Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

eileen so sorry to hear Rhea is not working out... but the hp nubmer you gave me didn't belong to her i think, always a guy answering and will say Rhea not here, call back. when she finally texted me using a different number, i tried to call back, no one answer until one day someone finally answered and told me she had left for singapore already! i dunno if i'm being cynical but it seemed she was avoiding me leh...

nellu, my maid does that too.. but becuase my mum iniitated it and told her that we consider her part of the family, specially here in singapore where she is alone.. haiz! i'm kinda glad we're not renewing her contract because she has become so familiar with us and doesn't consider herself a maid with us.. though she worked well initially, these days feel like ROD mood ask her to wipe things she will wipe haphzardly! and all the time want time off to go for interview coz she's desperate to get a new employer before Dec 5 when my new maid will arrive! I told her she go only as and when i don't have anything for her to do coz i'm spring cleaning my house so need her help....

Hi mummies,

What do you think of annual increment ($10/year) and monthly allowance for calls back home? I'm not in favour at all but hubby seems to think otherwise. He feels it'll motivate the maid. But there're other ways of motivation wat.. so pissed off.. haiz..
Hi Patsy, i wont say is not working out, but her pattern doesnt imply to me that she is serious and good at housework lor. Maybe i am wrong. Of course I am hoping for the best. She really appears different from the was abit shocked to see the real her. I didnt bother to ask her why she didnt call you cos thats what I told her to do..i see her i already very i also dont really bother to talk to her much...
Hi raisin,
Think $10 and monthly allowance is great and I'm sure your maid will appreciate it. It will certainly be a motivation factor to work for you rather than giving nothing at all. Imagine you work at your company and no bonus and increment!
Hi Vone,
I dunno how much my hubby has in mind but I'm totally against it leh.. I rather we buy her calling cards as gifts on occasions.

Hi angel,
Actually, I rather give her gifts/ ang baos on occasions rather than giving annual increments and monthly allowances for phone calls leh.. Cos I don't wanna set any precedent and raise her expectation cos it'll be very difficult to cut back on such things next time if her work performance deterioriates. I rather give her perks now and then for motivation. And I can keep her base low this way to make room for increment negotiation for her contract renewal

ic. coz i was tinking, if u r planning 2 give $10 as d mthly allowance, then it might b still okie as d overall increment is $20. however, if ur hb is planning 2 give more, then i wld advise against it. u hv ur pt aso. nw d thing is 2 convince ur hb abt it.
eileen, patsy
this is my 2nd maid and she's only with me for 3mths, coming 4 by end of Nov. at first she showed quite good potential. She definitely can cook 1million times better than my previous one. She was a bit slow and being fresh and all (leaving 3 young kids in Ppines), we thought we'd give her some time to get used to things. 2nd month was ok. Some ups some downs...then she began to inch in bit by bit, doing things that are infringing into my personal space:
1. just took my handbag herself along with baby bag when we went out
2. just took my keys out from the bag herself to open the door
3. just took my newly received Women's Weekly magazine to read in the evening, right in front of me and my MIL, without asking
The list goes on....
part of the problem is because both hubby and I work long and intense hours, so got no time to go and supervise every small trivial task in the house. Everytime we give her an instruction or ask why she did something, she always got no answer. when she got no answer, she get it from us lor. Not that we shout at her but I'll just tell her what i think and walk off. Don't bother to reason with her cos she'll come up with 1001 excuses.
Patsy, yes you are right. a lot of times it's our parents who unwittingly create the problems. Their view is that if we treat our maids well, they'll return in kind by working hard. This view applies to maids hired 10-20yrs ago. This is very true as my family had a maid when i was still in primary school and that maid was really good! A fren's family maid had also worked with them for 15years, literally growing with the family. These serious and sincere maids dun come by anymore these days. It's a totally different era.
In my case, my mum initially wanted me to train the maid to take care of the baby while she supervise. Aft spending some days with the maid, she changed her mind totally abt the maid and realise that the maids these days are not as reliable as before.

I would be reprimanding your maid for giving Patsy the run around with regard to the phonecalls. That's outrageous behaviour. She's being dishonest to you by giving you someone else's phone number!

My maid's friend doesn't want to work as a maid anymore. She's decided to go to Taiwan and work in a factory cos only 8hr shift and paid more.


I do not believe in giving extra $$$ unless the maid has performed exceptionally well otherwise they tend to take it for granted and it becomes expected month after month even if they have done a bad job.
Hi vone,
yah, gotta brain wash my hubby..

Hi Liana,
your point is exactly what i have in mind!

Hi Patsy,
Can you advise what's the cheapest way to call Phil?
Hi Liana - In fact that number is hers. I did spoke to her before getting touch with Patsy and I lay across my expectations. Subsequently I phoned her again to tell her to call Patsy, hoping that when they speak in native language, Patsy can be a better judge for me. Anyhow, the latest update is that she cried yday afternoon (2nd day of work with us). We didnt know why and didnt bother to ask. Last evening i returned home in time to feed the kids with the help of my mom and the maid sat to fold the children's clothings. Then my mom saw that she has some bruises on her hand and we are surprised. So I asked her where the bruises came from. She said she dont know and started crying. I asked if anyone beat her, she said no. So I asked if she has gotten herself knocked some where and she said no. She also said she has many of those in her body and she dont know why. She asked to call the agent. I let her call. In fact, I am very happy cos I already know she wont work out for us based on the following factors.

1. she walked as if she is very weak.
2. she is left handed and she cant seem to really put in energy to work.
3. her menses is so heavy that even the floor that she sat got stained and even my car seat (leather) also got stained.

She spoke to agent and then kept requesting to call her family. I was thinking if she cried thinking the bruises will make her die???? Very weird person...anyhow, after some conversation with the agent, it will be likely that she will be sent home cos the agent also agreed that she may be weak in terms of her health (not sure how she pass the medical test). In fact, her photo in her biodata is also very misleading. She appeared as a different person from the photo and due to the fact that the boarding house staff from the agent made her wear 2 pieces of clothings to take the photo. No wonder when we see the real person, she was sooo skinny! i am back to square one.

Nellu - we are qt common in few things leh...I also resigned frm my job recently due to maid issues. And that time, the ID maid i have 1st mth also ok, 2nd mth...all patterns come out liao...
I'm going to crack the whip soon. Need some advice.

My maid had been ok for the last 3mths that she was with us. I did not have much time to supervise her as i was quite busy with my work and my MIL was always around to side her. Now my MIL is sort of on holiday for these 2 weeks, and hubby and I discovered that the maid is slacking a lot.

Is it ok if I do the following:
1. give her a new set of rules (found that she is not even covering the basics as trained by agent!)
2. set new boundaries
3. revise her work schedule
4. revise the reporting structure (everything to me and hubby only)?

My maid has taken the habit of blaming my MIL for the mess in the house. Our take is that "so what if Ah Ma is messy, it is your job to keep the household tidy!"

If you have done something like that before, pls do let me know how you did it and the outcome.

eileen, am glad to hear that there's someone out there who made the same decision.

I decided to quit more because i discovered that she never really follow my instructions with regard to care for my baby,
e.g. instruction: prepare cereal -- 5 flat teaspoons ; consistency must be runny
action: 5 HEAP teaspoons of cereal. consistency; LUMPY like mad!
Consequence: my poor baby got mild indigestion and constipation.
After scolding for this, she still act as if like nothing happened. V irritated.

The most irritating thing to date is that she likes to push blame to other pple, esp my MIL. She thinks that my relationship with my MIL is no good and wants to join in with the blaming so that she can gain my favour!?! So stupid right?! MIL is FAMILY, MAID is worker. Who will i side? Even if my relationship with MIL is bad...

eileen, maybe we can get together some day.. ;P
May be one day all women with babies/toddlers quit the job to handle household affairs/kids then the MOM will wake up to do something about the maids, perhaps have proper training school in Singapore taught by Singaporean, the maids loans, the levy etc etc. Salary were raised but the maids standards have certainly dropped to a very low standard. I recalled 15 yrs ago, the maids are very tame and nice. They at least will obey instruction and willing to learn as compared to now. The modern maids have pride so high that they refuse to admit their wrongs and worst, threaten to fire the boss all the time. Sickening man!! We get to pay until bleed liao!
haha precious_one, not only will MOM wake up, the GOVT may have a rude shock!
sigh...but it is unlikely to happen cos not all women are family oriented. I supposed i'm considered doing quite well in my career but have now chosen to stay home (starting fr next yr) because my family now comes first, esp with my baby. How can a maid like mine help with that? if she dun cause harm to my baby i oredi happy but seems like got a lot of potential lor! :S (to think she got 3 kids herself! biang eh!)

i'd rather not take the risk.
hello, babies are precious commodity in the eyes of many countries'governments. But the govt. fail to recognise that we Woman cannot be everywhere...if we can't get good support at home. Not all grandparents are fit or strong enough or free enough to look after grand children. Where on earth can we find many qualified nannies? The maids support agency said that the employers must recognise that maids are not nannies. Yet, the govt restrict us on the no. of helpers at home. Eg. I have a kid, so need a nanny, then if I go and work, then who cleans the house. Cannot expect the child to live in dirty environment right.....As it is, we all know that maid/nannies cannot multi-task at home liao. Siao liao!
Worst, now govt wants older people to continue working. Retirement age raised to 65. Then who's looking after grand children or be the supervisor at home to watch the maid when the maid is so unreliable nowadays.
you are right. But it seems at this point babies are NOT precious enough a commodity. If you study all the policies, you'll realise how conflicting some of them are. It's a matter of time the govt will realise that they are not doing enough.
My hubby and I are not aft the 5Cs. We just live within our means. So that's why i can quit my job. If you ask me whether I'm really happy abt it, the answer is no. I love my job and it defines my self-worth. But at the same time, my family is very important to me as well. What i did not get as a child (my parents worked all thru my growing up years => little time with them), I want to give to my children. By doing this, then we will all be able to live in a decent civil society.
What I have done and am going to do for my family in future will be my own effort to create a good life for myself and my family. Good life is not equivalent to having loads of money and a big house.
A good life is to have good family and friends close to you.
Welcome to the SAHM club! It is not a glamourous job but I'm sure our children will benefit in the long run.
Where do u stay?
Nellu - i feel the same as you!! I also loved my job but had to quit. Why are we at the mercy of maids and maid agencies and also MOM whom we actually do pay our levies and get ZERO support from them. Most days we read articles abt how employers bully the maids BUT i am v sure there is 100% more of the cases of the other way round!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is the media so interested to portray that side and not the poor employers who are NO MATTER WHAT AT THE LOSING END.

The whole industry is so ugly that, any sort of maids can come here - cos the maid agencies dont care as long as the employers and the maids pay for their service. Any issues, MOM and Embassies come into picture and they washed their hands off. Embassies sure side own pple. MOM scared of affecting countries rship, downplayed their role.

I just got to know that although MOM allow maids to go to caregivers house, but they expect that the maid does nothing except child mgt. If the maids are new and not capable of child mgt, the maid also cannot be used to do any housechores. The interview will be based on - if you wash the toilets at ah ma house, if you sweep and mop at ah ma house. If yes, the MOM will not side the employers at all....i thot this is far too ridiculous!!! We are paying for someone to watch us how we do child management????
i wonder if we shld get govt ppl to come read this read? I am also sian of how maids rights are protected but no rights for the employee. When they steal from us or run away, we have to pay the penalties even if we dun mistreat them!

thanks for sharing abt your mynamar maid.

I am trying to get by with sending my kid to half day cc then back to my mum house and a part time cleaner for weekend at my house. Expenses are higher and i still have to do some chores myself but it is less headache.
That's why I rather invest the $500+ a month we spent on maid on a good cc (half day)/education for my gal. We can see results from our child's development/achievement but we can't see anything good from the maid, other than knowing that her family has food on their table.
Just wondering if anyone written to MOM before? Noted Lani (or Liana??) once wrote to forum, and CASE agrees that employer rights is to be protected too .. Wonder if MOM will comment on this article .. or just leave it be .. wonder if MOM is doing any review on the current policy ..
dear ladies, I have one problem with my new maid please advise me if you have past experience.

Story goes like this:
I have a good maid previously but she finish her 2 years contract with us and want to go home (we try to ask her to stay but she dun want).

She is good with housechores (not cooking thou!) especially good with my DS coz she been with us since my DS is a newborn (now my DS is 2YO). She can play with him and even teach him alphabet, numbers, songs and rhymes!

The new maid come and was trained by my old maid for 4 days before the old maid left.

From then, my DS really dun like my new maid at all! He will always say pain pain whenever she attempted to touch him... but my mum said she is not forceful on him (but i know she got alot of strenght coz 1st day she attempt to wash my DS hands I "accidentally" slip my hands inbtw and found she used alot of strength later we have to keep telling her be gentle on my DS)

This new maid also one disadvantage abit WOOD dun communicate with my DS, rarely open her mouth at all!!

1) She attempted to change my son's diaper throughout the whole session without talking at all same scenerio when she attempt to bath my son.

2) my son was sitting in his car I asked her to play with him... she stand 1metre away from him just looked at him from far while my son drived away!

3) when we were grocery shopping, my DS dun want her to carry him so I told her let him come down to walk himself but must hold his hands. She let him come down and my DS run away yet she still standing at the same spot looked at him from far again! I told her she must run after him if he run away next time she said "yes mum" 5min later, my DS shaked her off and ran off again she still standing the same spot like a piece of WOOD! #%&$&^(&^

BUT she very good with housechores (so far did not cook yet) my mum said even cleaner than the previous maid.

She been with us for 7 days now... is it too early for me to assume she cannot click with my DS? should I change her now?
Hi Celine - yr quoted examples are similar to what I have encountered to my many previous maids. The only maid whom can handle my active son, be able to coax him is a 24 yr old, ex-SG of 4 yrs maid (whom later on chose to runaway also). I think language is an issue. If they dont know how to speak English, they usually chose to keep quiet. And becos they have no experience in handling children plus the fact that they are in public, their eyes are usually more busy wondering around!!

At least your maid looked at yr son in the car..few of my maids more busy watching scenary siah...

They are like that I guess. Can only keep telling them what they have to do but dont expect they will know what to do. Most of these pple are really that dumb, or I would say act dumb.

If she can manage the housechores well, then she at least still got "hope". Slowly monitor her performance. If one day, her housechores std dropped, and no improvements in child mgt, then I guess its time to review her.
Ivy - i think we should get the media pple to look at this site, rather than the govt! Our voices need to be heard and broadcasted through the media first! I am sick of reading articles abt maids get abused / taken advantage of!!
That's true. Anyone with media contacts here?

Back to hiring a maid,
Due to some changes at home, i will have to get a maid before CNY. Want to try out myanmar maids for this time cos i got indo the last time, quite bad. Phil, too smart for my thinking. Anyone used Net Resources maid agency before?
Hi I am back...
After a series of bad experience with agent and maid.
When my agent found the maid, he didn bother to call me or whatsoever, till we call him. Then never mind, we insisted in sending the maid back immediately. He say cannot. He wants to transfer. Otherwise I got to forefeit my 3 months maid's pay. Then I told him I give him 2 weeks to transfer. If by 2 weeks, still no one, then I will send her back. Then just now I called the recruiter, they told me she has already been transfered on Wed. And that stupid agent still never call me lor. The best part is I heard that I am supposed to sign a transfer agreement. The part is I NEVER signed anything of that sort before the transfer is being made. This agent likes to take my biodata and do whatever he wants. Just like what he did when he applied for this maid WP.And when I called him to ask him when can I get my money back since the maid has been transfered.. He tried to push another week of allowance again.. Really fed up with him.. Think I will be going to CASE.

As for getting the media, I will give my full support. Was thinking of calling the Channel 8 program at friday nite 1030 pm. Anyone interested please give me ur contacts so that if they need further evidence they could contact u.
sorry i din put in a post earlier.

yes i sure think that my decision is the right one. all my mummy friends are supporting me on this, and that is a good thing to know...

btw, i live in bt batok. Wat abt you?
Irene, eileen,

preciously why i wanted to look into starting something that champions employers' rights. Having said that I am not for bulldozing all the way up to the top, but I am hoping to work with some of you to get a group going.

As I said before, one person calling the TV station or writing into the papers would not have a great impact. We need to band together and seriously organise how we are going to present our case to the authorities.

I wrote to the Straits Times and my article got published. Suggest you do the same and request the MOM to put in new legislation to protect employers from dishonest and dodgey maid agencies. It's about time the Govt. did something with all that money they are getting from ERP, GST, TAX etc to help people properly by setting up the right legislation for an even playing field. Let's get rid of those maid agencies who BLACKMAIL employer's by using the upfront maid loan as an excuse! ABOLISH the MAID LOAN!!!
Is your maid new? no exp b4? Well, my maid was like yours, I used to think she block head oso, but think of it, she is young, no exp, std in sg looking after kids diff from their rural cty. There the kids no need to coax, or watched all the time. My maid 5 months with me, still can't handle my child well. When you were say 23, you think you know how to coax a child well? If can, prob cos you have formal education and seen pple doing it.

So initially I always wan to faint when I see my maid stone there, but now, i jsut tell her wat to learn and wat to do. If I din teach, then it is my own fault. I can't assume she knows. And oso, it takes time for her to learn. 7 days only leh, you gave her proper training? I told myself give my maid 2 to 4 months ah. Housework wise, mine ok liao, but looking after my girl ah, not easy. End up I always boil. But new maids are like tat.

So more importantly, you see how is this maid's attitude. Is she the sincere kind, willing to learn? If she is, give her a chance to learn. But if after telling many times, she refuse to follow or learn then can consider changing.
I agree with Mom2nat. Training the maid and telling her exactly what you want her to do is very impt. Give her different scenarios and tell her what she should do. Don't assume the maid is stupid yet. She may not have the experience in taking care of kids. And even if she claimed she does, different parents have different preferences of taking care so you must tell her what you want.

Also, you need to help your son adjust and accept the new maid too...tell him she's a nice auntie and get her to 'bribe' him with sweets or toys, and reward him when he lets her hold his hand. Perhaps 7 days is too early to tell anything abt this maid. I'd give it a few months.
I have finally selected a new maid. bought air tix for my current one to go back in Dec. She doesnt know anything yet. I have enuff of her. She stole food for the third time despite the whole family giving her a big fat scolding and threatening to call the police. My instruction to her was if you are hungry and wish to take something, you need to ask and not STEAL. She tested mt patience and stole despite warnings.
That day happened like this - I was preparing to got to work. So I told her that I will be working extremely long hours for the next 1 week and asked her if she wanted to bring the milo and biscuits to my mum's place for tea. Her ans was no. Then I said then you cannot take ah ma's things. She cooked up a story about my mum accusing her the day before for stealing a pack of milo and it turned out to be my bro who took it. That was a lie cos all along my mum did not say anything about her in front of her. I got heated up and told her she stole again. Guess what she said? She actually replied " So now how" I got more angry I actually told her she cant steal irregardless of the item cos my kids will follow. I asked her if I can steal her salary. SHe said steal la. I said okie then you work for free. When we walk to my mum's place, she pushed my son in the stroller so fast and I was so frightened. I couldn catch up cos I was carrying my girl. That is it. She is going home. She is extremely good in housework but her attitude sucks, so bad that the agency doesn want to transfer her for fear of tarnishing this reputation.
From this maid I learnt many invaluable lessons:
When the maid is not suitable, change before the loan is up or you have to pay for air tix.
Hi Grace

Where did the maid go during her disappearance? My agent just told us that he has recently encountered one lost maid found (indonesian maid) in Geylang doing prostitution. The maid disappeared for a year!

How to give freedom to these maids. When you are lenient they climb over yr head. When you guard over them, they say they lost confidence in working for you and say they are not happy blar blar....
Hey, Nellu, I stay in CCK Crescent - we are rather near ah? I actually dont mind getting participated in some of the initiatives you guys have, as long as within my current capacity. Even if the media is interested in my version of stories for the 2 agencies whom I dealt with, I am willing to share!

Also the previous agency which I go to at Furama, now they moved their unit, and its half the size of what they used to be. So, it is qt obvious of the financial woes they might be in and therefore even thinking to con away my upfront loan!
Hi Eileen,
According to the agent, she told him the first day she went to her friends place. Then second day went to her old employer place to borrow money from her friends there. Then later went to a shelter. only after almost one week plus at the shelter then one of the shelter person called my agent. Since the shelter person knows that my agent looking for a lost maid. What I am very amazed is that how come the shelter and the police not linked together? Since I made a police report, then the police should have looked at such shelters rite?
Anyway, I also didn talk to the maid. She still got the cheek to say "sorry mdm" I ignore her. Dun want to ask her anything or talk to her.
Dear Ladies,
Most likely I will be making a call on Monday to the hotline. Hopefully the media coverage will make the mass population more aware of what we employers are facing now.
I hope that yours being a very strong case will arouse interest from the media. In about Feb this year, we had an issue against a maid agency who supplied us two indo maids under age 23 though bio stated 23, and the agency made us like a fool running after our maid loan. My hubby called LHZB and they said they were at first very interested. Yet somehome did not follow through with him. At that time, we resorted to the police to get back our maid loan as I created a very unpleasant scene at the agency.

I stay near Eileen. I agree that a strong support group is needed to represent maids employers' rights. The number has to be large enough as we are talking about hundreds of thousands of foreign domestic helpers here. If just a small group of employer who changed maids for 10 times, I believe we would be classified under "horrible employer" category.
I suggest that those who are interested in joining the support group should privately PM you and we work from there since this is a public forum. What do you think?
Hi Grace - What I understand is that the police really does nothing. Unless when they do their raids and found some girls are missing maids, then they will action on it. I dont think they will find time to go around in Spore searching missing maids.

But I also got to know that once the case is under investigation, MOM will hold on to your rights of getting a maid until the case closed. This is very scary. That will probably mean we cannot work if there is no one else looking after the kids. And that is why we are saying the employers are always at the losing end. Nowadays the maid agencies all also very clever. They even encourage you to make police report or MOM or embassy, cos they have nothing to lose anyway. And plus they are holding on to your money for their cash turnover....How horrible!!!
<font color="0000ff">Nellu, Liana, precious_one, and all,
A support group is definitely needed ! I am sure many employers will join. </font>

Previously Liana invited me to be the leader of this group, but sorry I have to turn her down, not only because I am not confident, also because of I am facing difficult issues now. But I will certainly join the group as a member.

Actually I have another person in mind who is suitable to lead. She is <font color="0000ff">Lani</font> ! I have known her in another thread, and also met her before, she is very organized, writes very well, and has a very nice personality.

What do you think ?
Hi Ribenagr8s
U mentioned "When the maid is not suitable, change before the loan is up or you have to pay for air tix." .. I dun quite understand .. thot before loan is up and we want to send her back, we have to buy air ticket, cos maid has no salary yet for us to deduct? .. Or are u referring to your case, where agent dun want to transfer her out, so u have to fork out air ticket? Your maid does not have any outstanding loan now?
What if before her loan is up and agent refuses to transfer her? Who will bear with the loan or air ticket? I'm quite confused with the loan thingy and ticket thingy ..
actually, i realize the training centres for the maids are in Manila and Jakarta, where the situation is totally different. When i got my new maid, i considered sending her to my mums place to train, but then I realized her situation here at my home is so different. here she has to do everything herself, has to be a self starter and proactive... and her she will be alone, so have to cope with loneliness and homesickness... I wonder if i start a singapore based training agency if there will be any employers who will send their maids to me for training?? Also at least for Filipino maids, i can understand both sides of the situation, coz i also know the frustrations we face as employers... hmmm
Hi Patsy

If you ask me, I will say no, not becos I dont trust yr training stds, but I wont have the spare money to spend.

Unless the employers are busy working adults and the maid is not required to go to caregiver's house, then I guess they can be your target audience.

Usually the maid agencies will cover the basic training themselves for minimal costs impact. Whether or not it is sufficient, they will always tell us we still have to teach them cos the maids are inexperienced. And so, all employers are more or less accepting that they have to teach.

But having said that I think I have ever come across someone also offered similar services in Maidcity forum before....If the person has managed to do well in that area, then it might be worthwhile for you to pursue it.

Anyway, just an update, I have sent Rhea out. The agent is most probably sending her back home too...I dont think she can be used for any employers. I will change to another ex-Msia PH maid. 32 yrs old, 2 kids, worked in Msia 5 years, went back to have kids and now the kids 4 and 2 yrs old, is ready to come back....just hope she can make it. If not, I will take precious_one's suggestion, do without a maid and be the maid myself!!

Hi Patsy

If you ask me, I will say no, not becos I dont trust yr training stds, but I wont have the spare money to spend.

Unless the employers are busy working adults and the maid is not required to go to caregiver's house, then I guess they can be your target audience.

Usually the maid agencies will cover the basic training themselves for minimal costs impact. Whether or not it is sufficient, they will always tell us we still have to teach them cos the maids are inexperienced. And so, all employers are more or less accepting that they have to teach.

But having said that I think I have ever come across someone also offered similar services in Maidcity forum before....If the person has managed to do well in that area, then it might be worthwhile for you to pursue it.

Anyway, just an update, I have sent Rhea out. The agent is most probably sending her back home too...I dont think she can be used for any employers. I will change to another ex-Msia PH maid. 32 yrs old, 2 kids, worked in Msia 5 years, went back to have kids and now the kids 4 and 2 yrs old, is ready to come back....just hope she can make it. If not, I will take precious_one's suggestion, do without a maid and be the maid myself!!
