A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Congrats to the new mommies
Good to hear a 'group' of good news

thks for sharing!

well, it's not too late for starting ur healthy diet today
yup I hv already taking folic acid liao
wah..u and ur husband so bless and it's indeed a miracle you conceived dispite you are underweight and eating junk good,keke
caitlyn - don't think so much. if you has been getting high temp for more than 14 days.. and no sign of AF flow. the chance of chem preg is low.

Go for blood test to confirm your pregnancy.
hi mangogal,
i think Elken is in Aljunied...
I have been trying since Oct 2002...but due to my irregular menses and my hubby working schedule,its very difficult to catch the timing to BD... All I can say is, it sure takes some effort and a lot of luck in succeeding.....Thanks for all the well wishes....for the gals who are trying...don't give up....If I can make it in 4 yrs,sure all of you will succeed one day....
CONGRATS! How many weeks now? I oso just tested positive last monday....it's was a faint one and gets darker each day (I used some left over HPT to test). I understand the feeling when u just knew u r preggie...so difficult to believe it. Take care and enjoy ur 9 months.

bettlebug and joywee, Thanks....hope u gals will join us too.....
Babydust to u.....
beetle_bug - i actually haven't been taking my temp for 14 days.. only started like 4 days ago.. my temp fluctuates between 36.87 - 37.01.. a bit worried as it seems to be dropping rather than increasing.. but well. just think positive lor..
hi blueblue...
Went to the dr...says its 5 weeks already....but still cant see anything in the scan leh....is that normal? she was saying that there is a risk of etopic preganancy, cos i have this dull pain on the left side and cant locate the detus, so have to go back next mon to scan again.....so nervous leh....
Hi Caitlyn

Was on MC for 2 days... AF cramps as usual... today juz came in and saw the GOOD NEWS!!!!

Really happy for u... Do take care of yourself ya...

Hey Char

U preggy too!!!! WOW... So many good news in one day.... Congratulations... really happy for u...
char - how does ur dr noe it's 5 weeks if cannot see anything frm scan ah? i think it's normal.. coz my dr say mine may be between 4 - 5 weeks so may not be able to see anything.. she scheduled to see me 3 weeks later.. dun be too nervous.. take extraa good care of urself.. hugz hugz..

dodo - dun be too upset.. u nvr noe.. hugz.. just try again..

all.. my BBT seems to be dropping.. scared.. but just hoping for the best!
yuki - are u feeling better now? do take good care of urself.. thanks.. me still worried as all my little symptoms have disappeared.. and BBT seems to be dropping instead of rising..
caitlyn - dun worry... as long as ur BBT still high, drop abit shd be okay bah... mine only dpo6, but BBT drop significantly already... wish u GOOD LUCKS!

ant - yup, we share lots of common things... thanks
will try to remain +ve, but will not pin much hope now... wish u all the best k! must keep me updated oh!
Hi Caitlyn

I'm okie now... in fact, after taking chinese medications... I think my conditions have improved... the cramp is not as bad as before... hopefully, it will reduce further... but juz sick and tired of my office politics so rather take MC and rest at home...

Dun worry too much... how much has yr BBT dropped? izzit juz 1 day or more? if it continously dipped for a few days... then perhaps, u wanna check wif Dr Chua for more assurance... oops... are u still seeing Dr Chua?

Juz be more careful wif wat u eat... I understand that now cannot eat "bu" yet... gotta wait till 3rd mth onwards, rite? so, juz eat balance diet... dun eat "cooling" stuff like watermelon, cold drinks... dun eat too heaty stuff too... coz may cause constipation which may not be too good now when u r preggy... okie? Go for cooked meal... welll balance of veg and meat... if u can, eat oatmeal in the morning wif fruits... to get a balance diet... ahhaha.... I think I more kan cheong than u leh...
Hi Yuki,
Thanks!u take care too,k?

Hi Caitlyn,
I think the dr counted from the last mense date to determine.....she also gave me some progestrone to take...nurse said that it is 'an tai' medicine.dun worry about the temp thing, doc says that it will varies,sometimes u will also feel a bit cold,as long as hpt is +ve dan ok liao....i will be going back next mon to scan again....luckily my boss quite understanding, otherwise jia lat...cos Dr Heng's evening appts are fully book for the next 2 weeks, so have to go in the afternn to see her....
Hi all,

Would like to seek some advices from you gals here. Am trying for bb too, have tried for the past 3 mths but no gd news yet and getting a little worried. In fact, I went to a gynae for a checkup and scan last mth and was told that I'm fine, and if I'm still not pregnant by end of the yr, he would like to test my hubby's sperm.

My period have been regular for the past mths, always on the same date every mth so it was easier for me to know my "O" period. Now, this mth, my period came a couple of days late, so if I wanna predict my "O" period, do I use back the normal cycle days or should I calculate based on the new cycle? Am a little confused, so hopefully someone can enlighten me.

Thanks and I congrat those who juz got preggie! Pls pass some baby dust to those who are trying =)
dodo - dun give up!! must persevere!

yuki - good tt ur condition is improving with ur TCM.. for me, i also very sick n tired of work but dr chua nvr give me MC.. =( so tempted to ask frm her! haha.. i actually emailed dr chua ytday.. she encouraged me to stay positive as being too stressed and all is also no good for hormones.. but i can't help but worry when all e symptoms just disappeared.. she vey very relak!

char - thanks for e reassurance.. now u back at work? do u always feel tired?? i can't sleep well at nite.. and feel so tortured when i'm in school!
Hi ladies..

I'm back.. CONGULATIONS TO ALL MUMMIES (char,caitlyn n blue) TO BE!!! WOW! So many good news in this thread!!

And here is a little update from me.. O not detected last month and currently in my 2ww.. guess I O on the 19-20 sept.. (positive OPK and had CM) so, I'm now in my 3DPO lor.. Due date for AF is 10 Oct (Oh god!!! Please dun come!!! haha).. I'm oso currently taking my BBT and today measured is 36.43 only..
hi poissons,
U might want to try using the opk strips? i think this is the most accurate way to see when us your O, ...becos sometimes our systems siao siao one, so by the time u realise it, you have wasted another month.....
Hi caitlyn,
me back at work.... luckily , i feel tired more in the night, so i can still go to work....but my collegues observed that my reactions are slowly and i look 'stone'...I have yet to tell them that i m preggy, only my manager knows about it....i m pratically a sleeping machine now... after my dr's appt yesterday, i went home and sleep from 6pm to 9.30pm, woke up and bath and have supper, dan sleep again from 11pm to this morning 7plus...dun noe whether it is good or bad.....
zenia - all e best! keep my fingers crossed for u!! actually i think ard CD30+ my BBT was also a low.. ard 36.4 also.. so u nvr noe..

char - me feel terrible at work.. coz i can't sleep through e nite.. woke up at 12, 2, and 430 to pee! gosh.. i wonder if i have bladder problems.. sighz.. thot most gynaes will give mc during early preg.. maybe i was wrong.. sob sob.. i got 3 more weeks to worry.. hopefully no bleeding comes then i'll feel better..
dodo- sure. we shall keep each other updated

hi zenia! my AF expected to come on the same date (10 oct) as urs! also hope it wil go on holiday for nxt 10 mths =P

poissons- agree w char, u can use the opks to test. my cycle used to be regular too but became haywired after married. at least w opks, i wil be able to noe when i O'ed
Hi Char5105,

thanks for your prompt reply. yeh, i did use the O test kit from clearblue..last mth when I did the test, realise that O is over!! alamak, so sway! that's why now thought of trying the O calendar method (the online type), at least if i input my cycle days and last period date, I can roughly know the O period and can use the kit to further confirm it. Hee..yah..I know...kiasu..but I really to hope to be Mummy soon!

Anyway, congrats on being preggy! Envious envious..
hi poissons,
Maybe u can get the opk strips from the website, it is much more cheaper(around $1 a strip) I very kia su, i started testing aroung CD14 dan got a +ve on CD18 and CD19.cos the opks dat you get from outside is 5pcs per pack, so your agaration must be very good to aim to test +ve on your actual O day... I am not too sure if I still have the OPK strips or not, will go back n check, dan mayb u can get them from me....
hi char5105,

ok ok...you check and let me know. if you still have the balance, i will buy from you ;) else, maybe you can recommend which website to buy? cos' i feel safer to buy from a reliable source than from a boo-boo website. thanks ah!
dun worry too much about the temp dip, its only DPO6 for you, maybe its implantation dip?? better still right!! Cheer up!!

Stay positive, eat healthily, baby will be ok ya!! HUGs!!!
Hi Posh,

Actually what causes implantation dip ha?

Hi Caitlyn,

Maybe you can take urgent leave to rest? Must take precious care now leh. Dun work too hard.

Your BBT of 36.4, you consider low, you kno i may really have a prob. My highest BBT is only 36.4 haiz ... and its not as if i underweight. I normal weight leh but my body so cold, before O even worse, 35.8 only.
poissons- i did tat too
use the online calculator to see when i O'ed thn test ard tat date. so far accurate for me
i also usin the opk strips.

char- so cute!! smiling even when sleeping. i love to see newborn bbs!
hi poissons,
will let you know tonight.....its better to track by OPK as you will still have enuf time to react to BD...hehe....I have very irregular menses,so its pointless for me to use the online calculators cos very difficult to get the correct dates.....
Hi ant1712...
baby is 4 days old liao...too bad I can go n see her now...cos my mum say its best to wait till after the baby 1st mth dan go n see her....
hi ant1712,

oh really? so when you input the days of your cycle, is it based on your latest menses cycle or your normal cycle if the latest varies from the normal?

poissons- my cycle days all diff since beginin of this yr so i added all up n divide by the no. of mths. tot wil be nt accurate but last mth i O'ed exactly on the date the calculator predicted n this mth also
maybe u can try?

char- reali? i tot ok to see newborns.. ur fren's bb ah??
char5105 - okie, no prob..shall wait for your reply tonight..

ant1712 - i see, i see..how come i didn't think of that? hehe..i shall average the cycle days then, but as far as I can remember, I can only recall my cycle days in May onwards..hiaks. Old liao..short memory. hope to hear good news from you, my period juz ended, so it's another fresh month and another fresh hope again =)
char - such a lovely little princess ur god daughter! =)

sus_sus - as a teacher, got no leave one.. today still got some stupid course.. sianz.. as for BBT, i think it depends on our own body temp.. my lowest is ard 36.1.. my usual is 36.4 like dat..
hi ant1712, the little princess is my god sis daughter... actually we plan to conceive at the same time, but she got preggy 1st....she is already 38yr old(her 3rd child).....so if she can also get preggy,so can everyone of us!!!
hi posh,
thanks for the encouragement
implantation will cause dip in BBT huh? me sore throat today... must be the KTV last night... :p
Hi Caitlyn

Maybe, she sees u okie... that's y nvr give u MC... Coz maybe later on when u start to have morning sickness and all... perhaps, u need MC more... hehehe... but think if u feel unwell, u can ask MC from her, she will give one lor... dun be afraid to ask mah...

Better not to stress u mah... otherwise, so stressful... maybe worst for yr body... juz relax, okie? in the meantime, juz monitor yr BBT lor... if suddenly drop alot and u felt unwell... then go and see her immediately lah... but if juz fluntucating then shld be normal lah...
poissons- i hv the habit of markin dwn in my calendar when my AF comes.. hee.. thn realise it's useful nw! all the best to u too!

char- wow 3rd child at 38yr old! tink me close shop by 30 liao! hee..
yuki - keke.. i a bit scared of dr chua.. i dunno y also! hee.. can just call her clinic n ask her for MC one? or must go down to her clinic? her charges very steep.. think i gonna have to tighten my purse strings alot alotif i want to keep her as my gynae.. but wun be changing lah..

char - wow.. 3rd child at 38.. amazing.. =) i think i wun have e stamina liao!
ant1712 - i think i shld make a habit of marking down my AF too, was too lazy in the past ;P another question, how long have you been trying and did you get your hubby to check his sperms too?
Hi Whee,

What did u get from the website? The strips are real cheap, but is it easy to use?

I m PCOS, not able to track my menses. I was always paranoid the last time and spent a lot on the kits. We trying for another bb soon. My boy is 17mths now.
poissons- we only seriously start to ttc last mth n tot it shdnt be tat difficult once we go off contraceptive. my AF came n hb n i were so surprised! thn realised its not tat easy after all. i hvnt got my hb to go for the test, tot of goin to doc for chk up if no gd news by 6mths.. but i suppose his spermies shd be ok cos he's stil young? he's 27. hee..
Hi ant1712 and catilyn,
ya lor...her 1st child is now 18,2nd child is 11, and the latest addition to the family is 4 days old...very big difference...i think by the time i m 38, dun have this courage to have a child liao...caitlyn, how much are you paying for the gynea charges? My consultation yest was $111,($45-consultation,$50 scan,$16 medication)
ant1712 - yah, i agree..it's not easy. but you have only tried once, so still ok lah. for me, we have already tried for 3 mths, no time to loose, cos' already 31 this yr. See lah, you gals wants to close shop at 30, I juz opened only leh. what to do? married late mah. sigh. i have a gf who has been trying to 2 yrs. turns out that she had cysts, went for op, still no gd news, then the hubby went for a check up, and realised he had low sperm count, so after some medication (gynae prescribed some zinc supplements to him) for a couple of mths, they finally succeed..so happy for them. That's why I thot probably it's good to get my hubby to go check too, the earlier a probem is detected, the earlier we can solve the problem.
ant - ur hb is 27 this year? tt's young.. u?

char - mine is double yours.. my gynae's consultation is 60 i think.. scan is 80 and medication wsa ard 60+.. darned chor..
wow!!very ex leh,caitlyn.....Dr Heng's charges varies....if you need to go back and see her often, her charges will be adjusted...average I spend about $200 every month to see her... have been seeing her for the past 3 mths.....
char - i think this is the lowest my gynae goes liao.. e first time i did a scan it was 100.. me same gynae as yuki.. i enquired abt her package.. very exp also.. only starts after 4 mths.. 1200 plus gst.. delivery starts at 1600

yuki - will dr chua's charges go lower subsequently??
