Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

i think you dun have to waste time interview her. She dun seems to be suitable for gog grandparents house kind leh.
My maid, wake up 6.30am then go grandma house and come home slp by 8.45pm on weekdays and still dunno how to be appreciative. Today i just spot check my mum dirty everywhere...
I think she will suffer when i send her back to agent for transfer. Where else you find such a good employer? Dun need to cook, dun need to bath children, and slp so early?! Still dare to tell my mum she want to stay at my mum house everyday, just ask me to bring son home then next morning come again. So that she can slp at 8pm!!!!(cos my mum house slp at 8pm one).

sorry for my constant ranting here. Just being very sian of these maids. Everyday i see her i get angry. cos she is so damn lazy and always know how to make me angry.
She love to show she is hardworking when i am home. Like whenever i eat on the dining table, she will rush to clear when i rest to stop eating. BUT i am just resting, haven eat finish! Several times liao still like that. Told her that i will call her to clear up when i am done, she still dun understand, worst that the foodcourt cleaning aunties!
endure 1 more day and off she go.
Ivy.. i totally understand.. my colliq also say dun waste time.. i also contemplating.. sigh.. tat's y c wat u ladies comments are.. haiz.. so sian right to juz go for maid hunt again..
celtricia, dun waste time too, i dun tink she is suitable to go two hseholds type.

ivy, when i c tat, i LOL, me too, tey sure know how to mk us angri, me too, i endure 1 more week, off d siao ting tong go ... my worries is d replacement is same same, sian haiz ... hope i not so suay. U got a new maid liao, is yr current fili or indo?
my indo maid of 4 months, my gal dislike her for the pass month, till only recently she begin to accept her. 2 nites ago, i scolded her and i told her, i am still being patient now thats why i am keeping u and leturing u. if one day i stop, is either u are very good that i no need scold u liao or i am sending u back.. told her also that now my gal start to accpet her, i don wish to send her away, so she should buck up with her hsework. My mil just call me and tell me that my gal on very good term with my maid.. follow her whereever she go.. i worry.. could she put any black magic or i think too much? why my gal sudden change?
ya, i agree dun bother to waste your time. Most of us have such arrangements for our maids and when they got transferrred out.. it always the same stupid reasons that they need to work for 2 hseholds, not enuf rest etc, etc..
And same thing, all my maids do not need to cook all their meals. Day time take care of my 1 yr dd at my mum's place WITH my mum's help. At nite, i cook, she eats n wash up only. Sat, sunday, we bring the kids out the whole day to allow her to do hsehold chores in peace. We stay in a normal HDB flat and at the end of the day, the maid still dare to run away n say no one will ever work for me bcos i overworked them
Now both my kids are in CC, i am a FTWM with no p/t help. Its busier than b4, but i love this arrangement n i am much happier. I no longer have to go home thinking of the SICKENING face that i need to see.
Hi Tamarind,

I saw your blog website, it is about comment on the maid agent and maid posted by "victim". Just a suggestion, maybe it will be good to post positive comment on maid and agent as well. Also if possible, put on the list of $ervice that the agent gave and or the nominal salary about maid.
i would love to do w/o maid.. but right now preggie leh.. hard to do hsewrk.. no energy at all.. sigh.. both my kids aged 2yrs9mths & 14mths r under my mum's care nw.. i bring them home everyday.. tat leaves me totally no time to do hse wrk.. sigh.. if i put them in cc.. tink not much diff also.. haiz..
HAven't come to the forum for few weeks, so many post already, cannot finished reading.

BTW, my myanmmar maid has been with me now coming to 4 months already...If I see all the problems posted on the web, I can count myself lucky that my problem with her is minor. Hope this working relationship can continue for 2 years at least.
my current one is indo. i not getting replacement liao...give up totally. I know i will might have some difficulties getting back the outstanding loan but that can be resolved with some time. Gog to send my kid to cc cos maid these days are rubbish.
get p/t help to come in once a week to help you with housework lah. Shld be able to cope?

mama g,
i worry for you when you say your girl suddenly be so close to the maid, esp when you told your maid, you reluctant to send her back cos your girl like her now.
My maid told my mum she can call her mum to make my son more guai by just telling her my son full name wor!
make me so scare that i am treating her normally well and also when i send her back i will tell her its becos my boss fired me so i no work and hence not able to hire her. i very scare abt indo black magic, dun wan to offend them in anyway.
i sent DD straight to CC once she hit 18mths. in between i take leave and make alternate arrangement. Ya, i cook at home. Food outside really too expensive (my kids are big eaters) and not really healthy. Hb's blood pressure and cholesterol was rising, so i have no choice. But at days when i need to wk late, no choice, got to eat out. Ya, oso needs lots of coordination between hb n me. Cannot both wk late or else no one to pick up kids. Few times almost kenna fined by CC for picking kids past 7pm.

I was oredi cooking at home and doing regular marketing when i have a maid. Now just need to clean up and wash up after cooking. Usually try to cook food which do not make the place too oily (which oso mean healthier). Either i dump everything in rice cooker (chicken rice, cabbage rice etc) or soup wif multiple ingredients (fish soup, meat ball soup etc) or bake my food (chicken, fish). Much easier and need not wash up so much.
Of coz i use gadgets like pressure cooker and thermal pots to help me too. For thermal pots, i prepare n boil in the morning b4 i go to wk.
Oh.. did i mention that preparing dinner was more complicated b4 maid cannot eat pork, must be spicy n imagine my children are so young. I ended sometimes need to cook separate food for the maid n my family. Add more work n headaches to me.
when's ur EDD? Hee, hee.. mine in Nov.. so tui that i miss the boat for the enhanced maternity benefits AGAIN!!!!
My older girl is 4 and younger one is 2. Ya... picking the kids is quite siong for me. Carry their bags n hold their hands to take bus... luckily, CC not so far from my home. Every time after picking them up, i must sit down n rest for a while b4 i proceed to cook dinner. Breathless man!
i suppose i am lucky, Found a cc that open till 9pm and include dinner! At least i dun have to rush back till face green green and for dinner i can settle easily with a sandwich for myself. Hb is so used to eating out that i gave up on him for healthier food. Pray hard hard my kid adjust to the cc well then i will really be relieved.
ivy.. had p/t help during the 2mths when i was maidless. but din wrk out..

my edd in feb 09... heh.. really pei fu u lor.. can still cook after all the wrk in the day n pick up ur kids.. wah.. i totally like no energy leh.. lucky i got my mum who cooks for us.. intending to put both my kids to cc nxt yr.. n haf my mum look after #3, but she insist she dun wan to look after newborn liao leh.. so duno hw.. n hb wants me to continue wrking.. sigh..
ivy, oic, i rem i read in other thread tat u got a myanmar bef too rite, din tat wk out? u r rite, these days, maids r rubbish, if d replacement come n dun wk out, i wl send my dd to student care n my son oredi in cc, so no chg for him, but i worried tat it is too long hrs for her ... i tried tat for abt 1.5 mths aft d hiao fili maid left n bef d siao ting tong came. u getting p/time help? yr maid veri eerie leh, bttr send her back fast lor.

mamag, my kids last time oso suddenly accept d hiao fili maid, i oso scared n ltr i found out tat she folded our fmly photo n hid it below her bed ... my fili frenz told me tat fili lk to do tat so tat d fmly lk her n is blind to her nonsense.

B2B3M4, u veri gd leh, do u get p/time helper to help wiz d hsewk? i hope my replacement wk la n if not, i oso dun want a maid liao.
b2b3m4, i oso pei fu u leh, initially, i used to drive my kids to cc n then go to wk but too trblsome, so i let them tk school bus. u can let yr kids tk school bus ma, expecting n handling 2 young kids veri siong leh.

ivy, huh, tat is gd, got a cc tat open until 9pm? Arnd where leh? it wl tk a while for yr kids to adjust to cc lor but u must harden yr heart la.
you meant old postings cos i dun post on other thread other than this and my mtb thread.Ya, that mynamar one din work out cos communication breakdown with my mum.
Yes, will be getting p/t help. I have one that works fast and damn clean..she is such a gem.
hi all wow thread moves fast!.... me too gave up the idea of getting maid #5.....few days agi had a hard time negotiating with agt to get back my loan..... Now I am going to send my elder boy to CC once I find a suitable one and gal 15mths will still look after by mum. meantime order tingkat/tabao and have pt helper.

last time with maid, agree with b2b3m4 that cooking very headache cos they duuno how to cook, and when we cook must think of their taste.... now maidless, life is better though house is messier.....

celtricia, forget abt interviewing the Indo xfer maid.... always like tat, cannot take workload... move on find another agt.hope you find a good one soon.

Ivy, 9pm cc? where is it? can share with me or pm me pls? Thanks!
these days more cc are opened to 9pm, slightly more expensive (abt $100 diff bah). You can try to search for one near your house if you are keen. the mcys website list all the cc and their operating details.
Dont get from Foster Resources (it is at Bukit Batok, right)...they have other agency called Ming Employment at Bukit Timah. They will recycle their transfer maids around.

BEWARE...Their agency terms and conditions sucks! U have to use their maids for at least 3 months. If the 1st one worked for 1 month and u find there is problem, u either have to get another replacement maid from them (provided they have bios). And 1st & 2nd maid usage can be combined for 3 months time, then they will refund u. If not, you have to 'lugi' 2 months if you send the 1st maid within 1 mth. Besides, they have F&L charge per day if you are not getting replacement from them.

Just my opinion to you....
Hi alamak, dats wat I tot.. SGD1k leh.. that’s a lot of $$ to a burmese… Somemore she only work for like 1-2years.. and she told me that she didn’t tell anyone in her family she want to come SG to work until arrangement have been all made.

Celtricia, no matter hw early we let the maid sleep, they still says not enuf sleep one. My 1st maid, slept at 8plus.. 2nd maid, 9plus latest.. current maid, 8-10pm depending.. all 3 told me not enuf sleep.
ivy, must b old postings la, i dun wan to chg cc la coz my son in d cc since 15 mths + until now K1, he used to it liao, i juz kpo onli, my son's cc not bad, onli thing i dun lk is tat got too many caucasian n jap kids, so teachers tend to b more favouritism.

mummy tang, u oso not getting a maid liao? i must consider seriously liao if replacement does not wk out too.
KC, serious ah.. coz mum say her neighbour use.. like quite ok.. so she ask me go try.. i agree.. their T&C not too gd lor.. but i tot of juz trying as maid might b alright.. heh.. like so desparate for maid.. thanks for ur info..

Hw bout JobPlus Employment? anyone use them b4?

May.. ya.. i tink all maids the same.. sigh.. wat the hell in the world they tink they come here for.. sigh..
hi may, either she kanna conned by agt or she telling a lie leh, can not symphatize them ... who sympathizes us as empl ... they got no heart for us too, heartless.

celtricia, my prev hiao fili maid is lk an alarm clock, whether she finished or not finished her wk, water boiling halfway or not, b4 time come, she bathe n when time's up, she sleep liao.
Yes agent told me if make them pay better they dont complain. And they like boss.

I dont allowed the maid to wash ther clothes using washing.

My maid very funny one when come menses she wears white pants. I asked why purposely is it for who to see. And my downstairs got funeral she also want to see. So kpo.
the enhanced Parenthood Package has been backdated to 17 Aug B2B3M4, u didn't miss out on it...

and we can enjoy the higher subsidies for CC already...more incentive to put into CC now? haha...
though it states that payment will be when all the admin changes have been not sure exactly how that bit will work.
great!! hee.. at least cost of cc goes down.. nw i no need to pay for my boy cc bcos of the high subsidies.. actually was hoping dey can reduct the maid levy...
Ivy, can pm me ur pt helper too. Thks.

Currently, hav maid but waiting for transfering to new employer.

Will try out pt helper till I get new maid.
huh, maid loan tat much, i dun no abt mine leh, but isn't it usually 2k for fili maids, increase agn, hope this means tat d maids wl b more serious to wk lor ... if d same rubbish quality, haiz.
Just my two cents of thought.

If maid loan is so much, I wonder what will motivate them to work. Coz got to work so many month without money. There must be something attractive in order to drive a person to work.
My maid loan is 2.3K about 7.5 mth loan, everymonth, she still go $30 pocket money. Already I think 2.3k is alot of money for the even more?? Terrible, I wonder how much does the agent earns?
hi all,

Need some advise. Shall i change my maid?
I just changed my maid cause send my previous one back cos she start to demand for things but ex-maid can handle my daughter very well. Kind of regret to send her back. Now my this maid To me she is humble, i tell her thing she will listen and give a good attitude, quite hardworking also. But the problem is she cant handle my daughter, I know is my daughter too naughty, abit also cannot like to shout and scream so my maid cannot handle her and calm her down. My girl refuse to let her feed, bathe her etc. So I am wondering shall I change maid but
the maid attitude so far is very good but she is only with us for 2 weeks plus so I worry is still early to judge her working attitude. There is also bad thing about her which is she seem to have body odour or bad breath, not sure is it bad breath or ody odour but i only seem to smell it after mid afternoon. What shall i do huh?My hubby thinking of changing her just becos she dunno how to handle my girl, just yesterday she try to play with my girl and chase after her during playing and my daughter hit on the table corner and my hubby was unhappy that she nv take good care of my daughter. And my maid biodata stated that she got exp in taking care newborn but i discovered that she dunno. So I got to start taching her how to take care of my newborn. So do you think i shall change maid, since her working attitude so far not bad. After reading so much of ur comment on all maid, I very scare change to even worst one.
Dear Amabel's Mommy

First, you should look at your main reason of getting the maid. If child caring is the main reason then I would think you consider to change. My last last last maid was working for me for 3 mths I think, my daughter also dun like her, but my main reason is she do housework. Though she is humble and listening but she dun used brain and no common sense and my child dun even like her to hold her hands. So after 3 mths I say bye bye to her.

Whether you get a worst or better maid, a lot of time depends on luck and also on the interviewing process and your analysis on the person attitude.

Good Luck!

Transfer fees varies from different agency. It is not a fixed amount. Typically 1-2 mths of the maid monthly salary.
Merz, thanks for the advise, actually main purpose is to take care my girl but i not sure is it because my daughter become more and more mischevious so maybe even change maid, the new maid also wont be able to handle my girl.

Can anyone share the interview process cos really dunno what to ask the maid when interviewing. I need the maid to learn cooking baby food also since I letting my children eat home cook food
The person you look should not be fresh maid and w/o childcare experience. And they should not be too young and too old.(age can be deciving in the bio, so trust your own feeling).

Remeber your priority, childcare or housework. Practically, you hardly find a superwomen can do all for you, so be practice about your choice.

Point for maid interview:

1)General question asking like how many sibling, where you stay, what your get ball rolling.

2)What she can do? And what she CANNOT do? Dun expect a perfect answer, coz it is NOT possible. Yous should expect a reasonable answer, too perfect is a problem. (indication of lying)

3)Since you leaving your child with maid, you have to analyse whether the maid is independent. From her answer you can check her tone of answering (firm or not firm), and her eyes will tell you the most of her attitde. (She looking at you or her eye ball rolling, looking sideway> indication of lie maybe and lack of confident.)

4)Have to enage someone cheerful, again you can see this from the body language and facial expression.

5)Does she like the kids? (Please dun asked the one answer question, like yes or not.......everyone will tell you yes to get the job) You should asked which you prefer> Hosework or childcare> and why??? or why not?

6)IF she has taken care of her sibling or baby before, asked what's she the MENU she cook for them and how she cook? You will know from here whether she got experience or not.

7)How she feed the children??? (big spoon or small spoon? Why?) Food servce imeediately after cook??? How you bath baby? In the center they have fake baby, so can asked her to demo to you, if you want to be assure of her experience

8)Forget about biodata, dun even believe them. Some are fake by the maid and some are fake by the agent, so that these maid are employable!!! But of course some are genuine, so u need to asked the question to see whether they real or not.......and please no one answer question.

9)Sometime, you asked question, but the answer is not important, the best is to asked question like what you study in school or what you do in the house or you help or how you help your mum? or what you want to be after two year, or after you finished contract what you want to do in Indonesia? Asked question that they can express themself, and from there you can see the attitude how they answer and they facial and eye expression. Answer is not important in these question then... (One question not enough, should asked a few)

10)Do not rely 100%, not even 70% from comment from do your own analyse okie.

Remember you are looking for someone to take care your daughter, so that someone must be like you. Cannot anyhow choose....

Prepare question, asked question that you think how a caregiver should know when taking care of children. You are a mother youself , so you know what is the best for your child

