A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">ribena n joice</font>
hehehe..... now i reply very slow cos i dun sit in front of my PC when im at home.

just rec'd a mail yst that ive been rejected lor. But i dun feel dispt cos i dun like that job n gt to carry heavy thgs and "bao shan bao hai". BTW, im in technical line. But im also looking for office job.

BTW, when are the 2 of u going to test? cos <font color="0000ff">joice</font> u are in ur CD28 and <font color="0000ff">ribena</font> u are in CD33. Pardon me if i miss out ur postings cos theres so much to read and i just "scan" thru.

Hmm.... also heard from my friend yst that one of my friend also preggie.

<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>

ribena is in her CD02 today.. haven't update the CD List yet.

So... how's things over your side? Haven't heard from you for quite a while...

It's raining so heavily outside.. really feel like taking leave, and going home. such a nice weather to sleep.
hee oreo,
thanks for answering!!
hmm..so during the 2WW is when most ladies look out for symtoms and be extra careful i suppose?

of course replying at home is not as fast as office. hang on there, you'll find a job vry soon, just as i believe i will find a job soon
meanwhile just enjoy your time at home, doing things that you've always wanted to do but no time to do. Cos once you start working again, you'll miss the time at home

office job as in admin??

hi wennia!!

hi girls,
anyone is a secretary here?? thought of applying for sec jobs.
Hi, girls,
Hope i can join all of u here.

I've been ttc for a while already. Maybe due to irregular AF, once 3-4 months. N i've to do graveyard shift, so i think temp taking is also out of question. Beside the O-kit, wat other methods have u girls been using.
wow jov
Congrats!!Take care from now, yea?

I am not seeing any gynae yet..been very lazy to find one..
Hi lilac,
me not going to test lah... now having all the AF symtoms liao..

we sama sama... very lazy to find gynae...
<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
yah.. 2WW is also the most agonising and torturing too!

<font color="0000ff">Anniewan</font>
Welcome!! We are all here to encourage and learn from one another and to give moral support too!
Btw, you mentioned that you have AF once in every few months. Did you see a gynae for that?
Also, besides using OPK and taking, you can observe your CM too!
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
Oic..... so i miss her posting. Thks for telling me.
yup its raining heavily and its so cosy staying at home during such weather. hehehe....... Me gt do some part-time job and so can keep me occupy some of the days lor.

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
ya... i thking of going into admin line but i thk quite diff cos all my years of experience is in technical line. Now just walk one step and count one step. Meanwhile... like what u say, i must try to make ful use of my free time and njoy my life being a part-time "tai tai".

<font color="0000ff">AnnieWan</font>
hmmm.... since u are doing shift work, temp charting is def out for u. But what u can do is try to monitor ur CM.
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
hope that all the symtoms u having now are prggie syms.....! Cross my fingers for u!
Hi Oreo,
Btw, i love oreo biscuits too.
I've seen my gynae already. Beside giving me hormone pills, i think she can't do anything else. I dun wan to be on pills. Is anyone got e same problem? I think it's run in e family. My 2 cousin also got e same problem. Though my mum n aunt are perfectly fine. Is it e food we eat?
<font color="0000ff">anniewan</font>
heehee.. i love oreo biscuits, chocolates and ice-cream! I think most girls do anyway!

So, did your AF come regularly after you took the pills? I know that some gals here have got PCOS.. and the doctor gave them clomid.
Did your gynae mention to u the cause of it?
I like oreo biscuits dipped in milk. Heavenly....
But i hate to brush my teeth after that. how to talk to pp with all ur teeth black black, hee hee.. Ok, I'm out of the topic already.

Yes, my AF did come regular. But i think the pills is no good for the body. Cancerous i heard.

My mum wanted me to try e BFW u girls metioned earlier on. But the brew type is so yucky, like soil in water, can't dissolved. Maybe i'll go n get the small pills type. Hope i'll meet my AF soon.
dear angelia, thanks again for the clarification hehee.
so if mine is regular i dun need to take right? last time i used to be on yong mei shui, now changing to DOM. anyone takes that? btw, how to make sense of the table and chart u girls update above huh?

Jov, congrats!
binbin dear... u going to TTC so soon? hehe... u can start charting...
go to http://www.fertilityfriend.com and register a FOC account if u wanna start temping/charting...

As for the table that oreo update everyday, it shows the cycle days (CD) of each user... for eg if today is ur 2nd day of ur menses (aka AF = Auntie Flo), then u r at CD2... it is merely a record for the gals here to encourage each other if their CDs are close to each other...
hi ladies,

i am here again.

need to ask u all question,seem i forgot liao.

is it ok to have sex every 2 days?
eg:day 14,have sex-conceive successfully,but din knw then day 16,have sex again,will it lead to abnormal bb?
<font color="0000ff">binbin</font>
Jen is right! You wanna join us in our CD update chart?

<font color="0000ff">Hi wendyl</font>
Good to hear from you again!!
How have you been getting on??
Regarding your question, yes, it's ok to BD every other 2 days.. if your hubby has a lot of energy, he can even BD everyday.
however, i read an article somewhere on the net that BDing everyday might reduce the quality of the sperm... not really sure how true is that..
but if plan to start ttc again, remember to take folic acid daily (at least 2-3 months before TTC). This is for the baby development if i remember correctly.
hi oreo,

so happy that u still remember mi.thanks alot

i am fine,just loss my bb at week12,learning to let go n move on.not ttc now,will tell again if i start to ttc.

hw u getting on too?
Hi,I'm new to this site.This is my 1st msg.I'm a mother of 19 mths old boy.And now I'm trying to have 2nd one. I have been trying for 1 mth but no good news.My sis told me it'd be easier to concieve after/before four days of your menses.Duno whether it's true anot,Haha..anyway now I'hv been making out for four days liao...hope got good news lor.Just hope my 'Yi Ma' dun come and look for me,lol!
<font color="aa00aa">Jov,</font>

really 1st good news in May. now u can join us at Year End MTB

hmm.. actually if tested +ive on pregnancy test kit, it's confirmed preggie alr.. can dun need to go GP / gynae confim until wk 7~8 so that when scan (at gynae), can SEE bb heartbeat

however, being 1st time mummies (or it applies to all mummies to be?) we're forever so kan-cheong
, juz can't wait to get professional "confirmation".

please remember to take ONE FOLIC ACID EVERYDAY!!!

have a smooth pregnancy
hi joyce,
that's what I hear from some pple too! but that doesn't accord with all the charting principles leh. Has any of the persons who gave you advice conceived on those days?

Hi lbs,
ya - it is quite quiet today... you should be O-ing soon right? hope you have been BDing!
yeap..shld be ovulating within these few days..have started BDing on alternate days recently.

yesterday, my hubby told me he might be going for an overseas training for two months June-Jul!! Alamak, if i dont get preggie this cycle, I will have to wait three more months...stress level goes up again..*sigh*

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 06 May 04
ENJ ............ CD 03
ribena ......... CD 03
catepillar ... . CD 07
maya ........... CD 09
wennia ......... CD 10
skinnyma ....... CD 12
tuffy .......... CD 13
lbs ............ CD 14
classy ......... CD 20
lilac .......... CD 21
oreo ........... CD 26
funny .......... CD 27
westbb ......... CD 28
joice .......... CD 29
dawn ........... CD 29
Ms Blur ........ CD 30
amberlyn ....... CD 31
kissbb ......... CD 31
huggie ......... CD 33
aa ............. CD 54
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 65
felene ......... CD 88
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ ??/01/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Please click here on Common Terms Used</font>
morning ladies
thank you so much for your well wishes

Emma, I am now trying to catch up with the new thread. All the discussion there is so new to me. In the past, I just focus on this thread to find out more about TTC. This is a wonderful thread and lot of information and tips.

I have seem a GP yesterday and confirm liao.
I have yet to decide on a gynae. A few recommended me Dr Fong Chuan Wee from Gleneagles.
<font color="ff6000">jov</font>
so how many wks are u in now?
did ur GP tell u abt ur EDD ?

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
jia you ...
may u strike tis mth ..

My GP did not tell me about my EDD. Just give me folic acid and ask me to look for gynae. I am a bit kan cheong now, so start to source for gynae. Should my GP tell me about my EDD?
don't stress yourself. enjoy your bbdancing!!

hi wendyl
good to see you here

i think gp should be able to tell you your EDD. but then if you're intending to see a gynae soon, can check with gynae. have you fix an appt with gynae already?
hi girls,

wonder has anyone seen any of the following kkh Dr
- Dr Christopher Chong
- Dr John Tee
- Dr Adrian Tan
- Dr Cordelia Han

Would be great if anyone give any feedback...thanks coz i dun know whom to choose leh....
white cranberry..

I never consult any of the gynae you listed. However, when I went to meet my gynae last month, I did see Dr Christopher Chong. Think he got quite a lot of good feedback. Overall give a very friendly and approachable impression.
thanks poohy...

let say if i consulted one Dr but dun feel comfortable with him, can i ask to change to another gynae for the next appt? does KKH allow the change?
white cranberry,

hmm I dun see why KKH would disallow u to change to another gynae especially if you are not subsidised patient.

Dr Chris Chong is good but I tend to see quite a lot of people waiting outside his room for their turn. So I guess if you wanna see him, maybe the wait will be longer lor
thks tuffy
actually my stress level is better than previous cycles..i didnt really keep track of my cycle day to see if i am ovulating but surprisingly, I can feel some changes in my body, like I am starting to get a bit wet, then lower part a bit 'suan' (like there are some "activities" going on inside
)..I am not sure if you know what I mean?

yea, hopefully i strike this time, if not...bo bian lor..let's just say is "Lao Tian Ye" decides is not the right time for me yet..
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
not sure when I am O-ing leh. So far, CM is a bit more stretchy but not really that stretchy yet. So guess will start BDing tonite.
how's everything on your side?

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
that's good! all the best for this cycle!
white cranberry, from ur list, I only heard of Chris Chong and John Tee...

Chris Chong is a consultant and plong from the Year-End MTB thread sees him... maybe you can ask her abt him?

John Tee is a senior consultant and if I'm not wrong, he is very experienced and very sought after... I have heard good feedback on him...

As a private patient, consultation fees are different from subsidised patients. You can check out the rates here.

Notice that the cost for first consultation is higher than repeat visits. So if you want to change gynae, you will have to pay the first consultation price to the 2nd gynae again. Other than that, they will allow you to change gynae.
Hi Tuffy

No leh
But never mind lor..No harm trying ;p
But hor...now my hubby tired of making XXX liao,lol!Coz I keep pestering him for XXX for several days!!Heehee.Poor man.

Tuffy,you have any kids?

<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
everything is ok so far
hvnt realli been shopping for anything yet

guess after my nx chkup will start to buy some mat clothes bah

did u use OPK tis cycle?

<font color="0000ff">~BABYDUST TO ALL~</font>
