A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

sus_sus - oh.. i never knew tt BD will make AF come faster! haha.. no wonder many times my AF will come after a BD session.. haha..

yuki - oic.. yup.. maybe stop a month n see if it goes up.. btw, u still w dr chua?

Hi Caitlyn,

The range on the result sheet states that I am normal leh..Can I assume that I am?
My frenz recommend me to Dr Chua Yang for a thorough check up again...I think I should make sure I am alrite before I start actively ttc-ing again..What u gals think of Dr Chua? I thot her clinic is a bit too far for me leh...

I have stopped thinking if I am pregnant..haha..my focus now is to exercise and lose weight!! Jia You!!
2 weeks before AF due I also go jogging..heck ah..but mine is slow slow jog..should not be a big problem bah..

Yes..BD soon after my AF will also induce pink spotting..but wun be as bad to stain my bedsheets lah...
hoonie - i think dr chua yang is a very patient n concerned gynae.. and she's also very concerned abt ur overall health n not just abt getting preggy.. =) u can bring ur test results to her and ask her to help u analyse.. she'll prob do a scan and all for u also tn determine if u still need to do more tets.. =)
Hi Yuki, issit???! Ok, will note!

Hi Caitlyn, i think the BD will purge AF out abit but i havent seen it gush out and stain bedsheet leh. maybe you can put a towel below or another method ... kekekeke ... DIY lor. Hee!
sus_sus - keke.. actually me dunno how to DIY.. *blush* n i still feel some pain during intercourse sometimes.. dr chua's clinic no. is 64633366.. =)
ya, dear AF here, so relieved!!! today CD04!!

never hear b4 if eating pineapple will help clear AF quickly & fully. So not sure.

I bet you O this cycle, no O BBT can never be so high, so there's hope ok.

TCM takes a few months to adjust BBT, think you can check with beetlebug, she will have more knowledge of this.
posh - hmm.. dunno leh.. my BBT always hit so high.. but last time i take blood test also show never O.. tt's y i was actually quite shocked the other time.. coz my BBT in every mth also will hit 36.9 like dat one.. my cervical mucus also seems to follow e "correct" pattern but after all checks also show tt i dun ovulate.. so i also dunno y my body must play tricks on me..
but cannot be -ve! will try n try again! hee

jus want to clarify:
how long do u nid to "try naturally" or wait before deciding on using clomid pills? wen will d gynae prescribed clomid pills if have prob conceiving?

Oops... sorry for the late reply...

Thanks BabyDust, I hope you will get pregnant soon.
I might consider doing it at other hospital other than KKH.
Cos... don't really feel comfortable when the doctor do a transvaginal scan on me... a bit painful unlike what my gyne did for me last time.

Sus sus,
Sorry, I don't exactly remember the name of the test cos my printout is at home. I only remember 1 of the test is progestrone. I will check the name of the tests and let you know as soon.
BTW, when do you go for the test depend on your cycle. The doctor will schedule your testing time for you.
I have a 30-35days cycle, the doctor want me to take the 1st test on CD25.
The 2nd blood test has to be taken on the 2nd day of your menses.
On the day I go back to get my result, I also did a ultrasound and transvaginal scan. Didn't find anything abnormal from the scan.

Hi Yuki & caitlyn,
Hahahaha... I think BD really make AF come leh... I also experience the same thing. Last time when my AF was late (so scared that I'm pregnant, test -ve), my husband will always joke that I need "injection"... after that, my AF report the next day...

Maybe you can try....

Yuki & Elizabeth,
Did you guys see the same chinese Sensei? Is it from JE? My cousin did recommend me to her. I consulted her once. I don't monitor my BBT but on my so-called "peak-period", I got HIGH fever and need to see a doctor... don't know what happened... then I stop visiting her anymore cos my husband got suspicious on the "medicine" she prescribe. We don't know the content cos it's in pill form and it could be hormone pills (no one knows). I read somewhere that it's not good to have too much hormone pills as it may cos some problem later in life. That's why my husband also discourage me from taking any form of pills that stimulate ovulation. For precaution purposes, do a thorough check before embaking into taking clomid or likewise... just like me, let's say if my fallopian tube is blocked, it will be a waste of time taking clomid, right?

My gyne also suggest that I take clomid after I tried for 1year but I don't think it's right without 1st checking...

I heard that taking coffee will reduce the chance of getting pregnant... how about husband who drink coffee? Will it affect their "little brothers" also?
Hi Apple,

So u did your tests at KKH also? I planning a visit there this week but my appt will fall on CD10 hence cant do any of the tests. May have to go back later part of cycle and on next cycle CD2. How much does these blood tests cost at KKH?

I can however do a transvaginal scan rite irregardless of cycle days rite? In fact, even better to do near O so that can check for eggs? How much did your ultrasound and transvaginal scans cost?

Sorry for the qns, i am clueless on the sequence of tests and charges leh. THANKS!!!
Hi Caitlyn

Ya, still wif her... scheduled to see her in Nov for scanning and pep smear... still considering whether wanna take blood test to check progesterone... but after BBT so low... guess, progesterone also won't be good... so, no point..

If tonite still haven't come... then will ML tonite and see if it comes or not lor... heheheh... yesterday nite HB wanted to ML... but I scare stain bedsheet... so nvr...

Hi Posh

Ya lor... I agree lah... juz wanna see wat's my BBT without TCM lor..

Hi Apple

Nope... mine is not the JE one... mine is the Fortune ctr one... She's giving mi pills to "tiao" my body... coz she say my body cannot take too heaty (bu) medication coz easy to have cysts... maybe that's y till now my AF still not alot lor...
think my AF is giving me signal liao.. starting to get a bit of cramps.. yayy! hahah.. siao liao!

yuki - me also scheduled to see her in late nov for pap smear n checks.. but e other gynae i went to for a 2nd opinion has given me clomid for this mth.. so still deciding..
hi caitlyn, temp high, heavy cervical mucus but yet no ovulation? How do you detect there is no ovulation? what happen to the egg? will it be "trapped" and move to next cycle? sorrie...me worried i might be the same case too. I usually have high temp and cervical mucus and BD alternative days...still no strike....sigh...
Hi sus sus,

The cost at KKH...

Consultation by gynae(cannot choose gynae):$20

My blood test : $84 + $21.50(Clinical investigations)

U/S scan + Vaginal scan :$47.80

The above rates quoted are based on subsidised patient referral from polyclinic
Hope that helps.. U wan to go KKH and check,be prepared to wait..Just take one day MC go there wait and wait..haha
Hi Sus-sus,

Yap, I did all my blood tests at KKH. It's ok that your appt fall on CD10. For me, I also when there after my menses (don't know which day liao..)

Anyway, you need to consult the doctor 1st. Let the doctor schedule your blood test. Unless if you can't afford to take leave, you try to go at a later date. And well, we can't really know when we should take the blood test unless you are very certain.

They will let you take the blood test around CD20-25 (depend on your mthly cycle) for progestrone (I think...) then you will take another blood test when your next AF due. So, doesn't matter which day you go... and of course you still continue to BD... if your AF report, then you will have to go for the test, if not.... that's means your are pregnant.... no need to go for the test liao...

I'm a subsidised patient at KKH, if I didn't remember wrongly, think I paid $14+ and $40 or 50+ respectively for both test. Ultrasound + transvaginal scan - ard $50+
Each consultation - $20
Husband SA - $50

So, if you are not subsidised patient, it will cost double.
Go to a polyclinic 1st if you want to get subsidise.

Yes, you can do a transvaginal scan irregardless of cycle days. But if you do it at KKH upon doctor's instruction (I'm not sure if you can just walk in for a scan), the specialist who scan it for you would not tell you anything. (The doctor whom you consult would not be scanning for you.)

That day when I have my scan, the specialist don't talk much and when I asked her how is my scan - good or bad? She repied - the doctor will explain to you... after that, she will hand me the printout. By looking at the printout, layman like me don't know what is it and keep on guessing what is these and that black dots. Imagine the long waiting hour at the clinic, it will make you think wild by looking at the printout... I hate that...

But I think you can ask the doctor during the consultation if there is eggs. Cos my scan wasn't done during my ovulation day, thus didn't ask the doctor.

Hi Yuki,
Thank goodness... It's good to hear that yours is not the JE one. I seriously don't trust her after reading all the comments on the other thread.
Sorry Sus-sus,

I think I got the costs all wrong except consultation and Husband SA test. I was writing and writing... didn't know Hoonie has posted. After reading her posting, the costs look familiar

Will go home and check my bills.

I believe Hoonie has the correct figure...

Anyone know how to increase CM and improve the quality? Read somewhere that sometime CM can be hostile to sperm, right?

What is the purpose of taking Royal Jelly?

elizabeth - i noe i dun ovulate coz my blood test results were that.. also frm e transvaginal scan also can see little black spots in the ovaries.. which are actually e eggs tt din come out in previous mths.. =)
Hi apple,

I got the figures out from my invoice receipt...Ya..I guess they are accurate at this point of time...

"That day when I have my scan, the specialist don't talk much and when I asked her how is my scan - good or bad? She repied - the doctor will explain to you... after that, she will hand me the printout. By looking at the printout, layman like me don't know what is it and keep on guessing what is these and that black dots. Imagine the long waiting hour at the clinic, it will make you think wild by looking at the printout... I hate that.."

--This sound really familiar...haha..I had the same feeling as you when the specialist hand me the scan pics...And the worse thing is my doc's appt was scheduled on another day...I worry for a few days untill I see the doctor..
Hi Hoonie...

Hehehe... So, how is your report?

My husband say we will try another 2 months before going for the HSG...

Eh... I wonder... if the fallopian tubes are blocked, what happen to the tubes huh? What happen to all the eggs that want to pass thru monhtly huh?

Silly me... after hearing from the doctor that we are alright, I forgot to ask the doctor about this...

Do you know?
oic caitlyn. thanks for the info. guess have to go thru checkup before i know what's wrong with me. what type of test must i go thru before i am certain that I am normal with no major problems with my fertility? Pls advise.
Wow, there are so many posts over the weekend and today. Good to see the thread alive again.

You can buy from the internet. Around S$1/stick. I got mine from http://www.accuratepregnancytests.com/. Think some girls got theirs from http://www.babywishes.org/.

I watched the Chen Yuyun's show - xin4 fu2 mi4 ma3. It's 9:30pm on Sat, not Sun. I happened to be home that night and saw this show. I can relate myself to this show. Seems to be my 'xin1 sheng1' too.
Hi apple,

The doc at KKH says I am ok.. Just started ttc-ing this year March..Now relax a while due to my course...Guess will be thinking of ttc-ing again soon as my course coming to and end... I am considering to go to a private gynae to redo the test again juz to confirm I am really ok

Hi whee,

I watch that "Hey baby xin fu mi ma" too..Nice and informative show...In the past,my frenz were saying I very "kan chiong"...Now I know..I wasn't the only "kan chiong" pple ard...
Hi Sus-sus,

I have checked my bills. They are slightly different from Hoonie.

The cost for all tests:
Consultation - $20/per session
Progestrone - on my CD25 ($14.70)
FSH, LH & Prolactin - on 2nd day of menses ($41.00)
U/S Pelvis - Transabdominal & Transvaginal ($51.20)
Husband's Seman Analysis - Complex ($50.05)

Hm... Hoonie,
How come we are charged differently for some of the tests ah? Maybe because I'm a PR that's why.

But I want to know:-
What is <font color="ff0000">"My blood test : $84 + $21.50(Clinical investigations)"</font>?
What does it consist of?

<font size="+1">Eh... I wonder... if the fallopian tubes are blocked, what happen to the tubes huh? What happen to all the eggs that want to pass thru monhtly huh?</font>

Silly me... after hearing from the doctor that we are alright, I forgot to ask the doctor about this...

Anyone know?
Apple, i tik the subsided rate seem to be on the consulation fee. So far i did U/s is about $60 and SA about $40, so i guess the savings at KKH is on consultation, i paid $60 for it....heard KKH is not specified doc so i guess thats why consulation cheaper, overall i tik KKH is still not very cheap
Elizabeth, my gynae is Madeleline Tan at TMC, her clinic is WC Cheng &amp; Associates at the 1st floor of TMC. Fyi, the HSG is referred by her to the lab, means HSG is not done by her, by another male doc.

I think they do subsidised on the tests. They show full rate on 1 column on all my bills b4 govt grant. As for U/S, full rate is at $112.90
After govt grant, I only need to pay $51.20

Except for SA, no govt grant.

Though it's cheaper at KKH, I don't think I want to have my HSG there. I think they are quite "rough" when handling their paitent (at our private part).
Hi apple,

My blood test : $84 + $21.50(Clinical investigations)- Me also still blur on the results...The docs there are not very pro to me though...I am intending to see a private gynae to interpret my results...

I am not sure leh...I took the test in June this year...How about you?
morning all..

today's gonna be a hard day for me.. went home ytday and told my hb abt the BD thingy to induce AF! haha.. he was so happy! hee.. but then i kept having a nagging voice tt i may be preggy so i decided to waste on HPT to test and shut tt voice out.. however things got "bad".. i got a faint positive on clearblue.. whole person went cold w shock.. quite impossible.. so decided to go to a GP to do another test as my gynae was closing n not taking in any appts for the day..

weird exp at GP.. went in told tt test was -ve.. din feel anything as din believe i was possible preg anyway.. then after i left the doc's room, was soon called back in.. showed e kit.. a very faint line.. GP says maybe preg.. now gotta wait anxiously for my appt at 4pm.. not bearing much hopes as i dun wanna be disappointed.. gut feeling not very good.. coz tis mornign i tested on the cheaper HPT, but it was negatve liao

keep fingers crossed for me, gals? thanks.. hoping for e best but prepared for e worse.. sorry for my long long post.. just need to get it off my chest..
Hi Caitlyn,

Hang it there, maybe it is too early to test. I tested at week 4 (after 2ww), i get a negative but test again on week 5 and get a strong positive.

At the moment just relax and don't stress.
Hi Caitlyn

You are sure you cant be preggy issit? What if you actually did ovulate and catch the spermie in time this cycle? Maybe its good news?

If you are sure you cant be preggy, then possibly the medicine you have been taking may have caused HCG to surge and happen that you used Clearblue, which is very sensitive so may have picked that up as preggy.

Or, maybe you had chemcial pregnancy? If chemical pregnancy then its a turn for the better for those who havent been ovulating cos chem preg means you did ovulate this time.

Anyway, relax and wait for your appointment. Keep us posted ok?
LBB + sus_sus - thanks..

sus_sus - me not on any medication.. so can't be meds tt caused the surge.. i was due to start clomid once my AF came.. but well.. now.. it's all a limbo.. wat's a chemical preg?

anyway.. my BBT today was at 37.01.. so no drop yet.. y cldn't it just be either a clear +ve or -ve.. anyway, i now trying to take things easy.. but not tt easy coz will keep wondering.. haha.. sorry if i sound whiny!
sus_sus - went to read a bit on chem preg.. maybe i really have tt.. hoping it's not.. all my own fault to be itchy fingers! haha
whee, me too..the couples tried veri long then succeed so i believe we can make it too...lets jia you...

hi caitlyn, so anxious for you but happy at the same time... i can understand how u feel now...i pray hard for you.. GOOD LUCK!!
dolp4 - thanks.. me no symptoms watsoever so dun really think it's possible.. plus gynae already told me i wun be able to conceive so easily.. just taking things one step at a time.. =) now counting down e hrs to 4pm to get a confirmation.. if yes, good.. if no, AF better come so i can start for real!! haha

Miracle happen when you least expected!

When i tested negative and AF didn't show, I asked my gynae to give me med to induce AF. Then after taking the med, AF still no show so I go back to test again.

Some of the early sympton include:
- Giddyness
- Your boobs suddenly feel like a rock

But all these sympton usually occurs from week 5 onwards

sorry to intrude.. u might hit the jackpot!!! i was tested faint positive at first when i was 4 weeks preg. and i got no symptoms also!
Hi Ladies,

Both my HB and I have been TTCing since this month...and unfortunately, we didnt strike, was actually quite upset when i got my AF recently...went to the gynae last month and after all the test, she said im safe to conceive and that I ovulated last month, but since my cycle is pretty irregular and some months can be go up to 37 days..Im thinking of trying Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor but searched in Watson's and Guardian, cant seem to find it..you gals have any idea?
ant, LBB, stella + choco - thanks so mcuh.. greatlt greatly appreciated.. me thinking of doing another HPT later.. if still positive will keep my appt with gynae.. if -ve liao, then maybe wun go.. save e $$! haha
hi Ladies,

sorry to intrude!can i know the symptons of preggie?
1)is sore breast one of them? veri veri hard.
2)feeling feverish? i dun take bbt.
3)mens late for 2 days- use those online hpk but negative.
4)r we supposed to be "dry" or is there supposed to be some discharge?


Hi caitlyn,
since u got +ve twice, I think u hv high chance. Hv u tested again?
Its still early tt's y u may not hv any symptons yet. I agree with LBB, Miracle happen when you least expected!

Anyway, gd luck and keep us posted
