A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi lilac, I have some probs identifying discharge and not sure if some are signs of abnormality. THe sitcky one I mentioned, which I'm having now just after my menses cleared, is that normal? Also, sometimes I have mix discharge, watery but also have sticky globs. what does that mean?

<font color="aa00aa">wendl,</font>
Congrats!! u prob hv graduated!! u din go to the doctor in the morning rite? is it a gynae u went to or a GP? if it's GP, then i'll advise u to go to a gynae directly on Sat morning cos eventually u'll get referred to a gynae!

gynae usu advise NO sex during 1st 3 mths of pregnancy cos the zygote (bb) is still at a SUPER VULNERABLE stage. at least that's the advise i get
that's why we muz be EXTREMELY careful during 1st 3 mths.

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
cos AF &amp; ovulation is different mah

ovulation = egg released by ovary
AF = discarding of "lining" builds up for conception

so if no O or O but egg doesn't get fertilised, lining will be discarded, thus AF appear. not too blur huh?

<font color="aa00aa">jaslyn,</font>
hmm.. not really in contact with Nov 02 brides. but do met <font color="ff6000">mint</font> a couple of times when we went back my mum's place &amp; dine @ the hawker centre

yup, hubby very happy, we've been under quite a bit of stress cos his SIL gave birth last Sep, his 2nd sis gave birth to 2nd one juz last wk. luckily we hit jackpot this time, cos his 1st sis oso hit jackpot ard same time as me. otherwise, we sure super stressed

so which gynae u went to? will be delivering @ which hospital? know bb gender alr??
hi slk,lilac &amp; angelia

slk,thanks for ur answer

lilac,dun congrats mi first lah,wan to confirm again.....

angelia,i went to a GP,have to go again to double confirm &amp; oso paid for ocnsulation fee,as today din pay yet,i went in the afternoon time....

but i have not deicde which gynae leh,cos i dun knw any.....i have tgo ask my GP about it.
<font color="aa00aa">maya,</font>
it's perfectly normal!!

Texture of CM will somehow be in the order of
sticky, creamy, watery, eggwhite, creamy
angie.. this is jas.. i think i lost my passwd.. so registered a new a/c..

under stress arh? ur ILs pressuring u? these type of things have to shun qi zi ran wan mah.. haha.. so who's gonna help u look after bb next time? will u quit ur job?

for me.. my MIL will help me when i return to work.. will be delivering at Mt E.. yes.. oredi knw bb's gender liao.. hee hee..
angie.. when's ur next visit to gynae? now when u go for scan.. u see nthg.. maybe onli the embryo which does not resemble a baby at all..

but when u go during ur 12th week... u'll see a great difference.. and u'll be veri excited.. be sure to bring ur hubbie along so that he can share the joy..
hi angelia

i am thinking to go to KKH.

is it if i confirm regnancy,will have to go to gynae for bb checkup.

so that meant if i go to gynae's clinic,he/she will oso follow up mi to the hopsital that i delivered???
Hi Wendyl, most likely you've graduated. Congrats. If you dun intend to go back to the GP, just buy a test kit to reconfirm. Then you can go gynae later. It's best to avoid having sex during the 1st trimester as pregnancy is still not very stable.

Hi Disney, my friend told me that bb boy can be seen earlier than bb gal. Therefore if your gynae told you it's a boy, mostly it shld be. I'm waiting for my appt next week to see if gynae can tell. I hope for a gal, like you &amp; SLK.
oreo, i'm using the test strip from preggie bliss. today test again, the test line is faint already. that means i ovulated this morning liao?! Didn't bd last nite leh!!! the day before got, dunno soldiers can survive so long or not?? but this morning temp did not go higher.... very confused now.

angelia, i got ewm 4 days ago, but only yesterday O-tested got 2 lines. so far apart one??
lilac, SLK,Disney &amp; chihiro....today I have no more spotting and menses also hasn't come. But I think my chances of getting pregnant not very high cos if pregnant, my breast shld feel pain or sore right.....but I don't feel that...only slightly bigger than ususal.....I think my system has gone haywire that's why my menses hasn't come.
hi all,
I also used the ovu kit yest and found 2 lines. The day before and yest I also see some sticky discharge when I urine.

Previously I bd when I see the 2 lines and also not preg. This time I do not dare to pin too much hope.
Hi YeeYee

Does not mean that you are pregnant, your breast will be sore. I do not have any symptons at all when I found out I am pregnant. Why not just go and have a test? Dun worry, who knows, you will be so happy with the answer.
Hi wendyl, if you don't have spotting then it's safe to have sex in the first trimester. My gynae says ok lor. If you want KKH, then you may ask your GP to give u recommendation for the gynae there lah.

Hi yeeyee, you still stand a chance as long as AF not here. Not everyone got sore breasts when preggie leh.

Hi sue, hope you get a GIRL!!!
gals.. having the white discharge doesn't necessarily mean u r ovulating.. it's just to tell u it's ur fertile period..

usually on day of ovulation, u will feel drier than the days with the EVCM.. then followed by wet days again..

normally, the soldiers can survive in ur womb for abt 3 days (maybe more).. so there is still chance even if you dun do it on O day..

furthermore, chances of getting a ger will be higher if you do before O day as the X chromosomes can last longer.. if u wanna get a boi, best to do on O day..

hope this helps..

my breasts were not sore until last week. in fact, they were not even tender at all, thus i also didn't feel pregnant. but my nipples were slightly darker.


have you started taking folic acid? did the GP prescribe you with some?
hi girls,

i am in the same boat as wendyl and yeeyee. my mense is still not here after a week. tested on the clearblue pregnancy kit but was negative. i didnt have any spotting that they encounter. does that mean that i am not pregnant???

You should start taking folic acid even before you knew you are pregnant. It is advisable to start taking when you are trying to conceive. Just go down to any NTUC pharmacy and buy. It only cost $2.50 per box with 100 tablets.
hi Orea/Lilac,

Jus wanna know usually how long does the EWCM last? Only in one particular day i saw it but subsequent never show.

What does it mean? Can advise me. THks.
hi slk &amp; disney

my place dun have ntuc leh,will waston &amp; guardian sell folic acid????

if i will to buy today n eat now.....then on sat,i went to see my GP again to confirm my pregnancy,he said he will give mi folic acid......can i eat his one or i bought myself one???

if i will to eat his one,will this make it messy,bb ok anot huh?
Hi Wendyl

Guardian also selling but is more expensive. Its yellow in colour and very small. They have other brands as well but not as cheap as the ntuc one. How about anywhere near your working area?

I think its ok to eat whichever cos folic is a vitamin. If not, either you tell your GP you already had folic acid or you can finish yours and then start your GP one. Don't worry, it will not affect the baby. Its better to have it, rather than none.
Hey gals, I came over the thyroid thread and posted the following:

"My mum has thyroid and she only has one child after trying for 2 years. Me. Attempted to conceive after that and was not successful. Think she also had cysts in her womb.

So far, I do not have thyroid but am worried about my own chances of conceiving next time due to genetic inheritance of her health probs?

Anyone can advice me too?"

I have mentioned to different doctors before about my mum's history and sometimes when I have abnormal spotting... but so far, none of the doctors think it's serious enough for me to take any tests... they keep telling me it's normal... how?
hi wendyl,

i think it's $3 for 50 tablets in guardian. the folic acid that your GP prescribe could be the same as those in the pharmacies.
hi disney &amp; slk

ok,i think i will get it at guardian,i think my wrk place dun have ntuc too......

anyway,thanks for u all helping mi
pls don't mention, we are all here helping one another. hey, remember to take one folic acid every morning after breakfast.

don't buy too much, your gynae will also give you the first time you go see him.
hi slk,

only eat a pill per day huh???hw many grams???

another thing,need to ask again,i read fm website that,even if i tested got a faint line yesterday,but is it maybe after few days later,it become negative,if it become negative,is it meant a miscarriage or the faint line is a false alarm???
hiaz... type a long post, but all gone.... sianz..

anyway, will make things short now....

<font color="aa00aa">babylooney,</font>
when i start TTC, alr KS go find out hospital &amp; gynae. decided on Mt A or TMC. so read thru gynae recommendations... found 1 near my place, hv nite clinic as well. then my fren's SIL oso go to him, say he quite good so i go to him lor

bb will be looked after by my mum if everything goes smoothly
at least if got things to voice out, oso easier mah. anyway, my ILs too far far far away liao, @ Seremban, near Port Dickson liao.

so u hving a boy or a gal? what's ur hubby &amp; ur preference?

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
dun worry. my fren oso thyroid, but she hit jackpot without even trying!!!

as for ovulation, if like what <font color="aa00aa">babylooney</font> mentioned, then no way to tell lor. but think temping still helps though it's "after" then u know.

<font color="aa00aa">wendyl,</font>
why u want KKH? think if want KKH, gotta go to KKH for consultation. heard my fren (&amp; hubby's colleague) say that the Q quite long. then see gynae &amp; scan is different room. so gotta Q to see gynae, then Q to scan, then Q to see gynae again. then hor, dun think they hv nite clinic. if ur company recognises MC from gynae, then okie lah. for me, they only recognise MC from company list of doctors.. stupid hor?!!

like the gals mentioned, folic acid suppose to take way (3 mths) BEFORE we TTC. i'm suprised why ur GP din give u folic acid on ur last visit?!!!

<font color="aa00aa">jigsaw, babypooh,</font>
for O-test from preggiebliss, the 2 lines MUST be SAME color then considered +ive. if test line lighter than control line, considered -ive (juz O-ed ?).

<font color="119911">me on MC today cos din sleep well past few days. since on MC, i drop by gynae as well (appt supposed to be tonight) then tonight no need to wait long long again

saw the embryo (finally!!) &amp; heartbeat as well. too bad hubby is in Japan. size is abt 1.22cm, EDD ard <font color="aa00aa">04 Oct 04</font>. next appt is 2 wks later.

btw, i thot after detecting heartbeat, gynae visit interval is 1 mth? how come mine still 2 wks?? but good oso lah, then hubby can see bb earlier
hi angelia,

hubby like govt hospital lor,so thinking of KKH lor....i saw a post that Dr ChristopherChong fm KKH runs a nite clinic at AMK,will see hw lah.....

i oso surprised that he din give mi,but nvm,i gtg to get today at pharmacy......

i got a Q to ask,if i tested got a faint line,but few days later,it become negative,it meant i got miscarriage or the faint line is a false one?
hi angelia,

finally!!! so happy for you
so your EDD is 4 days before mine
my next appt is 3 weeks later. i think our gynaes just want to make sure everything is ok, since we are still in our 1st trimester.

hi wendyl,

yes, only take one a day. i think it's 5mg/tab.
hi ladies......

i need to ask a Q leh.....kindly pls help mi.........

yesterday i was tested on a kit,n it showed a faint line.....after few days later,it become negative,it meant i got a miscarriage or previously the faint line is a false one??
sorry wendyl,

i can't help you with that question, not sure if miscarriages will diminish the HCG level in the body.

hey bebehope,

any news from you? you ok?
Hi wendyl, don't scare yourself lah. If there's no bleeding or spotting, then everything is ok. Stay calm ok? Try to take the folic acid as it helps to prevent bb from spinal defect.
angie.. so which hospi u wil be delivering? TMC or Mt. A.. heard TMC has a full range of equipment for pregnancy &amp; childbirth..
Hi wendyl, it's ok to be paranoid cos we first-time mom mah. Of course, we more kan cheong but we must also have confident and think more positive for the sake of our bb. They can sense it one lor. So meanwhile, stay happy and wait for your confirmation on Sat.
Hi all..

Lilac seems to have disappeared.. no CD updates today leh...so i shall back her up!
I've uploaded the latest below .. sorry for the late updates.
<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 19 Feb 04
skinnyma ....... CD 05
funny .......... CD 08
amberlyn ....... CD 09
felene ......... CD 11
maya ........... CD 11
iloveoreo ...... CD 14
Emma ........... CD 15
Jen ............ CD 17
Ms Blur ........ CD 18
jojoba ......... CD 19
wizard ......... CD 21
joice .......... CD 22
jigsaw ......... CD 22
shopper ........ CD 22
wendypooh ...... CD 24
chihiro ........ CD 27
lilac .......... CD 27
pet ............ CD 27
YeeYee ......... CD 34
okeanosmao * ... CD 36
Ob-rider ....... CD 33
hopeful24 ...... CD 38
wendyl ......... CD 40
moonriver ...... CD 41
aa ............. CD 48
bebehope ....... CD 53
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
</font><font color="ff6000">
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
