Advice pls: Starting on Solids

Hi, nur,
u sound like u were in very bad shape last week. How u feeling now? Did u see doc/ gynae?

Re: tofu
Oh, I didn't bother abt the brand, just anyhow picked a packet of silken tofu off the supermarket shelf. I just checked the expiry date & the overall condition of the packaging.

Maybe your bb not sure to the pasta texture? Wait a few days and try again. U can add his favourite veg to the pasta to increase its attractiveness. I oso just bought the ABC pasta from supernature, intend to let haowen try soon.

Hmmm, I'm off duty today. Perhaps shd pop by the woodlands shop later. U want anything? sms me 91099394.
you can either put the avocado outside the fridge or put in your rice container.
hi mummies,
can i ask a question regarding milk intake? i realised my baby milk intake has dropped alot since i started on 2 porridge per day.... i calculated its only 400plus per day. Is it normal?
hi sp,

thanks for the concern. im fine now i tink. hehe..
so for tofu, just buy the silken one is it? so just take put from fridge n put into porridge for 15mins can oredi?

its good that vege can stored up to one mth wen pureed. cos if we buy example spinach, the spinach can only last for two days then cannot eat oredi. so if we puree it and put in freezer, can last for one mth. so goood...
since this is the case, then i will buy the vege then puree straightaway n keep in freezer.
but am i right that ALL types of vege also can be done this way? steam or boil then blend then keep in freezer..
wat abt fruits? if i want to make apple or pear puree, do i need to boil the apple or just peel the skin then blend then keep in freezer?
Hi sp!

Taro... err... the teochew (or is it hokkien) dessert -> or nee? Yam paste? Without the added sugar and oil obviously. I thought it might be a nice root vegetable to introduce. Tastes yummy too!

Anyway, my baby has been going well with semi-solids. He seems to prefer vegetables more than fruits. I reckon it might be due to the slight sourness of the pear and apple after its been cooked. He's improving nevertheless. And he LOVES water!!! Strange... haha!
<font color="0000ff">ixwong,</font>
such coincedence, I am oso on leave today. Dun need to trouble you lah. Paisay. I will go and take a look at the woodlands shop after work some time this week. Thanks!

<font color="ff6000">janey,</font>
Once baby starts taking more solid, their milk intake will decrease. My son is taking 1 cereal and 2 porridge daily. His milk intake is abt 500ml.

i think the taro not recommended cos chines believe that yam is q 'posionious' and will cause some allergy ... thats why even for adults ... if you got sensitive skin etc ... u should avoid taro

and you need to be careful of the sap from the yam too ... can make your skin itchy if u are not careful
Just went down to the shop. Not much stocks
The boss advised that her stock is coming in on Friday. Maybe u can pop by then. Price wise, it's cheaper than Brown Rice Paradise ($6 a box) but supernature at orchard still cheaper at $5.45 but stocks coming in only mid Apr.

U shd still try to keep your bb milk intake at min 600ml per day. If bb taking cereal, can add milk into the cereal.
Hi janey,
My bb is also on 2 meals of porridge a day and her daily intake has also dropped to about 500ml a day. Don't worry its ok as long as she can achieve a min of 480ml.

That's also why until now i am not too keen to introduce cereal to her for b/fast cos i am afraid her intake will drop even lower. At least w/o the morning cereals, i get to feed her about 2 bottles of milk in the morning which is max about 220ml in total.
hi all..

need an advise. actually my bb milk intake was bad quite some time bad. but three days back, i started to introduce her to porridge then milk. i wish to know if bb eat porridge oredi, still can feed lots of milk like 240ml? cos on the 1st day i gave her 120ml milk after porridge n she finished it. then 2nd day, gave 150ml, she also finish it. then on 3rd day, gave 180ml, oso finish. so i was wondering is it ok to give her 240ml after every porridge? cos if u want me to wait like half an hr or an hr after porridge, she'll be sleeping oredi. so will it b too full for her?
im glad that shes eating n drinking well these days but on the other hand dunno whether ok to give so much milk after eating porridge. porridge = 2tsp to 4tsp rice grains wif ikan bilis powder n pureed spinach

thanks for the advise. I didnt know that taro is 'poisonous'... luckily you let me know, otherwise my MIL will kill me if she finds out! Anyway, I just bought a butternut pumpkin, and will try it tomorrow.

I read in the sept mummies thread that you just started your baby on semi-solids when he's 6 mths. Whats your baby's favourite foods?
melbz ...

oh I gave him carrot, potato, pumpkin, pear and apple ... starting him on cauliflower &amp; broccoli this week

think he fav is potato cos i put BM inside heehee and he hates carrot at first ... now okie liao

my thread got lots of expert ... ixwong is one of them heehee so i always check with them too
hi mummies,
thanks for all the advices on milk intake

can i ask a question on travelling? my hubby tinking of going to Perth, may i know what to bring/food to prepare over there for baby? Without a kitchen, how to make porridge? Can anyone share their experience?

I wonder if we need to bring along pram/sterliser..etc. Thanks!
hi mummies,
a question here regarding fruits intake, how much should we be giving? and what variety for each day? i am feeding my baby apple everyday, say 2 cubes each day. Pear is hard to ripe, need some advices.

many thanks!
Hi janey,
i feed my baby twice a day, after lunch and dinner. For fruits, i prefer to feed her fresh so i did not freeze them. She loves rock melon and papaya. You can also give banana, peach, honey dew. For my bb, i gave her these once she turn 6 mths.
Hi mummies,
Can somebody tell me how to remove bones esp. fine bones from the fish meat? How do you handle fish for your little ones' porridge?
Hi clover,
Not sure what fish you bot. If you buy threadfin (ngor hee), buy the yu(2) wei(3) (end of the fish). Its almost boneless.
i ask the stall owner to remove for me
plus the skin. If you get threadfin, not much bone actually.

thank u for sharing the fruits intake with me
hi ,
my gal 7 mth wakes up for milk in the wee hours 4 plus or 5am... normal she can sleep from 9 plus to 6am...
her feeding is this:

6-7am milk 210ml
9-10 am 2 tbsp cereal +60ml milk
12pm 1/2 bowl porridge + 2 -3 cubeveg
2-3 pm milk 210ml
6-6.30pm 1/2porridge + 2 cube veg+ fruits
8.30-9pm 210ml

now additonal 4-5am 210ml milk

any suggestion y she would not sleep through the night, i think she has sufficient milk &amp; solid throughout the day...
moreover she naps veri little in the day probably 2-3 hours whole day..

she drinks water too throughout whole day....
she already has 2 tooth so dun think is the teething problems


hi becky

if yr bb is not used to drinking milk at 4am, why did u give it to her? i mean wen she wake up n cry, did u put her to sleep back? how u noe she wants milk? hehe sori if its a ridiculous qns.. haha
<font face="Calisto mt">Mummies,

Below is my 6.5mths ger's feeding schedule, need suggestions where should I slot in her 2nd solid feed? Also m I giving her too much cereal, e scoop I used is e scoop from FM tin?

<ul>[*]500 am - Latched <LI>730 am - Latched <LI>1130am - 70ml EBM, follow immediatley with 3.5 scoop of cereal w puree vegetables mix w 40ml of EBM <LI>0430pm - 170ml of EBM <LI>0830pm - 170ml of EBM[/list]</font>
Hey Jenifur,

My son is 6.5mths too. His feeding schedule is as follows:

0730am - 240ml milk
1100am - 180ml milk, 2 cubes of veg/fruit
0230pm - 180ml milk
0600pm - 2 cubes of veg/fruit plus 5tsps cereal
0700pm - 180ml milk
1000pm - 240ml milk

Alot of us here, including me, use the Gina Ford book as a guide. She suggests introducing first foods at the 1130am feed, and if your baby accepts the food well, the push it to dinner, which is at 6pm. So maybe you might wanna slot dinner in at 630pm?

The scoop from the FM tin is quite big, but if your girl can stomach it, and have a minimum of 600ml of milk daily, then it should be fine I guess.

Mummies, please correct me if I am wrong... I just started feeding semi-solids at 6mths. So only have 2 weeks experience!!
thanks for the feedback on the yu ren seng powder. do you feed them to your baby every meal? do you give the powder by itself too? can add to porridge or cereal? how much to add?

anyone also feeding nestle cereal? is this good because i read there is surcose?
depends on the FM u used. The scoop for friso v small only, so I used abt 3 scoop of rice cereal + 5 scoops of oatmeal for my ds' lunch.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Melz</font>,

Thanks for sharing ur schedule. I'm now trying to see how to let my ger drink her milk earlier instead of e 5 hrs interval so that I can slot in dinner. Tried reducing her cereal today but she end up crying after e feed.

When u mention min 600ml of milk, does it included those I used to mix cereal?

<font color="0000ff">ixwong</font>,

I'm using e Friso scoop, so should be ok then. Can you share w me your ds' feeding schedule, I'm worried bout under/over feeding my ger.

Which brand of oatmeal u using? I heard tt oatmeal is nt as heaty as cereal, izzit true?</font>

Just checked the book, the minimum is 500-600ml of milk daily. This includes the milk feeds and milk used in the food.
I'm using Earth Best's organic oatmeal cereal. I'm not a organic fan but only organic oatmeal cereal is available in market. Ya, oatmeal cereal got more fibre than normal rice cereal and yet not as heaty as brown rice. My ds no more constipation problem since he started on oatmeal cereal.

My ds' rough feeding schedule as follows:
8am : 180ml FM
11am : lunch (3 scoop of heinz rice cereal + 5 scoops of oatmeal cereal + 2 cubes of veg puree + 100ml of milk to mix cereal)
2pm : 180ml FM
5pm : Dinner of 3-quarter bowl of porridge (Fish/chicken + 1 finely chopped veg)
6.30pm : 100ml FM
8.30pm : 200ml FM

I usually let him lead his own food intake. So there are days when he drinks more frequently (like 1 hr after lunch/dinner) and consume close to 1000ml of milk (I dunno why). My boy will cry if milk/solid given is not enough....
He got a healthy appetite, maybe that's why 9kg+ at 7.5MO....Here's a recent pix taken at our aug/sep 05 mummies' mini gathering. My ds is the one in red sleeveless romper.
Hi all, my girl is 6mths now. Has started on solids during 5mths. Her schedule:

8am - cereal mix with milk
1030 - porridge
1pm - cereal mix with milk
3.30pm - porridge
6pm - porridge
9pm - cereal mix with milk

my girl boycotted milk for 1week liaoz, no choice gota mix it in the milk then spoonfeed. She used to be able to finish 200ml of milk, now she doesnt even wana open her mouth to suck.. sob sob...

She will have some scrapped fruits for breaktime here &amp; there. Is her feeding pattern sufficient??? Nowadays oso wakes up 4plus in the morning, duno isit hungry cos she doesn't wakes up when she drinks milk last time... haiz
have u tried feeding your gal milk during her sleep (i.e. dream feed)? Heard before that some bb only drinks milk while half-asleep...U need to make sure she got min 600ml of milk per day (mix w cereal oso count) cos at 6 mths, milk shd still provide her the main nutrients. If she's gaining wt well, shd be ok.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Melz</font>,

Thanks. Saw tt u feeding ur ds fruits, U freeze it in advance rite? How u warm up e fruits huh? I now warm up e veg cubes by adding in my warm EBM.

<font color="0000ff">ixwong</font>,

Thanks alot for sharing ur ds feeding schedule.. Where did u get e Earth Best's organic oatmeal cereal? Wat sort of rice do u use for e porridge &amp; how long u cook it (presume u using slowcooker rite)? Sorry for all e Q, I dam lost now

<font color="0000ff">mummies</font>,

How do you all keep porridge warm when on outings? </font>
hi mommies,
finally found this thread here again. Was looking for it.
I am also feeling rather anxious as to whether I am underfeeding my 6.5mths old boy. I started him on heinz plain cereal abt a month back.
At the moment, he is only on 1 solid feeding : heinz multigrain cereal + 40ml BM. I feed this abt 7pm every night. Only on wkends then I feed him twice a day, 12pm and 7pm.
Each time is 4 tablespoon (the one we use for our meals) of cereal.
I would like to slot in more food and also lunch feed at 12pm.
1. How should i go abt it ah?
2. Is it ok to give him apples/ rusks biscuits /yoghurt at random times?

nice to see u here!
Mrs Tan, your boy only eats 2times a day???? 1 cereal &amp; 1 40ml BM??? this is not sufficient. You may read our earlier postings, afew of the mommies has listed out their kids eating schedule, you may wana refer...

My girl now 6mths has 6 solid food feedings (3x cereal &amp; 3x porridge)...
no lah! of cos not. what i mean is, solid feeding is only that. I forgot to mention that he is drinking BM every 3 hrly, each feed abt 130 or 140ml.
wah ur girl eat so often ah? u SAHM is it? For me I am still FTWM so I can only feed at 7pm. Guess I really have to feed more solids liao.
mi FTWM.. nanny looking after my bb... bb used to drink 200-240ml last week but this week totally boycott milk bottle sia after her injection. Then together with her usual milk she will have 2 solid feeds. :p

Now bopian spoon feed her with cereal &amp; milk loh (3x daily).

My girl start solid food when she is 5mths old so now she is quite adaptable to it liaoz and actually prefer spoon feeding to bottle feeding. (she wana follow us adults haha). I think you can intro more solid into his feed. you can try fish porridge/veg/potato/fruits puree... Give him some variety loh... :p

For you cereal, you can try to mix it with mashed banana oso mah, more interesting.. keke

ya u are right...just that i have yet to try new foods and i only wanna intro 1 new food in 4 check for allergy.i'm gonna start on pumpkin this week!
pumpkin is good. Jia you.. He will eats more in no time.. haha, cos the solid food tastes so much better then milk.. keke :D

Yeah I puree apples and pears, and store it in ice-cube form. I usually just heat it in the microwave for 10-15secs till its piping hot, then leave it to cool a little while before feeding DS.
I bought oatmeal cereal from organic food shops. Either brown rice paradise at tanglin mall or supernature (cheaper) at park house in orchard. As for porridge, I use the normal rice (song he new crop).

To make porridge, use a handful of rice, wash it, add 3 big scoop (soup stirrer) of water/stock. Put into slowcooker on AUTO for abt 3 hrs. Add in fish only near meal time. Veg can be added earlier, esp root veg like carrot, potato, swt potato...
anyone here freeze the vege in ice cube tray then transfer to ziploc bag? i want to know whether can the ziploc bag be reused? i mean if lets say the peas puree have been used up, can i wash the bag then use it for corn puree?
Hi all,
I started my 6.5mths old son on Heinz multigrain cereal (for 6 mths onwards) on Wed, and yest fed him too. Then last nite abt 8pm, he started having red patch on his cheeks, a few popped up in the next 2 hrs...and he had a total of 6, incl his ears! I suspect they are hives (I have them also). Hives are 'fong mok'. I wonder wat triggered them off cos apart from potato and this cereal, I didnt try anything new on him. What could be the cause? For the past 6 mths, my son had never fallen sick at all or had anything like that before.
dear mummies,
i need some help and advices here. I have been feeding my baby with 2 meals of porridge, milk intake has been decreasing to 400plus per day only. Do you think i should be cutting back on the porridge amt? Thanks.

Can anyone share what's the correct nutrients needed for a 7-8mth old baby? For eg. feeding schedule and type of food.
Hi Janey,
I feed my bb 2 meals of porridge too. Now her milk intake has also reduced. At most her total intake daily wd be 550ml. Least can be about 420ml. That's why i am not too keen to introduce her cereals for b/fast cos i am afraid her intake will be further reduced. At least for now in the morning i get to feed her milk about 3 times before her lunch.

Don't worry, like my PD say, if they really don't want, can't possibly force them rite. Try to top up her calcium with cheese and yoghurt. Even veg like spinach has calcium too. From 6 mths onwards min if can achieve 480ml is quite ok.

Can't really advise you on feeding schedule cos for my girl, i feed her sometimes 2 hrly, sometimes 3 hrly, depending on whether she finish her porridge/milk. Maybe you try to get the Gina Ford book, i think it will advise you on the type of food.
hi quackers,
thank u so much! i am so lousy when comes to preparing meals for my baby, totally blur and confused. I worry the meals i give is not lack of Vitamins or calcium or iron....sigh
Thanks everyone for the good advice. Sorry for the late reply i wonder what is the easiest way to come to this thread it has a long list of different threads and i always miss this as i scroll the page.

clover lee,
just bookmark this site into ur favorites, so u just need to click on the website then u can come in here. No need to go thru the whole forum.
