Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi Mummy_tang, are you able to view the photo i have uploaded? I am not sure whether the photos are ok because from my side here, they appear as 2 icons that are crossed.

Hmmm... I can't upload the photos... But the back of the picture is written

T.Wang Sa

Not sure whether I got it right coz they are scribbles...
Hi Mummy_tang,
My agt is Best Home @ Bt Timah Shopping Centre. My cousin uses the one at Thomson Plaza. She recommended Best Home to me, but Thomson Plaza is too far out for me lah. hehs...

For me, so far so good. It's ok. Helpful agent and willing to share tips and advices. My cousin's been using them for the past 7 yrs (I think it's that long), though she always feedback that the quality of the maids has been trending down over the years. hahaha. My dad went to them at first for maid. Selected maid, but ended up, maid's passport could not be ready on time for my dad (his other maid was going to go home). So they called my dad up and refunded him the money, coz he couldn't find any suitable ones then from their database. (by then, he needed a transfer maid liaoz, coz no time to waste).

So, we feel that they are not too far lah. hehs..
i chck wiz my malay colliq n she said d 2nd line "takusuma" can b "takut semua" which means "every one scared/frightened".
CSI_Fan, Thanks!!! did yr cousin tell you who she deal with in Thomson Plaza? I spoke to the Branch Manager, Jessy..... I am looking for Ex-Sin, but she said these days ExpIndos dont want to come Sg.... so she recommend fresh maids, xfer maids or/and Phili..... they can do view cam interview rite? I spoke to Jessy for awhile only as my son cranky, so mayb I will go on Sun/Mon again.
Joy747, normally my maid took abt 30mins to 1 hr for washing toilet.. I tink it depends on she got the mood to clean or not.. sometimes she’s inside.. no sound at all..

Zita, I think abt the maid std of english its really depends on luck one.. biodata cannot be trust. For the maid loan, different agency different policy. Some charges higher agency fee if you pay by installment or postdated cheque.. So you got to weigh which is more beneificial for you.

Talking abt maid seeing ghost. My 1st and 3rd maid scare me into thinking I saw ghost.. they like to stand in the dark.. whole house off light.. than they stand infront of you suddenly or stand by the window.. super scarly.

Mummy tang, I am using Best home @ Bt timah like CSI_fan. So far so good. What I like abt this is hor.. they dun drag when I want to change maid. Very good service.
may, huh yr maid wash pretti fast, my siao ting tong tk 1.5 - 2 hrs to wash each toilet but still not clean, dun no wat she do inside haiz.
erm, I can't remember who my cousin spoke with...coz she's been their customer for so many years liaoz...think sometimes she just calls the boss (Mr Tay). hahaha.

I'm not sure abt the Thomson branch, but the Bt Timah one, no view cam interview. Only telephone. yah, do go down to the agency if you can...then can see the bios better etc. Meeting agt face to face also good.
CSI, May Thanks!

Joy747, my #1 maid wash toilet for 1hr-1.5hrs and still not clean despite showing her umpteen times.... #2 wash 20-30mins and its clean only if she is happy mood, attitude problem time can wash 1hr, #3 also 1hr also not clean...dunno wat they do inside
alamak, 1 hr still fast?? haha.. i tot she snailing ard...

hi CSI_fan, i tink their boss quite reasonable kind.. met him once when i was collecting my maid. He told the myanmar gal working there to tell my maid cannot sleep in the afternoon.. cos most of their prob is maid sleeping in afternn.

Mummy_tang, i tink most like they are admiring their fingernails inside... I find dat they like doing that.
Hi Mummies

Thanks for feedback....My maid takes five to ten mins, I do not know to cry or to laugh...I got frustrated, so have to prewash the floor and let her go and wipe it...once in a while, I will stand there to watch her cleaning it thoroughly...cannot catch every day, I can go nuts.....
Thanks mummies...

But if they dont speak a word of our language ,how to we train them or spell out our rule & regulation?

I am thinking of taking maid from best home AMK, got recommendation from few of my coll that get maid from them.., best is their agency fee is reasonable.
i decide to give my maid the benefit of the doubt and already told her to use the proper hand to feed my girl...

now, she is coming to 1 yr with me and bcos of the incident i mentioned above, i somehow managed to find out that she miss her family and wans to go home... just now, went into her room and saw her crying so i asked her wat's wrong... she said want to go home to settle family matters (she's engaged, mother asking for $, grandma old already) and hope i can give her 1 wk leave (she will pay her own ticket) for her to go home... if i still want her, she will come back... however, my problem is, i don't mind letting her go home, question is, will she be able to come back and work for me? my worry is will her family or bf might stop her from coming back? i will hv problem if she doesn't come back as i will need to scramble around for help at a last minute! How??

I will be mentally prepared that she is not coming back if I were you.

Maid who cook well

I have a friend, who has got a maid that cook very well as she has undergone training just for cooking for three months in singapore by ex employers. Went hk for a month and back to sin again.

My friend used to sing praises about her. After three months, maid black face,attitude problem, hang around in market for two hours,always on the hp(not suppose to have but say friend give her)...Her only saving grace is that she cook very well, chinese, indo, malay food etc....

My gf has three grown up kids and she herself cannot cook.Will you continue to hire this maid?thanks
plim, i agreed with joy747, u have to be mentally prepared she will not be coming back.. unless she lets u hold on to her pay she earn for the yr.

hi joy747, for me i definetly cannot stand maid with black face and attitude problem..
hi ladies, after waiting for almost 2 months for my new maid, i am totally disappointed...
since i am already 31 weeks into my pregnancy, i was really hoping to settle this maid problem b4 the new bb arrives.
brought this maid home friday night. didnt ask her do anything except clean her cupboard and unpack, eat, bath and sleep.
then the next morning i brief her on what to do with a well scheduled timetable.
only 2 days nia and my conclusion is i hired a mute and slow motion maid.
she dun speak a single word to my daughter. i ask her to speak to my daughter she smile...i ask her 3 times and she call my daughter's name softly. how can my daughter know what she wants her to do? she thinks my daughter can read her mind? her body language dun show she likes children at all.
she has never taken a lift b4. i showed her 2 times, press number and press close door. 3rd time she still press number and stand there wait...then i ask her to press close door...she ask me which one...
she go toilet dun wash hands as i saw when we went out.
she says she's 28 but she looks so old like 40 something. she says she worked 4 years in indo taking care of 2 and 5 yr old but doesnt seem to know how to change a diaper...
i am doomed....i will call agent tomorrow and ask for change. i will have to pay her full month salary+levy+ some other fees...really sien...then dunno if can find a good one or not. now i am thinking of looking for ex-singapore or those transfers (finish contract) but this labour express doesnt seem to have these kind of maid. i dun know why. anyone knows?
i am really desperate. i will keep her to do housework only until i get a transfer. whole day no one at home...hope she dun burn my house down.
hi bee, aiyo.. she sounds really jia liat... can get the agency to talk to her? maybe u wan to consider transfer maid( not those finish contract ones) since u need a maid so urgently... i tink there are some good transfer oso.. my bro and fren got transfer.. all work well for them.. but ofcos must really check the reason for their transfer...
ai...too late tamarind, it's my luck. i think i will end up like the person who complained...

may, for sure i want a transfer. this maid is like in her own world. she is like a stone. how to find the reason for their transfer? they might lie in the 1st place mine later on will be recycled...

i just want to scream help right sien...

btw, if i return this maid and do not want to continue with this agent, do i still get back the loan (minus her 1 month salary)?

my previous fili maid was too smart + cunning and now i get a dumb and mute sucks.
seems like we must be smarter and more cunning than our maids. but it's like, we're so busy etc already...(some may even have to face office politics everday at work), come home still must handle cunning maids. haiz.

Bee, yah, maybe the next one will be better...

I found out something over the weekend. I dunno whether to laugh or not. My fili maid wears a G-string! hahahaha. I happened to see, coz her pants was at hip level and she bent down, t shirt ride up her back, so revealed the back of the G-string (you know, when u wear ur pants too low, the back of the undies get exposed, you can tell what kind of undies it is...). On one hand, who am I to "control" the kind of undies she wants to wear? haha. But on the other hand, it does seem a bit "havoc", yah? haha...I dun even wear such undies! (ok, I'm the "auntie" here...not as hip. haha). Oh, my maid is the same age as me.
more about my maid...for your pleasure reading...hahaha...

dunno how to use alarm clock. teach liao she say ok. then last night in the middle of the night rang for awhile then morning rang for so long...woke hubby and set the time for her liao 7am and taught her liao still like that...

even simple things like open and close tap also got problem. dunno turn left or right...then close turn sooo tight i have to use both hands turn open so chialat...

never use a rice cooker b4. mine is the old type. she on electricity and leave it...hello have to press cook lah...

so far i am keeping my cool with her because i oledi give up hope since the most important thing is she dun wan to communicate with my daughter at all. others i can tahan slowly teach but her nature not liking kids cannot be taught...
called the agent. basically it's all about money.
i have to pay her full month salary, levy, her accomodation when i return her to agent (since i can only start applying for new maid if i return her), i get refund 30% for medical, got to get new medical for new maid. in the end i might have to fork out another $1k or more. ai...
ya tamarind and csi_fan, i might get a good new maid...must be optimistic!
i wanted to give my maid my house keys and let her out to buy her own lunch but now i worry she will get lost...
will keep her till saturday to do spring cleaning and prepare stuff for my soon to be newborn.
there's something I dun quite get...we can only apply for new maid when we return current one? Coz my BIL has 3 maids...together. So I always thot we can apply for 1 while we still have the other.
csi_fan, the agent says that i only have a child so i cannot apply for 2 maids. only those with 2 kids or more, or with elderly can hire.
i only come to know of this today. previous b4 sign up they say can got conditions...sien
Hi all!!!
I'm new to this thread. I have some problems with maid and would like some advice from exp employers

My maid who is with me for 4 mths, asked for an advanced of 2 months salary. She said that half of the roof of her hse have fell off due to a big winds.. I told her that give her 1.5mths but she insist on 2 mths.. I find it strange.. Do they need so much to repair the house??
Hi Isabellali
My only words to you are "Advance at your own risk" .. cos:
1) u don know what she said are true;
2) she still hasn't fully repied her outstanding loan;
3) no gurantee she will stay with u till end of contract
4) if she leaves before she pays u back the advancement, agency won't pay u back this 'personal' loan advancement ..
5) no gurantee she will continue her good performance (here i assume you are happy with her current performance, else u won't even consider her giving her the advancement)

Why my comments are like that? Cos I had too much of my maid's lies . .until recently she asked for return home, i din even retain her .. i agree immediately .. too many lies liao .. i'll be maidless from 1 Sept onwards .. my father-in-law will be quitting his job to help mother-in-law take care of my kids .. cos mother-in-law doesn't want another new maid since she had enough of the current one
hi may, 1 hr not too bad la, d siao ting tong tk 1.5 - 2 hrs for each toilet n sum more not to say veri clean lor. in gen. i find d siao ting tong extremeli slow in her work except during d 1st day of 7th mth n 14th day of 7th mth ha ha ha, super fast n sum more no nn to bathe ha ha ha.
I'm also having 2nd thoughts on this. She kept pleading with me last night and say that she'll definitely stay the the end of contract. I'm in a dillema. I'm afraid that what u said will be true, if she halfway dun wanna work anymore, den it'll be like the 2 mths salary fly away. But if dun advance, it'll be like too 'wu qing' (no compassion) liao. If let's say in the end I agree to advance to her, do i need to ask her sign anything, likr the IOU???
Hi Kitty, wa wa!!.. G-string haha… agreed with you. Office face politics.. at home have to play hide & seek, be ‘he shi lao’ btw maid and my mum and sometimes even got to ‘mother’ the maid.. energy running out… and worst hb dun understands.. heng got forum for vent

Bee, faster run to ur agent.. like dat very hard to train la.. if u give her the hsekey, u must be careful.. most likely she will forget to lock the door or duno hw to lock or open the door.. …

Isabella, where did ur maid come from?? Japan? Hongkong? High living expense Or she live in a mansion or villa ??… I think even 1mth should be enuf. That time my ex maid from myanmar family suffer from cyclone, I advance her 1 mth pay, her family manage to put the roof back and still have a lot left which she ask her hb to keep for her son use. I agreed with pink tweet. Advance at own risk… sorry for repeating.. but The moment I advance the salary to my maid.. her attitude completely change.. become super lazy… No choice got to send for transfer.. Agent told me no guarantee I can recover the loan. It will depends can she stay on and work till she finish paying off the loan or not. AND hor.. my maid told me she will work hard after I gave her the loan. Immediately after I send the money off hor, she came back and starts to hide in kitchen or her room. If you decide to lend her the $$, write it on paper and ask her to sign. For me, I kept my maid salary, so I wont on the worksheet and ask her to sign beside it. Oh.. I oso keep the receipt for the TT.

Alamak, haha.. I will take comfort in that. Actually lately these few days she improve a lot after I talk to her..
morning ladies, since i am planning to send the maid r something funny stuff to cheer u up...i dun think i can get angry anymore...
yesterday hubby got guests came to house, hubby ask maid to make coffee...hubby told me maid walk here and there in kitchen very anxious. took chair look up and down in yoo...really tupit. then at last hubby cannot tahan and made on his own.
then dinner time, hubby told maid dun cook he will ta pao for her. repeated twice. then few seconds later, maid came say 'so i only cook rice ya'!
she use washing machine also cannot...dunno how many times i teach her liao and asked her to write down. last night went back clothes still soaking in machine...
ask her to hand wash some clothes...went back last night clothes still in the pail.
but good thing hor yesterday whole day she washed 2 toilets!!! so her salary+levy etc etc for yesterday = washing 2 toilets...
it's a miracle!
btw, this labour express dun have experience transfer maid (those finished contract). i am thinking of looking for another agent but not sure if i can recover my loan. so sien...
hubby says better to hire smart + cunning maid like b4 and not a mute cow! cunning at least can work. can close 1 eye for other things...i am in a dilemma. ai...time is running out for me...
Hi Bee,

How long is your new maid with you? I think have to be patient with her. Cos my current maid is something like your maid when she first came to work with us. These are the things which irritates me when she first came :
1. She sat on the chair and watched me play with my kids on the very 1st day she came. Me, my mum and hubby were shocked cos we din expect the maid to just sit down and watched us.
2. She didn't know how to operate the washing machine despite me teaching her a few times. She still got it wrong.
3. When we go ntuc buy groceries.. she will just stay there and stone while we are paying up. By right she should be taking those groceries and arrange them properly in the trolley that we brought along.
4. She never offer to help us to carry the things in our hands.
5. She didn't really talk or play with my gal and boy when she first came. She never bother to hold my gal's hand when we go out.
6. My boy kept crying in the middle of the nite ... and she never get up to help when i carried him out from my room. In the end, my mum got to get up and try to pacify my boy.
7. Her cooking skills also not very good. Ended up, my mum has to take over the cooking. Weekends i will cook.
And the list goes on and on.

Initially i was also very angry. I scolded her a few times cos she simply dun have initiative.
I constantly have to remind her. There was once i got my malay colleague to translate the rules and regulations which i wanted her to follow cos her english is simply too poor. She's with me for 5 mths now... and i can say that she is improving bit by bit every day. My gal likes to play with her... my boy also likes her. Her english has improved and she also picks up some chinese words... The most important thing is to be very patient with them.
thanks urbanzi5. however i dun think i have the time to train her ler (i can train a chimpanzee but not a mute cow!haha). both hubby and i r working. no parents to help. and i am 31 weeks pregnant liao + my 4 yr old daughter.
at least yours sit in the chair and look at u play. mine will sit in the dark and stare aimlessly. like bit ting tong as kanasai calls them.
then if i say i go and bath and ask her to look after my daughter for awhile. she literally 'looks' at my daughter...kinda scary.
i didnt scold her at all these few days she is with me. i even have to prepare her breakfast! everything repeat few times she still forgets. i am having some complications in my current pregnancy so am taking meds as well. get breathless easily so cant stand her for long. plan to bring her back to agent this friday.
my current maid also the same. Tell her to look after my gal, she will literally "look" at my gal (8 mths old). Then after a few times of scolding, and she black face at us, she's a bit better in that aspect now...

But nowadays, hb and I have to prepare our own breakfast. Previously, she will ask us what we want to eat. Now, nothing. just quiet and wait for us to get ready to bring her and baby down to my parent's place.

We almost went to Labour Express too...coz we were attracted by their low agency fee (then $77). But after we selected a transfer maid, they told us to place deposit. So we told them straight off, "let's not waste each other's time". Since you can recover your loan, I guess you'd want to change agent, yah? My maid is ex-SIN, but we feel not that great in the area of baby & child care lah. You want, u can try far, so good.
thanks csi_fan. yes, i recall reading the thread recommending besthome. will call them.

i just called super employment specialist. the lady was so rude. i ask for transfer indonesian package. she tells me $588. then i ask what it includes. she answers 'all documentation'. i ask can u elaborate. she tells me what more u wanna know...1st call and rude service liao...terrible
btw, i know it is silly to ask but anyone wants to transfer their good maid? able too cook and look after young children.
hi mommies,

help!!! when your maid has one more week to go home, do they play tricks?? cos mine is going home next week, we haven't told her date yet. but everyday got requests
1. send money
2. send things home
3. wanna go shopping with MIL to buy things for her mom
4. wanna to buy handphone

ask her to send her things back/buy box, always say got no money & today go Singpost, got $1000 to send home??!!!

ask her to pack her a 20KG lauggage since last week, yesterday night, bring out 5 giant bags of things want to carry to airport!! this morning, I brought all 5 giant barang to singpost and ask her send back. airport exceed bag limit is very expensive one right?

I am actually scared that on the day of going off, she bring out 5 more giant bags and say want to squeeze in luaggage. What should I do??

help help, getting a little nervous about a home bound maid...

experienced mommies out there, ARE there any thing I should be aware or look out for???

would really really appreciate any advise

hi may, ha ha ha, ya office face politics, at home face black face ... haiz, so sian, who tey tink tey r, maids nowadays veri u bin. Glad tat yr maid improves.

hi bee, ha ha ha yr maid sounds veri familiar when comes to kids ... ha ha ha lk tat siao ting tong, most of us as emply, priority r our kids, then hsewk, so if fail priority no. 1, ... wat for? i oso agree wiz urbanzi5 tat we must b patient n gv them time but for my case, d siao ting tong oredi said she hates kids n she dislikes my kids, so no pt, why dun u ask yr maid whether she lks kids n fm thr u evaluate?
hi kanna sai, ask her if she likes kids she will say 'yes ma'am'. but then her action is stone. action speaks louder than words mah.
i have to send her to agent friday because i worry about my house. she is very forgetful. she turn on the rice cooker switch for no reason...few times liao. whole day no one at home i scared she burn the whole house down.
she is really blur, slow and forgetful. she is more suitable to work for ppl who r at home whole day to supervise and monitor her. though that being said, she looks sincere and not the talk back to u type. in the end there's always good and bad about these maids. however, she is just not suitable for my household for not being to work independently and attitude towards my daughter.
hi bee, yr maid indo? huh, siao why turn on d rice cooker switch for wat when not cooking rice?
in gen, all maids r forgetful and act blur n act slow, ... sometimes, i wander whether tey purposely seems 2 b forgetful, so tat no nn to do so much ma. Def. act slow n act blur lor, so tat no nn 2 do so much more.

ya, i agree no pt in keeping yr maid la.

d stone part all d same, my prev hiao fili n current siao ting tong burmese ... ha ha ha alw stone there, sian, hope our new maids wl be fine la. i juz called home n my daughter told me tat d siao ting tong juz broke a glass jar, sian ...
ya lah indo. i think she turn on because she's not sure which switch belongs to which appliance. i have power cord extention for the kitchen appliances. pretty dangerous for her blur kind. i worry she iron then forget to off...
i dun think this one is acting blur...she is really blur from what i observe.
not like my ex-fili maid. extremely cunning but sometimes act blur to avoid getting scold...
haha...sorry can't help but laugh at the broken glass jar. lucky it's not your expensive china. hmm...what a day to start with ya!
icic, indo veri suaku when tey 1st come coz tey veri kampung back home, nvr use electrical appliances b4 ma, so veri suaku n blur ... must gv time. ya, some fili maids veri cunning but lk 2 act blur. tat siao ting tong burmese so far not too bad when come to electrical appliances coz back home got use ma, veri hi fi, said back home use electrical stove one hor n said here i use gas stove as if we so backwards lor.

u getting another indo or fili replacement? i getting fili agn coz too much culture diff liao wiz burmese. ya lor, super sian, it is not their $$ n tings ma, so tey anyhow handle empl tings lor.
