Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

wah, her frens are so high class here? lawyer somemore arh? I seriously wun wan to keep this maid cos i worry she is not mentally prepare to accept this "degrading" job esp when her frens are all working in offices here.

May, your maid is starting to give problems loh .. please beware. Most burmese prefer to do housework or the most to take care of elderly nia .. they quite reluctant to take care of bb. You must start to have yr alternative plan now.
SusanY, u r absolutely rite, most burmese prefer to do hsewk n not to tk care of bb & kids. in general, they r not veri good wiz kids. My siao ting tong told me she hate kids.

May, ask her what med n ask her to show u. Chck all d stuff bef she goes to see her high class frenz, mb tey bringing her for intv as a nurse or anot job here, who knows.
hi all...i told my maid from day 1 tat i will keep all her money...need to buy anything, just tel me...i will help her to buy. At the end of contract, if she dun want to continue, my record show she has eg...2k..meaning she oni take back 2k...if i found any extra money in her bag or on will be mine...

But so far coming to 4yrs, she hasnt give me any trouble...had taken good care of my boy while we were at work...
Hi alamak...b4 coming to my house, she had 8 yrs of exp (1st employer 6yrs & 2nd employer 2yrs)...hopefully she will carry on with me till me boys grow big...(btw, my 2nd boy is due next friday...)
Ivy, ya I agreed with u. at first when I interview her, when she says her fren is computer programer I dun feel comfortable taking her. But need a maid asap and oso she assure me that she can work dats why I take her..

SusanY, nw waiting for new bio-data to come in.. very sian..

Alamak, if she wan to go intv better.. faster go… I less headache… :p

Woodlandsmummy, Congratulations!! Hope u have a smooth delivery! I your kind of arrangement where the maid doesn’t carry cash.. but my current maid doesn’t want… aiyo.. very regret taking her.. the insurance adds up $200 use her ard 1mth.. nw got to chg her.. another $200 gone..
Happened to chance upon this article in today's ST:

Call for maids to test mental health

Most domestic helpers on death row abroad have mental illness, says report
By Alastair McIndoe, Philippines Correspondent

MANILA: The Philippine government's foreign service wants domestic helpers to take mandatory psychiatric tests before going overseas to work, amid concerns that most of the country's maids on death rows abroad have had a history of mental problems.
'We recently examined all the cases of domestic workers under sentence of death overseas and found there was an element of some sort of mental disorder in most of them,' said Mr Esteban Conejos, the Department of Foreign Affairs' (DFA's) undersecretary for migrant workers.

The DFA has asked the government's overseas employment agency to adopt the measure, which is proving highly contentious, going by a debate in the media.

Government figures, quoted in a local newspaper yesterday, show seven in 10 Filipinas on death row in the Middle East have had a history of mental illness.

There are 35 Filipinos on death row in foreign jails. They include four in Kuwait, nine in Saudi Arabia and 10 in Malaysia, according to figures in a recent Senate resolution calling for an inquiry into their cases. There are none in Singapore.

Associations representing Philippine recruitment agencies strongly oppose psychiatric screening. They believe it will add to documentation costs for workers seeking jobs overseas, leading them to turn to irregular employment channels.

Under the country's labour regulations, overseas contract workers - estimated to make up nearly half of the eight million Filipinos living and working abroad - must get jobs through government-licensed recruitment agencies and have their papers processed by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).

Filipino maids in Singapore often elect not to take the POEA route, to cut red tape and costs, and instead use Singapore recruiters with employment agency contacts in the Philippines.

Opponents to psychiatric screening say that when maids harm their employers or children under their care, it is invariably because of extreme physical and emotional abuse in the workplace.

'The psychiatric tests are unnecessary, and there's no guarantee that they will show anything,' said the Federated Associations of Manpower Exporters' treasurer, Ms Thelma Uanang.

The DFA's Mr Conejos says psychiatric tests are widely carried out by employers in the private sector to assess the overall mental fitness of prospective staff.

Insanity and temporary loss of reason are commonly used defences for Filipino maids charged with murdering an employer or their charges in countries where the death penalty is mandatory for murder.

Where there were convictions, presidential appeals for mercy to heads of state and other diplomatic interventions have been effective. Over the past two years, 24 Filipinos worldwide have been spared execution.

In July, Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah spared the lives of two Filipinas - May Vecina, 28, and Marilou Ranario, 35 - after an appeal from President Gloria Arroyo.

Vecina was convicted last year of killing her employer's seven-year-old son and seriously wounding two other children, cutting the throat of one and stabbing the other. Her lawyers reportedly argued that she was mentally unstable when she committed the crimes after a run-in with her employer.

Ranario was convicted of murdering her female employer in 2005.

[email protected]

Hi tam

Thanks for showing the video clip. Hey, did you notice that the previous similar video case is no where to be found in the web....

Anyone has any idea what happen to the maid and why the video is censored?
woodlands mummy, congrats, just nice to enjoy the enhanced bb bonus benefits.

may, wat's yr requirements on a maid? now approaching hari raya, less bio, they want to stay back for the celebration. Your maid somemore can say, she must carry cash .. sigh, her attitude is unacceptable, you must be extra strict and firm with her.

Joy, the one in the youtube, no longer there ah?

Ya,the youtube is no more around.Dont know why.

Too much face given to maid, they will tend to be like that.I always believe in drawing a line from day one.

Have a friend told me that as long as she is not home to see how the maid take care of the baby and she did, her eyes is clean...but once she stay home long enough to scrutinise, her maid will be sack...but, friend has no patience to care for baby, so close one eyes, as long as baby is not injured....

My sil p1 boy was soley cared by maid as he was hard to take care as a baby and she was pregnant with another baby then...Guess what, now the maid is gone, and this boy is diagnose with some learning disability, not sure what had happened, whether he has been knocked, beaten or whatever....But whatever its the case, there is no reverse....

I agree that that the govt should be more aware of the maid problems a lot of people are facing. Probably they are but they couldn't find a good solution to it yet, so instead they are trying to improve the quality of childcare centres so there's an alternative to hiring maids.

Personally, I have heard too many horror stories of maids so it is a big no-no for both me and my wife. That's why we have agreed to let my wife be a SAHM so she can take care of our child full-time.

Mothers are still the best caregiver and educator for their children, and I firmly believe that there is no replacement for their roles.

Our Little Dar:
Agree with u abt children who are solely cared off by maids. My colleagues were sharing wif me that many of her frens whose kids are taken care of by maids unsually tends to have behavioural and disicplinary issues as opposed to her frens who put kids in CC or taken care by parents themselves. Some of these frens sent the maids away after the children enters primary schools and even then, these children tends to be more different.
Observations made by my colleague (she work as a nurse with children). These children tend to be more dependent, anti social and most importantly have problems interacting wif their parents.
Hopefully none of our children will turn out this way.
kids sole brought out by maids:
my fren and docs whom i spoke to agree tat the reason why kids will have more disciplinary problems and dependent on others is becos, maid wun say no to your kid. Imagine, my ex-maid will even say my son is good when he obviously doing something naughty! And of cos maid will also doo everything for the kid. My son already know how to wear his shoes but maids always insist to wear for him...

Anyway, already got rid of maids and hope he wll learn more life skills in cc.
Hi May & Susan Y, thank you...

I told my maid in the even shld my boy was injured due to whatever reasons, just inform us immediately so that we can tel her what to do or observe...dont be afraid that we will scold her. Told her if something happened to our boy due to the injury which she didnt not tel us, then we will be even more angry with her.

Heard the video from youtube was removed due to violence...

Agreed with Joy747 on drawing line or stating your rules & regulations from day 1...better to give her more work from day 1 and reduce bit by bit (which they will appreciate) rather than give her little work and then increase (which they will then show u black face)....

My neighbour maid, is one who the boss gave too much freedom from the beginning and now, problematic difficult to tame waiting for her contract to end next apr...then send her back...
Hi mummies

Just to share abt the rules. I used to think not allowing maids to have handphone & helping them keep their salary til contract ends is not right.

In my case, where my maid hit my 3.5 mths baby. We gave her freedom to use her hp whenever she wants. She can received calls at any time of the day from her family asking for money. Perhaps she was upset so take it out on my baby.

And her salary was taken by her mum. She may be frustrated cos she has not save any money from her hard work. Perhaps this made her upset too, then take it out on my baby.

Imposing such rules is the least i can do to minimise the situation where she's upset while baby sitting. If her family need to reach her, can call my home.

On another note, maids will always be maids. They are here to earn money, not be part of our family. Here I share my experience, hope to remind employers that kindness is not to let maid feel like part of the family. They will never be comfortable & have enough in your house & your country. Their only consolation is perhaps food, sleep, work & get paid. Everything else comes as a bonus & you pay the price.
sorry to hear about what happened. I only just logged in recently and gosh! good thing you sent her away straight.

What are your arrangements like now? hope everything is ok...
Hi Mrs Wang, thanks for highlighting the rules which i am not sure if its it right....but i did tel my maid that not to worry...whenever she need to send money home or need to use her money, just let me know and i will give it to her. I kept a record of her salary and money spent in a spreadsheet and let her sign on it.

Guess shld be ok as long as the maid is agreed with the arrangement.

So far beside sending money home and her starhub top up card is own her own expense, other things like necessity, phone card to call home, clothes, shorts, etc all on us.
SusanY, actually I only wan a maid who can show respect to us and take care of my children… Til now still cannot find..

Joy747, haiz.. I noe, but we actually trying hard to make the maid feels happy here. Cos we believe if we treat her good, she will treat us good also.. BUT… we are SO WRONG…

Woodlands mummy, I did have a set of rules and regulation for my maid from the 1st day.. but she will test water… one by one try this and dat to cut down the rules.. like I wrote and explain to her cannot get $$ from fren on her first day.. nw she tell me her fren is going to pass her $50… I think she really come here as maid to find husband. Today her offday.. from top to toe all new. New high heels shoes, new clothes, new bag, perfume, make up… still tell me going to her fren hse only.. later when I send her to the mrt and show her hw to buy the standard ticket dan she tell me.. her fren bringing her to shopping…

Hi wang, how’s ur baby? Hope he/she is fine. Much thanks for sharing the video. At 1st hb was like die die dun let me install the hidden cam. Until I show him ur video.. I suspected my maid of beating bb too. We just bot a spy cam at the comex… waiting for delivery nxt week. I agreed with you, I gave her phonecard twice a month to call home, let her call sg frens to chat. Let her rest, read her books do whatever she wan when she finish the housework.. all useless.. tot my bb too young to complain. Beat my bb. After I told her bb says she beat him, nw she doesn’t dare to do it anymore. I noe, cos recently can see bb not so scare of her, doesn’t have the frighten look on him when she carry him. But still looking out for replacement.
Thanks for sharing that article. Definitely should include test of mental.

Actually the medical test which the maid goes through now is quite useless. Previously I have got a maid who told me show got high blood pressure and faint easily. I have no idea how she could pass the medical test. I was quite paranoid. I paid extra for my new maid to take the Hep A and B test which are not included in the medical test.

<font color="0000ff">Hi all,
Remember to check my blog before employing a new maid.</font>
sorry all .. jus let me vent... my maid went on her 1st offday today. told her to come back at 6pm. jus nw at 4plus she call me and says she coming back at 8pm. cos nw at sentosa... and keep or 'can or not' ... ' can or not'... maddening... i told her to come back at 6.. she says raining .. cannot come back. dan 'can or not, can or not' feel like telling her.. dun come back la!

No need to get so angry with her,think she is like one of those teenager out there, play till forget about timing...if you still think that you want to keep her, tell her .can,you can come back two hours later,but next off day, you have to come back two hours earlier, I think that is only fair...
Liana/joy747, she totally no respect... Jus nw at 7.30pm, her fren called me.. told me they are at buona vista mrt.. will come back later after 8pm... going to JE mrt .. fedup! 1st day day off... like dat... somemore get her computer programmer fren to call me. See red! This morning i bot her to the mrt to wait for her fren, her fren was late for like 45mins.. no apologise at all. I couldnt left her there as we tried calling her fren but she say her fren nv bring hp. Was worried her fren may not be coming last min, if i left her there dan she duno hw to go home. nw suddenly this fren got bring hp and can call me.
wow May,
Ur maid has no respect. If it's me, I think I'll withdraw off-day priviledges after this incident. Totally abused the trust.

And, in response to her phone call from Sentosa, I think I'd have said, "Cannot. You have to return by 6pm. 6pm, you're not back, I'll take it that you have ran away and report to police." hahaha...But that's me lah. kekeke.
I agree with CSI. Withdraw her off-day priviledges. This is her 1st off-day and she can do this?! How can you trust someone who cannot even keep to a timetable. See....another reason why employers are so unwilling to give off-day because the more you give the more these maids take advantage. I hope you gave her a lecture in respect for others. Let me guess...she's a Filo.
CSI_Fan, yes, I intend to withdraw all her offday. nw waiting for the agent to pass me new bios so i can change her. otherwise will hold her for another 2-3mths until bb is big enuf to go cc.

Liana, she's a myanmarese. very proud cos she's grad.

Yday came home near 9pm with a smiling face and told me sorry. I just ignore her. 9plus she went to her room to read again... Felt so maddening. Aldy told her, on her off day she have to complete the chores when she's home. Came home, remove her makeup and wan to rest... I went inside her room and switch off her light.. told her tired sleep, not tired go do some work.

WOW, she so bold. Heard most myanmar maid who have friends here, are those that are in the professional line....

Think she is out of line...
joy747, ya lor... i really gave up... no strenght to scold her oso.. tis wk my mth-end.. got to bring work home to do.. and dan got to handle this kind of rubbish... really is @#$%
I just saw the video of your ex-maid SLAP your 3.5mth old baby across the face! I'm so angry to see this especially after I have met you AND her. I remember the day we met you bought her Carls Jnr and she was happily munching away whilst you were feeding your boy whilst heavily pregnant.

Too bad you are too kind and did not smash her ugly face in.
Hi May, ur maid is too respect for u at all...guess either u withdraw her off day or change fren philipine maid oso never came back on time when she goes out on her off day. Then on her next off day, my fren would make sure she pay back the time...
Hi Mommies,

My Indon maid suddenly requested to go home!?!?! Left 6 mths more b4 her contract expiry, now telling me she's homesick. what?!?! Guess she wants to go home in time for hari raya celebration!

Btw, any good agencies that provide Myanmar maids?? Tot of giving a try..

Liana, ya.. originally have very good impression of maid from myanmar.. but after 2 of dem.. my nxt maid maybe will try indo..

Woodlandsmummy, no more off for her aldy.. i tink my heart cannot take it..

glad, maybe u wan to tell her.. 6 mths she can earn alot..if she chose to go back nw to celebrate, nxt time if she want to come out got to pay the loan again...

She has sent back 1K home liao, she thinks that $$ enough for her family and i doubt she wants to come back to SG to work anymore.. Where did u get ur Myanmar maid from??
My Filo maid just asked me to help her post her mail...but she had already sealed up the envelope. Hmmm...would it be ok to open up the mail? I've already told her next time dun seal up...coz dun want any misunderstanding. just let me see what's inside next time...
i am totally surprised that your Myanmar maid is so yayapapaya...
They were supposed to be more respectful lot although slower...Maybe becos she have these professional frens whom she might look up to...You think, they have so much freedom, earn a few K per mth while she is like caged in your house earning 0 (cos of the loan)...
i sent my maid back to agent yesterday, cos she said she want to go back to take care of her sick mother .. so i sent her back to agent and let agent go settle her .. and i washed my hands off .. cos agent promised they will take back the maid if she can't finish her 2yrs contract .. we din retain her cos she has created too much havoc in our family .. .. after we discover she secretly buy hp, we forfeit her sim card and only give to her during weekend nights .. after that she will talk non-stop at hp and guess what, pattern come out liao and she no heart to work during the day .. maybe mood swing due to catching up with her friends/family the night before.. and a few times nearly subject my active 17mth toddler to dangers (eg. she din tell my mil to watch over my toddler and go for her long toilet trip and when mil discover my toddler was alone playing with insecticide! MIL was so mad) .. and guess what, she has to go toilet on average 3times in ONE hour! .. stay inside toilet for 10mins everytime .. .

when i brought her to agent yesterday, i was quite shock to see how agent talk to maids .. the moment agent talk to her, it's like shouting and scolding tone immediately .. i can see the way the maids are treated and talked to at agency, they are being treated as dogs .. no respect, no dignity .. then when she turn to me to speak to me in mandrine, back to gentle tone .. an eye opening to me .. but then, agency people are very experienced in handling maids, they may think it's the most effective way of treating maids there to get them to be obedient .. till now, i still can't believe what i saw ..
hi mummies,

need some advice..
my maid who has been with me for 6 mths will be getting her 1st full pay in oct. i will need to open a bank account to deposit her salary. Can i open a Joint a/c with my maid ? Is tis the normal practise ? or do i need to open an a/c solely in her name ?
Hi happymum
I opened a personal account for her. Reason being i don want to be involved in her personal affairs, in case she get herself into trouble with the bank, who knows ..
hi pinktweet,
thks for sharing.. so do u oso apply for a ATM card for her ?
i was thinking to do w/out a ATM card so tat i can track her balance/spending easily..

Yes, have ATM card. Cos she does not have off day, so if she want to withdraw money, i'll let her do so while we are on our way to visit my mom on saturdays .. Else, very troublesome ..

I kept her ATM card, after an unpleasant experience. She secretly passed her ATM card to a friend to help her withdraw money to buy a new hp sim card, knowing very well we don allow her to hold hp. Then she confessed to me, when her friend key wrong PIN and card ganna eaten by ATM machine. She begged me to allow her to go bank to get the card which i refused. I told her off say i where got so free bring her to bank. Then she clever, call up the bank to send the card over. When received the card by post, i told her we will be keeping the card for her. If she want to withdraw money, just let me know and we will go to an ATM machine together on my mom's visiting day.

As for the passbook, i let her keep. This is to give her a sense of 'security' and 'achievement' as she can see the balance growing every month, cos i'll help her update bankbook every month after transferring her salary to her.
