Advice pls: Starting on Solids

Hi ixwong.
Usually after blending the corn, I would press it through the strainer. After which, I'm left with alot of skins. 2 cobs gives about 4 cubes... alot of wastage...

I use frozen corn, will cook first before blend.

Maybe will try again by pressing it thru strainer, but find it a bit ley chey....
Hi Seabreeze,

Thanks for sharing. You still remember me. LOL.

I've followed your advice for a couple of days already. Does her schedule below sound alright?

0630 am 165 ml milk
0930 am 6 tsp rice cereal + half jar of fruit puree
1230 pm 165 milk
1530 pm 6 tsp rice cereal
1830 pm 165 milk

Should I replace one of the solid meal with porridge instead?
friend ...

yar from the leap pad bulk purchase right

hmmm would recommend that you swap both the milk feed with the solid feed to something like this

0630am 165ml milk
0930am 165ml milk
1230pm 6 tsp rice cereal + half jar of fruit puree
1530 pm 165ml milk
1830 pm 6 tsp rice cereal

the reason being that the solid should be taken at our lunch & dinner time while milk to be taken as 'tea break'

although in terms of nutrition value it makes no diff but its more of training them to have good eating habits

yar u can start porridge anytime now
hi pls advise, long do u dry the ikan bilis before toasting it in the toaster? do u know when the advocado is ripe? do we just leave st room temp for it to ripe? do u just scrape and feed directly or mixed in with cereal / porridge?

thanx for the help

Hi pls advise,

anyone buy brown rice to grind into powder yourself to make the rice cereal for 6month old baby? Is VITA brown rice (California) from Cold Storage ok to be used? the texture is light brown not the reddish type.

Hi mummies,

re- pasta for babies

what kind of pasta can we use? can we use the type we adults eat? eg. fusilli, elbow etc. or must we get specially for babies? get from where?

any pasta recipes to share? my girl just turned 8mths
is it a norm for baby's milk intake to drop when first starting on cereals? And for their sleep patterns to change?

I'm on Day 5 of weaning and my girl's milk intake for each feed has dropped from 180ml to 150ml, and she can last longer between feeds. Also she has started waking at night. before i started her on cereal,she slept through. Just wondering if there's any correlation and why.
Hi meixue

you previously posted at the thread for Maids izit?

Bbs starting on solids will prefer the tastier solid foods compared to their plain milk. Hence, tt explains the reduction in milk intake. Feeding interval is longer now as solid foods is more filling to the stomach (more filling so also reduce milk intake). Waking at night since on cereal??? Hehehe.. maybe your little girl is looking for supper
Good appetite huh!
HI there

Any recommendation for blender for bb food?
I have a brand new Philips blender tt is a gift. It comes with a dry miller. I dunno much abt cooking, can anyone enlighten me wat to use for each of these:
1) Dry miller
2) Chopper
3) Blender

hi mummies, is it ok not to cook fruits (apple, pear)before feeding baby? my boy is 5.5mths now, and so far have fed him cereal, apple, pear and carrot puree. but my MIl did not cook the fruits. so was wondering if that is ok.

also when should the lunch milk feed be replaced by cereal. now i'm still feeding him his usual 7Oz milk followed by a few tsp of cereal until he doesnt want. when should i feed him cereal only?? how to gauge? thanks

hey so u r here also. Better to cook fruit first until bb around 7mths then can feed raw fruit. Usually, I feed my boi milk first and after about 15min to half an hour then feed him half a bowl of cereal. If everything together, too much for his stomach to take.
hello all,

my baby is 6 months. i just started solid for her 2 weeks ago.

i used threadfin bones with some fish meat to make stock for her. i freeze it into ice cubes. this week i just cook 2 ice cubes with brown rice and carrot or spinches. is it a good way to cook for my daughter?

or is it too early for her to start on fish stock?

when can introduce dried scallops to her porridge?

thanks alot!
Hi Mummies,

My baby is approaching 7.5mths, and I tried feeding him cod fish last week. He totally rejected it! Smelt it, and shut his mouth. He didn't like the taste of it even though I mixed it with his favourite vegs. Blending it with porridge didn't help either. I reckon its the fishy smell that puts him off. Anyone has this problem? Should I try threadfin instead? Or is there something I could do to mask the fishy smell and taste? Thanks!
May I confirm with experience mummies that freezed sweet potatoes pureen can last for 1 week?
How about uncook one? I got another uncooked one (bought on Sun) thot of making the pureen and freeze it for 2-3weeks instead of throwing it away. I need to store for so long cos bb only back on weekend.
hi melbz,
My gal reject the threadfin (I din find the porridge fishy smell leh..). I got to mix the porridge with cereal before she wants to eat it.
Hi cakey,
Frozen veg purees can last for abt 6 weeks to 2 months. I am not sure about uncooked ones. I think root veg won't spoil so fast.
u got to make your own ikan bilis powder. Dun think they sold it outside.

u can add 1 slice of ginger into the porridge to get rid of fishy smell. just remember to remove it if u blend the porridge after it's done.

frozen pureen can last for 1 month at least. Uncooked one in fridge can usually last 1 week minimum.

New to this thread...maybe able to give some tips on cooking fish.

Wat i usually do is cook the grains (be it rice, millet, sweet rice or brown rice) in chicken and veggies soup stock with 2 garlic. The chicken and veggies soup stock help to mask the fishy smell of fish. Oso try cooking spinach with smell will be much reduced. Add root veggies such as pumpkin, butternut squash, carrots or sweet potato to sweeten the porridge, oso they go well with spinach.

For cod fish, try steaming it with 1 bay leave and milk...after cooked, discard the bay leave, milk can be added to porridge. I found my baby doesn't really like cod too. Another way i did was to pan fry it with a crushed garlic and then blend together with the porridge.

I keep root veggies in the fridge, it helps to prolong their shelf life.
hi mummies,
Thanks for your advise on puree storage.

any mummy giving your bb (below 1yr) the same porridge for 2 meals? I started cooking abt 3hrs before lunch using slow cooker and I let it cont to be on low setting. I only off it abt afternoon. The porridge is still warm an hour later inside the cooker so I continue to give bb the same porridge. Is it OK cos I heard might introduce 'wind'? So far tired 2 times bb seems fine.

Btw. how do we know there's 'wind' in bb? Cranky with hard tummy? My MIL discourages me to give sweet potatoes as she thinks it might cos wind. But I see so many bb here taking it.. Also my gal likes it too. Not sure how to tell/prove to MIL that it's ok (not 'windy') on my gal hehe...
Hi cakey, ixwong and sammi,

Thanks for the valuable advise. I combined everyones' suggestions. This time round, I used 'ma yao yu' (cantonese), instead of snow fish. Added a slice of ginger, carrots, sweet potato and spinach to cook the porridge. At the start of the meal, I mixed a few spoons of prepared cereal with his porridge. He finished all the porridge today, albeit it took ageeess. I still think that there was a fishy smell as it turned cold, but at least he ate the whole lot. YAY! Thanks everyone! Will try to introduce macaroni and cheese soon.

sammi, will try your other method of cooking next time.
hallo mummies.... got a questions..

my gal is almost 1 yr.. but seems to be v choosy in terms of food.. she doesn't like fruits like papaya & yogart.. so far only eats apple (that is also very little..she doesn't eat the pureen apple also..she like it in small pieces where she can chew ..but she always get choked when she tries to swallow the apple)..any suggestion how to let my gal accept more variety of food?
Maybe cut the apple into very thin slices/ bits? Will it help to stop her from choking? Or else steam it softer? A bit more work though.

Will your gal accept other fruits in nice shapes? Or else last resort make into juice for her to drink?
Hi Melbz
You're welcome...good to hear your baby's starting to accept fish...usually they get bored eating the same thing...mine had fish for about 4 poor thing, till one day he just refused to eat and made a scene. Then i gave him chicken, and later beef which made meal time less stressful.

Hi Cakey
Dunno anything about creating wind in stomach but try not to make 1 pot for 2 meals as vitamins and nutrients from veggies can be lost when cook for too long. I gave my boy sweet potato too, at least 2 times a week, but i dun notice he being "windy". Otherwise, use "Ru-you" (nutmeg oil) on her stomach after her helps to expel wind in the tummy.

Hi llynn,
Try introducing more variety, like mango, nectarine, peaches, bananas....nectarine and peaches if too hard can be steamed for 10 - 15 mins before giving. Oso k try mixing fruit puree, like apple/pear and dried apricot, the sweetness of dried apricot might make her eat. I realise some babies just dun like yogurt in the beginning...mine was like that...very ah-pek, I gave him and he started to puke out...but i'll try again when he's older. And like wat sp said, make the fruits more attractive by cutting into different shapes.
my boy is a fussy eater. He doesn't like papaya and yoghurt too. The smell puts him off. He's got a bad habit... always smells the food before he eats it. Natural yoghurt smells a little sour, so I add in his favourite pureed fruit. He LOVES it... takes the first few mouthfuls with a sour face, but will still open his mouth for more.

Do you cook the apples? The cooking process brings out the sourness of the apple, so its more sour that sweet.
hi mummies:
currently, my 7mths ger is taking 3 milkfeed and 2 meals per day.
1st feed milk
2nd feed porridge
3rd feed milk
4th feed porridge/cereal
5th feed milk

when can we start to replace milk with another meal? and when should we totally replace the milkfeed with all meals?
cakey ...

what i do is that i cook the plain porridge for 2 meals but only when its near YC's meal time then i will take out the necessary portion ... add in the fish, vege, toufu etc then cook using the gas stove

v troublesome but at least he eats the porridge lar ... so effort not wasted
hi seabreeze,
can i ask what type of toufu you feed your baby? how many months is he now? when did you start giving toufu?

when can i start to give fruit juice to baby and what are the recommended ones?

for green veg, what are the choices available? can bb eat any type of veg, anything to avoid?
milkmilk ...

i bought the normal silken toufu from NTUC and my boy is going to 8mths in a few days time ... just intro last weekend only

me never give juice ler ... now he only drink plain water n BM =p

my mum give the 'hoy cai' ... i think the other good choice is brocolli

hmmm think carrot cannot eat too much ... the rest am not too sure oso heehee

I fed my boy egg yolk when he is abt 11 months.When he turns one yr old i feed him both egg yolk and white. Advise from PD is to let him try before his 15 month jab for chicken pox as it has egg content.. Just in case ur baby is allegic to eggs.
When should we start baby on 2 solid meals per day and 3 solid meals per day?

Right now my 6 month old baby's schedule is:
630am: 120ml milk
930am: 150ml milk
1230: 4 enfa scoops cereal (mixed with 60ml milk) + 1 puree cube
4pm: 160ml milk
7pm: 120ml milk
930pm: latch-on

is it alright?

blending before and after cooking will result in different textures.

For a smooth texture when you first introduce the food, blending after cooking is better.

Once your child is accustomed to the taste and you want to introduce some 'body' in the food, blend before cooking.
May i know which type of pear do we buy to make pear puree for bb to eat? The green skin or yellow skin type? Thanks.
Ling, you can try both. At different times of cos
The taste and texture is different. The soft green ones are smoother after pureeing where as the yellow ones will still have a 'sandy' feel to it.

1)wen can bb start eating tomato?

2)wen can bb eat raw fruits? i mean we jus scrap from the fruit to feed bb....

Tomato can be introduced together with other fruits and vegetables. However, it is best to remove the skin and pulp (the soft mushy part in the centre).

For raw fruits, try to wait till around 7-9 months. When scrapping, remember to ensure the pieces are not too big.

For slightly older kids (12-18mths), you can slice the fruit thinly, use a cookie cutter to cut nice shapes and let them feed themselves
Hi Mrs Wong,
For tomato if I remove the soft part together with skin then will only left the middle stem part? Is tomato considered as acidic fruit like orange?

i like to ask bout cooking porridge. do you get any based to make the porridge more tasty?

i heard ikan billis powder but will it be too salty? how about dried scallop?

must we feed fruits everyday to baby? how much to feed? is kiwi, mango, dragonfruit, grapes ok?
Cakey, the soft part is the pulp that has the seeds. The texture of the pulp is not easy for kids to eat and swallow even if it is blended up, thus removing it first would be better. You can introduce this when the kid is older.

Stem part? It means you are only feeding the flesh of the tomato. Just to let the kid have the taste of tomatoes. You can add in the skin and pulp when he/she can chew.

Tomato is not considered an acidic fruit


The way to make any food tasty is to use stock. I personally always get chicken bones or pork bones to cook stock and freeze them. Take them out to use when you need them instead of having to boil stock everyday. Natural and cheap.

Ikan bilis provides a good source of calcium. However, it depends on the source of the ikan bilis powder. I have seen commercial ikan bilis powders that are UNSALTED, which means they are not salty. Just take note.

Alternatively, you might want to buy ikan bilis, wash them, sun them to dry them and either blend it up yourself, or bring it to the medical hall to mill it into powder form. I normally do this for brown rice (you can get organic brown rice, mill it into powder and feed it as cereal, it doesnt come with all the flavourings and colourings that commercial products have).

It will be good if you can feed fruits everyday. Make it a habit to have fruits after meal from young. It is good to give different variaties, but please bear in mind the texture and ability of your child to swallow the fruit safely.

Jkids, some kids that are sensitive to scallops will have allergy. Scallops do not cause the allergy, but trigger the allergy.
hi jkids,

didn't know tt scallops will caused allery.

mrs wong
thanks for e information. will try out on the porridge. as for fruits, those i mentioned are ok right? how about durian? i've not give my baby alot of fruits variety yet, just started out only.


How old is your child?

Actually in Asian culture, we tend to give too much porridge. No variety in terms of carbohydrates!

When my nephew was around 1 years old, he was already starting to eat noodles, pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. But I always see Asian parents still feeding their kids porridge only until they are almost 2-3 years old!

Fruits wise, you might want to start with those that are not as sweet first. Once your baby develop a liking for sweet fruits, they are more likely to reject vegetables too.
