A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Penguin8 & gals

Thanks alot for the advise...
Btw, as wat Ryes said.. jus now during lunch time went to get clearblue HPT... it show faint test line as well...

Got to fix appt and see gynae soon...


congrats feliza

penguin, dont worry...test it out in a few days' time. we abt the same timing...so keep me informed
hey gals,
my opk test line has already become faint today (yesterday both were of similar darkest as the control line), does it mean that I have ovaluated??
Last mth I tested faint positive with the green OPK, the next day I visited my gynae I cld see my eggie liao.
this is my 1st time joinin thread to vex my anger.
which i am force into it.

i hv send u a msg(same day as sihui telling u 2 add her)askin u 2 add me in msn .
if u dun wish 2 add me at least b courtesy 2 reply.
bcoz i wld like u 2 interpret my hb SA results.
i am terribly disappt bcoz u r proud as if u noe everything...
all u noe is askin questions here without solving doubts...
PUI! tryin 2 b an expert...

u resemble a lady fro summer breeze(superband)the 1 who tied half of her hair yesterday in the show.
certain of yr angle in the pix can tell yr age.
i agreed wif u
mu fro yr BS not veri gd...

heard u not fat? can c yr PS?
if not convenient is fine.
i wldn't abuse u like what penguin do.hahaha
in e 1st plc dun tell ppl u r shy wanna exchange.
shy ppl dun send the link 2 exchange wif other wan...
not confident in yrslf say so.
i noticed u keep askin question
she seem 2 condemn u 4 not replyin
save yr breath dun b stupid!
wah lau u like an idiot talkin 2 yrslf here!

yr hb is familiar
think i watched yr hb acted in the TCS drama b4.

yr 1st pix is beautiful
the rest so so oni
machiam veri old
MIND UR WORDS! U r welcome to join in the discussion. Not to criticize...the thread is going fast it is common for some of us to overlook...
It has been ages since i last posted here. And today, when i happened to pop into see some old friend's post, i jumped upon the above thread.

I am not sure if the message was alittle harsh and commenting ones pics or even the integrity, but wishing one can just be real careful with the words one is using as plain writings here are totally unable to judge what's on ones mind.

All are here to share their experiences, dont make it like a target board or a must to answer all queries as many are not that FREE to sit infront of the pc like SAHM.

Please do leave any sarcastic remarks to yourself. Thank you so much.
Qian - The thread is moving very fast & archiving of postings are twice daily if the postings are alot ..

I do need to clarify .. Hayashi did not add me .. I added her instead ..

For me, I just join this thread also .. initially no one reply also .. I actually posted a few postings & ask the gals some qns .. then got response also .. ..

All of us are working now .. we actually use some of our free time to read & post our msg .. & some time, we are not able to scan thru' all the postings .. therefore, we might overlook it ..

Hey ladies .. I have already remove my wedding link .. if anyone wanna see .. strictly by email invitation to avoid any trouble later ..

1st consultation $60, subsequently 45 & u/s $50. No medication involve. Huh...why wait until so long?

i find your message was totally unnecessary.
if you require to find some information about anything and did not get it.. ask again.... do not wait for information to be fed to u....
most of us are working adults and therefore may miss out on your posting.

some of us may not be very pretty (which may also include u) but it is totally uncalled for to pass such remarks. no one say brides MUST be superbly pretty.... and also the part on ppl making fun of each other is prove that most of the girls here have moved to be more than ppl who post messages on forums.. they have moved on to very close friends.

anyway only ppl who are NOT confident in themselves will criticise others.

dun be sad cos of ur womb shape. your gynae says no problem to conceive due to your womb shape right? your hubby so cute to ask for OT pay. for me, think my hubby got high sex drive... haha... every nite if i touch him then he cannot tahan liao.


congrats! think u hit the jackpot already!
ttc is already tough enough...what we need is concern and support here not harsh words...hence sometimes it is good to hold your negative thots to yourself...not fair to leash at any ladies here...

Hi Jo,
Ya lor...cos i can only go in the evenings...her evening appts are all full for this and next week...How long have you been seeing her?so what treatment are u undergoing now?? I had a bad experience in SGH(Dr based on my HSG scan 2 years back to make his dignosis),so is looking forward to meet Dr heng to do some scans and tests.....
Char - I see .. normally evening quite pack .. maybe will arrange with Dr Heng also .. Where u live east side also??

Jo - Tks
Eastern Specialist is near to the bedok central .. BTW, where do you live?? East side also? I'm living near to Eunos
Hi Sharon, jo & Penguin

No lah... I'm not disappointed lah... juz envious of dodo mah... heheheh... my gynae did tell me that once pregnant, the womb will get back to shape... so hopefully, will get preggy soon...

Juz tested wif OPK earlier.. -ve... but will still continue to BD tonite...

Wow... Sharon... yr hubby so powerful? hhehehe... my hubby is pretty stressed up @ work... so sometimes, when reach home liao... dun feel like BDing... he used to say he wanna ML everyday also... but later on realise... his body not strong enough... hahahaha... luckily... otherwise, everynite OT.... he not tired... I also tired....
Hi sihui,
i will be going to her bedok clinic....i m staying in kallang and working in changi,so it is quite conveninent for me to drop by her clinic...
Tmr I'l be doing my HSG, this Sat seeing her. I started seeing her in March. I see her once every mth to check if I O by doing U/S. Really jialat they make u waste 2 yrs at SGH real bad experience. Also gd tt u change to another gynae. Our time is very precious, can't afford to waste time...update us here after u visit Dr Heng...personally find her gd but not sure abt others.

i can't remember did my gynae say anything abt my womb shape liao... but i think nothing wrong cos i will remember and keep thinking abt it if something is wrong.

today will start to test with OPK also. yesterday BD liao but today and tmr cannot BD cos hubby outstation. hope won't O early...

my hubby will keep wanting to BD even after CD20, he say not O period also can BD.
Yup, Eastern Specialist is at Bedok. Now staying Town. When I hv an appt with Dr Heng I'l go back to visit my parent at Tampines.
Jo - I see .. U stay @ Town??

So how u find Dr Heng? Read from the other threads that she is gd .. & queen of Easthshore Hosp .. something like that ..

actually BDing often is good for semen leh. i read that once semen stays in the body for more than 5 days, will start to "mutate" and destroy other healthy spermies one. so it's good to BD every 3 to 5 days even when not during fertile period.
That was totally uncalled for!

hey ladies,
I have removed my all the pics in my link. Whoever, still interested, pls let me know.
pls do not get worked up over Qian's post. getting worked up means lowering urselves to her standard. she's jus out to spite all of u. pls cool down.
kermit, i read too...hence maybe a good idea to get HB to BD few days b4 O day to get rid of not-so-healthy spermies

i am feeling super tired...going home soon..yippee
Elizabeth .. Yeah .. goin to knock off soon .. going for some therapy massage later for 2 hrs .. hee hee .. today damm no mood to work .. sigh .. but it okay .. tomorrow will be a better day ahead!

wow, so good, going for massage.

Talking about massage, are all massages safe for us ladies who are currently ttc?

I am going home to cook dinner, sick of eating out already. Me very tired today also, eyes swollen, probably not enough sleep, too much ECA already....
Wow si hui... so xiang shou?

Wanna go for massage also leh... yesterday went for yoga... think stretched too much liao... now aching everywhere...

Hi Peg

Think if 2ww... u might wanna reconsider abt massage... think normally, can check wif them whether if pregnant still suitable to have massage...
peg76 - Hee hee .. yupz going for some kind of therapy massage course .. nto for massage .. organize by the CC .. for 3 sessions .. for $30 ... today first session .. will tell you more what is the massage all about .. hee hee ..

Wow I left 5mins to go .. going to change to jeans .. tshrit + sandals .... more comfortable than wearing heels!!!

Cheers .. bye ladies ..
i love massages...sucker for it..hee...
me sick of outside food too...sigh...but no choice...going to ikea for dinner...eat swedish for a change...

think ttc before 0 day, can massage to relax..but during 2ww (like yuki said) better avoid..just in case..

tata gals...me off now..
Yuki - not massage .. go learn massage .. hee hee .. btw, where u takin yoga???keke

K .. chat again tonight .. got to go change liao
Finally my AF come today since 14th april..... pls update for me, thks.CD 1 on 6th june.
i hairwire last cycle, so dunno when is my O for this cycle....

Dont border abt what "qian" said,i think she jus too free.... cant understand how come got this type of ppl, really hate it..
o i c...such a coincidence wor!
u can go buy 4D liew!
u r lowering yrslf 2 my standard 2 argue wif me.
how old r u jie jie?
i not yet get my key.
i get cheated by my hb i condsider myslf retarded
u happy wif my sarcastic remarks to mylf?

who say is not necessary?
i tout here is 2 share our unhappiness, saddness...
not free howcome can c e same person keep on loggin in at the same time question pop 4 her was ignored. *scatch head*
not condemn dan is wat?
wats the pt askin again n again makin 1slf a fool.
there is weddin pix all suddenly pop out from nowhere
nobody miss out dat...?
my previous post is makin fun does tat means i gd frd wif the girls?

i understand tis is a ttc thread not sgbride.
wedding pix is uncalled for.
i speak the fact.
many hypocrites here.
beta make myslf 4ever vanish fro here.
those wish 2 continue scoldin can c u r pretended 2 b benevolence n righteousness...
so er xin
hi sihui,
thanks for the cheers to jia you together! hope the baby dust sprinkle on everyone of us...

hi yuki,
dun have to envy me... i have polycystic overies which may post some probs... but i believe a positive mindset n determination will do miracles! so ladies, we must never give up k!
hi baby26,
mine also haywire for my last cycle... AF not here yet, since 25th april... i wish it will come sooner.. so i can start trying again...
hi sharon
shldn't be implantation coz no chance to BD during fertile period.
only scare of endom... coz my mum got it also. but today no CM no bleeding leh

think u better go n seek advice frm your gynae. then at least u know wat is happending.


ya, i know BD is good cos will produce 'new' and more healthy sperms. actually ever since i ttc, my hubby like very happy cos last time i dun like to BD, but now alt days from CD10 to CD20 got to BD.
update: goin for v-scan tmr am to chk for O... hopefully it's coming soon. i'm tagging along hubby's work trip. hope can relax a bit


GET LOST!!!!Makes me Very PIss of with you....What makes u think i dun wanna add u in the MSN???I shared the MSN with my hubby,most of the time he is the one using the MSN.Since he doesn't know who are you,how do u expect him to add you in the MSN?
Likewise for me too...I dun even know who you are.How to add you in?
Now,I really dun wanna add you in....

<font color="0000ff">YES,I AM PROUD SO WAD????</font>
