A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


dun have to track my CD cos i faithfully countin my days....also i use the O-kit. my AF comes every mth, and accurate. but surprisingly, doc check that my follicle grows very slowly. so this means egg may got prob coming out. to help the egg come out, doc gave me injection. this will help push the egg out...then i can BD... so for last mth and tis mth, doc helps me monitor follicle growth, then if no surge and signs of ovulate, then i take injection to push out the egg...sigh.......all these when i hav AF every mth and accurate ok....so i really surprise my follicle/egg got problem lor.

sorry, lilac.....

too busy describing my prob that i nvr reply your qn...i see Dr Tan from Mt E. She used to be the Head of Feotal Med in SGH. first consultation is $125 (cos hubby also go in) then subsequent is $50. Each follicle scan is $50. and she gave me evening primrose, Vitamins and Folic acid. all these quite reasonable price. then hubby also take pills....so for me, i spend quite a bit ....cos hubby also got some problems...but next cycle, i thinking of doing AI. cos this will definitely be better than i try myself...so all the bad sperms blocking the good ones. doc also will monitor the quality of my eggs...if egg got problem, then take pills to help. so hopefully, good egg and good sperm can help....nurse said got 1 couple same problem, 1 time succeed liao. that guy got worse sperms than my hubby but with only 1 time AI, hit jackpot...maybe wife's egg quality good.....duno. so i quite hopeful lor... mus be la...
Hi Hopeful,

Can I check with you if your OPK indicates ovulation then since there are times when your egg does not pop out? What about temp-ing? Does it indicate ovulation?

The reason I'm asking is cos from the way the doc explained my case, it sounds quite the same as yours. I've regular cycle every month but doc says that he observed follicles on my ovaries and diagnosed me with PCOS. He said that it could be a case where the eggs never mature properly to pop out. But I tried temp-ing and OPK, all indicate ovulation leh... so trying to find out if ovulate means egg pops up successfully? This whole thing is really confusing...

Also, is AI the same as IVF? Roughly, how much would it cost?

Don't give up yah... at least the door is not closed to you. There are some cases where husband or wife don't even produce eggs or sperms. We have to think on the bright side, with perseverance, it can be achieved, just that we take the slower path... hehe... like we are in EM2 whilst others are in EM1 lor
hi hopeful and blanche,

how does the doctor observe the follicles? is it a painful process? so do you guys hv to see the doctor v often?
so did u BD last night? me BD last night, since cant remeber when is the last time alry my poor hubby have to see my mood. hahaha. my temp increase from 35.9 to 36.3 how ar? normal?
hope u BD these few day, u got higher chance
Baby dust to u

my sis help me to book Dr Chan at Gleneagle, dun know the price yet dun care just want to check any problem at my side spent a bit is worth it.
i going crazy soon.

shuin, melody
we all work hard together.....

u are on the way to success
baby dust to u

i tested with OPK but no surge (no O). so doc gave me hormones injection. this will help the egg to come out (means O). i also dun do temping cos not accurate like OPK so since i using OPK dun have to take temp. for last mth and tis mth which i hav been seeing doc, i will take injection once i detect no O when it shld hav O. funny thing is i still hav AF every mth and accurate. maybe i O late, duno. even come AF also dun mean u O. anyway, last mth after taking the injection, blood test showed i O. my case a bit different from yours in that my OPK showed that i did not ovualate, so immediate take injection. once take injection, dun need to test cos sure will ovulate. according to doc, if ovulate means egg will pop out. but then quality of eggs also matters. this mth after AF can test quality of eggs (of cos hope wun come la).

AI is not the same as IVF (i also blur and panic when doc suggest AI). in AI, doc will monitor when u ovulate, then when going to ovulate, hubby will give sperm sample. doc will take the best sperms and use a tube (think its tube la..) and insert into the cervix and drop it into the uterus (so sperm dun need to swim so much and no blocking from bad sperms) and hope these good sperms will flow down to the fallopian tube to catch the egg. once catch, then hope succeed. that's all. sounds simple lor, and doc says few hundred only. so affordable la. not like IVF which Mickey describes so painful and expensive. i think IVF is last option. but since i got egg and hubby still have some good sperms, then AI is option. juz need to take good egg and good sperm. so in my next cycle, i will probably take medicine to make sure follicle grow healthily, egg come out properly and good, then do the AI.

Btw, how long hav u tried and seen the doc ? your hubby tested also ?


Doc observes follicle growth thro a follicle scan. It will show the size of the follicle. for me, i shld ovulate on day 16 and size of follicle in day 16 shld be abt 16-18. but on my day 12, size is only abt 10. so growth is slow. after all, u need it to be big enuf to detect ovualation 2 days b4 rite....since OPK gives u 2 best days. so if come mon (my day 16) OPK doesn't show ovulate, i take injection again. then sure will ovualate and i BD same day and next day. its not painful. cos the scan is same scan as like u scan for baby. its juz inserting some tube inside to look around. even when u are preg, u also scan ma....juz that my scan is called follicle scan lor. dun have to see doc so often also. close to ovulation then u need to see, cos u monitor the growth, if no grow, then go back for injection. after that, u take blood test to test for ovualation (abt day 22 for me). then dun have to go back during the 2WW.

always need to see doc also no choice la, cos wan to have baby ma...mus sacrifice a bit. so this cycle i pray hard i lucky, if not, next cycle i try AI....
Hi hopeful,

You're seeing Dr Ann Tan at Mt E? I saw her last year to do some checkings before starting a family. I was diagnosed with PCOS though I've ovulated every month. She wanted to prescribe me with Clomid but I didnt take it cos' we were not ready yet.

I'm thinking if I should seek a 2nd opinion or go back to her if my attempt this month failed again. Can I check what injection are you taking now? How much is it and how much did she charge for your follicle scanning? After reading what you wrote on AI, am thinking if we should go for that.. This TTC thing is really stressful... havent been sleeping well lately, really very depressing
Hi Hopeful24, the AI you mentioned is it also called IUI? My doc also suggest for me and my hubby to go for IUI. We are thinking of doing it if this month failed again, my hubby also got low normal form sperms although count ok.

Thanks for all the info, it's very useful

As for me, I've tried since Dec 03. Saw a gynae for routine checkup and that's when gynae scan and diagnosed PCOS though like you, I have regular cycle. BTW, you mentioned that your "O" will come late, mine too. Using the OPK and BBT, I noticed that mine came on CD21. As for my hubby, haven't gone for any test. But saw on TV last night that there is this new and better sperm function test at SGH. Supposedly cheaper than the normal ones now. It cost roughly $150. That's why was telling my hubby to go and see polyclinic for referral to SGH. See how lah...

Your hubby tested his sperms at Mt E? Rouhgly how much is that?

BTW, did Gynae precribe you clomid first? Is injection the next step after clomid fail?

Glad to know that AI is affordable. Hopefully, with medisave, lagi more affordable
hi gals,
what does clomid do? This is getting quite cheem.. so is blanche having the same condition as hopeful? But one of you do ovulate leh...

Apart from doing these tests, are there any other symptoms which show that you may have this problem? late O?

Yup. i am seeing Dr Ann Tan. Since you find it so stressful, then i suggest u see her again. cos with doc help, mayb u will be less stress ? i went to see gynae after i tried only 4 mths cos like u, i so stress leh. my frens all strike within 3 mths, and everyone arnd me getting preg, so its even more stress. now that i see a doc, at least take away some stress and i am glad i seen one since like so many problems like that. u can think if u wan to go back to Dr Ann Tan. i think she's ok but sometimes quite impatient leh. but she like very experienced so i think i continue with her lst. I take a type of hormone injection. this helps to push the egg out. its less than $50 (after GST). quite ok rite ? then after inject, doc says sure ovulate and advise to BD same day and next day. follicle scan is $50. of cos, got consulation charge lor. this is also $50.


I duno if AI is same as IUI leh... aiyo, tis TTC-ing very stressful and confusing hor...but when my gynae tell me the process, it seems simple and afforable...she said few hundred... so i wan to try in my next cycle...how abt your IUI ? can u tell me what is it ? how much is it ?


my hubby tested his sperms at Mt E Fertility Centre. its abt $40+. i also thought its going to be expensive but no leh... he produce his sperms there and analysis goes back to our gynae. so test results like that lor... sad leh...but lucky he still got some good ones...better than nothing .....

not sure wat gynae will prescribe me yet. she juz told me take pills on DAy2 of next cycle to help in egg growth....i think its those pills to induce ovualation maybe. if induce type, then dun even need to take injection cos sure ovualate...i take injection is becos nvr ovulate when it shld. mayb late ovulate ma...
medisave can claim meh ? i din check. but since few hundred shld be ok. i worry only if need IVF. cos that one is so expensive and duno need how many times to succeed. but dun wan to think so far 1st. try AI see can or not lor....


i think Blanche and me same case. Blanche ovulate and i also ovulate but with help of hormone injection. so i dun take the injection, i suppose i juz ovulate very late becos the follicle is growing...but too slowly. i think without such tests u wun noe if u hav problem cos no symptoms leh. sigh.......headache....
Hi Hopeful, your description of AI sounds like how my doc describes IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) too, so i thought is the same thing. my doc also said it costs about few hundred dollars. maybe just different terms used by different doc?! btw here's a link on IUI. is it the same as AI ?? http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/iui.html

i know how u feel, i am also very stressed with ttc, this round is my 9th mth trying already. my sis-in-law already pregnant with 3rd one!!! sometimes really don't feel like going to her house for our weekly dinner
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Yup.... i did BD yst night even thgh its not a rainy and stormy nite!

But i tested using O test strips and i still din O yet. But will keep on dancing on alternate days lor.

U too gt to jia you cos ur O day also ard the corner! Hope u still rem to take ur temp for this morning!
<font color="0000ff">jigsaw</font>
haiz..... i also understand y u dun feel like going to ur SIL house for dinner. Cos me also gt that kind of feelings at times!

Hope that we can all suceed soon......
Hi ladies,
Yah... we are all getting stressed out with this TTC thing.. I feel it's affecting my life - I'm not sleeping as well, I'm feeling down and emotional, and I dont look forward to meeting anyone nor talk to anyone cos TTC will be one of the subjects. Terrible hor?

Hi hopeful and blanche,
I think 3 of us got the same problem, that is late ovulation with AF every month. My O is usually after CD18 and can be as late as CD27! But the situation improved after taking BFW, at least it'll be before CD20. Findings always say late O (after CD17) is not viable for fertilisation but I've seen many pregnancy charts with very late O, so it can happen...

I know blanche hasnt gone for blood tests to confirm her PCOS condition yet though her scans show a "string of pearls" in the ovaries. Hopeful, did your scans show that in your ovaries? What about blood tests on CD2 to check your hormones? Particularly LH and FSH? I've done both, so that's how she diagnosed me with PCOS and I often have mid-cycle spottings but it stopped after I consumed BFW.

Hopeful, I believe the pills that she wanted to prescribe you with on CD2 is Clomid, which helps one to ovulate. This was what she wanted to give me that time but I was wondering if it's necessary since I'm ovulating on my own. Did she say whether it'll help in earlier O? I'm a bit skeptical about taking Clomid cos it can overstimulate the growing follicles if higher dosage is given, hence it's rather common for people to have twins or triplets or even more! Clomid also dries up the cervical mucus, which is very much needed to aid the sperms to swim to the egg. Also, I've read that it's not advisable to consume Clomid for more than 3 cycles, and it can cause cervical cancer later in life. But I've read from foreign forums that the gals have been taking Clomid for very long.

All these findings and information was what I gathered from my own readings. Dr Tan didnt advise me on the pros and cons. And when I was informed of my PCOS condition, the news was broken to me by her nurse over the phone, asking if I want to take medication! I didnt know what the condition was about and started reading up on the condition on my own. Imagine how worried I was! Cos' of all these and how she handled my case, I'm wondering if I should see her again. But 1 thing for sure, she's very experienced and nice but I think I prefer someone who'll educate me on my condition.
hi lilac,

ya u are right we should BD even though no stormy night, who know mircle happen haha. i still take temp every morning under same conditionbut this mroning drop from 36.3 to 36 alry. think going to O soon cos CD 8 now. thought of BD again last night but too tired will try again tonight.
this cycle i will really try hard and can say this is the most serious time tat i trying all the other mth I just trying my luck and dun really try tat hard.

i have not checked for anything on CD2 yet cos the nurse nvr tell me to come back n chk (quite angry). tis time, i will sure ask properly if need to come back. i tested today and no ovualate. since my AF is accurate, shld ovualate by today or tmr. but i quite sure tmr also will not ovulate, so i am going back to doc for injection n scan to help the eggs come out. abt taking Clomid which i also think she will give me, wat u have said is very true. my hubby also worried abt twins and i also dun wan twins, etc, but seems like i got no choice leh, if dun take, how to be preg ? really hard leh, somemore hubby sperms not good, worse rite, timing, quality and everything all haywire....so really mus try la. u r also rite abt Dr Tan. she will not educate on condition but tell u wat to do,so pros n cons to seeing her again.

u decide and action fast since its affecting u. seeing doc will help i am sure. i also so stress i even told my best fren who will give birth in aug that i will not visit her unless i preg. my colleague sitting behind me also preg, 2 ex-colleagues also preg, and another ex-colleague's wife is preg. imagine 5 pple arnd me preg but not me. so u shld understand how i feel and so my best fren baby i also dun wan to see unless i preg. but since she's my best fren she understand and has been supporting me all the time...after all, u really need to tok to pple or u sure crazy...


AI is same as IUI. i read up on a brochure given by doc. yeah. same thing. so u will try next round ? i will also. let's hope we 2 succeed 1st time. my AF is due on 13 Apr. so hopefully May got good news.
hi lilac,
my temp dropped a lot today... v tragic. Looks like mission has failed again this month. Will update u once AF comes. Hope you have better luck than me!
have you O-ed yet?

been away yesterday &amp; there are already so many emails flowing...cant finish reading all..

I was back to my in laws place..as expected, me got stressed up again.

Then, double blow as my friend just called &amp; told me another of ours (who got married one month later than me) is nearly 4 months preggie!

so sian, cant help to wish my AF quickly finish &amp; can start mission again!

Hi Tuffy
never mind, if your AF really comes, work harder next cycle!
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>,

Clomid is a commonly prescribed medicine used to induce ovulation. It usually is prescribed to ladies with PCOS as they havertoubele "o" ing, thus long or irregular cycles.

<font color="0000ff">Shuin</font>,

I think BFW really does help in bringing forward "O". Last cycle, I "O" on CD 21. This month,I took BFW after my AF ended, I only took one bottle and I "O" on CD 16 (which is today).... hehe, will probably BD tonite. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed

About gynaes not educating about the condition, I think majority of gynaes are like that. It could also be becos many patients are not really interested in how the condition came about, but rather about the treatment and the cost. When at first my gynae told me about PCOS, he also told me veyr generally. It is only when I surf the net that I found out a lot and a lot of questions come to mind. I guess the next consultation session will be more fruitful as I understand the condition better. To me, I think besides professional expertise, it is important for the gynae to be emphathatic and provide constant reassurance as well.
Hi hopeful,

Can understand how you feel. 3 of my close frens got pregnant on their 1st try! 2 of them are pregnant now and 1 is expecting her 2nd one, also strike on her first try. She's quite proud of her 1st kid cos very cute and she's overdoing things which really made me feel uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm over conscious but I can feel the whole world monitoring on my fertility! hai... really depression..
Hi Blanche,

Yup, similar experience as you on BFW. All the best to you!

Agree that most gynaes probably wont have the time to tell us all about the condition but I didnt like the way the news was broke to me. Through the nurse over the phone, asking if i want to take the medication!! I was like "what medication?" then she goes "oh, you have PCOS", which i didnt know wat it was initially.

Yup, when we know more about the condition, consultations with the gynae should be more fruitful
Hi shuin

can understand how you feel..I also got very depressed when my friends 'showing off' their babies...

dunno when will be my turn..<sigh>
I'm also having late ovulation, usually around CD20-22 type. How come it will affect fertility? I thought as long as got ovulation can already? so sad
as for the BFW, how did you take it, as in 3 days after AF and then how?

Hopeful24, yah, i told my hubby if this mth still see red, will try IUI. let's keep each other updated ok.
hey gers.....
im also having late ovulation. My latest is CD28! n usual is ard CD24. Does that means our chances of pregnant is very little?? So sad if its true........

<font color="0000ff">jigsaw</font>
normally i take BFW 3days aft AF clear n then either every 3days 1bottle or 1week 1bottle.

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
Ive not O yet! But guess its on the way.
So hows ur temp for today? Increase again after the drop??
hi lilac,
temp has remained low today. So am expecting AF anytime. Have been terribly stressed at work these few weeks, I don't know if my attempts this cycle will work because of that. Last night, had an anxiety attack and cannot sleep. Terrible..

i don know how to console you..as I am in the same position..but I think stress level really affect our fertility one way or another..

I think we need to learn to relax ourselves. The more we want, the more anxious we become....
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy &amp; lbs</font>
ya.... i thk we are all too stress out by this TTC thg. Guess we all ned to learn how to relax not just physically but mentally too.

Im now down with flu and duno whether it will affect the quality of my egg? Haiz....... ned to let go.
hi lilac,
my temp increase by 0.1 again this morning . too tired to BD last night. how abt u?
relax not to worry. we have hope on u this cycle.

relax yourself,as long AF dun come u still have hope. i just start to plot the chart this cycle after strong persude from lilac, hope her hard work on me will pay off soon.
Hi lbs,
Yup... Most of the times I dont look forward to meeting her cos she'll bring the kid along, and do all the "make you envy" acts and sing praises about her kid. But my other friends and colleagues are ok, not overdoing things.

Hi jigsaw and lilac,
I've read that late ovulation may not be a viable egg for fertilisation. However, I've also seen many BBT pregnancy charts with late ovulation, some very late in fact. So dont loose hope... jia you!

Hi lilac,
Dont worry about the flu, JUST DO IT.. :p
hi everyone,
thanks for the encouragement. Because of the stress at work, i am actually not focussing my mind on TTC right now. Will try to clear as much work as possible before my next fertile period comes.

Good luck to the rest of you!

Hi Lilac,
pls update me as CD1 today. Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
dun worry yourself too much.. my cycle (33~39) oso quite long, even after taking BFW.
gd morning ladies !!

<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
try again tis mth ok..

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
how's ur temp 2day?
hi tuffy
we will try harder this month,ok?
hopefully, we can strike for this cycle...

Hi lilac
yeap, how's ur temp today?
btw, ladies

did you get your hubbies to get enough vitamin C, zinc &amp; folid acid? Read that these nutrients are important for men's fertility as well, especially on the sperms motility, count,etc
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
i did make my hubby to take folic acid
but he don't take everyday ... coz he forgot most of the time...
hi chihiro

ok..I will buy the zinc &amp; folid acid for him to eat as well(he usually eat plenty of vitamin C food daily).But I think he will be a bit reluctant to do so...he said some of the supplements are not 'pure'...

need more persuasion on him....
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
let him know .. for the gd of our future generations .. its better for u and me to take .. kekeke ...
my chart suddenly the cross hairs become solid red colour leh... last time was dotted red... how come huh? and my temp remain high leh... how?
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
perhaps u hv enuff data for FF to determine ur O-day tts y it became solid lines instead of dotted one

ur temp will remain high until ur AF is coming

is ur AF coming soon ?
hi jen

most of us experience drop in temp on the day/a day or two before AF comes.

If you get preggie, the temp would remains high..
we try again this cycle okie relax and wait for your next fertile period. i going for my medical chek up by Dr Chan at Glen keeping my finger cross hope nothing wrong with me, really very worried.

we should go for more fresh food rather than supplement. folate and zinc and be easily obtain from meat and green leafy veg.

lbs, shuin
dun loss hard we all try together, one day our hard work will pay off.

take care of yourselves get well soon and hope to heard good news form u

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 29 Mar 04
tuffy .......... CD 01
lbs ............ CD 05
jov ............ CD 06
wendypooh ...... CD 09
okeanosmao * ... CD 10
skinnyma ....... CD 13
joice .......... CD 17
funny .......... CD 20
amberlyn ....... CD 21
iloveoreo ...... CD 23
lilac .......... CD 24
maya ........... CD 24
Ms Blur ........ CD 25
Emma ........... CD 26
jigsaw ......... CD 26
Jen ............ CD 26
jojoba ......... CD 27
catepillar ..... CD 35
ribena ......... CD 38
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

aa ............. CD 49
felene ......... CD 50
wizard ......... CD 60
shopper ........ CD 61
moonriver ...... CD 80
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ ??/11/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
ur chart shows solid line means that u have Oed. So did u BD at the rite time?? Ur temp will drop a day or two before ur AF comes.

<font color="0000ff">Wendypooh, Tuffy, lbs</font>
my temp for today remain the same as past few days at 36.4 Me haven O yet. Maybe im sick and so my O will come later than CD24. N today i CD 24 liao so today by hook or by crook i will "rape" my hubby. Actually i intend to "rape" him yst bt decided not! hehehe........

<font color="0000ff">Chihiro</font>
I tested for my O yst and my test band shows very very light leh. But the colour at control band very obvious. Saturday nite, my control band darker than my test band. So weird leh.... also makes me so confused.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
did u BD on sat nite?
seems like from the test result, seems like u are O-ing leh
but from the temp, u are not ..
how abt ur CM?
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
if test band and control band are of equal darkness than it means u are O-ing within the nx 8-36hrs
if test band is lighter than control band, it means negative ..not Oed yet


yeah, i know we shld go for more natural food..but sometimes is really hard especially we only cook at home once or twice a week at home. And I dont usually like to eat 'cai fan' outside.
So, more or less have to depend a bit on supplement to make sure my body has enough nutrients for the baby to be lor..


u so aggressive one ar? heheeee..jia you!
