Advice pls: Starting on Solids

Mrs Tan,
As I seldom heard potato triggering allergic reaction, I suspect your bb may be allergic to one of the ingredients in multigrain cos it's made up of rice, soy, barley (?) etc. U may want to stop feeding this item for now. To clearly pin-point the culprit, u would have to feed each item separately or mixed with items which he had previously eaten with no problem...

Baby less than 1YO still absorb main nutrients from milk (at least 600ml a day). If u want to increase your bb's milk intake, why dun you feed 1 cereal, 1 porridge instead of 2 porridge? Cos u can mix milk into the cereal and that's oso counted as part of milk intake. In addition, your bb will be more expose to diff food. Eeasier next time if u want to travel....can feed cereal instead of porridge.

For bb feeding guide, can check out

Hi mummies

when do you introduce porridge to your bbs? also wen is a suitable time to intro fish/meat?

Is sweet corn okay for bb too?

hi, sunny,
Re: avocado
I want to thank you for teaching me to put the avocado outside the fridge. It has finally ripen & today after work I can feed it to my bb.

May I ask how to feed avocado, is it just mash-mash & feed by itself? Do we need to mix with milk?
Jasmine, i tink its fine to intro tomato now. My girl ate it when she was 5mths. She started porridge during that time wif fish, veg, potato, tomato, green veg... slowly intro loh... :p

but mushroom mi didn't try... dont tink can rite... maybe later stage :D
'cos i take avocado once a while to make sandwich to work. and experience that if put in fridge, it takes very long to ripe. keke... your bb like it?
i drank avocado milk shake b4, so, i guess both methods also can lah as long as your bb likes it.
better delay introduction of tomatoes. See extract from Dr Sears.

"Mature intestines are better able to screen out potential allergens and keep them from entering the bloodstream. If you feed your infant solid foods (especially those containing protein, such as wheat, soy, and dairy) before the intestinal lining is mature, food allergens can seep into the bloodstream, causing baby to build up antibodies to those allergens and later become allergic to those foods. When you do start solids, introduce the least allergic (lowest protein) foods first, such as fruits, vegetables, and rice. Wait until at least eighteen months before introducing potentially-allergic foods, such as egg whites, tomatoes, shellfish, and peanut butter . Make citrus fruits the last fruits you introduce. Also, delay introducing cow's milk products until at least a year of age. By twelve months of age, your child's intestines are mature enough to screen out most of the food allergens."

Mrs Tan,
reading the above, do u think your bb could be allergic to soy which is present in multigrain?

thanks for the extract. very useful..

it indicate that egg white should wait until 18 mths but we must let bb try it before the MMR jab right?

thanks. how old is your gal now? you gave tomato at such a young age.
Hi ixwong

u seem the expert after lani ... could u advise wen u intro porridge to ur son? how about fish? generally it is recommended for fish to be intro at 8mths.. is it due to allergy reason
Jasmine, my girl now 6mths 8 days. i jz cut some tomatoes, minced it and mixed into porridge to cook... :p She started with fish porridge at first and then slowly intro to other food stuff: green veg/potato orelse her meal very boring lah.. keke

hmm, different theories here and there. Mrs Wong from TMC said its fine to take egg leh, ask me to start from egg white first, later on may intro egg yolk. 18mths abit too late though. I have another girlfrn who gave bb egg b4 1yr old oso...
is it ok to add the ikan bilis powder for every porridge? i mean everytime cook porridge put the powder ok or not or is it no good?

doee it matter what food in particular we should give bb for breakfast, lunch and dinner? eg, porriage, cereal, puree fruits, brown rice should be given at which meal?
I'm no expert lah but just sharing my personal experience.
I started my boy on fish when he's 7MO. I suspect the 8MO recommendation is based on bb starting solids only when 6mth old, but we asian tends to start solids earlier...

I agree with Ling that we would be able to intro egg white earlier. 1YO shd be safe. Egg yolk can be given around 8-9 mths, but must be thoroughly cooked.

think it's up to u. u may want to plan it based on your family food preference at each meal. Then next time can eat same food with everyone when older.
Hi ixwong

Tks.....start him on solid around tot of intro fish at later stage bt my mil is so keen to cook fish...

chin.. cod fish is good...

sometimes can see the food in my son poo..does it mean his body cannot digest the food? any concern?

thanks for highlighting to me. but then dont think its the multigrain leh, cos already fed him once and PD also said unlikely.

btw mummies, I would like to start my son on pumpkin today, i dont have those icecube trays to freeze the pumpkin puree i prepared on the wkend, so i just rolled them into little balls and put inside tupperware. So when i want to feed, i just take out 2 balls to feed. Is this method alright? How do i thaw them to add into the cereal?
hi, sunny,
Yesterday I let my bb try eating avocado by itself, he's ok with it, so never mix with milk. I'm so happy he likes it.

hi, ixwong,
After failing every time, finally my bb was willing to eat the porridge I cooked yesterday. I changed to white rice & put chicken thigh, garlic, ginger, cauliflower & cook in slow cooker for 4 hrs. I chopped the chicken meat up finely & fed it to him with the porridge, he took abt half a bowl.
jz wondering, isit ok to give bb microwave food? cos when you ice-cube them, u gota defroze it by the microwave rite... is it fine?

chin: i gv bb "gor he" (dialect) haha, duno wat is it in english...

inc: ya, those are undigested food. carrots and brown rice, u can find some of it in your bb's poo poo.. :p

jkids: no preference, you can give accordingly to yourself, but try to give milk 1st thing & last thing of the day. The rest of the meals you can plan yrsf. eg: 3 hrs later porridge, then milk, then cereal, then milk...
can use threadfin or cod fish.

Mrs Tan
your puree is thick enough to be rolled huh?
The method sounds alright lah. To thaw the puree, the proper method is to thaw them in the chiller section overnite. For me, I'm lazy so just heat them up using microwave.

congrats!! Your porridge sounds yummy...

"gor he" is threadfin.
Mrs Tan,
u r innovative, can roll pumpkin into balls.

Most mummies put in fridge to thaw overnite & use microwave to heat up. If in a hurry can use microwave to thaw & heat up at the same time, up to u.

the puree is not that thick, a bit watery but still can make into a blob and put into tupper.

sp, lah, bopian mah, dun have icecube tray and i already bought pumpkin so thot might as well cook & freeze it first, or else have to throw pumpkin away.ok i prob will take 2 balls out of freezer first so it thaws faster.
Another qn..just realised i might be overfeeding my son on cereal. I'm giving him 4 tablespoons of heinz multigrain cereal now, mixed with 50ml BM. I heard that that it actually bloats up and becomes 8 tbsp? So am I feeding him too much? on wkdays i only give him once a day, wkends twice a day.
Chin: I tink wat Mrs Tan means is that when u mix the powder cereal with water, they will increase in volume. So it becomes more. maybe she can put less cereal loh.. :p

hmm, i use 3 scoop (using similac milk scoop) plus 50ml milk :D
hi all...
How long can we keep cubes of puree in a freezer.. after how many days we have to throw away those unconsume ones?
Hi Bel,

If I am not wrong, i think the freezed purees can be kept for up to 6 weeks in the freezer. In fact i read somewhere before that says up to 2 months.
Oop, sorry Bel, saw your post wrongly *eye crossed*. ya, quackers is rite, can keep up to max 2-3 mths, but best consume within 1 mth.
hi mummies,
What kind of juice could be given to my 7mth+ bb besides apple juice? My gal refused milk and feed since Sat morning till now and I'm worry. She only wants plain water and nothing else (refused her favorite frisocrem cereal too..). So thot of trying some juice. It's so sudden really no idea what happen.
Hi Cakey,
My bb was like that too when she's about 6.5 mths. We have to resort to feeding her when she's sleeping. Did you try that? Its very strange but they seem to drink when they are sleeping. Or you may want to try changing the milk powder. Did you check with your PD? I didn't give my bb any juice so i am not very sure. You can also try giving her bread.
hi quackers,
Ya we did try feeding her when she's sleeping. Previously it works but not this time (she's quite determine not to drink milk, once switch to plain water she sucks, switch back to milk she'll cry). Solid/puree also the same.. when put it in her mouth she'll cry with the mouthful of food.
If this continue probably will bring her to PD this weekend...
I haven't try bread yet so can try. Just any white bread is OK right? Thanks.
Does HJ reject solids? If not, why dun your try feeding HJ with yoghurt or cheese? Can also add ikan bilis powder to her porridge to increase calcium intake. Bread and dream-feed as suggested by quackers is a gd idea too.
hi ixwong,
Ya lor she reject all solids & feed (cereal, puree, porridge, milk etc..) since sat... Only get her to drink milk successfully once or twice a day. Such a sudden change so really dunno what happen. Resort to giving her teething crackers (she'll bite and eat if feed her lor.. refuse to hold it to eat.)
She's still active and poo normal. Just more sleepy, tire, cranky (but still playful). Luckily there's no red spots or ulcers found.
Cakey: yr case seems quite similar to mine. My girl boycot milk for 1 week leh. I tried feeding during sleep b4 cos bopian. During her boycot week, her never even open her lips when i put the teats in. Her lips sealed very tightly. Only then i realised that she is teething!!! recently saw abit of it out liao... and now she happily drinking her milk again.. haha

the possibilities of such behaviour may be teething or she doesn't like the milk. I changed formula oso leh.

Your bb eating solid anot? During her boycot week, i feed solid throughout the whole day! bopian.
hi mummies,
may i know what sort of puree you add into Oatmeal cereal for your baby? I just started feeding with apple and pear puree. What else can i add in? Thanks!
could she be seriously teething? Babies usually react quite badly for the first few teeth. U tried applying dentinox?

can add vegetables as well (sweet potato, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, pumpkin, etc).
thanks ixwong!
so its the same way we do for rice cereal? btw, i am using oatmeal cereal to feed my baby, and i have a pack of rice cereal (heniz). Can i mix them to feed in a single meal? Like 2 scoop of rice + 2 scoop of oatmeal?
hi mummies,
Thanks for your advises and suggestions. My gal starts to resume eating yesterday and my MIL observe that she seems uncomfortable and very caution when swallowing.
So our guess is that she might have throat infection or some scratches at her tougue (too rough when she sucks her fingers). Yesterday morning my MIL got recommendation from the nearby chinese medical hall and give gave her a tube of 'jin1 feng1 sang3' maybe that helps too. She's not so tire and less cranky already

Btw the idea of giving bread seems interesting.. will try this weekend
<font face="Calisto mt">mummies,

I need recommendation of thermo container to keep porridge warm for at least 5 hrs. Need to cook &amp; let my ger bring to her infant care for e time being. Thanks ya.</font>
Hi cakey,

I gave my girl that too. You can also buy this from Eu Yan Sang. Its called Bo Ying Compound i think. There are 6 tubes inside. Another method you may want to try is to bring her for baby massage. About 3 weeks ago, my girl suddenly refuse to eat porridge and all the while she's enjoying it. Even milk intake was extremely low. I brought her to Yu Guo at Kembangan for baby tui na. I thot it was quite good. She went for massage 3 times. Now she can sleep better and her appetite is also back.
I'm using TIGER thermo flask.

yes, same way as rice cereal. U can mix oatmeal and rice cereal. U can consider adding more scoops of oatmeal vs rice since oatmeal is lighter. Have been feeding my ds mixed cereal all this while.

I oso give haowen jin fen sang sometimes.
I m interested to know where is the Yu Guo? my 11mth dd also refuse porridge, has been for few days liao. Now i m very stress, have to think how to prepare her meals. I hv tried feeding her rice today, and she's willing to eat, but not much. So worry of her nutrition intake.
And she seems to get tired easily, but having trouble falling asleep. If tui na is good, would like to give it a try. Thanks in advance!
I m interested to know where is the Yu Guo? my 11mth dd also refuse porridge, has been for few days liao. Now i m very stress, have to think how to prepare her meals. I hv tried feeding her rice today, and she's willing to eat, but not much. So worry of her nutrition intake.
And she seems to get tired easily, but having trouble falling asleep. If tui na is good, would like to give it a try. Thanks in advance!
Hi brownie,

Yep! So glad she's now eating again! I just peel off in small bits to feed her. If i am outside, in fact, i just buy say cheese bread and i gave her the soft part inside only. She loves it. You shd try. I read b4 somewhere that bread can actually be toasted to be given to bb in place of rusks but so far i have not tried.

Hi weiwei,

The add is:

Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture &amp; Physiotherapy
398 Changi Road #01-08/10/11 Castle Court\
Tel : 64474761

Consultation Hours

Mon to Fri:
9am to 12:30pm
2pm to 5pm
6:30pm to 8:30pm

9am to 12:30pm
2pm to 5pm

9am to 12:30pm

They are closed on Wednesday and public holidays.

You have to go early to take a number. I think they open an hour early for number taking. Like afternoon, they are opened from 1pm for you to take a number. Weekends are very crowded so if you do go on wkends, you have to be early. I waited around 45 mins when i went on Saturday.

It wasn't easy to hold on to my girl cos she kept fidgeting... Since your girl is already 11 mths, she is even more aware of what's happening. You may want to bring her favourite toy or book to keep her occupied while the therapist massage her.

I think for bbs around your girl's age, they go thru this period of refusing food and also being more picky abt food so don't worry... But the tui na is good for maintaining general health.
hi quackers,
thank you so much for the add.
Although it is quite far away from my place, I will still give it a try.
