A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Stella

Congratulations!!!! Wow, one more graduate... looks like it's a good mth for graduation... if including Feliza... we have quite a few graduates this mth hor...

I remembered u tested +ve on OPK after yr O earlier on, rite? was thinking to myself... u most likely pregnant liao... so happy for u... hopefully, will be like u soon...

Think no choice gotta give the JRT away lor... first of all, he's so fierce... and if he felt that the bb is snatching away yr attention from him, he wld probably attack the bb too... so, better be safe than sorry...

I have a mongrel myself and during my surgery, I kept myself outta his way... coz scare that he will playfully play wif mi but accidentally tie my wounds... so, now that u r preggy before u gave it away... better keep a distance from him also... though cruel... but dun think u wanna regret later...

Hi Peg

CM is not an excellent guide for O... so, maybe, dun think too much... but if u wanna be doubly sure... juz continue to BD tonite lor...

gals, is it true that only preggie u will get cm? before AF, it is usually dry?

i am studying my symptoms before the big day this weekend.....praying hard
Hi gals,

I am back...
Was so tired...sleep from last nite 11pm to this morning 11pm..haha

Wow...2 more graduates this month...
Congrats Stella and Zenn!!!

Hey Yuki,

Can help me update...I have passed O day,I should have ovulate on the 4th June.
Today is my DPO4...
Expected AF:17th June...

This month not hardworking leh..only BD twice during my O period coz of my genting trip
Have to work harder next month..hehe
Hi gals,

Congrats Stella... seems like there are more and more graduates... that's a very good sign...

Yuki, My AF reported on 7 June... so today is CD2... I wonder whether I should go for checkup to see if I really got ovulate? I have regular menses leh... but seems like very difficult to conceive leh...

Does anyone have good gynae to recommend?
I know how you feel. Our family gave away our silky terrier when my niece was born. We cannot give him the attention that he needs. We were all very sad. But I guess that was the best decision then. So, don't be sad. This is probably the best decision for you too.
hi stella, congrats!! ur doggie must be trained & tamed lor... u'll have to smack him for the time being for being notti! Has he always been like tat? Mmmzz... then he's v aggressive! Must take good care ya!

Kermit, me emailed u liao... no reply fr u yet.

Yuki, ya.. so many grads. Hopefully, we'll graduate soon
wat dosage of clomid are u taking now? Take clomid will feel quite hot issit? Today, me feel q giddy leh... dunno why also.
I don't think so too. I always have a lot of CM before AF too. But still not preggie yet. I heard that no CM could also be preggie. So, I guess it really depends on individual's body.

I used to do a lot of guessing before AF reports (probably I still do now :p). In fact, I wasted a lot of HPTs, cos hand itchy, cannot wait. Haha.. :p

Be patient, missing AF and +ve HPT are probably the best bet.
congrats feliza

rest well

hi yuki & whee, thanks for responses. i have been "dry" past few days..kinda disappointed cos i thot usually preggie will have alot of CM.

i will be testing only this weekend. nearly test on tues nite but stop myself in time. hee

i am planning to get preseed and drink more green tea next mth if this mth no strike. if i want to take BBT, where can i find the charting? which type of thermometer should i buy and from where can i get it?

thanks gals..
hey stella,

congrats to you!

Hi peg76,
I doubt am preg leh, coz hor, I tested twice it was negative leh. No other symptoms. Still waiting for my breast to be tender and painful, then I sure test. but nothing! sob sob.

I wanna be feb mum too!
Stella, faint line?? CONGRAT to you!!!

My temp drop this mornng! It's rock bottom 36.3, think no chance liao..

Thanks for yr bb dust... think we all need that...

Hi Hoonie

Tot if on trip easier to BD? For mi, actually, wanted to go Bintan during my O days... but also scare if go there will go swimming...
dunno if will affect or not coz I find that everytime, after swimming, abit dry leh...

Hi Louie

Mi taking 3 pills liao... for mi after taking, I always felt tired and sicked...
sometimes, feverish... if u hv taken... then giddy may be caused by it?

Hi Elizabeth

I used to monitor my pre-AF symptoms to see if there's any possibilities of pregnancy also... but in the end always ended up with disappointment...
that's y, now... no longer monitoring... after O, didn't even wanna take BBT.... dun wanna give myself too much hope...
liz - most preg ladies have about the same symptoms as AF coming. No point trying to predict whethere preggie or not. V stressful & can get v sad if HPT is -ve. You can try http://www.fertilityfriend.com. U can buy the basal themometer fr Guardian - Omron brand i think $15+.

Btw, does guardian/ watsons sell preseed or must go to isetan pharmacy?
congrats stella, you have graduated!!
take good care of yourself and dun study too late yo. Must pass your babydust to us k...

ask you all hor. How to prevent sperm from flowing out after BD? I have already raised my butt for more than an hour and then sleep thru the night lying flat, but morning still flow out. Hubby said he tired and soldiers not a lot, so me already very careful not to let it flow out but still flow out. Furthermore, the flow is a lot lor. Enough to wet a few tissues. Very sian.... How ah? is it because of my CM or what? By the way, i'm usually quite dry. How can i improve my CM? Help.... me going into my fertile period soon, but still no sight of my EWCM or at least a bit sticky CM.

replied you liao. realised my OPK is not the simple green tip one but the cassette type.


actually, what will need to fertilise the egg, which are the healthy spermies would already be travelling up the cervix and tubes in the first 5 or the most 10 minutes after ejaculating. what flows out is really those who cannot make it liao. If you lie down with your hips lifted for 15 mins already, don't worry too much about what flows out later.
hi ryes,
i also tested negative twice! and today already CD45... really wish tt my AF come soon... think it's testing my patience now... sigh~
thanks yuki n louie..

chloe, think quite hard not to flow out. i usually wash up after BD, still morning, there's slight flowout.

Maybe wear a sanitary pad? if flowout, still stay on the pad, maybe spermie got chance to wriggle in again...hee...not sure..
kermit, replied u back liao! Is there any expiry to the OPKs ah?

yuki, tis wk near ur fertile period... must BD lots esp tomrrow nite onwards hor!
The after effects of clomid come after finishing all the tabs one ah?? I finished 5th tab on tue, today then get the side effects?? my goodness... yest feeling a little tired, today giddy + a little headache too!
Yuki, ur pre-O BBT higher aft taking clomid? My BBT used to be ard 36.3 for pre-O, nowadays, my pre O BBT is ard 36.5 -36.61. Find it weird!!

Don't worry too much, if clomid doesn't work... there are other ways. Jus discuss ur concerns wif gynae lor

chloe, sure will have some tat will flow out. Aft lifting ur butt for 15-20mins, just go to sleep immed. shd be good enuf liao
Hi chloe

Same as me, after BD, I raise my hips for awhile then put downsleep liao. Next morning, it will still flow out abit like discharge and very smelly leh.

Those that are healthy and strong would have already travelled up. Read that it takes 48 hrs to travel up is it?

Hi dodo, very cham right. tsk tsk.
more common side effects of clomid is giddiness. i chk wif doc, she say hot flushes not common side effect. but i've been getting hot flushes (today cd15) since i started clomid. giddiness only like until cd10... a fren of mine say hot flushes could be due to hormone changes as a result of taking clomid. fyi

does it take so long to travel up, i read it's only a couple of minutes needed. because if it's 48 hrs needed, then when OPK positive, egg to be released in 24 to 36 hrs time, then how the spermies can make it? :p

it's the fertilised egg making its way down the tubes to be implanted that takes long i think...hehe..


replied you! got expiry but think it's still some way to go. will confirm and let you know before posting out.
Hi kermit,

I must go back and find the magz again, coz I cannot rem is it 48 hours or 48 mins. ahahahah. will reconfirm k? : p

want to share this interesting site.
Of the 300 million sperm cells that set out on the road together, only the strongest one thousand will succeed in reaching the egg. Out of these only one single sperm will win the race and fertilise the egg.
hi ryes, got ur PM. sorry, i told kermit tat i'll be getting hers. anywae, she doesnt need them for the next 7mths liao!

juju - oh i see, no wonder. Tot q happy no side effects when I took fr CD 2 to CD 6. Now, then i feel it... kkekeke. Silly me!! Tot i am falling sick liao... feel like going home
Me going for scan next monday (CD 12) to see if got big egg follicle
U going down CARE for scan soon rite?

Yup, can tell the pattern after a few months of monitoring (2-3 cycle) as mine is irregulars.

Good luck and all the best to you too.
eggie takes abt 24-48 hrs to travel down... spermie usu takes abt 15-30 mins to travel up
dat's wat i read la...

keke... if not feeling well, then go back & rest lor...
my CARE appt is next Tue for cd20... hopefully follicles will be big enuff for ovulation soon
Hi Chloe

Perhaps, it's not yr fertile period yet, that's y sperm has no where to go but come out again?
I think I encounter similar situation when I BD after O.... or way bf O...

Hi Louie

Ya lor... this week my BD week... already started my BDing liao... hehehhe... yesterday afternoon, tested my 1st very faint OPK... around 8 pm, tested again, it's faint... so hopefully, will see the actual test line today or tomorrow lor... but anyhow, will BD tonite also... hehehe...

Ya lor, the effect for Clomid is after u complete taking the course one... mine also like that... at first, I juz tot maybe I'm not feeling well... but after 3 cycles of similar symptoms... I'm pretty sure it's Clomid... heheheh...
fertlisation is quite fast too. the spermie only need to wriggle inside the egg, maybe a few seconds? hehe. but the fertilised egg will take about 8 to 12 days to travel down to the womb and then implant itself. that is where you get your implantation bleeding about DPO8 to DPO12.
ryes - think what we can do now is only wait patiently....

ohohjazz - THANKS! it's very motivating... i will work hard and do my "homework" diligently! good luck to u too
ya. kermit is right... fertilisation quite fast. unless the eggie is not good (e.g. hard shell) then spermie will take longer time to penetrate (or even no penetration at all). eggie travel smaller cos bigger & clumsier, then need to squeeze thru the fallopian tube to travel down, also take time

jia you! so envious u can ovulate. doc told me to test wif opk strip daily till my next scan on tue
scared will spoil my holiday mood
KErmit, not everyone will have implantation bleeding, so if you don't have don't panic...

Yuki, sometimes faint line might mean you just missed the LH surge, so just BD, nothing to lose anyway :p Sometimes, it might also mean preggie already...that is if your period is irregular
like that ah. That means most of the soldiers still young with no experience, so lost battle. Hopefully, still have survivals to go find the palace... hee

haha, u very funny leh. Flow out still can go in meh. Furthermore, i think the spermie will be like superheros going against the gravity. But hor, I really hope they can go back to find the palace.

u know what... i always very kiasu. I will stay in bed and lift my butt HIGH HIGH. Then after an hour, my whole butt no feeling and body ache. But I 'ren' thru the night, until i really cannot tahan then i go back to normal sleeping position. My hubby said me like a Bat sleeping upside down.

my next day discharge not very smelly, but slight yellowish. Think should be the soldiers.

orh... like that ah. Yesterday my CD10, so maybe that's why hor. Dunno whether should get preseed or not. But u worry - fast go in, and fast come out too...
sometimes, i will think to myself that will the lifting of butt make the soldiers swim too fast and can't stop in time to meet the eggie, and just passby the eggie and say Hi and Byebye... hee, paiseh ah. Wild imagination sometimes...
chloe, i hv face the same prob aso. There is once my DH say he very tired, and the soliders also very little. I did try to hold up, next morning still flow alot out.

basically I have not much CM, not to say EWCM! If have also a little and soon dried up.. try so many cycle and still NOTHING!!!

Hi ladies,

Here are the recipes, check it out!

Qi Zi soup with He Shou Wu
It nourishes the blood & promotes sperm production. It also benefits the kidneys & moisturizes the Lungs

12g Qi Zi
8g He Shou Wu
38g black beans
150g mutton
2 slices ginger
salt to taste

1. Rinse all ingredinets. Scald the mutton to remove the goaty smell.

2. Put Qi Zi, He Shou Wu, black beans & mutton into a stockpost with 8 bowls of water. Bring to the boil over high heat. Then switch to medium heat & simmer for 2 hours. Season with salt at last Serve

Eating instruction:
Serve twice a week

Prolonged consumption of this soup helps cure hair loss due to Liver, Kidney & Yin-Asthenia, deterioration of vision, fatigue in the lower back & knees. This recipe is a great naturopathic soup for insufficinet Liver, Kidney & Yin energy; fatigue & accumulated Heat due to over-consumption of body energy. It is also an auxiliary cure for high blood fat level, hypertensio, arterisclerosis & diabetes.

Qi-strengthening anti-aging soup
It prmotes sperm & blood cells roduction & benefits the bone marrow. It also strengthens Qi & has anti-aging fuctions.

8g Chinese cordycep
19g Dang Shen
12g Yin Yang Huo
1 black silly chicken
1 quarter dried tangerine peel

1. Dress & gut the chicken. Rinse well. Cut into pieces. Scald.

2. Put all ingredinets into a pot. Add 8 bowls water. Boil over medium heat for 2 hours. Serve

Eating instruction:
Serve once a week. Drink the soup & eat the chicken.

This soup works great for those with both Yin- & Yan-Asthenia, both Qi- & Blood-Asthenia, with a deteriodrated sexual performance & low sex drive. It is also beneficial for those for those with mental exhaustion, muscle fatigue, poor memory, insomnia, pale withe complexion & dizziness.

Interested to get the book, title is "Nutritious Recipes for Man" cost $6.90, able to get it from Popular bookstore ...

Also, if you need the recipe in chinese, I would need to scan the book and send by email .. anyone wants the chinese recipe, do let me know!

penguin, don't get too upset lah! stressing urself too much liao!! How long have u been trying, if got no cysts etc, its just the timing lor. Actually, the chances of gettin preggie is quite low, have to be patient
chloe, think i post a joke abt egg meet spermie b4...my fren's hubby said, spermie meet egg is like dating. the spermie must "check out" the egg pretty or not b4 "shan"...hee.

so maybe 1st mth ttc, spermie stop and say hi only, 2nd mth ttc, stop and say hi and ask for mobile no. 3rd mth ttc, date the egg out...finally "wham"....preggie..
Hi Juju

I O after taking Clomid leh... and this is already my 4th cycle... after that also dunno how...

Hi Mrs Wong

Eeerr... missed my O day liao? Hmmm... seems abit unlikely lah... coz today only my CD 15 and my cycle is abt 30 to 33 days... yesterday tested twice... still faint line and my BBT today is very high... but anyhow, like wat u advise... I will still BD tonite... hehehe... ling ke sha zhuai bu ke fan guo...

Hi Chloe

Juz saw online that there's a package wif pressed and O kit... thinking if for mi, this cycle nvr strike will go buy that liao...

If u r keen, can refer to:

I also have the same problem, quite a bit will flow out then the next morning more will flow out...

There was one night, he was tired, so his army quite little, so the next morning, I ask him must send reinforcement bec his army is losing their battle against gravity, all flowing out already.

thanks for the info on fertilisation.
