A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Caitlyn,

Dun lose hope. If you test again and still negative, still go! Maybe gynae can test more thoroughly than HPT so can confirm with gynae better than just rely on another HPT alone.

All the best!! Keep us posted!!

hi caitlyn, agreed with sus sus..go ahead to meet the gynae...nad oso like wat Tami said still early so no symptons yet...best wishes again...MIRACLE DO HAPPEN
just realised.. my HPT this morning was actually a faint +ve too.. just verified with ryes how to read e results..

thanks all!! me gg off for lunch then my appt.. sighz.. think next week will be torturous for me.. coz really scared chem preg..
Hi Caitlyn,

I'm so happy for you too...

If you want to be more certain, can always go for blood test. I heard that it's more accurate!

Meanwhile, try to relax and take good care of yourself!
Hi Hoonie,

I took my tests in July (Progestrone), Aug (FSH etc.) and Sep (U/S)

Your bills should have the name of tests you took mah... no?

So, you are "discharged" from KKH? Did you collect all the reports?
Hi All

I have been TTC for 4 mth and still not successful. Just wondering for those who eventaully succeed how long do you take to TTC
hi all.. really touched by all ur concern.. helped me alot in my waiting time to see gynae..

a quick update.. due to my irregular menses, even if i'm preg most likely only in 4-5 week.. gynae warned tt may not be able to see much from scan.. frm scan, saw a very thick uterus lining.. and a hint of a waterbag (but cannot be sure.. dr says there's a small black spot but to me everything is blck!) most likely is a pregnancy ard 4 weeks..

told her tt she just told me 1.5 mths back, highly unlikely i get preggy plus prog levels are super low.. she says still possible to be preggy.. gave me duphaston to help supprt posible preg.. if menses still dun come in 3 weeeks. then will be more confirmed.. gg back to see her in 3 weeks time.. wat an agonizing wait!

juju - glad to see u! thanks so much.. if u dun mind, may i noe if there's any way we'll noe it's a chem preg? i have no symptoms so dun wanna be happy yet.. how've u been?

oops.. my update ended up being so lor sor again! sorry!
hi mikko
I have also TTC for few months (on and off) this year before I got a positive. Dun worry, it's a matter of time that you will get BFP. It's amazing when you really din expect it and you will strike.

Thanks for your wishes.....

For those gals who remembered me (yuki, posh_champange and penguin8 etc....)
last week I just got a BFP! super happy, have not been posting recently in TTC as I was very busy with work. I would like to share something with u ladies....hope we can help each other to strike...
Something I din do as per other months when I TTC.
1. I took Bai Feng Wan given by my mother in law, she said will strengthen the womb and easier to conceive....so I took it as it's very nice of her to buy for me.
2. I took grapefruit juice before my estimated O date for almost a week....I drank it faithfully daily....
3. I tested using the OPK digital kit which was recommended by someone (forgot her name) in the forum...she said she strike first time using it...so I thot might as well buy one...though it's very exp. I hv been using OPK strips but sometimes I doubt my judgement on the positive OPK....with that it's very straight forward, no guessing. But of the two days I got +OPK, I din BD as hubby not in. I BD the day before and after...I guess sometimes the feelings play a part as we more or less take it as no chance this month as he was not ard on those two important days.....so relax is the word....

Sorrie for the long winded update....
Hope everyone will strike one day....It's so amazing when u know u r preggie and suddenly work is really of less importance to me now.....

Take care ladies...
many babydust to u gals....
Hi apple,

I collect all my report..."discharged" from kkh since doc says everything is fine

Congrats Caitlyn!!!

Please....eat more eat more **Hoonie throws her fats at Caitlyn.**You might be supporting a baby in the next 9 months...
Dun worry so much gal...Remember those rascals make u angry in sch,juz bochap a bit...
Your body more impt,in the meantime,juz treat yrself as preggy...Take care
Hi caitlyn,

From the forum i gathered that you are a teacher correct me if i am wrong.
I am thinking of doing a career switch into teaching, but currently in dilema state as i am at the same time trying to concieve my no. 2
So wonder if i go into NIE, can i still have the pivilege to try for a baby and entitlement of maternity leave?
Hi ohohjazz,

I am currently in NIE,hence can answer yr questions
I am also a mid career switch applicant..

When you are in NIE and during semester time,you will be advised to take one month maternity only as it mic affect your studies...However,I think should u be successful in yr application to teach,they might send u to a school to do contract teaching prior to entry to NIE...If I am not wrong,contract teachers are not entitled maternity leave untill you have worked a coupls of months...(me not so sure about this,need to check..)

May I know if you are applying to PGDE(for degree holders) or Dip Ed(non degree holders)??Coz the duration of the course is different...Can PM me if you want to know more..
Catilyn, u might be Preggy! thats good news rite. Meanwhile just hang on, take good care. Its good thing temp haven drop so got chance. : )
So things really happen when u least expect it.
i'm better now... not ttc-ing though... decide to let heaven decide when & if we will ever conceive. guess it's better dat way

chem preg... no particular symptoms... i jus started having very bad cramps 1 day before bleeding & my hcg levels kept dropping... cross fingers for u... eat well, be a good gal & take ur duphaston & dun worry. treat urself as preggie now. dun squat, dun raise ur hands too high, avoid liang food or if u not pantang, eat in moderation, rest more... u noe the stuff la... take care & hv a smooth pregnancy!

congrats to u too! hv a smooth pregnancy!
congrats to blueblue and caitlyn!!!


just be extra careful and dun worry too much.. if possible sit down during ur lessons. When i first went for scanning, i also cannot see anything as the preg is still very early... wats more i am having bleeding. So I can fully understand the agony u r in now! Try to be as positive as you can.. during my mc, i watch da chang jin to inject some positive mindset and pray really hard.

Try to take anmum now..

take care!
hoonie + koori - thanks!

juju - okies.. me have been having cramps on n off too.. dr says its normal.. but well, hb n i will leave it to fate.. coz i read abt chem preg n somehow feel my chance to have tt quite high.. due to fact tt i have very low prog levels..

stella - thanks for e encouragement! congrats on ur little princess! =) me dr nvr give me mc to rest!! so stuck in school lor.. hee..
Hi Caitlyn,

Congrat! I suggest that you see another gynae. For people like you with low prog level, the gynae shouldn't take things so lightly.

Your gynae should give you at least 2 weeks mc to rest, see you every week to make sure everythings is fine. On top of the duphaston, your gynae should give you folic acid, vitamin and a weekly prog jab. My gynae do all these until i am week 13. Please don't take it lightly.

It is not easy to get pregnant so must take good care and cannot be 'qing cai'
hi ladies...
i tested +ve OPK on 23 & 24.09... and diligently did my "homework" five consecutive days from 21.09 to 25.09... however, i have a doubt here, my BBT suppose to increase sharply after which right? but my BBT increase to 36.49 & 36.69... (normally 36.29).. is it too low?
caitlyn, blueblue,
Congrats to both of you!

Don't think too much. I am sure everything will be fine. Rest more.
Yeah, I can relate to the show so much that I felt we are not the only ones.

Yeah lor, the couples also took so long to conceive. We must not give up! Jia you!


too busy to post nowadays but HAVE to come in and congratulate you! REALLY SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU! your dream has come true!

think hor, your hb's spermie must be super powderful hehehe, hang around for a long time to wait for your eggie to come out and WHAM! preggie liao!
don't think about all the negative things, think about nice things like how you are going to pat pat your round tummy when it gets bigger, buying bb clothes, coaxing your bb to sleep...all these! why keep thinking about chemical preg! don't worry about no symptoms, i didn't have much symptoms until 7 or 8 weeks also!

in the meantime, really must force yourself to eat all the nutritious things, tell yourself you are eating for bb!

It's going to be ok!
Hi BlueBlue

Does Bai Feng Wan really helps ?
Last time i thought getting pregnant like is such an easy thing. People can easily shot gun haha now then realise is actually not easy
Congratulations to you Caitlyn...
like wat kermit said think abt the nice things dun give yourself too much stress...really have to eat nutritiously leh...

blue blue and stella congrats to both of you too...
Dear caitlyn,
Congrats...but do take extra good care of yourself, dun keep thinking of the negative stuff and give urself too much unnecessary stress...
thanks to all u gals.. deeply appreciated.. =)

LBB - hmm.. maybe i tok w hb n discuss.. coz we both quite comfy w tis gynae as i've been with her for awhile liao.. hmm.. but wat u said is also rite.. i feel she took things quite lightly but maybe she just doesn't want me to hu si luan xiang? hmm.. may i noe who's ur gynae?

kermit - hahaha! thanks so much! my hb spermie really very powderful.. tt time he did SA test.. tt's wat my gynae said.. he hasn't seen such high scores in a while! hahaha.. i am having thots abt patting my round tummy, putting my bb to sleep but trying not to be too too happy also.. haha..
Caitlyn & Blueblue...big CONGRATS!!
Hv a smooth 9 mths ahead.

Caitlyn, don't think abt -ve things...take care of yourself and rest more. Most importantly, eat well before MS sets in...

So so happy for u
Hi Caitlyn and blue blue,
just to check, do you feel a slight trobbing ache after you have tested HPT +ve? Is that a sign of preggy??

Havent posted for a long ....long... time....
char - u got a HPT +ve?? all e best!! me dun really have any symptoms so i not sure.. maybe ur preg is in a later stage so u have some symptoms?
Hi Caitlyn,
I am not too sure leh... cos i tested with HPT got a slight +ve line....so dun noe isit really preggy ot not... will be seeing dr Heng this afternn to confirm....very nervous now.....actually today is my DPO16,so I dun noe is it too early to confirm??but seems that i m putting on weight....cant really fit into my normal pants...going quite tight in the tummy area
dodo - not much symptoms actually.. like i said, i just tested HPT to shut the nagging voice in my head... who noes it results in so many many qns.. maybe i had a bit of soreness in my boobs (first time i feel anything like dat).. but it disappeared after a few days.. till now, nothing else.. i also have AF symptoms like a bit of cramps.. so i was very confused..

My gynae is Dr Peter Chew. He appear on TV on every Saturday now on the show Hey Baby.

Ya discuss with your hb. So what if very comfy with her. Gynae always like that, if lose a bb, to them very normal cos they will said you can try again. But to us, every life is very precious.
char - my gynae says HPT usu very accurate! =) i now exactly how u feel! i was on tenterhooks e whole of ytda.. cldn't get any work done at all! all e best! my tummy and all haven't developed yet.. think u really at a later stage liao.. for me, i tested before AF due i think..
Hi char, faint +ve also means +ve leh!! High chance...I tested HPT +ve on DPO12 so it is definitely not too early to test. I also hv "tugging" feeling in my tummy when i tested +ve...

Dun think the dr will be able to see anything yet thru scanning cos its still very early so be prepared but maybe u can try testing with HPT again using 1st urine tmr morning? If u get +ve again then more or less confirm liao...gd luck!

Wah so many gd news in 1 day! so exciting!
oic...i tested slight +ve on monday... but till now, still cant really believe ie....have tested 3 times and got the same results....I was on clomid this cycle... went for a scan on CD16 n Dr heng was saying that there is an egg there,so we had to BD alternate days for that few days....didnt relly think will strike lor....
but i have this trobbing ache that is disturbing me...dun noe whether isit normal or not... other then that I m having sore boobs, super tiredness and some discharge....wonder if it is the same for all??
