Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi harriet

I am extending my maid's contract for another 2 years cos she has proven to be quite a good help to us.

She's going back for her 2 weeks home leave in Oct n i have bought her a return air ticket to Surabaya. I don't intend to write a new contract. I will increase her pay by another $20. Her passport is due for renewal next year. I intend to pay half for her. Will also make known to her that if she terminate the contract earlier, she will have to bear the full cost of the renewal.

I am not sure if she will still be as good when she comes back but i have stressed to her that if we find her standard of work have changed or perhaps her attitude, i have no qualms about sending her back.


Checked with hubby, the D-Link we brought from Challenger is Webcam but wireless, so we can fix at any place we want. So, I had 1 in Living Room and Kitchen (I don't expect my maid to be in other rooms, or her rooms unless at night). The webcam allows you to shift around any angle you want, not like the webcam fix on PC, as I can't have a PC in the Kitchen. So, all recording can be capture in my PC which is in my room. I was told can log-in to my PC (as long on for 24-hour, 70-day) using some high-tech phone (sorry, I'm IT-iliterate!) can you can view on the spot.

1 web-cam cost about S$100 plus, and spending 2 is worth it! Nothing more costly than my children. But because of privacy, I do not install in rooms.
hey quite ok wor... but wireless hor, easy target for hackers/virus... Wat safety measures you use?? Any idea??
the way u manage yr maid money same as mi, u noe wat my maid said, y cannt she manage her own money? those r her hard earn money, y i shld hold her money, she 1 e freedom of handering her own money, nt in this way... very "qi kat" hor..
Hi Tam, the thread run too fast and now then I browse thru and saw your message to me. Thanks for the update, cause I have agent who tries to threaten me when I return the maid to them.

I don't usually keep a maid that I cannot tolerate. And my last 3 maid, 2 actually requested to go, and 1 couldn't understand a single thing in english or malay. I din wait for long to send that 1 away, cause I vomit blood everytime I speak to her.

Jo, I think you are quite stress over the maid. If I'm you, I would have send the maid off long ago even if it means I have no maid. In fact, I din have a maid for quite a few months and my new phil maid just arrive, and now under my sis training. But I'm very blessed with good in law, although tiring looking after my 2 kids without a maid, they have never complained to me.

You take care and don't get too stress up. Ending up in anxiety will only make you go insane. Just be careful, another week sounds fast but under your circumstances, would seem like century, but this will soon be over. Be strong.

Urbanzi5, I used to give my maid cash, but now I don't. I will open a joint name bank account for them and give her a record book and bank in slips for her reference. She should not have any money with her. This is for her own good too.
Hi, I have some questions regarding off days for maid.

1) What time will you let your maid go off in the morning and what time must she be back home?

2) If she needs to be home by 9pm and at that time no one is at home, do you let her have the hse key or let her wait outside the door till you come home?
One of my houserules state that she cannot keep any money. If she is found with any money with her, it will be considered the property of the employer.

I will get my maid to sign on my list of houserules at the agency when I collect her. If she is gg to question me about this issue, I will show her the rule and that she has already signed for.
Hi Jo
Can sense the tension in so worried for you and I have just written you a mail...

Hey mummies
I think my current maid is a bit of seow ding dong.Remember I wrote she may want to work till her passport expired in oct 08...Next moment, asked whether I can let her go back one month before her contracts end....Guess, they do not know what they are talking...frickle...cannot be trusted.

Anyway, my intention is already let her go earlier after I confirmed my new maid.Maybe also she wanted to test how indispensable she is when she said she wanted to go back earlier.Anyway, I just told her off that her contracts is JAN to shut her off...
No problem

Thanks for the webpage. It's a very good story. Most maids are like the maid in that story, come to Singapore in the hope of earning more money to give their family a better life. But I kenna one maid who is not like this. Her hubby is working in South Korea, she came here to work because both her own mother and her MIL doesn't like her. She insisted on changing employers until she find a job where she can take afternoon naps, talk on the handphone all day, and have 2 off days a month. Even though she had been working for 1 year or more without any salary.

1) I allow my maid to go off any time she likes. But all my maids will complete all the tasks in the morning before going. I didn't ask them to do so, they automatically do it. My current maid leave as late as 10am.

2) I don't let my maid take the house key. I would advise you not to. She may have boyfriends and duplicate the key and who knows what will happen next. Just ask her to wait outside lor.
It is a very gd idea 2 state down in the houserule n let them sign, mi onli verbelly tell without any black n white, tt y she can argue with mi, next time will follow yr steps. Is it u list down all e house rule n them sign with e agent around?
Rainbow, thks for ur email.

Babycutie, they are very pity(maid's story)...

I have send mine back to agency on Friday... so many maid sitting there think abt 10ppls.

Tam, MOM reply me.. I forward the mail to u.. not answering my email le..
As I only inplemented this lately, so far I only let 2 maids sign with the agent around.

Today I went down to crisxx to sign some documents. As my maid is ex-sin, she do not need to go thru the entry test and safety course. She only needs to go for medical checkup and thumbprint.

At the same time I printed out my houserules and pass to Micxxx/Lixx and ask them to translate to my maid. If there is no further delay, I will be collecting my maid next Sat. During collection, I will follow up with Micxx/Lixx whether they help me to translate to the maid. Thereafter, I will get the maid to sign to acknowledge that she has understand and will obey all the rules that are stated.

When I was at Crislo this afternoon, I also saw a row of ard 10 maids sitting there. I wonder whether they r all transfer maids?? Jialat so many of them.....

All along I tot yr maid has no off days.
i have some questions. my maid should be going back for good some time in Jan 2008.

how do i let her bring back the balance of her salary? do i just pass it to her all in cash SGD$ and let her carry it with her in her purse? or do i change all to Ruppiah and pass to her and let her carry with her in her purse? or should i remit all of it back home for her 1st? am just worried abt her carrying so much cash on the plane with her (and also afraid wait at the Indo airport she kena asked to pay "coffee" money). at the same time i am not sure how much cash she would need to have with her when she is going back.

my other question is - do any of you buy gifts for yur maid to let them bring home with them once they finish their contract? if so, what do you buy them?

so far i have bought a watch for her and a jewellery set (comprising not-so-expensive earrings and pendant w/ chain). i also bought for her 6-yr old son a Disney t-shirt & bermuda set, and 4 birthday banners (Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc from Birthday Direct) so that they can hang them up during his birthday celebrations.

I wanna buy more gifts for her, but dunno what to get....

I was thinking for her maybe some clothes, perfume, handbag, handphone, etc?

What about foodstuffs? Can they bring back foodstuffs?

Cause I remember many yrs ago my aunt cooked for her Phil maid one whole BIG tupperware of beef rendang for her to bring back home, cause it was the maid's fave dish aft having worked for their family for abt 10yrs (we are Malay/Indonesian).

And for her son maybe some books, stationery, soft toys, toys, games, etc?

Anyone who has done this for their maid before got any suggestions for me? Tks!
hi lani, what about some stuff for her.. she's been working hard for you and for the family so maybe getting her something she can call her own would be nice?
hi lani, i think cash is the best... if we were to put ourselves in the maid shoes... ie we had to leave our family - parents, sibling, children, behind... travel to a foreign land to live in a strange environment just so as to earn some extra money... when the time comes for us to return after having discharged our duties faithfully and decently... wat would we like most from our bosses... cash of cos for after all that was what they came here for...and let us not forget the maid spent a lot of money (almost a yr of their hardearned salary to come here to work so if they do a good job or at least din create trouble or headache for us ... we should give them cash as farewell gift... of cos can also get her something to remember but i personally would recommend more cash less gift - a photo would make a good and affordable gift and the rest can be in cash which i think is what they need most... cash rather than gift also more environmentally friendly ;p another concern is later get her expensive gift she end up having to pay tax at the customs then even worse rite?
It is safer for u to remit the money to her indonesian account. Otherwise, it is very risk taking so much money on hand.

For my previous helper, I remit all the money to her hb's bank account and left abt 5000Rp for her to bring home. I have discussed this amount with her and she agreed to it.

U can give her an ang pao n bring her to shop to get what she wants at your convenience.
Need some advise here.

I received a letter for my maid. Should I pass it to her? I will be returning her back to agency next saturday.

She sent a letter back home 2 weeks ago. I gave her an envelope and she didn't request me for our address here. But before I posted out the letter for her, I wrote down our address on the envelope before sending. I did not tell my maid abt this.

Since now I m sending her back to the agency, do u thk I should give her this letter?

As my mum was admitted to the hospital this morning for an emergency operation, I don't feel safe to leave the kids with my maid while I was at work. I will be getting my FIL over to help out for the week.

As I do not know the content of the letter, I do not want to take any risk.

Any advise.
thanks so much for the advice. oh yes, i already intend to give her a cash bonus before she goes home. i am thinking of giving her 1 mth's salary, plus i will pay for her airtix back home, even tho she did not complete the 2yr contract (we both mutually agreed to let her go home earlier once my dd starts sch and we have moved to our new place).

i just also wanna get her some gifts, cause i think it's more personal and it would be nice also, to give her and her son some things they would like and cherish.

i know my maid has a weakness for jewellery, cause everytime she has extra cash she will ask me to help her buy jewellery that she saw advertised in the papers (usually cheap ones from Taka Jewellery or SK Jewellery). so i was thinking maybe i can buy her more jewellery.

as for her son, i know he loves superheroes and cars, so maybe can buy him some toys, books, stationery, etc. i know he loves chocolates too, and my maid told me in their village the shop only sells very low-quality choc, and sometimes even past the expiry date! so maybe i can buy a whole bunch of chocs for her son lor.

i am not too keen on letting her have ANY of our family pic, cause black magic is still quite rampant in Indo and ppl can use our pic for that purpose. i know my maid is DEFINITELY not the type to practice it, let alone think abt doing it to anybody, as she is a good person and is religious. but the pic may get into the wrong hands so i don't want to take the risk.

since your maid is going back to agent soon, then just give her the letter just before she goes back to agent lor. aft all it is her letter most likely fr her family, so she has every right to get it and we as employers have no right to keep it fr her. if you are worried abt what she might do or the contents, then just hand it to her maybe a few hrs before she is due to go back to agency.

whenever my maid receives any letters i pass it to her immed, as i don't think it's right for me to withhold her letters fr her or open & read them without her knowledge. since she respects our privacy the least i can do is to respect hers too.
<font color="0000ff">Tam,</font>
Thanks very much for your reply!

May I know by what time do you ask you maid to be home on her off day?

Ya, you're right abt duplicating the hse key. I will just ask her to wait outside the hse then.
I never set a time for my maids to come home. But all of them come home before 10 pm. But I think it will be reasonable for you to set a time for her, in case you get a maid who has no common sense. Just tell her if she is not home by a certain time, then everyone is asleep and no one is going to open the door for her until the next morning.

Actually most of my maids do have one off day. But for employers with very young babies, I don't think it is a good idea to hire maids who wants a day off. I learnt that lesson the hard way.

Personally I think the best gift is gold, 916 or 999. Because gold always retain it's value. In the 1990s, I bought quite a few gold jewellery for my mom, at $18 per gram. Now it has gone up to twice that price. She can sell it and earn a profit !
Also in times of war or turmoil, paper money will lose it's value, but gold will always be valuable.

wed she gave me problems again. wash my bedsheets didnt wash the mattress n pillow protectors while i was at work. my mil asked her to wash the protectors as well then she not happy n showed blk face.

later on my mil called out for her n she purposely didn't ans. my mil was angry n called me up to complain. to me its like she can give my problems like not following simple instuctions like listening 2 my mil after repeated reminding, i hv my reservations abt her.

i told her if she thinks she is clever dun like ppl to tell or remind her to do things, she better do it right in the 1st place then ppl wun tell her off. i reminded her dat she is here to help me out n not giving problems like not listening to my mil.

if she can b defiant during loan period (n within 2 mths since she joined me) n need countless reminders dat she has to listen to my mil, n having to listen to complains fr my mil every now n then, i cun imagine how life would be like after her loan is paid up. one thing dat i told my hb is, if she carries on like this, i will not hesitate to get her replaced.
you're welcome. yes, it's a good idea to just give her the letter on the day of her departure. like that she won't have any time to plan or think of doing anything funny, and you will be home to monitor her behaviour also.

i was also thinking of getting her gold! cause on wed i brought her and my dd go kai-kai at tampines mall aft lunch, and she asked me if there are any gold shops in the area selling yellow gold, cause she wanna get a pair of small yellow gold earrings.

since i was going to Poh Heng to have my dd's anklet repaired, i asked her to look at the gold earrings there. there were 1-2 designs that she liked, i think they were 916 or 999 grade. then when she asked the salesman how much they were, and the salesman said they were $41 a pair, she told me it's too expensive and she can't afford. then she told me maybe i can help her find which shop sell those cheaper grade, i think she mentioned 21 or 22?? sorry, i am not familiar with gold at all cause i hardly buy them.

i remember thinking to myself for $41 a pair the earrings are quite cheap! then when she told me it's too much for her i felt so bad for her lor. you know, at times like these i really feel humbled & grateful, and feel that we sometimes really do take our good life for granted.

so this thurs when i am going back to that Poh Heng outlet to pickup my dd's anklet, i will buy those earrings for her.

at least when she goes back home to Indo and whenever she wears those earrings or look at them, she will remember me, my hubby & our dd lor! haha!
The cheapest is 18K gold, which has no re-sale value. 916 = 22K, 999 = 24K. 999 is the most expensive, most gold jewellery are made of 916 gold. Both 916 and 999 gold will retain their value.

Your maid is very lucky to have you as an employer
Oh dear.... Its sad to hear that..... Is yr maid ex-sin? Sorry u ever mentioned but my memory just failed me at times.... hehehe

U monitor her performance and see how it goes...

Whoever worked with you is very lucky.....hehehe
Oh dear.... Its sad to hear that..... Is yr maid ex-sin? Sorry u ever mentioned but my memory just failed me at times.... hehehe

U monitor her performance and see how it goes...

Whoever worked with you is very lucky.....hehehe

I need some comments here. Am I being too fussy and the maid totally has no initiative??

Below are few scenarios which has happened:-

1) Yesterday evening before we leave the home (nobody will be in the house), I asked the maid to close the windows of the baby room. The normal way of closing is left side in first, then right side and locked the closed window. <font color="0000ff">what my maid did was, she closed right side in first, then left side and left a small gap.</font> If this is what your maid has done, will you tell her off or just let it be?

2) The container of salt that put in the rack has finished. I ask the maid to wash the container. After washing and drying the container, she put back the empty container into the rack which hold other sauce like light soy sauce, sugar...etc for used during cooking. Is this acceptable to you??? I told her off this morning when I spot check the kitchen and found this empty salt container in the rack. I asked her does she know where my mum keep the salt, she can open the cabinet and take out the salt. I need to tell her that she need to fill up the container after washing and not just put the empty container there. She then tell me because we r not using so she din fill. So i ask her back, is it wait till u want to cook and found out no salt, then u kalang kabok to find the salt n fill up the container?? She smile at me.... Am I wrong to tell her off that she should refill the salt after washing??

3) Already told her before that before folding my undies, has to turn them correctly before folding. Yet she still can fold it with the inside out. Sometimes I just grab and wear if I am in a hurry and didn't notice I wear it upside down until I go to toilet. I am really very piss about this. It happen again yesterday. Luckily I checked before wearing since I m not rushing for time.

4) Yesterday at 3pm, I told her we are gg out at 6.30pm. Tell her to get ready all necessary stuff for outing. When I reached home at 10pm, the kitchen top is full of ants. WHY??? Because the maid didn't clean off the FM which has spilled out accidentally. I have told her many times that after she make milk, she has to check the kitchen top and wipe off any milk powder that has spilled out. Even if she is not the one who make the milk (sometimes my mum will make the milk), after feeding my boy and before washing the empty milk bottle, she has to check the kitchen top again in case there is some FM that has spilled out. But she didn't do this.

Above are few scenarios that has happened. There are many more.

I am very particular with small details. I observe that many maid do things in a very superficial way. To them, as long as I complete my job, I am done. But they don't take note of small details that might happen during the course of their work.

Am I being fussy or the maid has no intitiative?? Can you mummies accept the above incident if it happens to you??

What does the action tells about the maid's personality?? Careless?? Bochap?? or Lazy???

I know that she has no working experience in Singapore. But is this the way employer behave in Jakarta?? (She worked in Jakarta for a family for 2 years). They don't really bother if the maid make the above mistakes??

Or Singaporean are generally fussy???
Hi Babycutie - I dont think you are fussy, but some of the maids are really like that..regardless PH or ID. I dont know what to say, but if she is gd at child management, i will close one eye, else I will have to terminate her - and thats what I did to my previous maids.

Their past employment in Indonesia cannot be really "counted" cos their stds and ours are really different. Thats why I am hoping to get experienced maids in SG...and that not so vomit blood..but as you know usually that comes with another set of problems (they are smarter and more calculative)...

Just tahan till yr new maid comes along...

Babycutie, the incidents are very common situations. For the common sense items, I will scold her and ask her questions to make her realise that what she has done are real stupid mistakes, which obviously show that she did not think through the consequenses. For others which are more of individual's preference, I will tell her my preferred style, but I will expect her to remember the next time.

Mine, like yours, once just leave the container containing washing detergent empty. I don't believe that she used the exact amount what was left inside. She just didn't bother to refil the container ! Yesterday she agained did my bedsheet upside down. So I asked her which side is nicer, she still stared at it hard dunno why I asked ! faint or not ?

Saturday we went to choose a new maid. Ended choosing a more pleasant looking one which both my kids preferred. Hopefully she will have good rapport with them. My son itchy mouth go n tell the current maid that we don't want her. She cried and begged to stay. We got to bluff her that it's not true. Do the mummies here think I should let her know ? Actually quite poor thing for her, 'cos she has to pay about $400 for another transfer. But not fair to expect the employer to tolerate if she is really not up to standard right ? Maybe changing a employer is better for her. I am tired of scolding also.
My boy is very sticky to my maid. My girl has to see her mood. Generally my maid can handle my kids pretty well.

But my mum don't like her. My mum needs someone who can help out with kids and general housekeeping. My maid to not need to cook at all. My mum will do the cooking.
I won't be telling my maid till the day I am sending her back.

Its better not to tell the maid in advance because we won't know what funny stuff she might do.

We planned to send her back to agent on 1 Sept. She joined us on 8 June 07. We have given her enough time to prove herself. I even go through her working performance in details on National Day. Yet I don't see any improvement in many areas.

Also I don't want further complains from my mum. So we decided to change. Even my hb oso cannot stand her.

But I feel a bit bad lah to send her away but we have no choice. We oredi told her before she joined us, if ah ma don't like her, we will send her back to agent. We even called Crislo to counsel her for 3 times over the phone. From what I know, Lili told her that she has to be alert on the job and have to remember carefully all the time. Still we see the same attitude.

3 months is consider a reasonable time to judge the working attitude of a person. If a person is really hardworking and put wholeheartedly to work as a good maid, we can see immediate result within a month.
thanks for the compliment. but i don't take all the credit lah. it's because my maid is relatively problem-free and she is overall a very good maid, so i've had it easy. if i had gotten a lousy maid i don't think i would have been a very nice & generous employer! hee...

but then again, i can survive well w/out a maid at all, so if my maid had turned out to be lousy, i would have sent her back earlier and be maid-free. i'd rather to everything myself and be stress-free rather than put up with a lousy maid.

so i guess my maid was referring to the 18K gold lah. it's ok i will just get her the earrings from Poh Heng, and while i am there i'll see if there is any affordable matching bracelet or necklace/pendant i can get for her too.

i think in your maid's case, some of those incidents are due to lack of initiative and some are just simple blurness or maybe she don't know how to do the work properly.

for me, my rule of thumb is, ANY mistake my maid does for the 1st time, i will not scold her (unless it involves my dd's saftely & well-being). i will just point out her mistake, and then EXPLAIN to her in DETAIL and even DEMONSTRATE to her how i want it done the next time. i will give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she is not aware that i want things done a particular way.

aft that if she repeats the same mistake again then i will be more firm, cause i feel it's no excuse anymore, esp aft i've told her and demonstrated to her how it's done.

for lack of initiative, i guess not much we can do! cause it's a character trait, so it's quite hard to change.

but having said all this, i do find that as employers, we also cannot "sweat the small stuff". maids are not 100% perfect, just like us also. some areas of their work they are good, some not so good. as long as the impt chores/duties are done well, it's ok.

we need to make compromises and close our eyes to the unsignificant things. don't take this to heart hor, but in your case maybe the underwear incident. i find this is a small matter, and it's not life & death, so can close one eye lor. at most you gotta change the way you wear your underwear in the morning lor, as in check 1st before you put them on, just to make sure they are not inside out or upside down! hee...i mean, even for me when i wear my underwear it's like natural instinct for me to check and make sure i have it on the right way. i don't just put it on blindly.
Maybe the correct word to describe is "THEY DON'T LISTEN PROPERLY".

U can give instruction to a person, but whether that person listen to your instruction PROPERLY or not is another issue.

Some ppl have the habit of listening to 1st half and assume the other half. That means they only listen to 50% of your instruction and "improvise" the other 50% which is not what you had asked for.

Definitely I can close one eye regarding incidents that won't cause life and death. But I expect her to listen to my instruction after pointing out the mistake she has done. She can even demonstrate to me how to turn the undies properly before folding when I told her off the first time she made the mistake. Yet she dun do what is suppose to be done. Very frustrating right? Our boss told us once and expect us to do it correctly, likewise we expect from the helper.

Some ppl just can't put more heart to do a certain thing. Its the attitude of the person.
I think it's more of a case of different household with different standards. Even the maid has worked in SG before, can't guarantee she will do take care of all the small details cos her ex-employer may not be like that.

Just like i'm very anal about keeping the table-top clean and i will go on the war path to hunt down the ants whenever i spot them in my house. On the other hand, my MIL doesn't mind living with a countertop full of ants. I can change / teach maid but i can't change MIL haha! (just joking) i'm just glad that i'm not staying with her. Anyway, my point is that different households, even in SG, have different standards. So I will tell her exactly how i want things to be done. Like Lani, if it's the 1st time she makes that mistake, i will show her how i want it to be done.

My maid had made her fair share of stupid mistakes before. It took her quite a while to understand my expectation.

But since you feel that your maid inherently has an attitude problem, then it's good that you've decided to change her. No point getting yourself frustrated over it.
Hi mummies, now no maid, feel good,less stress, as dont have monitor/inspector but with house chores n child care. So far so good, waiting for my new maid to come.

Cutie, Mic actually said this wed/thru my maid can come, just called her she said end of tis week liao.
Babycutie...your maid's length of service about the same as mine. She came on 14 Jun. She should be leaving by end Sep. Quite pity. She worked really hard, but she worked without brains, and she has no chemistry with the kids. That day I worked late. My MIL asked her to play with the kids. She turned around and asked "play what ?"

Of course if compared to 3 months ago, she has improved. But I expect more...sometimes I think I have been unreasonable...

Does your indo maid need to pay transfer fees ? I thougth $400 is quite steep...even me would not want to pay, let alone the poor girl. This would be the 3rd time she get transferred. She might just end up incurring more debts if she continue her working style. Should I offer to offset part of her cost ?

So stressed...I think I should start working on my house-rules like what you all did, and not be too kind-hearted.
Delay again?

I dunno whether mine will have delay or not. Have to follow up with them since Saturday. I have taken 2 wks leave starting next Monday to train the maid. My mum was hospitalised and dunno when she will be discharged. If no choice, I need to go on NO PAY LEAVE until my mum can come home. If not, there will be no one at home to jaga the maid.

My current maid looks happy without my mum around. Last night told her me & hb will be working tomorrow and ye ye will be coming. She smile and said Oh ye ye.... I thk she feel less stressful without my mum ard to nag.

She can't cook for us. She only knows Indonesian food. So we have to order tingkat at the moment.

Tonight I will call crislo to confirm again.
I oso felt pity for my maid. Can see that she is doing her work. She played with my boy and girl very well.

Too bad she does not meet my hb and mum's requirement.

Last night she still ask me whether she can fast during RAMADAN. I dunno how to answer her because I will be sending her away. But I still reply her cannot because she won't have the strength to take care of the kids. She said she will fast for 1 wk and if really cannot she will stop. I answered ok. I feel bad on that.

She still have no idea that we are sending her away.
<font color="0000ff">Tam,</font>
I just told my maid she has to be back home by 10pm on her off day. She said she will probably be home by 7pm.

You mentioned that for employers with very young babies, its not a good idea to hire maids who want off days. Why is this so? I have a 29 month old son and a 1 month old gal.
Unless you don't have problem taking care of your both kids during the maid's off day, u can give her the off day.

For me, I don't allow my maid to have any off days because I really need her assistance. I have 2 kids (3 & 1.5). Can u imagine if both kids cry together? Or get cranky together? Can you handle both kids at the same time?
Babycutie, ya, Crislo always tell me the different arv date for my new maid. From 20/8, 25/8, 29/8 or 30/8 n today said end of this week. Anyway, its ok. Cause I know their pattern liao.

I told them about my maid that I send to them, whether she want to go back her country or continue to work..cos her new employer will be 4th.(in a year).. Mic told me she will work.. think agency dont charge her 2mths salary everytime she kena transfer .Cos she transfer, she has to pay S$660, this will be more debt, already 11mths on $10, plus transfer fees? that's a lot. this maid also good at lies..acting.. so she might sweet talk/lies to Mic.
Yr maid will definitely sweet talk/lie to Mic. But whether the other party take the lie is another issue. How abt u ask Mic if what the maid really said is true, how come she get transferred so many times??
I guess we are used to their pattern liao. Maybe all agencies r the same. hee.

Crislo just called and informed me that my maid can only be picked up on wed evening instead of wed morn. My date had also been changed many times, 20 aug, 24 aug...27 aug, 29 aug. I am a bit sian with the changes. I told hubby I am willing to forgo the deposit. The delay made me more tired.
Cutie, sad to say, I think the agency believe the maid more than me..or their service is like that..?? I'm sure they lie to the new employer just like how they lied to me when Mic recommend this maid to me. Haiz..what to do...
I got my maid from Nations Yishun. Service quite good, prompt 'delivery' of maid .. or maybe i'm their 'new customer', that's why good service??

Blue, agreed...u mean agency fees(deposit) or maid's loan?

Now Mic tell me can collect her Thurs noon..wonder she know who is my new maid..anyway will call them again before i go to collect her.Just incase any changes from them.
