This is like deceptive advertising? Maybe you wanna clarify this with the agent using soft approach. You can ask them "On biodata, you state her as ex-taiwan, but according to the maid, she only worked for taiwanese family but it's back in the Philippines. So which is the correct exp yah?" Something along this line.

I agree with wendy.. if maid friendly also no good. Cos in end will be those gossipy type, will talk to strangers, easily make friends, then become distracted lor. Most scared is if she get BF.

dymples, yes yes, all maids r d same, all veri forgetful but when pay day come, they nvr forget leh! Haiz, expats maids, spoil mkt la.
CSI, yes, i oso agree if too friendli, they mk frenz easily but haiz all d maids r d same la, even tho, they r quiet when they 1st come but when they c their own kind or other maids/strangers oso they mk frenz. my prev siao ting tong myanmar maid can not speak much english n she can b d best of frenz wiz d indo maid that can not speak much english down d road! wa biang!
wendy.. i agree wif the rest here.. too friendly also no gd.. like my current one.. liek to chit chat wif me.. but i make it a pt to tok certain tings only.. last saturday went to polyclinic for my girl's MMR jab.. my mum brought my boy to toilet, den my girl was wif maid.. but i was inside the pharmacy.. so i saw tat she sort of mumble or tok to another maid who's outside.. but tink she afraid i saw.. so din tok much.. so her smile, etc.. so roughly will noe lor.. esp since she like to probe n ask me personal qns.. i din like it.. but so long she get her tings done.. ok liao.. i guess she also more or less noe i dun like to chit chat wif her too much..
wendy, dymples, kanna sai,
hahaha...true true. u all have a point. friendly may end up talking to everyone about everything! hahaha. aiyoh...friendly also cannot. not friendly, we pay money to see black face. hahaha. haiz. not easy horh. haha.

True lah. but like what Kanna sai says, all maids are the same. will talk and gossip. I guess also have to draw the line clear with them, that they cannot tell other pple what happens in the house etc. and if they do gossip and tell others, then they will be sent back lorh. It may not work, but at least there's some "barrier" in place I guess...
csi fan, we tell them if they gossip, they wl kanna send back hor, they more shiok leh, nowadays, wiz mxx implementations, maids chg emplys lk chg clothes haiz, they not scared lor. Gossip/talk/friendli all d maids same same la, at d end of d day is their wkg attitude, behaviour n character tat is d most important!

celtricia, my new fili maid oso veri kpo, haiz, yday asked my daughter how old am i? wa biang, my daughter asked her why u want to know, is it u want to do something bad to her, d maid said no, juz curious, wa biang!
Kanna_sai.. issit?!!! faintz.. seems like nw the period is for kaypoh maids to come in for us to hire? hahaha.. anyway.. she dun dare to tok to us too much tis days.. ytd juz kena scolding frm hb.. hahah.. coz again duno anything but say she noe.. in d end do wrong.. idiot hb scolded her saying 'i ask u go die u go die issit?' faintz.. told hb nxt time pls dun say such tings.. wait maid turn gila.. really go die den cham..

LoL, but i like ur girl's reply.. gd for her to say tis.. den ur maid won't ask anymore.. heehee..
Hi alamak, my ex maid doesn’t want to work anymore.. and oso she is so totally irresponsible I oso dun wan her to work here. U noe, she open the window grills w/o my knowledge, all the while I kept tell her DO NOT OPEN WINDOW GRILLS… and I do not need her to open the grills to clean window oso. Morning I always open the window, but the window grills was drawn together so I nv notice the latch was unlocked... until last wk, I was at home alone with 2 children, my elder boy climb on the bed which was jus next to window. When I went in the room, my heart almost stopped.. he was standing on the bed at the window, the window grills open, the window open. the wall height is lower than his knee height.
Dymples, thks.. just did a chk.. jet star got flight to Myanmar..
Haiz the current maid, I ask her to wash hand after seeing she scratch back side. After wash come back, scratch again… EEEKKK!!
celtricia, haha u r rite, kpo period but haiz kpo bttr den hiao, siao or cmi. lk tat bttr leh, dun dare to tok to u all so much, let it b tat way, draw a line but maintain gd wkg relationship. haha yr hb so cute, wat he said true la, nowadays, d maids nvr bring their brain to wk, they left their brain in their home country lor. haha.

ya, i oso lk my girl's repli, i tink aft she kanna d prev 2 maids, she oso gv up on maids liao n more cautious hehe.
Kanna_sai.. true lor.. but she is starting to cmi liao leh.. sigh.. make milk for so many times.. still duno hw much amt at wat time of day shld give.. sigh.. n can slowly dilly dally do tings.. every morning hb n kids go lift liao.. i am aws the last to go.. she will wait for me outside the door.. as if i nid to hold on to her for support or watever.. kaoz.. walk so slow liao still wan wait for me.. duno y.. den whenever we go out, w/o her.. she will sure say 'mdm, be careful ah'.. i noe she's trying to b nice.. but den.. pls lah.. i noe hw to take care of myself lor.. she herself can't take gd care liao wan to ask me to take care.. really BTH..
<font color="aa00aa">Kanasai</font>,
Yup yup... agreed that it's super difficult for us to "stop" the maids from talking. In the end, most important is can get the work done and got good attitude I thks Heaven liaoz. Aiyoh... maids all super kaypoh lah. All my ex-maids can even ask me how much my things costs whenever I buy new things. In end I got so fed-up, I tell them off: "why? Next time you pay for me issit?". Then they shut-up. Cannot stand it. So KPO!!

<font color="aa00aa">May</font>,
aarrgghh... window grille not lock super dangerous lah. Thk God your boi is ok. Aiyoyo... wash hands already still scratch backside. Yeekkss!!! She got worms issit? I really tahan maid like tat... So disgusting.

<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
Aiyoh.. dun say your hub har.. sometimes I so fed-up with my maid also feel like scolding her like that. Just the other day... I told my maid to bathe my gal. I go back the room... come out 10-mins later, my gal still not bthe yet. I asked the maid why.. she said "Oh. mei-mei said she dun want to bathe." aarrgghh... I so angry lah. So I retort: "So if mei-mei ask you dun eat, you also dun eat lah." She can reply :"no" Then I said "Yah lah. I'm at home what. If mei-mei dun listen, can call me out from the room right??!!" She just smile and laugh.
hi may, huh yr ex maid dun wan to trsfr now!, wah liao, must b her so called prof frenz teach one la, well she go back liao can not come back here to wk as nurse liao coz mxx regulations, serve her rite. Huh, oh my oh my oh no, lucki u go into d rm leh, wah liao, so scari leh, yr ex maid veri bad hearted leh, purposeli unlock d grilles, i tink she did it on purpose lor to yr son n oso yr son hfmd hor, mb, she purposeli mk d toys n hse all so dirti hor n she ex nurse ma, mb, who knows she carri d germs back to yr hse when she went on her outing craze.
flts back to myanmar not cheap leh, veri expensive leh, if she wan to go back, let her go faster leh, so tat u dun hv to continue to pay for her levi.

huh, eee scratch her back side so much, must b damn itchy leh, she got bathe or not n got chg her underwear or not? Chck leh. I heard fm someone bef d maid alw scratch her prvt part n end up see doctor, discovered tat d maid got sexually transmitted disease coz do extra biz lor!
Mummies - do you offer your maid to call home or write letters if they haven't do so for the first few weeks/months?

May, The scratching backside and armpit is really rude loh, must really TELL HER OFF and warned her, unless you can accept such habits.

Pat, it's good to let her know that you are drawing a line.

alamak, i think yr maid has so many non-related work matters in her head, that's why so kepo by asking yr daughter that question.

Friendly is no good hoh.

I've started my 3 yr old gal to childcare last 2 weeks but stopped her from today onwards as the school has many HFMD cases.

So, today, I've left my 2 kids with the maid alone. No supervision except for the CCTV.

This morning, she woke up late and I went to wake her up by calling her name. She said sorry and said that my bb woke up at 2am and didn't want to sleep and she had to accompany him. I'm not sure how true because i sleep in another room with my gal. Well, i find this is acceptable so, I didn't tell her off lah .. but told her that she has plenty of work to do in the morning, so waking up on time is important.
celtricia, huh, cmi liao, wah liao, must tell agt off leh, said d maid can wk wat, wa biang, milk - i end up did up a label wiz d instr of how many scoops of milk/how much hot/coldwater n stick it on d cover of d milk powder, so no excuse lor. try tat leh so tat d maid got no excuse liao!

dymples, haha, veri gd repli, my maids oso d same, lk to ask how much, next time, i wl tell them d same answer haha. veri fmlr stori leh, same same pattern lor, dun want to bathe, dun want to wake up, dun want to drink water, dun want to eat, all d prev two n current one same same pattern n they can all stand n stone there for hrs to wait! wa biang!

susany, no nn to offer la, dun gv so much face, if they want to write, they write lor, want to call, then tell u lor. Sounds reasonable for able to wk up in time, but not mk it a habit leh, haiz. ya lor, so kpo, some more ask my girl what is my hb n my full name leh, haiz, dun no what other non related work things she got up in her brain haiz.

i oso found tat agn, reltv agt let d maid do whatever/go wherever she want when she was at d agt hse during trng, wa biang! dun no what kind of agt is this!
dymples, ya lor.. u noe its so disgusting... some more infront of us when we are having dinner. feel like vomitting.

susany, told her off a few times aldy.. always its sorry. i forget. can i noe where did u fix ur cctv? i have order one.. but cant decide where to fix it at.
Dymples.. ya lor.. i noe wat u mean.. i wan to scold too.. tat way... as we being preggie.. temper more easily flared.. but i LUN lor.. ytd night.. ask her made milk for my girl.. still can stand there duno do wat shit.. i raised my voice n say 'make milk FOR OPHELIA!' den she go.. who noes.. turns out.. she make only 4 ounce of milk for my girl.. when in actual fact.. shld b 6 ounce.. faintz right.. hb ask her.. she say i said 4 ounce of milk.. @@#^%@*$&amp;^* BTH lor..

susan, but i am juz assuming she noes tat i drawn tis line.. duno get msg across permanently or not.. sigh..
Yup, we can't stop them from talking and being KPO...but most impt is the attitude, character and whether get the job done or not. Okie. I think I'll confirm this shortlisted one. Hopefully all goes well...*cross fingers*

I like ur responses to the maids' KPO-ing. heehee...I shall remember them and use them next time. heehee...

I did the same as Kannasai. Stuck the instructions of how many scoops of milk to how much hot and cold water on the cover of the FM (coz I'm now supplementing my baby with FM). Even though the packaging has instructions, I still do one up...coz I find the packaging one kinda tiny prints. Then I do my own big big one, cannot say she didn't or can't see. hehs.
celtricia, try my method leh, tat way, can not gv any excuse liao ma. stick d instructions label on d cover n if timings d same everiday, stick it there leh, so can not gv anymore excuses liao
CSI &amp; Kanna_sai.. K.. i'll try.. damn pek chek wif such tiny whiny things lor..den tis morning my son ask her make milk for him.. she go make 5 ounce milk only.. coz last night drink 5ounce milk, as 30mins ago son juz drank 4ounce of milk at mum's plc.. tat's y.. tink she's confuse.. hb explain to her last night y son not drinkin norm amt becoz he had some prior.. tink she also dun understand.. sigh.. n she still say she noe.. haiz.. tink hb soon will scold her more often.. haha..

stick label.. i will try.. hope she understand.. tis morning she still show me her notebook.. say she got learn.. i tell her.. learn is learn.. learn liao dun go in brain also no use..
celtricia, ya lor, veri pek chek wiz tis kind of things, dun no what they keep in their brain ... u ask her, yday she eat 1 plate of rice, tdy she eat 1 spoon of rice hah, same same 1 plate if not more rite! haiz, yr hb expln to her oso she dun underst, same same pattern wiz maids nowadays leh, they wl lk blankly at us lor, haiz.

i was drinking soup for my lunch juz now n telling my colliq tat d times i asked d siao ting tong maid to help to boil/keep an eye on d soup ... d soup all taste lk longkang water ... u noe what, 3/4 pot of water n aft boiled, reduced to 1/2 pot of water n fm day one till d day she left, she add water to 3/4 level agn aft boiled n aft add water liao, she straight away turn off (nvr even wait for it to boil up) n put d whole pot into d thermos pot. tell her 100 times, she still lk at me blankly n repeat d same mistakes everi day. So mummies, if yr soup taste lk longkang water, it must b d same pattern lk d siao ting tong maid leh. Cook quaker oats, oso d siao ting tong can cook for more than 1.5 hrs, leh, 6 am see she cooking quaker oats, 7 plus when i go to work, she still cooking quaker oats, where is d brain? tell her so many times, still same same, nvr go in d brain haiz.
About kepo thing, i was scared because my 1st xiao maid very kepo to people and me. So, for this current one, i gave her warning on the first day she came that she only can ask and talk for things related to work and even got her to sign on a black &amp; white. How effective, still dunno lah, so far so good but I was trying to show her that don't simply talk for non-related stuffs.

Pat, for things that she confused, tell her not to agak-agak, at least ask to get confirmation.

May, i put the CCTV in the position that i can see the living room, my masterbedroom &amp; the kitchen at the same time. Usually my bb sleep in the room but I told her that when no one else is around except her, she should put bb to sleep in the living room by moving out the bb cot or the hammock.

When i told her about the CCTV, she wasn't surprised as I think she already knew as my camera was very obviously placed. Now, I even asked her to turn on the power for the camera every morning.
susany, huh, u ask her to sign huh, what was her reaction leh? I wl tell my maid too abt tat not to kpo. dunno why she so kpo abt my age? my maid is 32 yrs old but she lks lk 48 yrs old!

Huh, u ask her to turn on d power?? what if she purposely dun want to turn on leh?
Kanna_sai.. ya lor.. i cite example like u ytd eat dinner.. tdy nid to eat or not.. or eat half only.. she also dun understand.. kaoz.. sometimes duno wat to say menz.. tis morning i so pissed.. i juz took the milk btl frm her n do it myself.. the way she do ah.. i take only 5min she take 15mins den milk arrive.. kaoz.. machiam my kids milk still nid to pump out frm cow den process into powder at my plc.. &amp;^%@&amp;#^%#@

susan, told her lots of times liao.. duno asked.. in english &amp; bahasa.. translated by hb n dad.. still like dat.. am not giving her chances liao.. she's gonna b like dat, i'll scold when she do wrong.. areadi told her.. i only gave her 3 chances to make mistake on the same ting.. if still duno, dun asked.. i will scold..ARGH!!!
celtricia, yes, same same, haiz, XO@%&amp;, yday, i expl to my maid oso, end up i mk d milk but she mother of 4 leh! yes, u r rite why tey nn to tk so long to mk milk leh, by d time tey finish mkg d milk, all cold liao lor. ya, it is not tat we want to scold tem leh, tey asked for it leh, some more got translation oso can dun underst, wa biang. i got a frenz hor, d new fili maid came, asked her to mk milk n feed bb, she mk liao, she put milk in d fridge, my frenz asked her why, she lk at my frenz blankly, haiz, where is their brain leh.

wander why we locals kanna maids lk tis, what abt those expats, all their maids so efficient meh? so clever to pick up n learn things ha?
Kanna sai.. ya lor.. den tat time she complain ex-employer din give her enuff slp right.. kaoz.. nwadays, let her slp by latest 1030pm n tell her only nid to wake up at 7am.. she hor.. wake up 6 plus.. n last night.. ask her go bed.. keep ironing my kids clothes till 12am.. damn pek chek.. till i BTH.. ask hb to say her.. den she kuai kuai go slp..
I'm back from the agent liaoz. Have confirmed with the 1st employer that they release the maid cos the Mdm stop work to take care of the children. So decided to go with this Indon maid. For extra pre-caution, I even brought my mom along cos she can speak bahasa. After interviewing her, my mom said ok. Hope things work out with this maid. Seriously sainz with changing maids liaoz.

<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Yah lah.. my this maid like to stand at the window and daydream. Dunno what so nice outside the window. *Faintz*

Aiyoh... your maid can cook like that?? Horrible lah. Worse still... like wasting water. Boil till only 1/2 soup left and top up. *faintz*

<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font>,
Wah.. you really can leh... can even get your maid to switch on the CCTV. *Salute* hehehehe... Btw, is it expensive to install CCTV? Cos may wanna consider for future use.

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Yah lor... preggie already my temper super bad and she still wanna test my patience. Really cannot tahan. Then when they get scolding form us, still dare to show black face. *WTH*

<font color="aa00aa">CSI_Fan</font>,
Good luck. Hope your maid will be good one. But do remember to keep her in check lah. Dun wanna her to go overboard and be over friendly with you.
Hi all,

I m new to this thread. Just wanna check with all here whether you allow your indo maid to pray at home?

btw, i m also looking for a 2nd maid to care for may father inlaw that got stroke and is half (left side) paralysed. sigh..anybody has good tranfer maid available immediately pls PM me..
Dymples, u mean tis indo maid can't speak gd english? since she's wif ex-employer for 8 yrs.. hmm.. mine not dare show black face lah.. she'll only eyes red red.. BTH, like small kid lor.. everytime scold cry.. sibei sian..

Lin, if u read the earlier posting.. we do not allow indo maid to pray.. or rather, the agent specifically told thme no praying nor fasting when wrking.. as we dun wan them to b complaining tired or no energy to do the wrk for us..

As for looking for maid to look after paralysed father.. dun tink it is as hard.. as i saW a few potential ones tat can look after them, but not kids or babies..
celtricia, haiz, she playing actress game wiz u ha, let her leh, dun care, tell her i ask u to zzz but u dun wah ha, so dun compl i let u zzz late hor. Aft tat juz pretend u nvr c la, dun care.

dymples, huh, daydream by d window, haha, familiar too, all maids same same pattern haiz. hope yr indo maid work out la, at least, u spoke to 1st emply but u must b able to ctrl her la coz wk so long in sgp, they noe inside out liao, cut corners liao. ya lor, d siao ting tong myanmar gila maid wiz her longkang water soup, she greedi ma, want to drink/eat a lot, so add more water lor, wander where is her brain. lucki she is out of my hse now wiz new emply heng ah. lk tat, oso, i kept quiet n close my eyes liao, no breath to tell her off, let her learn her lesson in new emply place lor
Lin, but i forgot to mention.. though there isn't much complain here abt maid issues wif elderly or the sick.. am sure u haf read of news of those maids tat look after elderly or sick.. so if u wan.. beta get those wif nursing cert.. safer..
Kanna sai.. ya lor.. damn pissed.. she wan to test my patience n c hw long am gonna treat her nice.. if she tink am gg to accept it.. den she is wrong.. will send her off soon once i get to find a more dedicated maid.. *praying hard* sigh..
celtricia, ya lor, if she still lk tat, must send her off liao la, we can not all be so suay la.

thr is one fili maid near my hse, i hv seen her for many yrs liao, fm last time until now, everitime, i c her at d supermkt hor, she alw chooses dented, rusty can food leh, d price same same leh, no price cut, wander whether the emply know or not, obviously not lor coz fm day one (a few yrs ago) until now, she still buying dented, rust can food leh, haiz, she obviously hate d emply n do such things to spite emply lor haiz. so mummies, keep a look out hor on d can food, stuff u ask yr maid to buy hor.
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
This Indon maid can speak English quite well. Just bring my mom to translate cos KS lah. Wanna make sure she understand fully the work responsibilites and certain important house rules before she start wz me. Cos better she knows right from the start what she's in for lor.
Aiyoh... I also can't stand maids that cry so easily. But better that then showing black face lah.

<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Yah... will definately need to be very firm and strict with this once right from the start. That's why I laid down everything clear clear in front of the agent just now liaoz. Later when she start with me, will remind her again and give her a list of the Rules &amp; Regulations + work schedule.
<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
OMG! Buy dented and rusty can food??!! Really cannot trust these maids man. Guess the employer too busy to check bah. Haiz... that's why must accompany maid to do marketing... or else sure got funny nonsense one.
Kanna sai.. very sian lor.. to send bak.. get new one.. den start all over.. kaoz.. machaim like we so free.. sigh

Dymples.. ic ic.. den shld b ok mah.. haha.. aiyah.. bo bian lah.. if we keep encounter those jialat maids.. we haf to b xtra ks.. i totally understand.. ya lor.. i tink its beta to let them noe wat they r in for.. n not tat they gonna enjoy.. but i did the same for tis maid leh.. duno issit she dun understand or wat.. sigh.. agent got translate to her leh.. still like dat.. damn damn tired..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Yah lor... hope that she understand this is no holiday camp. At the agency, everything is yes mdm... yes mdm.
Then when start work... become dunno mdm.. dunno mdm. *aarrgghh*

Hope after this no need change liaoz. I also feeling really sianz with changing maids. Plus.. My pocket already burn so many holes with all the agency fees, insurance fees, etc.
thanks. I also hope this one will be a good one. *crossing fingers* Yup. will keep her in check. cannot be friendly at the beginning. She'll take 2 to 3 weeks to, now gotta plan how to return the current one. Logistics issue ah...coz must find somewhere to put baby the day we send current one back to agent. And since same agent, must plan how to return and collect, so the 2 maids wun meet. hmmm...

Good luck to you too...hope yours will be good too.

(hehs...ur icons very cute)
<font color="aa00aa">CSI_Fan</font>,
Ooohhh boy... yah. If never plan properly become logistics nightmare man. hehehhe... I downloaded these icons from other forums cos I also find them cute lor.
Celtricia, thanks for your advise. I didnt read the old tread, tried to do a search but couldn't find any..anyway, my current maid is single 26yrs main duty is to care for my 14mths baby and do simple house work, no need to cook as my parents in law will do the cooking or we always eat out. I allow her to fast as long as she dont complain no energy or tired to work. I guess we have to be a bit flexible.

Recently my FIL had a sudden stroke which left him unable to move so we have a get a 2nd maid to care for him. this 2nd maid's life will be very easy lor, probably just look after my FIL and prepare his meal. minimum housework as my first maid already cover most. intend to get a transfer as we need this new maid within 2 weeks time, go to send her to rehab centre for training.
if you are thinking of hiring a 2nd maid to take care of your Fil, then you have to know how to manage the two maids in one household. They'll sure think the other person has the better job.

This is the case with a friend of mine. Her hubby's family pooled together money to hire a fili maid to look after her invalid mil (who stays with her). She herself hired an indo maid to help do the housework and look aft her son. It's actually quite clear who the boss is for the fili maid lah. and my friend usually doesn't bother too much abt this maid cos she felt she got no right to order the maid to do stuff mah..but then her indo maid see already, kept thinking that the fili maid got easier job. so always create a lot of stupid problems with my friend.

This morning she told me she's waiting for the end of the year to come so she can just pack the two maids off. She said she's had enough. Luckily her hubby's family all agreed to send Mil to nursing home. o/w the maid politics is never ending.
update on my maid.

Last week goreng her liao. Asked her pt blank if she still wanted to work. She said something really DUH "Can I talk to the agent first?" HUH??! WTF?! Hubby said "no need to talk to agent what. you are adult this is your own decision" Then she LL.

to cut the long story short, of course she gave us all that crap abt her wanting to work lah, will improve herself lah, blah blah blah...and we are taking whatever she said with a super huge heap of salt.

We tried to incentivise her, telling her that if she makes improvement by end sept, we'll let her have her hp to use for one sat nite.

i think she can kiss that goodbye liao found her anyhow fit my boy's combi mug back. Funny thing is everyday fit, only today fit wrongly. how come like that huh?

then aftnn see i busy preparing food for dinner still come into the kitchen to dilly dally around. Told her if she didn't go out and jaga my boy that minute i'll hold her responsible if my boy falls. then she goes.

while i was in the kitchen, i saw some rice being thrown away. when i question her, she said the rice is those that are stuck on the rice cooker. She takes me to be an idiot. my rice cooker is new and is non stick! Told her I dun want to her her stupid explanation. And that from today onwards i'll inspect the rubbish. If i find any fresh uneaten food being thrown away without my knowledge, she'll get it from me.

aft that, she can forget that she's supposed to cook rice. winner!! she can forget that her basic duty is other than housework is to baby sit when i prepare the meals. She can also forget that she needs to cook rice.

ha...then i can also forget that she needs to eat lor..can or not??? so angry with this kind of stupid attitude.

sorry for the long long rant.
dymples, tis one hor, she purposeli tk out all d cans n searched for dented/rusty ones hor, 1st time i saw her wow i tot tis maid wow so careful, so i observe lor, then i saw i/o choosing nice ones, she purposeli tk those dented/rusty ones - wa biang! dun no wat she is upto lor but she wiz d emply almost as long as my 1st fili maid leh - abt 5 yrs bah, coz my 1st fili maid 5 yrs wiz me ma. so mummies, watch out lor, tis mayb one of d maids way of getting back to emply lor. haha, yes yes mdm during intv but when start wk, dun no, no no, wa biang, bttr lay down yr rules frm beginning lor, juz watch her closeli la.

celtricia, ya lor, it is veri stressful n tiring lor, sending tem back, then tk new one, teach agn n then so &amp; forth, not to mention d $$ loss. even a 7 yr old girl - my daughter oso feel veri stressful to keep chg maids, she oso gv up on maids liao coz i can see tat fm her repli to my current maid on my age haiz. she told me tat day bef my new maid come tat, mum if d new maid dun wk out, i go student care liao, i wl be okie there one, dun worry, i wl not be too tired, haiz.

csi fan, hope yr new maid wl wk out too, m keeping my fingers crossed on my new fili maid haiz, closing two eyes now haiz. logistics must plan la, me too d siao ting tong collected by new emply bef my new fili maid came at d reltv agt, emphasize tat to reltv agt.

lin, if yr current maid indo, when u tk 2nd maid, mayb, it is bttr to tk fili lor coz if not both become gd frenz n sort of join hands hor, kaoz lor. anywy, watever it is, try not to tk myanmar lor, mostli cmi, tey r neither good wiz kids nor old folks hor, % tat wk out for emply not veri high lor.

may, i juz heard fm my reltv agt tat recently got a lot of myanmar maids probs, a lot of runaway myanmar maids leh, dunno is it tey r all tot tat by agt in myanmar or mayb, all ganged up haiz.
nellu, huh, tok to agt for wat? Agt asked her to eat sxxt, she eat ha, it is not tat tey super obedient wat. huh, forgot to cook rice, then no nn to eat lor. Sudden n temporary loss of memory ha, same pattern la all d maids, tey r an expert in temporary loss of memory ma, suddenli forgot how to do things tat tey hv been doing for donkey years!

nvr mind, no nn to forget she no nn to eat, forget she need to get her salary can or not haha, ask her tat leh.

throw away food, huh, yr maid oso lk tat ha, haiz guess all maids hor same same pattern coz u noe wat not their $ ma, d hiao fili maid, siao ting tong myanmar maid all d same same. my current new fili maid hor, 1st day come oredi lk tat lor, threw away breakfast, lunch n dnr hor, all can not finish hor, threw away fresh uneaten nasi lemak, threw away fried noodles, koay teow, bee tai bak, soup, juz now dnr, juz threw away rice n dishes ... i no eyes to see liao,
damn fed up. cos her "mistakes" always show with my hubby is not around and when I need help most. Last time, my boy was teething and super cranky since I returned from my trip. This time, my boy got bad flu! very sickening right?!
can't remember which mummy asked about the cctv.. anyway, oprah's guest said that we must trust gut feelings and if suspect something amiss and install cctv is like give waiting for things to happen.

*sigh* why maids so damn sickening....

saw 2 fellas, looked like maids(indo), at the harbourfront bus interchange with a banglash man at 6.45pm. one of them still hug hug man.... omg!!! seriously think they are maids cos got that look, think they day off...
<font color="aa00aa">Nellu</font>,
Aiyoh... all these maids sama sama attitude lah. I've given "talking and counselling" my maids cos I feel also no use. Can talk till the cows come home.. the sun rise from the west... till your BP goes up. Even if use $$$ or handphone as incentive. It may work for awhile, then later patterns all come out again cos they want more $$$. Always like to act blur... say dunno. Next time come pay day.. you act blur.. tell her you forget. See how she feel.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
aiyoh.. that maid is really incorrigible!!
Purposely choose dented/rusty cans. *aarrgghh* Your galis so cute lor. Trying to comfort you. She is so mature in her thinking for a 7-yr old. Tink she can feel and see your stress handling maids after maids.

<font color="aa00aa">Gracian</font>,
If you go Lucky Plaza on Sundays even worse lor. The maids and all their BF's are openly hugging and kissing all over the place. Terrible!!

yah i know... my mum doing freelance accounting in orchard rd and her clients forever complaining... that's why i dun go there!!! everyday already see them around the housing estates, why torture eyes on wkends!!!

so want to slap them!!
Hi all..thanks for the comments. I just went to an agency which have a fili maid available for hire immediately. this one not a transfer maid the agency purposely took her here bcoz of her 'good' biodata, she worked in hospital b4 so experience in taking care of even bedridden. just now interview face to face seems ok lar (crossed finger) that tis will work out fine. told her besides taking care of FIL must aso share house work, must hand wash her own clothes and my FIL clothes, then the maid agent very funny add in ' NO, must wash every body's clothes, cannot use machine'.. my indo maid was there but she didnt listen to our conversation, i wished she did as I once caught her washed her own clothes mixed with my MIL clothes using washing machines. she also everytime use washing machine to tumble dry her jeans and blankets.

Nellu, you are definitely right. must not hire 2 maids fm same country they will become 'good buddies' and gang up horr...but even from diff country aso cannot guarantee they wont gang up??

I first prefer indo maid is bcos I speak indo ( am indo chinese) so there's no comm barrier, easier to teach as she no excuse say dont understand. but i guess this is just heaven's will that we so happen to find one that got nursing background so we just confirm on the spot despite we only visited one agency at late hours ( all the others were already closed).

Will pick up this new fili maid a week later. pray hard that my household will not be a battlefield from that moment onwards haha...
kanna_sai, got mixed up liao. you were the one said not to hire 2 maids fm same country. but fili maid pay higher current maid's pay will be $30 lower than the new fii maid, so dunno they wil fight or not or if there is any jeolousy after they find out the pay difference...

hi all,
just want to share with u some of the things i'm doing proactively to protect us employers against some of these sickening maids. they usually very good to put up a good show (some only) and behind our backs abuse kids who can't tell. so what i've done recently is to wait for the employer to appear and went up to tell the lady/guy what the maid has done to the child eg mishandling. my sister was shocked when i did that few days back at a fast food. i told her i had to do it cos the baby can't tell the parents what the stupid did to him/her when the parents are away. imagine the maid sling the baby and rest the arm on the baby's body like a bolster and ignore the dangers of the baby's head popping out at the side of the sling.. anyway i went up to tell the employer and told him to keep a lookout how his maid handled his baby. i hope there are more such kpo like me so that we can reduce the bad maids around to abuse young babies and toddlers.
