Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

hi merz

I enjoyed reading your last posting. It makes a lot of sense. Thanks

hi all, need some advise again. current maid have been very moody recently - ever since i told her bb says she beat her. yday afternn went to sleep. complain giddy, body ache says she took med aldy.. i really duno body ache wat.. not dat she have been working alot. dan i told her, she got to eat dan wont feel giddy and nite time dun spend so long time reading... recently like to go on hunger strike.- eat little or totally dun eat. and nite time, although she went to her room ard 8-9pm, she will stay inside and read until at least 11pm dan off light. She says she eat will feel like vomitting, at night she cannot sleep, cos i accuse her of beating bb, she feels very sad.. she says she love my children.. bla bla bla.. dan says my mum accuse her tis and dat.. says she work hard for the whole day nv stop at my mum plc but i nv see (cos i working).. but tis is not the story i heard from my mum.. even at my plc, during wkend.. ard noon, she will go sleep else put a newspaper in the kitchen and sit on the newspaper reading newspaper for hours.. I dont' really think she will be dat much hard working at my mum place. her english really improved alot in the past mth dat she have been with us. on one hand, after hearing her, i felt that she's very ke lian, on the other hand, i feel dat she's too kwa zhang and i dun feel uncomfortable with her hunger strike and mood swing. she acted very cheerful infront of my hb and mil. but a totally different face when facing my mum.

she says she's not happy at my mum place. and hinted she want to stay at home with hb to take care of bb. hb is WAHF, but is he safe with the maid? heard alot of story abt maid accusing the employer ... can i have some advise please.. my head is bursting.. i got to work come back look after children and this big baby. ya and this morning i told her today no need go my mum place.. nw she very energtic cleaning the house.

For point 5,I have asked all my maids which I have hired, infact, already in my house, you know what is their standard answer, I like everything...think this is the standard answer taught by the agency....
read an article from last night's wanbao, another maid has gone mad and employer has to incur $6000 of her medical fees, not covered by insurance, cos mental illness not under insurance coverage .. the poor employer has to repay the bills using installment cos of financial constraints .. also, on top of her air ticket, employer has to pay an additional return air ticket to another person to accompany her to her country cos she's 'not in condition' to travel alone!! and the worse is, she gone mad just 1 week before her 2yr contract due!! .. wa! .. so yuan(1)-wang(4) .. had she already left early, then they will save $6k++
pinktweet.. but its very hard to differenate mental distress and acting leh... and somemore even if send her back.. if at the airport she suddenly acts up, she oso cannot board the plane..
May, i guess some myanmar maids lk tat lor, pretend to b siao, my siao ting tong became veri siao these few days, i oso worried, m keeping my fingers crossed till she is safely trsf to d new emply ... den she wants to b siao, let her b, not my prob. Best is to trsfr yr maid fast bef she gets more mentally distressed.
My maids alw alone at home wiz hb when he is not on duty, it is ok but den it depends on d maids behv, yrs lk to act cute, so bttr b careful leh. Best is to send her back for trsfr asap. Even if she nvr beat yr bb, there is no pt in keeping a maid tat can not get along wiz yr mum, no respect for an elderly at all. Sit on d newsp to read ha, sounds veri familiar, juz lk my siao ting tong ha ha.
Merz.. thanks it will definitely be useful for me.
Btw if my main purpose of getting maid is to take care my 2 years daughter and a newborn plus need to cook for them. Is it that better to get and have less problem if getting a Indo maid which is married and got kids already, so they will have basic knowledge of taking care baby and children?
Any good or bad experience with indo maid which have children in taking care children or baby for you? Can share! Thanks!
haiz. so sian. Still got no suitable ones from my agency's biodata. Then, found more things in my maid's bag. How? Want to transfer her out, but no suitable ones leh...aiyoh...super sian. haiz.
hi kitty, m oso sian, same same, maid probs veri super sian one leh. the siao ting tong became more siao, sian, what else u found in yr maid's bag, if can not stand liao, juz send her 1st leh.
seem that really alot of maid having problem. Nowaday maid quality really no good. What type of maid got more problems huh?
Amabel's mommy, i chose my first Indon maid based on having basic knowledge of baby & children handling as she has 3 children of her own ranging from age 1-10.

But hoh, as time passed, she also another xiao-ding-dong, very slag and when come to bb handling, she very kei-khiang, as if like she's very expert in children handling, so she always use her own way. So, at many times, she doesn't follow instructions in using our way but she'll use her own way instead. She's 31 years old.

Being at this age, she likes to ask lots of questions non-related to her work - a big KPO.

Too kei-khiang until she ran away, sigh .. anyway, I got a replacement, this time, i closed 2 eyes and got one which requirements are totally different than what I wanted last time.

My current one is 25 years old, single and never involved in bb handling at all. I taught her everything. To my surprise, she's much better than the 1st one (eventhough she's a mother of 3). But too early to judge her as she's only with me for like 4 weeks.

So, to me, a maid's attitude is very important, as long as they're guai, not showing face/attitude, be truthful and honest, as long as they're willing to learn, we should be thankful liau ..

About installing of camera, i have 2 at home.

The latest one that i got is from Singtel, very useful when i can view it from my handphone using video call. Hardware is $199 and monthly subscription is like $8+ for a 2 year contract. My video call is FREE for 100mins provided by my hp service provider. It's really affordable and able to view 180 degree.
is your maid going to take care of your 2yrs old girl and newborn alone? without mother or mil's help / watching over? If yes, very risky leh, cos very difficult to cope alone with an active attention-seeking toddler plus a baby plus must cook and bath for them. During my maternity leave last time, i nearly gone mad, having to take care of my 2yrs old and newborn alone. I don even have to cook then, still can't cope. I don even have a chance to go toilet or take a shower then!

It's not easy, even if the maid has experience looking after her own kids back in indonesia, cos their standards are different from ours. Scared she become so stressed that she beat your kids or let them go hungry or anyhow take care of them? If got somebody else at home to helpout or supervise the maid, then it may be more manageable ..

I also want to just return her...but I need a maid/helper lorh. got no one else to look after my baby...then now HFMD outbreak again, I lagi dun dare to send to cc leh.

Just spoken with BestHome...They say they will refund me the portion of the loan when I return the maid...if I can't find any other suitable ones from them...
today hb went through her things again...found a whole stack of envelopes that belongs to us. Ok. Nvm...stationery only. Then he also found his CK facial moisturiser in her bag (sample satchet). So far, can only conclude that she likes to take stationery and beauty products (she took my bro and my sis Pore Packs [for Men and for Women]). She quite vain horh? hehs...

Oh, hb also found a file (we have quite a few empty folders) with some documents in it. She wrote quite a bit of things about her previous employers (maciam employer survey conducted by herself). Then on one piece of paper, she wrote, "can you find me another employer before my 2 yrs contract"? This file, was not hidden. Apparently, it was left on top of her luggage bag...Hmmm.....did she want us to "find" it? Quite likely leh...hehs.
susanY, on d Singtel cctv, can we view fm computer/internet access, is it linked to any computer at home, can share more coz i tinking of installing at home?

msapple, yes lor, nowadays quality of maids veri bad, sian.

kitty li, oic, must find another replacement 1st, must renz a while lor. veri scari leh, she kept tkg yr stuff, ltr dunno whether wl tk $$ liao. i hate all these written notes too, juz lk my prev hiao fili maid, purposely left there for us to read but i nvr did until d last moment.
My maid is leaving this weekend, she ownself want to leave to 'take care of her sick mother' .. so far, she has been telling lots of lies and hence we din retain her when she requested to leave. She's a big liar.

Just wanna check with mommies here, do you go through maid's luggage thoroughly? How thorough? Besides watching her do her packing, do you unfold her already folded clothes to check the pockets, etc. My SIL advise me to go through all her pockets (even if it means have to unfolder her neat pile of clothes), flip through her pile of underwears, as these are the places they like to keep stolen things ..

Any other places i should also check?
pinktweet, i nvr checked that thoroughly loh, that was why so many of our stuff went missing when we sent that hiao fili maid back. my frenz who wk in an agt tot me that we must go thru everi sgl pc of clothings, even pockets, soap, toothpaste n body search as well. He said their agt wl search body as well n often found $$/jewellery.
alamak, i have 2 cameras. The 1st one, i bot at $400, can view from internet & phone. Now, it's a white elephant, this one, can view 270 degree. Can be viewed live and can do recording as well as shot snapping too. Too bad, my office has firewall, can view it from home. From handphone leh, too expensive because its charges if based on downloading of data. Somehow, my IT colleague said want to install something for me, to enable me to view from the office, so that's why, i'm still keeping this camera.

For 2nd one, it's only solely viewing via handphone. I couldn't wait for my colleague to do the installation for me for the 1st camera, so I got this one.

I'm not a Singtel subscriber, not even to their home line but I'm allowed to subscribe to this Mobile Live Cam service. As I said, my service provider providing me FREE 100 mins mah .. so, I'm using this privilege.

When sign up this LiveCam service, Singtel will provide a SIM card with a normal 8 digit hp number. So, this SIM Card is to be inserted into the camera. When i need to view, i just dial the hp no. O yes, a 3G phone with video call capability is needed.

Another good thing about this camera is its wireless feature, meaning, for the 1st time, i'll charge the camera, then, i can unplug it and put anywhere that i like, no powerpoint is connected. When the battery is flat, i can charge it again. The battery can last for like 5 days.

You can authorise 10-20 person (i can't remember exactly) to view, means not any Tom Dick or Harry is able to dial into the hp no.
susanY, tq for sharing d info, Singtel viewing fm hp veri expensive leh, my svc provider do not provide free leh, i tink i wl instl those tat can view fm internet but my office oso got firewall, so i tink oso can not view, i must check wiz it. i rem last time my frenz used to view d cc cctv fm her offc n her offc oso got firewall leh, dun no how.
alamak, my svc provider is starhub, somehow, it's giving me 100 mins free. Abt the firewall, a fren said to subscribe with singtel for the mobile broadband thing but I don't have further info on this.
tq susanY, oic, my singtel dun hv free leh,i juz checked d singtel wbsite n found tat tey hv this live cam tat can b viewed fm pc, dun reali underst how tat wks. Haiz sian, i hv nvr nn to inst a cctv at home wiz my veri 1st fili maid, now aft d hiao fili n siao ting tong maid, i reali lost confidence in maids liao, d quality is real bad. I juz dun underst them, tey r here to wk n earn $$, why can't tey behave juz lk all of us do @ our wkplace! our empl dun hv to install cctv to spy on us!
Ivy & Alamak
Thanks for your reply. Maybe i'll do the thorough search of all her things in her presence, but may not do the body search. Will explain to her that the search is to ensure that she will not be unjustly accused in future should i find my things lost next time.
PinkTweet, that's a good excuse to tell yr maid.

alamak, i've not told my current maid that i have cameras but I'll tell her loh .. bo pien leh, leaving her with bb leh with no other adult supervision.
hi alamak, ya lor.. but no suitable maid for replacement.. hari raya near.. not much indo maid oso.

CSI_fan, same.. went thru the bios out of like 10 bio dat the agent sent me.. oni 2 i shortlisted.. but still not very man yi kind..

susan y, can share more abt the singtel webcam? hw much in total did u pay for it? do u need to purchase the camera separately? hb is good in these things.. but not willing to help :-(

Haiz today just found out my 2nd maid was sent back to myanmar... she still owe me $$$... lesson learn... DO NOT LEND $$ TO MAID... agent told me dey oso duno wat happen.. trf her to new employer after 1-2 wks she keep crying wan to go home... employer send her back to agent for counselling oso no use.. agent send her to their supplier to 'counsellor' oso no use.. she still wan to go home.. the new employer oso very bad luck... work with dem less dan 2 wks got to buy her air ticket to go home... haiz... was telling my hb.. she nw go home still got 'earn' cos she loan her the $$ abt 6-12mths of pay in myanmar.. nv even call to say bye to us.. haiz... really cannot treat maid so nice.
Amabel Mummy

As what Pink Tweety saying, it is very 'siong' to take care two baby + cooking. (when she cooks, who look after baby?? Bring baby cooking as well? think about it) And there is no different whether they are from Indo or Myammar or Phil. Find someone you are comfortable with, bring the toddler to interview the girl if possible, then you can see baby like her or not.

Some maid v soft spoken when interview, but bring home then you know they actually got attitude. So, attitude play a big part in the interviewing process. But anyhow as a women, you can also tell these soft spoken is really soft or not. My maid 7th was interview over the phone. Her tone sound quite rough, though her picture tells me another story. It was her willingly to asked me to repeat myself for the questions (daring, I suppose) that I think this girl v keen to work and wants to know more...But again, I cannot tell you hundreds and one way to observe their attitude, so please use your gut feeling.

I'm a little fortunate to have my mum to jaga for me when my maid go to her house Mon-Fri. That first maid I have lasted 2 years... My current maid is my No 7th maid after my first maid, meaning I change 6 maid in two years and during those period, I have no maid for half a year or more..(DIY lor)

Check with your parent or PIL, whether they can help to jagar the baby when maid and baby go to their house, or any bother's sister's house for help.


"I like everything" is the standard answer for standard question, so dun ask standard question and see how they can give you standard answer. So, must ask expressive question to get expressive answer.
Pink Tweet,

I might sound rude, but it is always good to do a check on the maid belonging when they step out your house.

After my No 6th maid said she want to leave, I immediately asked her to pack her bag. And after she packed, I again took out everything and packed back for her. Inside I saw both our name card, some memo my No 5th maid gave No 6th to scare my daughther if she misbehave. My house address, telephone number (She only with us for a month and I dunno how she got these data, probably from maid No 5)

After I packed her stuff, I locked it somewhere, and asked her to prepare a pair of cloth for change tomorrow morning when she leave.

So, these leave no chance for her to get anything or stuff anything into her bag last minute.

I also do body search (v brief) before she leave.
I mgiht be crude, but at least I have a piece of mind after that....
May, to add on what I've mentioned about the Singtel Mobile Live Cam, I've paid $199 (one time fee, as if like purchasing) for the hardware (camera). It came with free registration. So, for a 2 year contract, every month, i have to pay $8.56 for subscribing the line.

It can also do recording as a Micro SD Card can be inserted into the camera.

You can opt to pay the camera thru 24 mths installment ie. $9.90

Prices quoted r incl of GST, considered promotional price till 31 Aug.

Each time when i make a video call, I don't get charged as my hp svc provider, ie Starhub gives 100 free mins on video calls. So far, i do not exceed the free calls.
Can anyone recommend me someone who can pick my maid, drive to airport & make sure she pass the immigration? How much is the market rate?
My maid has a posb account. We are planning to send her back without advance notice. Can we bring her to cancel the account on the spot?

Are your cameras very well hidden? Cos if the camera are easily visible as long as one takes effort to find, very risky to tell her, cos she will do all her funny things out of camera's view .. if don tell her, at least if she want to do funny things, it will be captured in the camera .. maybe u can monitor first without telling, see anything werid happening or she mistreat your baby or not ..

For my case, we don have camera, but we bluff her we have. She will go to my MIL's place during weekday to take care of my kids. During weekend, we will bring kids to MIL's place for lunch and leave her alone to clean our house. Scared she do funny things, we bluff her we got camera .. Think she believe .. cos there was once our little niece (K2) followed her to our house during her house-cleaning session to take some toys and niece told us she hide in toilet using her hp and talk long long .. Means she scared she talk hp and may ganna captured in video camera and hence hide in toilet to talk.

Thanks for your sharing : )
PinkTweet, your maid so funny, good trick ah .. eemm, i don't have a good place to hide the camera leh, so I tot, letting her know in advance, forcing her to be well behaved.

By the way, how do you tell her nicely that you have a camera?

Mrs_Wang, how r u going to tell yr maid that she needs to cancel the account? She'll be suspicious, rite?
hi may, aiyoyo, yr 2nd maid asked to go back home, it shows that myanmar maid alw lk tat one lor, dunno why tey come here to wk, lttl things wan to go home, a lot nvr finish ctr.
anyw, my frenz told me bef that if d maid asked to go home herself, agent wl ask them to pay back d loan in full, tey wl tell them that everything wl hv to flw procedures, so d fmly wl hv to find the $$ to refund agt lor, but not sure whether same procedure for myanmar maid or not, agt veri smart lor, otherwise, they rugi leh.

SusanY, nowadays these maids not scared of camera one leh. too much protection liao, lttl things, they ask to chg empl lor.
Mummies, I found something..a small packet,cloth material where my maid keep her sanitary pad(in the sanitary pad's plastic bag.. without my maid noticed/knowledge..I cut open the cloth(sew tightly into a bag)..wrap with cling wrap..3rd layer,masking tape..I open.. a piece of paper,with written arab words.. I can't read or understand what its all about but sure, something which is not good..or why she need to hide n keep so tightly/secretly..

I will contribute in Tam's blog, when I hav time..its a very terrible plus horrible maid.. but her look cant tell what type of ppl she is..totally different..get 1st in TCS star search. Can cry immediately infront of me, full of stupid reasons..never ever believe her story..LIER.

San, takecare. If u dont want to let ur maid know that u r sending her away..dont bother abt her bank acc..just straight send back. Her mum will settle the bank acc. Also mean sour relation between you n them. Sometimes we really dont hav choice, when maid themselve asking for it. Just my opinion.

Taking care 2 year old kid + a newborn + cooking is for this 3 months only with my help since I am still on maternity leave. I am sending my 2 yr old to childcare in November 08. Then my maid will just fully concentrate on newborn plus housework
Hi Mommies

Wanna check with you what would you do ?

I have a expensive turbe of jurobi alovera gel.My maid took it and keep inside her jeans and used it for her pimples without my knowledge. I found it in her jean pocket hang in the bathroom.

I have chosen to keep the gel and said nothing as she will just smile and like nothing happen.That will upset me further...what would you do?

This morning, she fed my son with HOT porridge.I asked her, do you think its hot and she still insists that its not ...when baby already spit out the porridge and we feel the spit out porridge, its HOT. She then says, oh, maybe its due to the fish soup etc...which is....anyhow, I have asked her to let me check all porridge before she feed.

I have come to a conclusion, all maids need to suoervise closely if you still want to use the maid.

If you want to tell your maid about the installing of camera, just tell her for security reason at home...who knows a thief or stranger will come into the house
Supervision is okie, closely closely supervise, as well DIY lah, becasue if you have to check this check that everyday, very lechei and troublesome. Working relationship w maid also spoilt.

Joy, I think your maid is very insensitive and not gentle with kids, even my hubby also know how to feed baby....Either your maid is v young, inexperience, or she just bochah, not feeling for the young, no patient and just want to get the JOB done asap... Sorry for my frankness, coz I cannot tahan this type of maid. Find excuse to cover another excuse and no feeling for the young! Plus, she also use your expensive jel and keep it somemore....very jialah.

I will suggest you tell her how much that gel is, and asked her to pay up whatevery % of the cost remaining in the gel and give her the whole tube to use after that. Then she know heart pain to touch your things. Or maybe next time just tell all your cost for the cream you have in the room, and then she has to pay if she uses them. And you will welcome the idea, coz after deducting the pay you can buy brand new one to use.

If I were you, I will probably start looking for another one, and replace this girl.
Hi MrsWang,

I can give you a bad and cheap idea.

I heard from my colleague, she has a friend who did this. Drive the maid to the immigrantion and see that she passes the immigrantion control before she leave. Guess what? She send the maid back to BATAM, irregardless wherether she stay jakartar or surbaya...Sound v irresponsible, but I think the maid same same also.

Before you sent the maid back, make sure you cancel the work permit, sent the work permit by post to the MOM. You can do this online, FOC! But by this way, you have to fill in the departing details...

The bank account, how much money there? If not much, just give in cash, and write an authorization letter w reason (also state the cash given) and asked the maid to sign when she leaves. I'm not sure such arrangement works, you better check with bank by calling them.

IT is better to send your maid home, I think market rate is $60. If I free can sent for you.....hehehe, just joking. My driving v bad, maybe both me and your maid ended hositpal or police station only.

Thanks.I cannot be bother to ask her about the gel.I keep it as I will use it to apply on kids legs when has mosqito bites.

I will watch her till I leave for holidays.Honestly, maids these days also quite jialet. After training her for five months, at least her housework is ok, not fantastic though....Will see what other surprise she gives me...
Jo, i hv chckd wiz my ex fili colliq bef n he said usually all fili hv this, it is something lk a talisman to protect themselves. my prev hiao fili maid n 1st fili maid tat wkd 5 yrs wiz us hv tat as well. Normally, tey wl juz put together wiz their belongings, however, my prev hiao fili maid wore on a string round her tummy wiz this thing hanging down her backside! Yucks!

Merz, good idea, i wl tell my new replacement maid when she comes too, not to use any of my things n if use, i wl chg her haha.
Just a thot...

could the feeding hot porridge be a sign of retaliation towards ur discovery of the gel in her pocket? Like, "oh...I kena found out and the gel has been "confiscated". ok lorh. I feed hot porridge. dun let me use gel, hot porridge comes out." kinda thing?

Yesterday, hb saw maid sitting on the sofa at my parent's place. BB wal crawling on the sofa...then BB ended up on maid's lap. BB was in this position: chest on maid's lap, head was down, and face was in the position where....she (BB) was smelling the maid's private part. And the maid just sat there. Never like, pick my gal up and move her away or sit her up on the sofa or onto the floor.
Alamak, my maid is from Indo, I asked my malay friends.. its spell for the employer, make the employer cant see her(maid) mistake/dont scold maid/like maid(for male/sir).

Its seal up so many layer n keep with sanitary pad. If something to protect them, its should be keep properly(since its holy) and dont hav hide/secretly..just let the employer know,its a safety prayer for herself. I mean we dont mind to let her keep..the more she hide,the more we suspicious.

Joy, I'm using all Aloevera's products, shampoo,soap, supplements,Aloe gel,vitamins...cant avoid maid will help themself,as they know its expensive n good..unless u can monitor maid 24hrs.Btw, I'm a Aloe distributor.Can PM me for more Aloe info.
My ex-myanmar maid, show me her little bibble when I checked her belonging.
Jo, oic, i heard of tat too fm my ex malay colliq coz her indo maid did tat too, yes, it is a charm. Her agt was her frenz, so agt slapped d indo maid but covered up n trsf her to anoth empl lor coz if not my frenz got to buy airtkt for her to go back lor. Huh, u got an ex-myanmar maid too, christian, not bad leh? How was her performance? u trsf her out?

CSI Fan, so yucks, haiz, all these maids, this morn, d siao ting tong maid wearing shoes for my son n go near my son, my son told her off ... u pls go away coz u veri veri smelli ... den hb heard n told d maid, u c, we told u must bathe everiday rite, how come u dun want to bathe ... ha ha ha.
Alamak, if I hav choice, I want to giv up on maid but I hav to accept I need them..having 3kids + 2elderly + work/travel..also afraid if I need to book a place at woodbridge.

I tried Phil, Myanmar n far Phil n Myanmar I got very jialat/cannot make it.. so stil take Indo..only 1 out of 8 maids I had can finish her 2yrs contract..after that the only also change,make me send her back straight to Indo. Really sad.


Thanks for the offer.Will keep it in mind. Can I check with you,how long will be the expiry for Aloevera's gels?thanks again.

She feed my baby first,then I discovered the gel and keep it. I just reached home and am very quiet and she sense it and try to talk to me....guilty lah....
