Advice pls: Starting on Solids

I gave my bb KIRI cheese.
He likes it (more than when i tried to give him still got 3 little cups left int he fridge).

I spread the cheese on toasted bread, and let him self-feed. I also spread it on the gerber puffs...but i dont give him the gerber puffs often...only on weekends.

hi lani,
thanks for the advice on the pasta. will try it soon.
just bought craft cheese too - how do I serve it to my 8 month old? mash it?
Hi Lani

Had bought Gina Ford bk. Did u follow strictly to the feeding plan for 4-6 mths???

For Day 4-6, it mention to give pear puree at 11 am feed and rice cereal at 6pm feed. Is it ok if I give rice cereal for the two feed cos if my boi dun like pear puree, I think of mixing into the cereal. But like tat, I think he might be to full. So how u think???

One more question, after the pear puree is made, the bk state to pour into ice cube tray and leave to open-freeze. Wat open-freeze mean??? Does it mean dun need to cover the ice cube. If tat is the case why still so many ppl buying the ice cube tray with the cover??? Pls enlighten me leh. TIA.
if she makes alot of noise then stop and try again. no point traumatizing her too much.

other green veggies you can try is green bean (french beans) and brocolli. and steam the brocolli till it is slightly soft and not still hard.

pasta you can give after 7-8mths (you may have to puree or mash-mash if your bb not used to coarse textures). tomatoes is actually quite highly allergenic, so the advice os to wait till past 9-10mths old (for some bbs it's best to wait till 1 yr old).

i usually serve it toasted w/ bread.

i actually didn't really follow the plan too strictly. i find the plan a little too "westernised" so i changed it slightly to suit my dd's taste, esp to the 5-6mths plan.

actually i didn't open-freeze, as i find it may not be hygienic (as there are sometimes raw meat/fish in the freezer and i didn't want any cross-contamination) so i always freeze the purees covered with the covered ice cube trays.

why don't you try feeding the pear puree at the luch feed? i think your bb will enjoy it leh! most bbs LOVE fruit purees. my dd loved it SOOOO much, that everytime she saw me bringing the fruit bowl with the spoon she would get so excited! haha!

other veggies you can try now are sweet potato, potato, green bean, turnip, and zuchinni. fruits you can try apple and pear.

the following mth you can intro brocolli, cauliflower, peas, avocado and fruits like peaches and mango.

then in the 3rd mth you can intro meats (fish, chicken), wheat-based cereals, pasta, spinach, hard-boiled egg yolk, apricot, melons, pumpkin, unsweetened fruit juice. you can intro tomato at this stage if your bb and your family has no history of allergies. if have then wait till bb is 1yr old.

and pass 6mths no need to cook fruits already. but if you wanna serve raw fruits like apple and pear MUST make sure it is VERY ripe, so that it is soft and easily chewed/swallowed. if the fruit is still hard then bb will choke.
Hi Lani,
Thank you so much for those comforting words. I enjoy preparing the purees for my baby and will definately try again. Hopefully he will take to it like a pro! Haha! Will update my progress soon!
no worries.
eh, i actually also ENJOY preparing the frozen veggies for my dd also! haha! will definitely miss it once she eats "normal" adult food...
Hi Lani, mummies,

Check with you - for porridge, is it possible to add baby jar food to it? sounds like a silly question haha like combining western and asian food like that.. cause starting bb on porridge, and i have a lot of bb jar food left. wondering if can add the bb jar food to plain porridge? dunno taste weird or not..any mummies tried that yet?

also, for porridge, what type of porridge should i begin with, and what to follow on next? eg. pork, fish, or chicken? or vege?
hi lani,
my gal is rather "strange" cos she doesn't like fruits at all! everytime we feed her fruits, she will make that gagging face.
this is so even though we had steamed it and pureed everything. hai.. wonder if anyone has the same experience. as for cheese with bread - when can that be served? only when the kid knows how to chew? my gal still toothless at the moment.

for porridge and carrot / potato mixed,
i will cook porridge in slow cooker then defrost the carrot / potato separately...
my question is can i pour the carrot (defrosted) in to the porridge and cook so its hot instead of microwave?

i scare it containminate the porridge...

for water for a 7 month baby ( she only started solid in the 6th mth)should i give her sips throughout the day?

i use a training cup (she doesnt really suck it)is it correct or should i use a cup...

when meals time i use spoon for feeding water...

Hi Lani

Summer reporting. Hehehe

Today start my boi on heniz rice cereal for his lunch. Did not finish the 1 tsp and he did not seem to take in the cereal into the stomach, more like tasting the cereal. Somemore he smile at me with the cereal still inside his mouth. But luckily he did not reject the cereal. Hope tomolo and as days progress he will eat well. Wish me luck.

Btw, I come across wyth website on weaning. It say to give solid first then milk???? Different from gina ford bk.
hi YL

The contented little baby book of weaning. I buy at taka kinokuniya. But left only 1 when I buy. Dun noe tey got any more stock or not.

I juz bought another bk by Gerrie Hawes call Feed me! It contain colourful pages unlike gina ones which is more like theory. Many interesting receipes but a bit angmoh.
hi brownie2003,
what i did for porridge is, i pour HOT water into the rice, switch the slow cooker to "high" then the rice will be cook (open up) in less than half hour! Then i add my spinach and cook for another half hour...then lastly i add my fish slices
It took me less than 2hrs to make the porridge. After i cooked, i switched to "low" to keep it warm till baby eat. I will blend it before giving to baby as spinach or carrot or even the rice is hard to chew for my 7mth old baby.
hi I'm a mummy,
me too use jar food in porridge, especially if i am too busy to buy fresh veggies from market. Or for a change of varieties. But i usually reheat seperately, not cook with porridge. Dun waste your jar food
Even i buy fresh veggies, i also keep quite a number of organic jar food in fridge for "rainy" days.So far, i only use fish (threadfin) in my porridge so far, no other meat. I just made a bottle of ikan billis powder, so will use that too
But it took me alot of effort just to make a small amt of ikan billis powder :p

I will reheat the defrozed puree and add into the porridge. Not sure if its correct, but since they are cooked already, so no point putting into porridge and it might cause more nutrients to be gone?? just my thoughts

hi Lani,
for ikan billis, do we need to toast them in oven before we fry them crispy?? I just soaked and fry...took me a long while. If we toast, do you know what temp. and how long we need to toast it?
Hi mummies,
does anyone blend their porridge for baby to eat? i noticed my porridge will become "soup" after blending....very hard to feed, baby will drink rather than eat, so unlike the usual rice cereal texture. Can someone please advice me? Thanks!
hi janey,

I also bought the rice grains for cooking porridge as recommended by quackers, fry the ikan billis as recommended by Lani and blend the porridge but my bbs still dont like my porridge
. Looks like I've to slowly mixed the porridge into their cereal.

hi quackers,
How much porridge (in terms of tsp/tbsp of rice grain) is ur girl eating now?
Hi brownie,
My girl is now taking 2 full tsp of rice grains. Recently think she is getting sick of fish, now she is not too keen on porridge. Very xian... don't know what else to give her. Just blended chicken today, hoping she will like the change in taste.

Actually from the first time, my girl started on porridge which is like 6 mths, i have never blended the porridge. Don't know leh, i just don't think it will taste very nice after that. I just cook the porridge in the claypot over high fire. In like half hr's time, the porridge would be quite soft already so i just use the spoon and mash it at the side of the pot while its still boiling. Before feeding my girl, i will also mash mash in the bowl. So far, she's ok. Once its watery, its very difficult to feed her. What i do is when it becomes too watery, i use a strainer to strain out some water from the porridge. Easier to feed that way and faster too!
hi brownie,
what sort of ingredients u put in? maybe you can try adding sweet potato, spinach and fish. your baby might like the taste of sweet potato.

hi quackers,
i need to blend the porridge cos' got veggies in it, like spinach or carrot or broccoli. If you dun blend, does your girl takes veggies well and able to chew? i dun like the watery style and hard to feed her too...
Hi janey,
I blend the veggies beforehand and store them in the freezer. So i will just add 1 to 2 cubes in when the porridge is almost done. Since the veg is already blended, no problem for her. As for spinach, my mum in fact just chop chop into small pieces and throw into the claypot. All other veg, i blend them.
Hi Janey..
Not at all lah... Yes all freezed veg and meat are cooked ones.

You may want to try straining the excess water. I know rice water is good. But i find it so much easier to feed when there's lesser water after straining.
for the veg maybe u can chop them up very finely instead of blend. I did that for my 7MO son and he's ok. In any case, we need to slowly encourage them to chew.

As for watery porridge, I realise if I cook the whole rice grains in slow cooker for abt 4 hrs, the porridge is soft enough for my boy, hence no need to blend.

To make the porridge tastier, why dun u add in some homemade chicken stock? My ds loves it. To make the stock, I'll boil carrot, potato, onion, corn cob, chicken and water together for abt 2 hrs. Scoop up enough for storage in ice-cube trays with the rest set aside for soup for dinner
. Just add in 3-4 cubes when making the porridge.
hi quackers,
thanks for telling me! because i normally just microwaved my frozen puree then add to porridge before feeeding, i never put into porridge, do u think it works the same??

hi ixwong,
thanks for you advices
can i ask something silly? when you say chop very fine, does that applies to carrot/potatoe as well?? I realised it took me ages to even make it cooked in slow cooker :p U say 4hours, is it put on "high" mode?
I have not try any stock still plain porridge...haha. Will definitely try out your method and i think it tasty!
Hi Janey

Ikan bilis powder
Just toast in oven till light golden brown will do. Then just use dry-mill to make into powder
I chop all the leafty veg + broccoli. For carrot, u can shred or grate it finely. For potato, slice thinly and add it into porridge early, it shd be soft enough to be mashed w spoon during feeding. I put on "AUTO" mode, put in at 2pm and done by 5pm, so it's 3 hrs thereabout. Just remember to add veg/fish slightly earlier to allow sufficient time for them to be cooked.
thanks for your advices!
if i cook the porridge liao, wants to keep in warm in slow cooker, which mode should i use? "low"?
Hi mummies,

Does any of you ever experience your baby eating porridge well for a while and suddenly now start to reject it?

My bb was enjoying her porridge for like 1 month already. Just these 2 days, when we tried to feed her, she will refuse to open her mouth and also scream and cry. Tried to change different meat and veg but didn't seem to work...
u can use "low" if there's such an option (mine dun). I usually use "AUTO" right from beginning cos my understanding of "Auto" is that it will cook on "HIGH" for 2 hrs, thereafter turn down to "LOW".
i have "high", "low" and "auto" i am very blur lor. I used "high" all the while, but i nearly burnt the porridge when switch to "auto" to keep warm..
hi hi
I'm very blur abt electrical appliances so I read the instruction booklet that came with my slow cooker b4 I used it.

For mine, "high" is 2x of "low". "Auto" = start on high then when reach the "ideal" temp (not specified) will auto switch to "low" the rest of the way. The booklet suggested to use "low" for reheating food.
hi sp,
my cooker booklet already gone...
so now i use my own guessing...heehehe...thanks for sharing your instruction of slow cooker!
u r welcome, janey!

Oh, I forgot to mention if use "high" then need to monitor (as if using stove to cook). I ever use "high" to boil barley & forgot to check on it & it boiled out... what a mess...

Yippee, my girl finally likes my porridge!
Cooked the porridge with sweet potato and scallop and added the broccoli puree. Mashed the porridge n sweet potato thru the sieve 'cos she still can't chew well . The texture was just nice, not too watery not too coarse. She loves it. In fact, the porridge smells so nice that I was prepared to eat it myself if she doesn't like it.
thanx for the tips...

my gal 7 month milk feed 4 time a day around 180-210ml

takes 2 solid around 1 - 2 table spoon cereal/ brwon rice pus 1 - 2 cube ved( 2 - 4 table spoon)

is it sufficient?

wat fruit to give other than apple & pear...

how to give corn? cook & blend?

sorry one more question: for travel any tips to prepare fast healthy food other than the instant rice/ bottled food?
hi mummies,
i need some advices...this morning i realised the fish slices i thawed yesterday nite around 11plus in the fridge is still frozen!! So ended up, i can't prepare my baby porridge
May i know how long we have to remove the fish from freeze and thaw in fridge? Do you place it in those rack or in "fresh box" compartment? THANKS!!
Hi janey,

My saw my mom take the fish out to defrost at room temperature and after the fish is soft, she would put back into the fridge in those rack. However, this method is for us adult, no too sure whether baby food can be prepare in this way or not. Hope it help.
Hi ladies,

Seeking some advice on weaning. I started my boy on rice cereal over the weekend..I introduced it in the middle of his feed, and cont with the milk after that. Think is - he likes the cereal a lot, that he would reject the milk after that..for abt 10min, before finally drinking from the bottle. He would smack his lips, wanting more..right now, I am mixing 2 teaspoon of rice cereal with 20ml of EBM.

Should I give him the cereal as a feed separate from the milk? He is 5months now.

What do you do when you start weaning? Separate feed? OR with the milk feed?

Thanks for your advice.
Hi Summer,

I've attended the Food Handler's Course and according to the lady, we shld never leave frozen food in room temperature to defrost as bacteria grows very fast. She even did an experiment to show us. YUCKS!
janey... for me, i normally try to thaw the frozen food in the fridge for at least 8 hrs... of course this depends on the quantity of the food, i guess... sometimes if the food is not thawed completely, i will run it under the tap for a while and on other times, i will just put it into the porridge (not totally thawed), but i dunno if that is ok or not... since the water (in the ice) is same as what we use for cooking porridge?

chin... hmmm, normally we dun feed baby in the middle of their feed, cos it would definitely be too filling for the baby in one meal! What i normally do is, give the milk, then 1-2 hrs later, give the cereal/porridge, then milk is another 1-2 hrs later, depends... i think when u start weaning, u start small qty, but still it has to be separate feed... just my 2 cents worth
Suitable first foods, after you have started baby on rice cereal (from 'What to Expect - the First Year')
- Rice Cereal
- Apple puree
- Bananas
- Pears
- Peaches
- Peas
- Carrot
- Green Beans
- Sweet Potato
- Pumpkin

Allergenic foods (to avoid for young babies)
X nuts/peanuts
X egg whites
X honey
X cows milk
X chocolate
X wheat
by the way, i read that some mommies are interested in Gina Ford's book.

i saw a few copies 2 days ago at Novena Square MPH (level 2).
Hey chin

So u r also here. I read from the gina ford bk tat to feed milk first then give cereal. so tat bb won't reject milk. This wat I do. After my boi finish his milk, I let him rest for maybe 5 or 10 min before giving him cereal cos by the time he finish his milk, quite full already.


Really, I dun noe. Luckily I haven't started feeding fish to my boi.

hi mummies,
normally if your baby is sleeping and porridge is done, how do you reheat later? Do you leave it closed in the slow cooker? i can't place it in slow cooker on "low" for too long, else dry up. thanks!
