Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

My maid actually quite ok.. Talked to her today, ask her why she need so much money, she say because not only have to repair the roof, also have to buys some household things cos some have broken when the roof collapsed.

Remember when she first came, my mil also keep complaining about her, cos she will everyday help to keep things, but the things keep until muy mil all dunno where she put, only she alone know...

hi kanna sai, i am getting indo since the agent only have indo. currently am waiting for transfer maid but agent screen thru so far she says all got problem one...she dun dare recommend. so have to wait.
if really cannot find so be it lah. i will have the confinement lady for 1 month to help. then i guess the following 2 months i will handle on my own. after that will just send both to nursery/babycare.
ladies, here's something funny to share. i took out hubby pants from cupboard in a hanger then saw pants very crumple and lines all over. i ask this maid if she has iron. she answered 'yes ma'am' so i just tiam tiam. later i showed hubby then we both laugh...then i told him i think she iron lah...but without plugging in the switch...i.e. running cold iron over the pants! wakakkakaa.....
hi mummies, i m new to this thread and am sourcing for a maid. anyone has used CnC Maids agency before? any comments?

thanks for being helpful.
hi bee, icic, if u can mng w/out maid, it is gd la coz less stress ma. i hv nvr reali rely on maids 2 lk aft my kids, as soon as both of them reached d min age req, i sent tem 2 cc. my maids onli do hsewk n help ard but now my daughter P1, so d maid wl lk aft for d morn part la.

LOL, tat is usually d answ la, "i iron liao" but when i lk at it, all so crumpled, my prev hiao fili maid more terror, hid all d clothes here/there, nvr iron d bedsheets, said iron, can't even fold tem properly ... coz tey use hand to iron ma ha ha ha. tey use their hand to straighten out d clothes ma, so hand iron lor.
there is magic mop/cleaner, these maids hv magic hands ma ha ha ha - multi purpose usage lor, can b used as iron at times lor.
oh..okie..thks PinkTweet, =)

How abt other mummies opinions? Can share?
My maid is gd so far, hv been with us for close to 2yrs. The pic was taken tog on my dd's 1st birthday whom she has been looking after since birth. I guess she'll be happy if i develope one for her..but am in dilema lor, like PinkTweet concern =p what if she request? really dun know how to come up with an excuse..

i think it depends on how much you want to trust her. Some people are more trusting while others are a bit more paranoid. I for one will not give her a photo, I won't even ask my maid to take photos with us cos I dun consider her family. She's only my employee, the kind who will one day be here, the next gone, totally dispensable.

just my two cents worth.
hi there ladies, finally brought the mute cow back to agent. no commotion at all because i told her she is going back to agent for cooking training. she kept asking me how long? i said dunno...then she ask me if she is returning to my house after that and i said yes...honestly i didnt feel guilty at all with the lie...kinda bad huh!
so now i will be maidless until agent recommends someone who can look after children.
wah bee,
you good....haha...

oh ladies, need to ask something...

hb just found that our maid had taken a couple of note books (those that pple give FOC when u buy stuff from book shop etc) from us and my parent's place, without informing anyone. Why she takes the note books (one big one, one small one), I have no idea. However, on the small note book, hb found that she wrote a few things...some in fili language (dunno which one), and some in Eng. Those in Eng, were little descriptions of homes (number of rooms, condition, the kind of furniture/appliances in the home etc...). One of the descriptions sounded like my parent's home.

Should we be worried?

On one hand, its like, well, it's just note books/note big deal. And the little descriptions, well, when overseas, maybe she just wants to jot down what she has seen while she's here...makes sense?

Yet on the other hand, it's like, if she can take and use pples note books without even having the courtesy to inform (regardless of whether others have a need for them or not...), what else can she take on the quiet, right? (Then again, some of us take office stationery home, like staple bullets, pen...)

This is not the first time though...she took quite a bit for those tissue packets from my parent's place before too...but tissue only mah, so we didn't bother...

So...shd we be concerned?
csi_fan, ya i was a bit worried at 1st since being pregnant and all, i imagine she gonna attack me from behind the car on our way to the agent...or she gonna stab me in the stomach...wakakakakkaka.

btw think it is not about taking big or small things. taking things without informing = stealing! u should tell her that u notice she took some stuff and hope she would ask for permission 1st in the future. just say that someone in the family might need the things she took. that being said, she might not be too happy so u can add that u will buy her stuff she really needs if it is reasonable.
hi wendy, aft i sent tat hiao fili maid back n b4 tat siao ting tong came, i sent my daughter to b4 school care for almost 2 mths but it was too tiring for her la n i nn someone 2 help 2 do d hsewk la.

mdl, d photo may oso end up being posted in d internet by maid ag when she applying for maid job, i saw s/times, those maids hv their photos wiz kids but usually caucasians kids lor. i hv my 1st fili maid tat hv bn wiz me for 5 yrs, i nvr let her tk a sgl of my kids photos back wiz her.

csi fan, my prev hiao fili maid oso lk tat, she tk all my hb small notebks (buy wan leh) to write all her own stuff lk our hse & etc too ... use it lk a diary lor, when i found tem, she said i gv her, wah liao i told her i nvr gv her ... in her handbag hor, got so many of our pens oso ... u must monitor lor coz small tings lk tat may end up lk tat hiao fili maid lor ... end up stealing my hb/kids clothes to sell/exch wiz other fili maids!

Bee, wa so good wor, u mng to get d mute cow out of yr hse.
kanna sai,
that's what my hb was saying also lorh...start with small things. Then slowly move on to big things. wait steal our stuff to pass to other maids we also dunno. Ok, so my hb is right, it is a cause for concern...

Now I dunno how to bring this up to her...coz we quietly go through her things one mah...heehee...(so bad...but...well...)
csi fan, it is certainly a cause for concern lor, these tings progressed fm small 2 big lor, tat hiao fili maid 2 d extent of stealing my kids vitamins 2 eat too ... wah she exchg until she herself got a red bra, lots of branded shirts (since when u c a maid wear stuff lk mango, ck, ralph lauren, levis), kids socks hor ... exch/sell of stuff happens freq lor ... it happened wiz my frenz maids too ... my frenz's hb clothes alw missing n anoth frenz's maid end up hvg cartons of kids clothes. So juz keep an eye hor.
n oso went to d extent of stealing my hb $$ hor(found lots of coins & foreign coins whch belongs 2 my hb lor), so we sent her back 2 fili lor.
CSI Fan,
my #2 maid was also like that, quietly take new clean ziploc bags, took extra hangers to hang her clothes and told us got not enough hanger (WTH!!), small items here and there... Though they were not expensive items and can't really be called stealing, I was totally uncomfortable abt it.

maybe you wanna just ask her and say "oh, i thought we had this and that (whatever items she had taken). How come cannot find ah? Have you seen it or not?" ..something along these lines and see what she tells you.

the last time my #2 maid claimed that there was not enough hangers, my hubby just walked into her room and open the cupboard where kept her clothes and found the hangers. Told her off straight away..But then my #2 maid's attitude was very bad and very disrespectful so we didn't feel like we should "respect" her either...
Was just planning our next holi and came across super cheap one way fares to case any of you need to send your Indo maid back. It's only $38 on Lion Air!! Check out
kannai sai, nellu,
thanks...yah, really have to keep an eye.

ok, we are really bad lah...haha. but just now, before going to my parent's place to pick up my gal, we came home we could sneak around her stuff (but we put her things back properly and in the same manner they were at first).

Well, found a few more other stuff...
my sister's facial mask, my little pouch, my old sidney sheldon book (and best...there were post-it stickers on the book! like, how we tag our textbooks when studying for exams... why does one need to tag the pages of a sidney sheldon book??), my sis's Cleo mag...gosh.

and we also found the stale cake which we had thrown away the night before (i.e. last night), in a ziplock bag, next to her mattress/pillow. Huh?? Is she that hungry? firstly, we always ask her, if she has enough. She always tells us she has enough, she's full, she doesn't eat much. Then how come she takes back the stale food that we throw out? To try and claim that we give her stale food?? And she hides it in the room! The cake is carrot cake, which chocolate and sugar topping. Oh my...I'm just shocked. She's in her 3rd mth here with us. But she's been in and out of SG since 2004.

*still stunned*
CSI Fan,
sorry. dun wish to frighten you. Your maid doesn't sound quite right. If you are finding more stuff then you probably have to take control of the situation.

Are those items out in the open in the room? If so, then you can easily question her abt it. Can start with the stale carrot cake though.

And how abt ask her in an innocent manner: "hey I can't find my book (the sidney sheldon one). Did you see it?" Or "you know hor, my sis said she lost a piece of facial mask. That's funny. Nobody really goes through her things what, how come can be missing ah?"

hehe...just some suggestions to 'trap' her...
hehs, sometimes, the truth is scary. hehs...

yup, agree with you. We have to take control of the situation. Yup, like u said, question her in an innocent manner...hehs...I did that last night. Coz my cousin gave me a carton of Nestle baby creal samples last mth. Expires like, next week...I gave some samples away, and there's still some left. But my gal doesn't take Nestle cereals. So we thot, just throw lorh...since expire end Aug. But we found some sachets in her bag! So we pretended to be looking for the samples, coz we wanted to give to our fren. hahaha. well, there was no reaction from her lah. hehs...

My mum says, just change the. dun bother to think so much anymore. Told me to go 'shop' for another maid this weekend and target to change her ASAP.
csi fan,
huh??! your maid wants the cereal samples for WAT?? and the fact that she got no reaction even after you guys were pretending to look for the stuff and all says alot about her attitude and what's on her mind. Think you'd better take your mum's advice and change maid..

she really reminds me of my #2 maid leh...ABSOLUTE RUBBISH COLLECTOR!!

Even the agent from whom i took my #2 maid also called her that when I returned her to the agent. They made her throw away all the junk!
csi fan, tat's too much liao lor, too serious liao la, anyw, u shud b direct n tell her off, how come all d stuff in her bag, no nn 2 b discreet liao lor but den if u want to trsf her out, juz keep quiet for d time being n tell her off when u abt 2 send her back to agt la.

my prev hiao fili maid, oso lk tat lor, last min, i asked her 2 bring her bag out n checked all d stuff n told her d truth lor ... send her back to fili coz she too much liao lor.
joy747, u must tell her la how long d tin of biscuits must last ... too bad, if she eats up too fast ... tat's it, no more biscuits liao. last time, my frenz told me tat she told her maid tat how long each bttl of dish washing liq, detergent, bread, bisc & etc must last n if finish b4 tat, too bad, no more until d next purc date lor coz d maid not her $$ ma, anyh use/eat lor.
This biscuit is me buy for her out of good will as she bought a tin using her own money last mth. Notice when its using her own money, the biscuit can last for half a month...Anyway, will not buy anymore....

Washing toilet.
My maid always never clean the toilet floor and claim she did, and I got fed up, so shower the toilet before i go works very well....
baby cereals:

My son is already 27mths old and i had 3 pkts of the old cereal at mum house...My 6 weeks maid, secretly went to eat that one afternoon when my mum and son is napping...Then she complain stomachache and LS in the evening. I asked her what did you eat? Everyone is ok leh. Then she "shyly" point that to me. The cereal was really in a corner of the cabinet and i totally forgotten abt it hence already expired for more than 1 yr!
I told her see, next time dun steal food. Not as if i dun give her biscuits or milo for snacks.
That day my mum caught her stealing green tea again....sigh, they all like to steal food even when we give her their share.

My maid took 3/4 tub of the dessert that we keep for ourselves...she said very nice so she takes...see how no manners she is, eat food that is not for her without even asking...not to mention apologised.

My ex fresh maid also ate all the ice cream in the fridge till she was hospitalised...she is already sick from the day she stepped into my house...sent back to indo less than a month.
Ivy, funny...expired for more than 1 yr liaoz...hehs. but yah lorh, dunno why they like to steal food. Maybe to them, we're very wasteful, and they just want to be thrifty?? dunno lah.

yah.. dunno for what lorh. I did casually mention to hb before lah, that if baby can eat, adults also shd be able to eat one lah...think she was ard too...but didn't expect she would really go and take. aiyoh...

yah...will keep quiet abt it for now. Afterall, the decision has been made. To change her. Apart from finding a suitable maid, our other worry now is how my gal will take it, coz my gal is now able to recognise pple, so, suddenly got another person looking after and carrying her, dunno how long she'll take to get used to it...
CSI Fan,
Don't worry too much abt your gal. She'll adapt one. Since my boy's born last may, we got 3 maids liao. he also still the same "happy as a bird" boy everyday! Maybe first 2-3days will be bad, but aft that she'll be adapt very fast..
I think my maid is a mismatch for me, this koptiam maid says she loves to take care of this the usual thing maid will say when they are not taking care of baby?
hi all,

need some advice here. haiz... used to think my maid is acceptable till last saturday. Sorry it is long as I need to vent out my frustration.

When we came home from Giant on Saturday, she told me she felt like vomitting. She has history of motion sickness and cannot tahan air-con. Did not ask her to help out much. She just keep the vegetables that we bought from Giant and went into the computercum storeroom. Initially I thought she was ironing in the room but when I went into the room, I found her sleeping. She doesn't have the courtesy to even tell us that she needs rest. I let her rest. I cooked the dinner and ask her to come out and eat. She told me she don't feel like eating and that she is not feeling well. Fine, food is there for her and she can warm up if she wants. Later at 8 plus, 9pm, I went out of my room and heard her crying. She told me she is uncomfortable and wants to go home NOW. I understand that she is sick, and told her now is late, there is no way for me to get her air ticket immediately and there isn't any doctors nearby. I can't leave my toddler + a baby at home with my hb. Told her that I will bring her to see doc the next morning.
Next morning b4 any shops opened, she told me she wants to call home (when she already utilised her phone card long ago and did not tell me). I went downstairs and bought her the phonecard when the shops opened. She tried to call home. Called her sister, hb, cousin and none of them on their handphone. She asked me "why they did not on their handphone?" I was getting abit frustrated! Why should I answer for her family members? I told her to ask them when she can get through them.
Brought her to see doc. Doc says "Gastric". Told her she MUST eat something and cannot skip meals. (Do note that she did not tell me she has history of bad gastric when she is back at home.) Then she told me she want to go home even after she gets better. I told her ok, but have to let me find a replacement maid first. Took the medication and immediately went to the computer room and sleep. Cups that she used to take the medication + sugared water was left on the table. Got up and went toilet and took some bread (though I told her there's still some noodles that I cooked). Cried to me and say "sorry, but I want to stay." Told her to get well first. After saying that, she went back to the room and rest. Cups still left unwashed. Later around 6pm, came out of the room and told me she is feeling uncomfortable. Ask me why the medication doesn't help. I went to the table top where she kept her cups and that's when I found out that she has not washed her cups at all. I washed 1 of the cup and make a cup of sugared water for her. After drinking and taking medication to ease the nausea, she told me she want to go home again. She also admit that she has history of bad gastric and that she cannot work for 2-3 weeks when it occurs! Now I am at a loss. Looking at this situation, there is no way she can work. I have to go office work, come home do household chores and to even serve her? I have been hearing her cry for the past 2 days. Think I am getting paranoid now. I keep hearing a woman's sobbing but when I went out, she is not crying at that time. Haiz,... what should I do now?
true adapt very fast.

I am so going to return my maid. Am trying to take half day today to pop by agency to view some bio datas first. For those who were considering BestHome, allow me to update on their services after I'm done returning this maid...

Yesterday at MIL's place, she totally gave us an attitued (ok, more to my MIL). Allow me to rant here...hehs...sorry for the long posting.

Lunch at MIL's place: We went to church together with MIL. So HB bought food back up from hawker centre. MIL's place not very big, so the proper dinning table could only seat 3 stools (furniture had been rearranged to allow the 2 nephews to run around). 1stly, maid sat in living room, and watched TV while MIL and hb went to buy food. I was with DD who was sleeping. Then when the 2 returned, passed maid her lunch, she promptly opened up her food, sat down at the maid dinning table and started eating. Then left with 2 spaces at the table. MIL told hb and me to sit there to eat. She (MIL) will sit in the living room to eat. We were like, gosh! sit at main table to eat (we didn't indicate if she could or could not)...and started eating first without asking or observing if we were going to eat? Ok, she must have been hungry...

Next, hb had to go run some errands. There was only my MIL, me, DD and maid at home then. It was near DD's dinner time. DD's porridge was heated/boiled and ready. But I thot, not exactly her dinner time yet (still a bit early then), so let my gal play a bit more first then get her ready. So it was me, DD and maid in the living room, watching over DD. Maid very rush into kitchen to ask MIL if she needed help. I didn't ask maid to go offer help, coz to me, maid's main job scope is to look after DD...esp since it's going to be her dinner time...shdn't she be getting ready to feed her porridge soon?? Anyway, MIL told her, help not needed at the moment. She shd go and feed DD first. My MIL's point was, this maid was sooo keen to offer help in the kitchen, so she could "push aside" the responsibility of looking after DD. And then try to appear helpful etc. But MIL didn't "fall for it" lah.

So after feeding DD, maid offered to cook dinner. Ok, so MIL let her. After cooking, the adults' dinner was ready. MIL scooped out food for her and told her to take the extra stool (from balcony). so the 3 of us sat at the main table. So maid boh pian, had to sit in the kitchen to eat. After eating, she promptly took out the stool she was sitting on, and put it back at the same place. Then she stood in the living room to watch TV (in a position/spot, that had blocked my hb's and MIL's view of the TV). MIL was watching SCV Channel 55. So I asked MIL if she had any fruits. My idea is for the maid to go cut fruits and make herself useful...there was, and maid went to cut. So I purposely put back 1 stool in the kitchen, where the maid will def see it. I was trying to send a subtle message (perhaps too subtle) to maid to indicate to her to sit in kitchen and not sit outside to watch TV. Guess what she did after cutting fruits? She took out the stool (nobody told her to do so), placed it in living room, and sat on it to watch TV!! All these were when my MIL and hb were still eating. Isn't that a sign of defiance??

After MIL finished her dinner, she went to scrub the stove (and MIL wasn't the one who cooked). So hb told maid to go help MIL. Maid just sat there. Not sure if she heard or she pretended not to hear. Hb was in living room, maid was in living room, MIL was in kitchen. Upon checking with MIL, MIL said she heard hb tell maid...but maid didn't "hear"?? Then MIL came out to wipe dinning table. Hb told her to go help, then this time, she lifted up her butt to offer to help wipe table. Got initiative?? OMG. All these while, I was BF-ing my gal in the room.

Then my BIL and 2 boys arrived (the 2 boys and their 2 maids stay with my MIL during the weekdays). So, the kids were playing, the adults were watching them etc, the 2 maids were either helping to watch the kids, or getting bedroom ready for the boys (wiping floor, putting on new bedsheets, unpacking stuff etc). With the 2 maids running ard the home, getting things ready, running past my maid...amidst all these action, my maid just continued to sit on the stool and watch TV. Sometimes she'd stretch, look around. What's she trying to tell us? We could bring DD in front of her, play with DD, and maid just watches us from her stool. Even when my BIL's 2 maids played with DD, my maid just sat there and watched.

MIL, hb and me were just the point we dun want to tell her to do anything any more. She wants to act, we also act lorh. We just keep quiet and pretend everything's ok. My SIL saw my maid, could even comment (in hokkien), "wow, she looks fatter than the last time I saw her...which was 1 - 2 mths ago." Hb replied (in hokkien) "yah, eat good food mah. laze around...sure get fat."

Hb is so angry, he wants to send her back home (to Phil), not to agent. I dunno. To me, that's exactly what she wants. Come here for holiday, then air tix back is paid for...not bad leh. Then dun want to send her back home ah...send her back to agent, she boh pian, still must work to pay off her loan. Since she wants to "show" that she's good with cooking and housework only, then she's not suitable for us. She maybe suitable for another family.

Not that I want to compare her with my BIL's maids...afterall, 1 man's meat is another man's poison. I compare her against the KPIs I had set for her - childcare/baby care. She can't even do that well enough. So, that's 1 big reason to consider sending her back. On top of that, she takes others' things without permission (she takes things from my household, AND from my parents' household). For that reason, she should go. Now, add the bad attitude she showed. Immediate action on our part required!


haiz...your current maid sounds like my ex-maid. I rem when I have friends visiting me ... she simply sit on the floor watching tv and did not even offered to pour my guest any drinks. She even "chase" the korean movie "Gong" at that time and request 1 hr break for her to watch tv b4 she do any other chores.
anyone knows what is the rate like for Agent Fee? My agent told me it has increased from $300+ to $900+ for Indo maid. Faint leh ... so exp.
CSI Fan, yr maid veri chia lat too, no pt keeping her, send her back to ag n let her pay d trsf fee lor, dun send her back home, why shud u. She got no gd pt for u to keep her at all lor.

haiz, all maids lk to watch TV coz back home, tey dun hv ma, my siao ting tong alw pretend 2 do wk arnd d lvg rm when we r watching tv, her eyes wl glue 2 d tv, lk tat oso shiok, tat day, to d extent she told my son tat she wants to watch tv, so my son came up to my rm n asked me to turn on d tv for her to watch ... wah liao, but of course, i dun la, i juz shouted downst, d kids veri busy, nn 2 study, not 2 watch tv hor, dun disturb them.

joy747, yes, it is common when u 1st asked them when tey want to get the job, lk my siao ting tong, when she 1st came, i asked her, she said she lks kids but now i asked her, she said she hates kids n she dislikes my kids. ex kopitiam maid not so suitable as a maid to tk care of kids la.

Mylvera, yr maid can not keep lor, dun send her back to her home country tho, send her back to ag n let them find her anot empl lor. maids once tey start to ask for trsf or go home hor n den say want to stay hor, dun trust tem liao, juz send tem back to agt. Same lk my siao ting tong, asked for trsf n den want to stay on, well, no way m i going to keep her lor.

As for ag fee, mb u call other ag n check ard lor, mine chg 688 for fili n lesser for indo n 988 for burmese, haiz got cheated to get burmese.
yah lorh. that's what I told HB also. Told him, u angry with maid, u want to get back this one breath (yi kou qi), you transfer her. Let her kena pay. Send her back to home country, we got to pay air tix, and she gets free ride home. But hb sort of wants her to be blacklisted from coming into SG to work...he says, shd we report to police? I told him, report her for what? Taking facial mask, notebooks, stale cake, story book? Police will laugh their heads off...hahaha.

Later going to agency liaoz. Mai tu liao...
csi fan, yes, send her back to agency, why shud u send her back home, besides, wl u get back yr loan if u send her back home, i mean ag wl not refund d loan back to u ma.

Small tings lk tat can not get black listed lor ... mom wl say can not lor ... she wl not get black listed la, best is to send her back to ag n let her kanna pay trsf fees lor n yes, dun wait liao, go to ag to select anoth one liao. This one can not keep lor.
just called the agent.... cfm agent fee is $925. Fresh maid's loan abt $2,400! haiz... now gotta source for agent also?

one good news I got from agent is : my maid gotta pay for everything (ranges from cancelling of WP, transportation fr my hse to airport and air ticket). She can fly from T3 since she loves it so much (and kept asking me can she go back via T3)hehe
mylvera, huh, so ex liao, mb u try other ag lor. Huh, now wiz mom new regulations, empl got to pay for everi ting leh. u bttr dbl chck clearly leh, aftw agt bill everi thing to u leh.

celtricia, i tot u got a burmese maid liao? did she come?
Kanna_sai.. no.. delayed.. n i can't wait any longer.. so decided to search my own.. if i manage to get 1.. den i will forgo her..
mylvera, your this maid sounds like my 1st maid who ran away and said that shadow attacked her .. eemm, is her name starts with M?
celtricia, icic, anyw, u can gv it a miss lor if she is too long delayed ... fm wat i c, most burmese maids pride super high n lacked of manners n no respects for elderly at all lor.
