Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Haizzz....your maid is full of crap and nonsense. Now she's saying you are the bad guys and she is the one who was beaten! Just send her back lah since she's not fit to work. If you have to transfer her at least write your story for Tamarind's blog.

Frankly speaking, it's better she is gone. Safer for your kids.

i tink you might want to consider the transfer maid since you really need help now.
But of cos why was she transfered the 1st time? If not due to major problems then can take her bah.
May, if u interview her n find tat she suit ur expectation den take lor.. if no gd den give bak again.. bo bian.. since u nid someone to take ur son to sch. But like wat ivy mentioned.. any idea y 1st employer trfed her out? n like watz written in tamarind's blog.. even if got letter of recommendation also beta dun trust it 100%.. trust ur own gut feeling if u feel she's suitable. she's indo or phil?

Remember tat time i mentioned abt a trf maid frm indo n due to short slping hrs n overload of wrk she was trfed.. mum decided to take her though her English was limited.. wld say her hse wrk is gd.. but when it comes to kids.. sigh.. can play but noe little of hw to make milk or the temp or the clean way to handle w/o touching teats.. so lucky got mum to teach.. but barely a week wif us she cried thrice, was stayin at mum's plc as dh was away, communication wif her was dreadful. she cldn't understand wat i said n i tried to b patient, but being preggie.. i get agitated easily.. sigh.. guess my tone of speech was quite harsh also, n i tot tat was y she cried.. who noes.. last wed.. after she put my youngest girl to slp, she cried big time.. n cldn't stop.. mum cldn't take it n making her confuse tat she din noe hw to continue her cooking.. so brought her to her neighbour a malay to chat wif her.. she wanted to go bak indo.. she say she miz her mum.. sigh.. n guess wat.. she's not 23 as per biodata n eventhough i asked her DOB it was correct.. but i kept my suspicion on her age.. she married last yr at the age of 20 despite her mum's objections as the guy (her dh) is poor n her mum wanted her to married a rich guy and ask her to divorce her dh.. so she ran out to come sg to wrk w/o her mum knowing.. n seeing hw my mum treat us n hw i treat my kids make her miss her mum n hw she regretted not listening to her mum n nw she noes her mum is gd, etc.. faintz lor.. so wed was the last straw as mum cldn't take it anymore n send her bak to agent.. but mum told me tat she hug my mum n thank her when she sent her bak to agency.. sigh..

on avg, mum quite like her though communication prob.. coz she really can wash n mop toilets n floor clean even those corners whereby my prev 2 maids cldn't.. but i sort of decide not to take her bak.. so on friday i went down wanting to speak to the agent tat handle my case.. as told she will b bak on friday, who noes she's on mc.. so i spoke to another lady there relating my story.. tis lady do not noe hw to speak bahasa..but i requested for her to let maid call her mum.. as maid's mum got own biz in indo, n heard she quite well off.. so she will help pay bak the loan so maid can go bak.. after toking.. though her mum agreed, she still nid to check bak wif the indo agent.. ding dong here n there.. the last straw is when.. a guy, supposed to b the boss of the agency turn up n suddenly began shouting at my maid (my son was ard tat time).. scolding her for all the hassle n askin if she tinks its funny to wan to come out to wrk den nw say wan to bak indo.. to me, i feel, fine u can scold her.. but not raised ur voice so loud scaring my son, n me ur so called customer there.. its not right lor.. n i sort of pity the maid.. my son too.. can see his sad look on his face.. sigh..

dh came bak on fri n i gave him a brief on the maid.. so we decided to go down agency on saturday to c hw tings go n if we cld get a replacement w/o payin more (in contract if we use less den 2 mths we haf to pay) n to make sure we pay nothing at all. we manage to get wat we wanted but being puasa period no indo maid wants to come n earliest is mid oct.. so dh suggest tat we take bak the maid for time being if maid is ok while we wait n search for another..

tink my story too long.. so long story short, the maid n her mum is ok for her to stay, but requested to go bak indo for a week or 2 so tat she cld ask her mum for forgiveness, n told dh n i tat we r nice employers n she wants to come bak to wrk wif us.. since she still got maid loan to clear.. but am worried to let her go bak.. since she still haf her maid loan, n though she suggested she pay her own flight to n fro to indo n sg.. we told her our worries but she reassure us tat she will definitely come bak.. so nw dh n i r still considering n wan to c if we really let her go bak w/o looking for a new maid.. wat shld b the precaution we take or shld we juz tell her no.. dh was tinking mayb we ask her mum to trf the maid loan amt to us... n once she come bak den we give her bak the money.. coz if she din come bak after gg bak.. we might b in the losing end to pay bak the maid loan.. ladies.. hw?

Your maid's story sounds like soap drama ... sorry for my bias comments but i really think you shd spare a thought for yrself. Ask for her mum forgiveness can ask over the phone. Let her use yr house phone if u would like to be nice.

Sorry to hear tat yr kid is down with hfmd.

Take the transfer maid but dun take the agent's word & hv expectations. Unfortunately, we will only know the maid better after using her.
mrs wang, i totally understand where u coming frm, but coz nw puasa period, i tink to show sincerity she wants to go bak to n seek forgivenss. tat's wat i tink lah... haf let her called her mum liao, duno got seek forgiveness or not lah.. coz i dun understand a word she said.. hahah.. will discuss wif hb n c hw lor.. if maid still insist wan to go bak.. we will tok to agent n c watz their take on tis.. sigh..
my take on the transfer maid: one man's meat is another's poison. So, while there may be high recommendations etc, the maid may or may not be suitable, coz ur family's situation is different, the house rules are different. Sekali the prev employer is very relaxed. Give lots of freedom. Like that, sure the maid's perf is very good. The best would be, employer very strict, but maid still very good performance...
hi mummies, do you all know what is this natasha laungerie? My maid is taking orders from the maids in the neighbourhood here. Then get the stocks from them at lucky plaza. What is she doing man?

Remember yesterday, told all of you my maid caught listening to my gal ipod without her knowledge while we were out...

Today, we caught her chatting with next door maid?By the way, do you allow your maid talk to another maid?
yes. it is lingerie. then hor, since recently i'm at home, so many maids call my maid via house phone and even came to my place. my maid say they call to order, or come to our place to collect their order.

joy747 - i cant control. even today we were q-ing at ntuc to pay for groceries she can also chat with another maid in front of her. damn sickening!
She's got a little side business going selling lingerie to other maids. She probably takes a cut. I would not be too happy that she is giving out my home phone number and address. Imagine if some sicko maid decides to break in or stalk your house or gives your address to some foreign worker or some bad guy who is going to break in. My 1st maid had a side business too. Buying and selling stolen goods. I was a stupid trusting employer then. Gave her trust and freedom...well, I learnt my lesson and 6 maids on, those days are well and truly over.

I know.Worst still, next door the backyard already seal till cannot see each other except a small opening...and also realised that they have exchange things via the small hole up there...I will seal it up.
so coincidental huh? you read my earlier post abt my maid chatting with another maid?

Very sickening that she should be doing that ON THE SLY!

i thin you really need to put a stop whatever this nonsense is that your maid is doing. What does she take your home and your phone no for? her personal concierge?? just tell her it's illegal and you can report her and have her deported back to P'pines! Walao..can't stand it!

Ya man.After much thoughts, I then realised what is the reason that she loves to hang around the backyard day in and out....when there is nothing to be done there....

Well, I have just kept the backyard key, I will lock it whenever am out cos there is no reason that she should be there when there is nothing to be done...That is only a wet kitchen and all things are done inside the house...

Honestly, I never thought such things will happen to be in my house...but its good to know now.
Hi CSI_Fan, true.. haiz.. Now I am thinking of switching to a PT job.. Pay cut a lot.. but at least better for my children.. Still undecisive..

Liana, I don’t think she will want to be transfer.. She want to go back Myanmar and come back SG as a nurse.

Ivy/Celtricia, she’s oso from Myanmar. The 1st time she’s transfer is becos her 1st employer cant stand her english. Cos after working 8mths with them her english still no improvement…

Celtricia, Agreed with mrs wang. I think dun take ur maid word.. You are at the losing end here.. If she doesn’t come back you lose the loan and got to find another maid. Just tell her, agent says cannot. I dun think her mother will have the $$ to transfer to you right? If she does have than good, you can let her go..

Joy747, for me I will allow them to talk, cos you really cant control. But I will tell her I wont torerate her telling ppl abt my family affairs. But gosh.. exchanging things thru small hole???? U definetly have to seal up the hole.

Mummies regarding the trf maid my worried now is my runaway maid is with this new transfer maid (same branch).. I duno if she will affect the new maid preformance or not. Also when I interview her, when I ask her something she duno how to answer me, she scatch her armpit… abit turnoff… Her teeth looks like got decay. I am really worried abt her personal hygenie and oso she just send abt SGD 900 home.. Worried she will like work 1mth only and want to go home. Than I really bad luck.. got to buy air ticket for 2 maid to go home. On the other hand I dun really have choice… either I bite the bullet and pull thru this period or chose this transfer and pray everything pulls well.

I dont mind them talking, like what you said, as long as nothing to do with my family issues...but,again we cannot control their topic right?So, I have decided to lock my yard gate when am not hassel...and will open it whenever am not at home...afterall, there is nothing much in the yard except chances for her to chit chat when am not at home....I dont want to take any chances of break in in to my house either....
Good morning Mummies,

Need some advice here...

I finally sent my Myanmar maid back to the agent on sunday after tolerating her for 3.5 months. It is a long story and the last straw came when my FIL saw her crying madly in his house when he came back from outside. We were worried that she might be emotionally unstable and might commit suicide one day when no one was at home. Therefore, we decided to return her to the agent for fear of this.

Last evening I received a call from the agent telling me that they saw some rashes on my maid's hands and they have swollen. It could be due to detergent allergy. They said that they wanted to bring her to see a doc and I have to bear for the medical fees. I told them it is fine that she goes and see a doc but I want to bring her myself to see my family doctor instead. However, the agent told me she would need to ask her boss first and will call me later.

My question here is does the agent have any right to refuse to let me bring the maid to see our own doctor? I mean on records I am still her employer and I am still paying for her levy while transferring her out. Therefore, I think they have no reason to reject since I am still willing to take responsility to bring the maid to see a doc and pay for her fees.
May, her mum haf own biz.. she's considered the higher class society ppl.. so her mum does haf the money, its her dh tat is poor, tat's y i believe she was physco by her dh to come here wrk as maid.. anyway.. told dh i dun really tink its a gd idea, unless she do away wif the idea of gg bak hm n improve on her eng, if not i tink i will take another maid..

May, tat means u gonna take bak myanmese maid again ah.. hmm.. i duno leh.. if i were u, i will also worry since ur runaway maid nw gets to mingle wif the new trf maid..
Hi Kristen

Do keep me update abt the allergy case. My ex-maid also kick up a fuss tat the rashes on her hands & arms are caused by my dogs shampoo. She brought up twice that we shd put in the contract tat we hv 2 dogs. Got extra money to take if allergy arises during work issit???
Hi Wendy

From personal experience, maids who have bigger plans than being a maid will not have the right mindset to work as maid. Do look out for signs of work standards dropping.
Just to share ... My bro's maid has been helping me at my house since i sent my maid away. She's patience with kids, can cook decent chinese food & house chores ok. An averagely good maid. I like her eagerness to learn cos she wanna borrow my cookbook & learn new recipes. And when she sees something new like how i prepare my boy's food, she will stand by me & ask how i do. She's indo, humble, speaks simple english, listens & ask questions.

BUT again, i realised maids will always be maids. We lets her have time off last Sunday to let her go change money to send to her family. She came back an hour late. Again, our kindness is taken advantage of. After this incident, i realised that even with a good maid, we shd not let our guards down. Repay their kindness with better salary instead of letting them go out of line is in our best interest.

Exactly. They will tend to go out of line when privilege is given...I also like you, would rather reward them with bonus when they go home.

Yeah giving money as bonus would be the best way to motivate them.

For my bro's maid, we are glad to hire her anyway. Last thur was her bday & we brought her to Sheraton Li Bai for dinner. And I gave her $30 ang bao.

My bro jus hired this maid for 1 mth & intend to increase her salary from $310 to $320 once my SIL delivers this month. Im sure she appreciate the money becos she proudly tells me that her family is living in a better house with the money she sends back after working for 3 years with my fren. And she agreed to let my fren keep some of her salary in her own account until contract ends. And she believes that education for her only child is the best way out of poverty.

I guess this would be an ideal mindset from a maid & im crossing my fingers that the person she recommends to me will be as good.
hi ladies, we juz came back fm our hols in usa and ooops, the thread moved so fast, finali, my siao ting tong burmese maid left our hse on 28 aug n my new fili maid started yday. We had a good hols but too short, stressfree of maid for a while n now wiz new fili maid. It is a real relief for me to finali stop staying wiz a see ghost crazy maid.

May, i m sorry to learn tat yr burmese maid ran away. Her day off outing was lk wow look ard sgp b4 she ran away, at d same time, do plans wiz her prof frenz to run away, liao, she is reali too much. Burmese r usuali potrayed as d more serious to wk, hard wkg, honest but yr maid wah liao, dun sound lk a burmese leh, see her i faint liao. Glad tat she is out of yr hse n yr bb is safe wiz out her.

i guessed d signs were there aldy, she is reali too high n mighty, yayapapaya, no pt in keeping her, n in d end, she turned ard to accuse yr boy in beating her where she herself beat yr bb, u shud highlight tat to yr agt, wiz bad experiences on burmese maid, i tink it is bttr tat u dun get another burmese maid, in all tey r not out to work, juz to look n see. Afterall, tey nvr pay a sgl cent in myanmar n juz their few mths loan in sgp, so tey not serious to work. How is yr bb n d arrgmt now? Hope everything is fine.

Kristen mum, i remembered tat u seem to say yr burmese maid quite good rite, so what happened, i m juz curious to know.

Celtricia, so sad to hear how yr new indo maid turn out to be, hope everithing is sorted out now. Anyway, maids can not be trusted, dun trust their words.

Mrs Wang, i m sorry to hear abt yr case, glad tat d horrible maid is gone now.

Nellu/ivy, i agree wiz u on d maids. Tey juz tk us emply for granted n i support yr views on maids.

Chobemama, i support Nellu/ivy views, u r juz lucki tat yr first time empl maid turn out to b okie. My 1st fili maid who wk 5 yrs wiz me was fantastic n infact, i hv bn singing praises of her in this thread if u hv read them, aft she went home to retire, i hv chg to a hiau fili maid who hv stole my hb monies, clothes, lies, hv bf & etc n then, a crazy siao ting tong burmese maid who see ghosts, now my 3rd maid, fili who juz came yday!

Excuse me, angmohs oso got their frustrations okie, i got this angmoh nb who hv their maid wiz them for like 5 yrs, u noe wat, she robbed d whole hse - conspired wiz her bf (she oredi married wiz kids in fili) n robbed the angmoh of ard S$ 350,000 worth of monies/jewelleries whr d whole fmly was aw hols n tey can not do anyting to her coz police can not find any evidence except sending her back to fili n blacklist her in mom. Tey treated her so nice, brought her back to their home country few times n for hols, gv her freedom n etc, n see how she repay their kindness, hey S$ 350,000 is not a small amt okie. Mb to u, it is small but to me n most, it is a big amt! Aft d incidents, onli nb began to relate abt d funni acts of this maid ... going out in d middle of d nite & etc. So where is justice? Aft this case, another angmoh nb sent d fili maid back coz loss of some monies at home! Hope yr maid is okie all d way lor. Anyw, lk ivy said this thread is for us to vent our frustrations, i tink u r in d wrong thread leh.
Kanna_sai.. ooo u went holiday ah.. tot where u MIA to.. hehehe.. a short break is beta den none, n am glad ur crazy maid is gone..

ya.. new maid again problematic.. sigh.. nw she still wif us.. as got dh ard to do translation.. but seems like she not keen in learning english.. so i tell dh no pt keepin her if she doesn't make use of her free time to learn..ask her bring her book over to mum's plc.. coz at mum plc got free time for her.. she shld learn.. say ok.. but ytd n tdy still din c her take her book there.. so ask dh to give her a last tok tdy.. if she still no buck up.. too bad.. i will wait till my replacement come n off she goes..
Celtricia, sad to hear yr indo maid a bit prob, mb gv her sometime to buck up lor, coz keep chg maid oso, $$ gone sian, Dun believe, we can be alw so suay to get horrible maids haiz. Wat does dh mean?

ya, it was good to be in anaheim n los angeles n while i was thr, totali nvr tink of d maid probs ... so relieve. tks, i m oso relieve tat d siao ting tong maid is gone. on her last day, i chck her notebk, wow liao, it seems wiz her limited engl oso she mk lots of frenz even indo maids ... she has all d ctcs in her notebk, i was shocked! seems she has been telling all other maids she going for trsf lor haiz tat why tey exchg ctcs! Can u believe it burmese n indo maids can b d best of frenz haiz.

my new fili maid juz started yday, agt oredi asked permission for her to use her hp, so i agreed to let her use once a wk haiz, coz agt said if not she homesick ... yday, din teach her much coz i sleeping coz of d time difference, oso nvr check her bag, wl check tdy. so far, she seems to be veri quiet but can tok to my kids lor.
Kanna Sai,

I think you have mistaken me for another mummy with Myanmar maid lah..I have never commented that my maid is good from the start..

Below is a summary of what type my maid is:

1. Work very slow..she can wake up at 4.30am to start cleaning my house but still cannot finish by 12 mid night. She no need to cook nor take care of my girl..just housework. I live in a 5-room flat;

2. No sense of child safety..Although she is mother of 3 with the youngest same age as my girl, she has totally zero child minding experience. She once let my girl (2.5 yo) went inside the lift and she just stood outside to watch the door closed. Luckily a passer by saw my girl and stayed with her until I reached the ground floor and found her.

She let my girl eat the whole rambutan with the seed inside

3. She broke about 8 items in my house within the 3 months span with us. Some of them can never be replaced again with money.

4. She likes to cry over small things and each time she would cry very loudly and madly. Once she cried until her hands became numb.

5. She cannot remember instructions and very forgetful.

and the list goes on....

The only reason I kept her until now is because her attitude was quite OK but after a while, she also started to show attitude if she is not happy with me.
Kristen mum, huh, yr maid very yucks leh, i must hv mistkn u for another mummy wiz a gd myanmar maid. i oso renz my siao ting tong burmese maid coz attitude not too bad. Ooh, i remember, i read abt d rambutan seeds, haiz.

D poor ting abt yr girl in d lift, it is so dangerous, lucki someone gd found her. Huh, cry until her hand numb, wah liao, she reali siao.
i hv read abt some gd myanmar maid n a lot of bad ones ... my conclusion, tey a bit siao, mad. Hv u got another new replacement liao? Aft my bad experience, i nvr dare to tk another myanmar liao, scared liao, how abt u?
joy747, may,
in case people think i siao and is a draconian employer, i want to state my stand here that I am not lor. I have no issue with my maid saying hi to her fellow countrywomen in church (there are a lot of them!) but i also dun like her to talk to others about us. And I detest most if she does this on the sly when she's supposed to be doing a job. Like what happened last sunday. So i feel i do have a right to be unhappy with what she did isn't it?

somehow i think she set herself up for it..cos she started off being very well-behaved. but she forgot she has to maintain the high stds she set stupid isn't it??

looks like you had a nice holiday. Why did you choose a fili maid again ah?

yes yes totally agree with what you said abt the angmohs and their maids. Sometimes i see a lot of these maids and i feel sorry for their employers, wondering if their angmoh, free, flexible and trusting, employers know what they are up to or not...
Kanna_sai.. ya lor.. i also dun believe my luck on maids still so bad.. hehe.. duno leh.. but if she insist on gg bak den i also can't do anything mah.. won't pay for her air tix for sure n her mum will pay up all her loan while the money i paid will b trf to the replacement one.. but coz nw puasa period no indo maid wan to come out.. dh = dear hubby

They steady lor, communicate wif limited english also can exchange contacts.. so nvr underestimate them.. ur new phil maid got exp or not? use hp ah.. as long as she keep by ur rules to use once a week, shld b fine bah.. n she has to pay her own top up of card lor.
nellu, i oso dun lk my maid to talk to others abt us n our movements n in d church as well n i tink u not wrong, if some others lk to comment abt us emply being draconian, let them tink so lor, tey lucki lor coz tey nvr get maids lk us. i used to b a fortunate one once too okie for 5 long yrs, i had a veri good fili maid.

ya, d angmohs tink tey wl b repaid wiz kindness, pls la, wait long long, maids r maids.

my ex german boss was so nice to his maid, when d whole fmly was away in germany, she brought men back to d apt to stay leh. In d end, nb told him when tey came back n tey sent her away. She oso alw steal their shampoos, coffees & etc leh. Some of d ang mohs in my off, wah liao, their secs told me tat their hse is lk a big mess, coz too much freedom liao, so d maids alw go in/out of d hse, nvr do their wk properly.

It was a stress free of maid hols haha. ya, aft my bad experience wiz a myanmar maid n i tink there is too much culture diff liao n as a christian fmly, we can not hv two religion in our hse ... it is not rite for me to allow d siao ting tong maid pray, meditate n chant in my hse but still i allowed her to do tat. I dun want to hv tat agn in my hse.

Lk a lot of mummies hv said, maids r our luck, my 1st fili maid was veri good n as we dun speak malay, i can not hv indo maids, so no choice, tk fili maid agn leh as i reali dun wan another burmese maid who wl pray/meditate/chant in my hse agn. Everitime, i tell her someting, she wl lk blankly at me, i dun no whether she underst or not. too much culture diff liao. At least, fili maid wl not pray, meditate n chant in my hse leh.
celtricia, if yr indo maid wan to go back, let her go back, no pt keeping her but mk sure her mum pay for all d exp leh. oic, dh is dear hb haha. yr hb steady leh can comm in malay.

ya, steady rite, limited engl oso can comm so well haha, best of frenz, indo n myanmar, gd luck to her new emply lor. my new fili maid nvr wk overseas bef but wk in fili for her hb relative la she said, she got 4 kids, when she 1st came into my hse, she went to talk to my dd, cuddle her n when my son came back fm cc, she talk to him, whole day yday, i zzzzz, n tdy, i went back to wk coz hb at home. dun no how she is yet, hp, okie lor, sian agt forever protective of maids. u noe what, i oso found out fm my agt tat she nvr chg d maids for trsfr fee leh, tat means tat everitime d maids asked for trsfr, foc for them leh n we emply hv to pay, sian liao, i hear tat. she said she pities them coz tey r poor n it is bttr to hv god blessing. so i asked her how abt us poor emply, we pay n pay okie, no wander her maids all yayapapaya lor.
actually the last time i did consider whether to hire indo maid, but decided against it in the end because got alot of other considerations like religion, food restrictions and all that rubbish.

I'm quite flexible with this maid liao compared to my previous two. still ah...haizz...

these two days totally dun want to talk to her...damn sian with her s**t!
Kanna sai,

I still have a replacement maid with my agent but we have not decided whether to get from them again. The only good thing abt this agent is that the boss is a Myanmese herself therefore if we have any problems with the maid in terms of communication, the agent can help us to talk to her.

My experience with Myanmar maid is not very very bad. I wont say I will not hire Myanmar maids again cos I think each maid is different and it really depends on our luck to get a good maid. Overall, I find Myanmese are soft spoken and have generally good attitude and honest. BTW, no offence to other religion, I would prefer to take Christian Myanmar maids if I were to get one again.

Just now I called and talked to the agency boss regarding bringing my maid to see our own doctor. Surprisinly she did not refuse but just asked me when I want to bring her down. Therefore, I feel that this boss is still not that unreasonable but is her staff that is trying to be difficult to us.
Kanna_sai.. ya lor.. i noe.. no pt keeping, but i doubt the agents willing to let her go bak.. coz tat time when i sent her bak after her crying incident, the boss shouted n scolded her in front of us loudly in bahasa.. though i dun really understand, but i sort of noe watz gg on.. n it turn out tat they dun let her go bak even if her mum willing to pay.. duno y.. sigh.. so nw i juz c hw tings goes lor.. as for hb.. his malay alright only lah.. at times manage to get msg across... but not aws.. can b quite comical.. haha.. coz his mum is peranankan mah.. so he noes a bit of malay..

at least ur phil show her first attempt of getting to noe ur kids.. but well.. 1st day can't tell much.. hope n cross fingers u r in luck tis round.. heh..
Kristen mum, huh, u oredi send d maid back to agt, oso must pay for d medical fees ha, so sian, lk tat how to encourage more sgp to gv birth leh, d laws so protective of d maids leh, haiz. yes, i certainly agree wiz u tat christian myanmar is bttr n may n another mummy hv mentioned tat u must tk those from the tribes - kayin who are mostly christians, dun tk those who is chinese - influence fm china juz lk my siao ting tong burmese maid.

celtricia, i tink yr agt veri gd, tis shud b d way to treat d maids lor, if not, a lot of nonsense juz lk my agt lor, yr agt got no rite in not allowing yr maid to go back leh, it is against mom ruling leh.
i faint liao when i hear my reltv agt speaking to d maids ... "if u dun behave agn, i wl send u back to myanmar "... d siao ting tong hear liao said, "ya ya, okie, go back to myanmar ... i want to go back", haiz rite. Hope yr maid wl wake up n improve la but wiz a rich mum, not ez leh. huh, my hb peranakan too leh, his dad peranakan but my hb can not speak malay n oso can not speak chinese haiz. my kids oso can not speak malay, so scared can not communicate wiz indo maid leh.

yes, i m keeping my fingers crossed, i hope my luck chg aft crossing so many seas haha juz lk d chinese saying, haha. so far, i find her veri quiet, i asked her whether she underst or not, she keep quiet, juz lk someone in d thread here saying d maid is lk a mute cow lor. haiz, i reali hope she okie la.
nellu, yes, i agree wiz u on indo maid but den, it depends on our luck too, i hope my luck wl chg aft crossing so many seas, haha juz lk d chinese saying haha.

Poor u, at one pt, i oso can not bring myself to talk to d siao ting tong maid. tey reali tk us for granted. haiz, hope u wl get a gd maid too. Afterall, we can not be alwy so suay.
Kanna_sai, but i find a b too kua zhang lor.. plus the fact tat my son is in the ofc.. not v right for him to do tat.. i sort of find it rude for him to do tat in front of me.. coz scolding n shouting is too much, if scolding fiercely only wif not stern tone is ok.. not nid to shout lor.. since the ofc so small nia.. hahah.. coz my prev agent will scold n wif stern tone.. i find its acceptable.. but ya lor.. i too tink its not right for them not to let the maid go bak.. plus the fact she areadi said her mum willing to trf money over for the loan, but i duno hw true lah.. her mum sell rice one.. n their hse got 6 bedrms lor, stay in central java, so i consider her quite well to do bah..

haha.. welll not necessary muz b peranankan den can speak mah.. if their communication mainly english den may not b able to learn lor.. coz my hb aws hear his mum speak to the grandma in malay.. so he learn lor..

quiet nw, but later part u won't noe.. but its better she's quiet den she aws answer bak at u right.. heehee..
kanna sai,
can only blame myself for being the idiot to believe her. Now she's proven that she's no better than the rest. we''l have a proper confrontation with her soon. Give her grace period. But i think her days as my maid are numbered lah. Dunno what she wants really. Working for me very senang already lor. only need to do housework and help to handle my boy for only 5% of the time daily. only 2 adults and 1 toddler in a very clean and well kept flat. Very difficult meh?! Eat also get to eat all the nice food because M'dm wants to eat nice food. Piangz...still dunno how to appreciate...

the agent that i used last time also quite horror to the maids one. and then very good lor..can turn around and smile and talk nicely to customers. Best!

i won't keep the maid if i were you. Me am quite heartless when it comes to maid. Got no more faith with them at all. Not even my current one. I know it's not good lor...but I have my own sanity to think about.

sometimes better that if the maid can answer back straight away. den we dun need to waste our time and energy, just send her off straight away.

maids are like lousy brand electrical appliances. The moment the warranty is up, the problem(s) sets in!
but seriously though tis is only my 3rd maid.. i still find having indo maid is less headaches for me, except for the communication part on tis 3rd maid.. as my 1st got ex-mal exp.. so nw comtemplating if i wan to take the ex saudi one.. coz apparently she still haf to go thru eng test despite her 6 yrs or 10yrs exp (i forgot) in saudi.. sigh.. though of coz having someone wif same religion n wif no restrictions on food is gd lor.. but its a gd to haf but not necessary for me.. heh..
your #2 is PH maid right?

actually the most impt thing is attitude lor. Got food restrictions, different religion etc, all these are really quite secondary lah.. if the maid's attitude is good and knows her place, these other inconveniences are nothing. It becomes extremely glaring when the maid has a bad attitude.
celtricia, i tink it is okie lor coz i reali dun lk agt lk my reltv agt, so soft towards tem, these maids veri clever to mk up stories n pretend, so agt nn to treat tem lk tat lor n b kua zhang, otherwise, their maid probs can not b solved. I lk yr agt kind of att towards maids leh.

nellu, ya lor, yr hse oso veri ez juz lk mine, no nn to cook coz tiffin for dnr, lunch mum wl prepare in d morn b4 go to wk, haiz, tey juz dun realise leh. i juz dun underst these maids. My 1st fili maid appreciated us so much n why these 2 maids r lk tat ... i oso dun underst. U bttr hv d confrontation wiz yr maid n send her away soon leh, such an ungrateful maid. haha, u r rite, religion n etc r secondary n attitude is a probl/glaring one but d burmese praying, meditating/chanting n then to seeing ghost in my hse is not endurable liao.
nellu, ya #2 is a phil... forgetfulness was the prob.. plus laziness. sigh..

i agree lor.. attitude is most impt.. so far tis indo attitude still quite alright lah.. still acceptable for me.. except the fact of not keen to learn english n relyin on hb to translate, am not please lor.. other den tat, watever i say, she will do it n ask if she did it right.. but tat's for nw.. later on.. i wldn't say if tings will change.. n i will haf her till oct.. meanwhile still haf to tok to agent..
Kanna_sai.. but u can't change agent mah.. hahah.. since tat's ur relative.. of coz i noe their pt of getting across things n haf it solve.. but if he wants to shout also haf to c who is ard mah.. my son only coming to 3 yrs old, won't understand his purpose of shouting at the maid.. n it scare him off lor.. n u can c my son's face tat he actually pitied my maid.. sigh.. n asked me y maid cry.. aiyoz.. i also duno hw to explain.. den also mayb coz my family quite emotional n soft hearted kind.. so we empathise wif them lor.. hee.. it is gd n bad ting lah i wld say.. but the part where she hug my mum n thank her for sending her bak to agency.. really make me tink, she might b showing her true feelings.. duno lah.. want to believe tat she appreciate it but yet haf doubts abt it.. as u said.. maids r maids lor.. sigh.. gd at acting.. b it fresh or exp ones..
U mentioned your maid hugged your mom before leaving. My maid also hugged my MIL before she left. When i saw that, i quickly move myself aside, cos scared she come hug me .. oops! ..

celtricia, if this one dun wk out, i no more foc replacement wiz reltv agt liao, so i wl def chg agt liao, wl never ever use this reltv agt forever n ever no more! ya, mb yr agt a bit kua zhang but mb, tey know her best lor, mb bef she trsf to u, she oso lk tat liao, so tey got no choice. Ya, agree wiz tey shud hv exercise more caution esp yr young son is ard. wiz my bad experiences wiz my two prev maid, i very hard hearted liao, i dun emphatize wiz them at all, tey juz veri clever to act n pretend, haiz sian ... nvr tot maids r a probl. maids qualities reali down d drain ... wander why d qualities r going down d drain!

may, wander how r u coping now n how is yr bb? how is yr burmese maid at d agt now? Her attitude n character wah liao, dun sounds lk a burmese at all tat shud be more wiz bttr attitude but agn, most burmese r here to look n see lor.
