Advice pls: Starting on Solids

u can add a bit of hot water/stock at times to make sure the porridge dun get dry up while keeping it on "low".

Hi Summer..

Yeah - I got the maid to try that today..feed 170ml of EBM first, then 20ml mix with the rice cereal...he wants more cereal I guess I can increase the cereal amount tomorrow. Normally, he takes 200ml per feed.

I read the Gina Ford book too. Time to read again.
hi mummies,
may i know anyone having problem getting baby to drink water? I gave magmag cup for baby to drink, ended up the water all spit out
Btw, can i sterlise the cup/teat once and use it throughout the day??
hi mummies for fed their baby Heinz Rice Cereal

Would like to know wat is the max. no. of teaspoon can we give to a baby?

Currently i feed my baby boy 6 teaspoons with 1 teaspoon of brocolli and carrot puree after drinking his remaining milk of 60ml (after mixing 100ml to the rice cereal)

He weighted 9kg and he is only 5 months 2 weeks old, reaching 98% percentile.. but the doctor said dun have to control his diet leh..
Hi janey,
i m also facing the same problem. Need to have LOTS of patience to make them drink. My dd also spit out lot of water when first using the magmag. Continue to let yr baby try out, practice makes perfect
My dd now used to drinking from it, however will still spit out now and then when she is not drinking 'seriously'. I sterilised the straw in boiling water before first use, and thereafter never.

sometimes my dd refuses to drink again, i will give her a new bottle. When she see a new one, she will be curious & drink. Can u imagine, I have to standby a few different bottles. Hope it helps.
ixwong, how do you add the cubes of frozen stock to the porridge? Do you heat up the cubes first or just add the cubes directly to the pot of porridge? Thanks!

BTW, anyone knows where to get ABC pasta? I couldnt find it at NTUC and Cold Storage.

Today, after my boi had his milk, I let him rest for half an hr then give him 1 tsp full of cereal and he seem like wan more. Finally, he noe how to eat liao. Tomolo giving him 2 tsp.
One thing abt gina ford bk is tat she did not state how long after milk can give milk cos if immediately give solid after milk, my boi can't take in, tat y I try to let his rest for a while first before giving him solid.
I usually just add cube of frozen stock directly into the porridge.....As for ABC pasta, I understand can get organic type from vitakids at forum. I intend to check out supernature at Park House this weekend.
hi tigger88
where r u staying? I went to a organic shop located in woodlands today, saw the abc pasta. Have been following this thread <font color="ff6000">faithfully</font>
, learnt alot. Am so happy to find some items there, really save me the trouble to go town area to buy.
Hi Lani, Mummies,

Can anyone share some recipes for cooking porridge for babies? my girl is about 7mth 1.5wks old..just started her on porridge few days ago. So far only used vege like carrot &amp; sweet potato, with pork... i read somewhere that can only introduce fish when bb is 9mths or older? is this true? Dunno what else to add inside the porridge leh.. any recipes to share? or any baby porridge recipe books to recommend?
where in woodlands is the organic shop?

I'm a mummy
I give haowen (abt same age as your gal) fish and chicken liao. No red meat yet. I usually add in the porridge :
- 1 white meat (threadfin, cod fish or chicken)and
- 1 veg (caixin, heng cai, spinach, broccoli, carrot, sweet potato, cauliflower, zuchinni, pumpkin, etc).
- sometimes will use chicken/pork stock to make the porridge tastier.
Hi Summer - your tsp is teaspoon or tablespoon?

Also - the Gina Ford book said that we shld shift the rice cereal feed to evening after a few days, and into pear puree at the lunch feed...are u doing that?? I am just wondering whether it will affect my boy's milk intake (last feed) ..and hence his sleep for the night.
<font color="0000ff">ixwong,</font>
Thanks for your reply! Will try to make the stock. I think my son is kinda sick of eating porridge everyday. Want to make something else for him to try. Will be making chicken marcaroni this weekend.

<font color="ff6000">weiwei,</font>
Where in woodlands pls? I stay in Yishun. Thanks!
<font color="ff0000">Im a Mummy,</font>
I use 4 types of rice grains to make Keanes porridge. He is turning one in 3 days time.
White rice, brown rice, sweet brown rice and millets.
1 meat fish (thread fin, cod fish), pork, chicken or beef
2 vege caixin, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, tomato, sweet pea, potato

Sometimes I will add tofu and egg into the porridge. Since your gal is 7mths old, you can skip
the egg.
ixwong, tigger:
the shop is at woodlands St 32 blk 326, but i duno the unit no, sorrie
I went to the coffee shop there for dinner twice and chance upon it. Hope u able to find it.

I just bot the Healthy Times Oatmeal Cereal, do i need to store it in fridge?
I have also prepared the ikan bilis powder after Lani hv posted the method. But I hv a qn, is it alright if there are some fine bones in it? will it cause choking hazard? can anyone enlighten me pls? thanks!
<font color="0000ff">weiwei,</font>
I keep the Oatmeal cereal in those Tupperware airtight container. I didnt store it in the fridge.
Thanks for the address. Will go check out.
can we use frozen vege to make puree? cos i went to mustafa centre and bought frozen peas and frozen spinach. so can i steam the spinach then freeze it in the ice cubes container like sweet potato?
wat i want to noe are frozen vege safe for babies? say frozen spinach, frozen cauliflower, all can also freeze for one mth?

can 8mth baby eat tofu? wat brand of tofu? how to cook the tofu to give wif porridge?

is gina ford bk good? how much? wats inside? cos many bks i read are mainly westernernized.. even the bk 'feed my child right' - for asian parents, also westernized..

anyway, i do read in bks that gives me example like,
breakfast - formula milk
1tsp pear puree

tea - formula milk
2tsp pureed vegetable

so wat does that mean? rightaway after finishing the 150ml milk, give the puree by spoon? i feel weird cos after dink milk y must give the puree.. or do it the other way round?
Hi chin

My tsp mean teaspoon and I did not follow strictly to gina ford bk cos it really depend whether ur bb can take it or not. I will introduce pear, appeal, sweet potatoes etc. slowly. I plan to let my boi take plain cereal for two weeks first before introduce other veg to him. However, during this period, if he had difficulty in passing motion, we can cook pear puree and feed to bb. So far so gd, no contispation yet.

As for dinner part, I will introduce it to my boi once I feel tat he is really for second meal in a day.

Hope this help. Cheers.
Hi, nur, how u feeling? Hope yr cough/ flu totally healed &amp; u feeling great.

Re: frozen veggies
It's safe to use frozen veggies to make purees for freezing, should be ok to keep for max 1 mth. Pls correct me if I'm wrong, mummies.

Re: tofu
I just chop the tofu into very small bits &amp; mixed into the porridge when it's almost ready &amp; cook for another 10 mins.

Actually, Farhanah very big already, can feed her solids first, then later when she hungry feed her milk. tuffy posted her gal's feeding schedule in our July thread, can use that as a reference.
hi ladies
could i check with you
1) if blender/chopper is necessary when preparing semi/solid food for bb? what brand is good?
2) we can introduce semi solid to bb when bb is in 4th mth?
Hi sunny

I had juz started to give my 4.5 mths old boi rice cereal and I also bought a mini blender from Philip at $45 plus. Very easy to use and wash.
hi mummies,
sorry i've been MIA for a few days now 1yr old dd has recently started behaving like a toddler, ie. refusing to eat her food (porridge)! apparently, this sudden disinterest in food and refusal to eat is VERY normal once they turn a year old, and may continue for 1-2mths. needless to say, it's been slightly streesful for me these past few days (plus she's been having a cold for the past 1 week), and also VERY tiring, as i have to cook 3 different meals EVERY SINGLE DAY so as to give her variety in her diet...

so now i have to plan her daily meals a week in advance, and do weekly grocery shopping. this is what her menu for tomorrow will be:

b'fast: cheese toast
lunch: risotto
dinner: ABC pasta w/ chicken soup

i did ALOT of reading up past few days, and also spoke to a few other mummies on this forum with toddlers, and all said that this phase is very normal. so to all of you whose bbs are about to turn 1yr old soon, be prepared hor! hee...

anyway, i doubt i can have much time to post on thsi forum for now, as my days are spent busily cooking lunch and dinner for her, on top of my other household and childcare duties.
do we need to get permission from PD to start semi solid?
how frequent do you give the cereal? you add milk to mix the rice cereal?
sorry, so many questions.. :p
hi mummies,
My bb is 7mth can I introduce egg yolk to her? If ok I can just mix some egg yolk to her porridge or cereal is it? Thanks for advise.
I oso stay in Yishun! I think there are a organic product shop in Yishun which oso carry bb products, at Chong Pang Wet Market (beside the stalls that sell pork). I intend to check it out tomorrow.
dear mummies
need some advise here....

how do i prepare and cook vegetables puree for my gal? i thinking of starting with spinach ....what other vegetable puree can i feed her with?

and i saw some mummies giving their babies zuchinni? do i just give my baby raw?

Hi sunny

1)do we need to get permission from PD to start semi solid? : Best to consult ur PD first. When my boi was 4mth old, my PD ask me whether I give solid and I say not yet. PD then said can give solid in another 2 weeks time.

2)how frequent do you give the cereal? you add milk to mix the rice cereal? : I start by giving one a day during his afternoon feed around 12plus or 1pm. After his milk, I let him rest for a while then give him cereal and yes, I mix the milk to the cereal but u had to try whether ur bb like it watery or more thicker.

Hope this help.

oh ya, u noe we don't mix the cereal to the milk bottle rite. cos it may cause bb to choke and make they unnessary full.
oh, then i better check with PD 1st. worried that my mil will give to my gal before asking me...
then, how much cereal to give? grinded brown rice with the herb called shi shen ok for bb at 4th mth of not?
<font color="0000ff">ixwong,</font>
Pls update me once you visit the organic shop in Chong Pang. Thanks!!
BTW, which part of Yishun are you staying? I am nearer to Khatib.
hi sp,

my cough n flu no more but nowadays im vomiting everyday. but my menses also here. losing alot of blood yet vomiting.. dunno y leh.. been four days oredi..

tenx for the reply regarding frozen vege. well, i dun eat vege so its a waste to buy one bunch everyday just for baby. so i just buy frozen ones then puree. actually dunno i puree correct or not. me everything also dunno mah..

u havent told me wat brand of tofu to buy.. and wat kind? silken or watsoever?
I stay in BLK 300+. Will let u know once I check out the organic shop.

when introducing cereal, follow the instructions listed on the box and increase the amt progressively.

Bortei Khan
For veg puree, u can boil or steam the veg till tender before blending it. U can try giving broccoli, zuchinni, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, sweet pea, sweet potato and potato. My ds loves sweet potato. For spinach, it has quite a strong taste and bb may not like it on its own, so u can mix it with potato. NO raw veg for bb, all must be cooked thoroughly.

Start off with 1 teaspoon of cereal and increase by half teaspoon every 3 to 4 days, or if ur bb is able to finish all. Not to sure abt sishen powder. Better to consult ur PD.
I checked out both the organic shops in Yishun. They dun carry any bb products or cereal.
If u ever go down to the woodlands store mentioned by weiwei, can I ton-pang u buy bb cereal?
Hi, mummies!

Do you know of any useful and good Chinese websites on this topic? I would like to share some of these info and recipes with my mom, thanks!!!

BTW, is it true that we must wait till bb is doubled her/his birth weight before we start semi-solids?? I heard that we should start by offering vegetable soup or fruit juice first before introducing semi-solids, is that true as well?
Hi mummies who give Earth Best or Healthy Times cereal,

Can I check whether u add veggie or fruits in the cereal? My bb seem not to like it plain. What do u add in the cereal if so? Thanks

for cauliflower / veg etc can we so the same method as potato/ carrot cook then freeze?

what fruit to give as juice for 7 month? i read not to give cirtus fruits?

can i ask if anyone buy the yu ren sheng si shen fen to feed their baby. i heard from my aunty that it is good, next time can give to baby? need some feedback from the mums here. thanks.
i started solids at 5 1/2mths and didn't wait till birth weight to double. i started off with puree pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, pear, avocado, rice cereal etc.and watch out for allergy.

Yes, you can add veg or fruits in your cereal. A lot of things you can add like those I mention above.

i bought the Eu Yang San Si Shen Powder. My gal is 9 1/2mths now and I only use it recently. Normally, will add into her porridge and soup. You need to let it cook for a while. I will add into porridge and soup 1/2 hr before feeding.
My colleague taught me to boil the si shen powder with water. After that we will use that water to make milk for bb for the whole day. Cos it doesn't taste very nice, since she doesn't eat it, at least this way, she will still get the goodness out of it.

becky cat,
i read that its not good to give fruit juice to bb. Esp if drinking from the milk bottle cos it may cause tooth decay. if you want to give bb, best to use a cup.
<font color="0000ff">ixwong,</font>
sure, if i go to the woodlands shop, will help you get the cereal. Which one do you want?

BTW, i managed to get the ABC pasta liao. Found it in the provision shop opposite my flat. Keane doesnt like it when I tried cooking it with chicken soup. He still prefers his porridge.
Hi mummies,

Did any of you give taro puree as one of baby's first foods? I was thinking of offering it to my baby, but havent seen any info about it online. Do you think I can give it to my 6.5mth old baby? Thanks!
ixwong tks for the info! =))

re:si shen feng powder
i recently bought the Yu Ren Sang Brown Rice powder with Si shen ...anyone trying that? can share comments?

now my gal still have some of the nestle brown rice with milk to go, dun know if can alternative her these two types of brown rice?

Hi, mummies,
Re: avocado
I bought an avocado that was not ripe. It's been sitting in the fridge for >1 week, still very hard &amp; still not ripe. Anyone knows what I should do to make it ripen faster?

Hi, melbz,
Sorry I haven't heard of taro...

Hi, Lani,
Thanks for sharing abt Sarah! Enjoy planning, shopping &amp; cooking for her, sbe's very lucky to have a resourceful &amp; innovative mummy like u.
