A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi ladies, i just did the ovulation test and there were a faint line and a dark line after i dip the strip into the urine. then i left it there and when i came back 45 mins later, there were two very dark lines.... errr... does it mean ovulation coming? will the test still be accurate after so long gap??

Lilac & SLK, very funny, yesterday I told you that I am expecting my menses come cos I got light bleeding when I went toilet rite. But after that it stop and menses never come.Now menses alos never come, only that I have menses symptom like slight stomach cramp, breast swelling and bloating. Very funny lei. Wonder it is becos I am too stress that's why my system go haywire.
Hi Hazel


Hi YeeYee

Not trying to raise your hope, you are probably pregnant and that may be what they call implantation spotting. I also have it before I found out I am pregnant. I thought I was having menses when i see red but it only lasted for a night and very minimal. You may like to test, should be able to see the result now. Good Luck and hope to hear good news from you soon.

Hi Lilac

Have gone for my checkup, I am expecting a baby boy. Will double confirm on my detailed scanning next month.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 18 Feb 04
skinnyma ....... CD 04
funny .......... CD 07
amberlyn ....... CD 08
felene ......... CD 10
maya ........... CD 10
iloveoreo ...... CD 13
Emma ........... CD 14
Jen ............ CD 16
Ms Blur ........ CD 17
jojoba ......... CD 18
wizard ......... CD 20
joice .......... CD 21
jigsaw ......... CD 21
shopper ........ CD 21
wendypooh ...... CD 23
chihiro ........ CD 26
lilac .......... CD 26
pet ............ CD 26
YeeYee ......... CD 33
okeanosmao * ... CD 35
hopeful24 ...... CD 37
wendyl ......... CD 39
moonriver ...... CD 40
aa ............. CD 47
bebehope ....... CD 52
forgetmenot * .. CD 94
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
angelia ........ ??/10/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
<font color="0000ff">YeeYee,</font>

Disney may be right... but could also be wrong?
I experienced that before.. a tinge of blood which lasted only for a moment.. a couple of days later, AF came.

But it's good that you test.. so at least you know the result instead of guessing and wondering.
I'm keeping my fingers cross for you!
Disney &amp; Oreo, I don't know whether shall I wait for another few more days to see how or shall I test now.

If I go GP for the test, do you think they are able to see the result if I am pregnant or shall I wait. I don't wan to buy the test tube lei cos expensive...if I go company GP, I only need to pay $5....heeee.....save money mah...hahaha
<font color="0000ff">Jigsaw,</font>

Not sure what O kit you're using..but the one that i'm using says that if there are 2 dark equal lines, that means that you're going to ovulate in 8-36 hrs time. If it's a faint line.. then probably means that it's coming soon, good to BD! (did u BD last nite?)
Anyway,why don't you test again this evening .. if you get 2 dark lines.. then better BD!!
<font color="0000ff">YeeYee,</font>

Wah! You only pay $5 for GP fees!! So good lobang!
Won't they charge you for the testing??
If you're patient enough to wait, then wait for another 1-2 weeks more to test.
<font color="aa00aa">Jigsaw,</font>
another way to determine if u'r ovulating is to check ur CM

<font color="aa00aa">YeeYee,</font>
u mean ur company GP dun charge for the pregnancy test kit? i did a check at home, then went gynae to double confirm. paid $25 for the urine test kit (he says his 100% accurate) on top of the consultation fees. if ur GP charges only $5, then go ahead. but do go early in the morning &amp; hope use ur 1st urine to test. will be more accurate

<font color="aa00aa">okean,</font>
ya, i oso heard that after the 1st one, following ones very easy.. maybe it's "wan shi qi tou nan"

<font color="aa00aa">disney,</font>
congrats!! is that what u &amp; hubby wish for? for me, i wanted a gal, hubby wanted a boy.. hiaz.. then he says twins lah. then 1 time settle liao.
but i ask him, if twins, then both gals how? hahahaha..
oreo &amp; angelia - That is my company doctor. I only need to pay $5 everytime when I go to see him. I am not very sure whether they will charge me for the pregnancy test. Previously, I went for a blood test as I always feel giddy but they never charge me so I presume they won't charge me also.
Congrats! Its a boy..... so good..... i also hope to get a boy. U mean doctor not 100% sure its a boy??

Regarding the implantation spotting, it happens during 7-10days after ovulation rite?? If so, then <font color="0000ff">Yeeyee</font> cant test now cos its too early.
hi gals, happen to pop in and hoping to learn something as i myself is ttc-ing. can any of the mummy-to-be advice me, whether b4 knowing u r preggie, u get to have lots of discharge? those yellowish and watery types??
how long will implantation spotting last then ??
ixxit like a very light brown discharge for tt day and that's it?
i also duno leh. Maybe ur AF really coming? Maybe u really preggie? I thk u wait for another 2 more days. In case u go test tml morning and ur AF comes in the afternoon.
If u able to tolerate, then u might as well wait till next week and see how.

i nvr gt that experience and so cant help in answering ur question.
paisay paisay...... me forgot...... will do it now

yup, not everyone will experience it

im just started my 2WW. So hope to contribute some good news 2weeks later.

So u dun thk too much and meanwhile take care of ur body.
coz im in DPO10 now .. still din experience any significant dip in my temp ... tink no chance
liao ...
<font color="0000ff">angelia,</font>

Is there a difference between implanation dip and spotting?? This is so confusing.

<font color="ff0000">maya,</font>
Did you notice any watery or egg white CM? If you do, then your O day may be on its way.
Everyone's O's day vary from person to person.
will keep fingers cross for u ..

ren for a few more days will be nx wk liao ... 2day is wed oredi .. hee..
Chihiro, ya, I will wait. Hope will have good news next week...hahaha....But I will try to relax and not to think too much.....

BTW, how long have you been trying?
Hi Angelia

I same as you. Hubby prefers boy, I prefer girl but its ok, most impt its baby healthy.

Hi Lilac

Gynae is quite sure but I just want double confirmation.

Hi YeeYee

For your info, I saw red on Friday night and tested on Sunday evening and got a +ve. I read somewhere that implantation will happened either 7-10 days past ovulation or when your mense its supposed to come. I guess mine is the latter.

congrats! sue will prob know the gender of her baby end of this month


same here.. i want a girl and hubby wants a boy. so it's fair competition


you are on CD33, should be able to do the test.
i think it's good to test early. if it's positive, you may want to go to the gynae soon, in case the bleeding is more than implantation bleeding. my colleague had bleeding as bad as AF before she knew she's pregnant. but somehow she sense something not right abt her body, so went to see her gynae. the gynae gave her injections to strengthen the foetus.

good luck!!
Disney, how long does your bleeding last. Only a day?

SLK,I only have bleeding yesterday evening but its stop after that. Now there is only very very blur slight brown red stain on my pad.
what CM u having now?? watery type or egg white stretchy type?
If u having the above, u can start dancing.

duno leh. i thk i read from somewhr that not evryone will experience implantation dip. So even if our chart dun show the dip, it does not mean we are not pregnant.

ya... i wont stress myself. Just leave it as it is. Hmm.... maybe u are experiencing what <font color="0000ff">Disney</font> experienced b4 she knew she is preggie.

No dip doesnt mean no chance..... dun stress over the chart....
oreo, does it mean that when there is watery/EWCM, that means there is ovulation?

is ovulation confirmed? how will u know if u r ovulating or not?
actually, none that you mentioned. Not sure abt this but my menses just cleared yesterday but I noticed that there's this thick, whitish, discharge yesterday and today (hope I'm not grossy anyone), it's not watery and the consistency is such that you can actually pick up the whole lump with 2 fingers. Sorry for the vivid description......
so now ur CM is consider sticky. Those sticky and lumpy type. So u still not at ur fertile phase yet.
harlow.. can i join in?

angelia.. u still rembr me? i'm one of the Nov 02 Brides.. hee.. long time no talk..

saw that u r preggie.. congrats!!
me too.. i'm in my 21 weeks.. going to 22 weeks..
wat abt u?? when's ur EDD??
CONGRATS to u too
hv u been active in this forum??

me? i think i'm only in wk 7 or 8. still long way to go. EDD shld be Oct.
<font color="0000ff">Jen,</font>

When you have watery CM, it means that you're at your fertile zone.. but not the most fertile... you can still dance.
Egg White CM is the most fertile.. and definitely must dance.
Some ppl only get watery CM and not EWCM.. it varies.
I would think that when there's watery/EWCM, there's ovulation. Correct me if i'm wrong.

If you had plot your temp., you would know that you have ovulated when there's a dip in temp before a rise until your next AF.

However, it's still best to observe your CM coz' temping only shows you your progress. It will only tell you when you have ovulated and not before.
hi angie.. nope.. not active here at all.. haha.. just happen to pop by and saw ur posting lor.. how's life so far? stil in ctc with the rest? it realli seems like a long time since we last met/chat hor?

ic.. so u just found out u r preggie? must take care.. be careful arh.. ur hubbie must be realli happie.. which gynae u go to?

my EDD is in June..
wat oreo said is correct.
Since u doing charting, u will be able to see if u have ovulated or going to ovulate. But nvr wait till FF tells u ur O day cos its too late by then. FF always detect ur O day after 3days of temp rise. So u gt to predict it urself and by counter checking with ur CM.

when u having watery CM, u are in ur fertile phase. And when u find that u are begining to be more wet, u are nearing ur ovulation day.

The best is to dance once u notice u are getting wet down there. And stop dancing when u feeling drier.

EWCM ==> able to strectch to few inches (most fertile)
watery CM ==> watery/clear but breaks easily (fertile)
hi ladies.....

i went to see a doctor liao,instead of buying a pregnancy kit to test,cos hubby wanted mi to go n see doctor instead of testing of myself......

ok.....the test showed a red line.....meant the test is done correctly,n beside of it shown a fain line.......the doctor said, asked mi to go on sat again.....to see it clearly....so now i still not sure i am pregnant not???

by the way,if pregnant,can have sex right,but must wif condom or dun need???thanks
hi lilac.. thanks..

experience arh?? not sure if i'm experienced enuff to share wif u gals leh..

1 thing i knw is that u have to observe ur mucus lor.. if it's like egg-white.. most prob is ur fertile period..

another rough guideline is to calculate ur cycle..
let's say ur cycle is between 30 to 35 days averagely.. so, to find out ur fertile period.. minus 14 days from the no. of days in ur cycle..

1) 30 days - 14 days = 16 days
2) 35 days - 14 days = 21 days
* Therefore, ur fertile period shd be between the 16th to 21st day of ur cycle..
* can have intercourse every alternate days during this period lor..

hope this helps.. :D

congrats! you have graduated

if you test tomorrow morning, you will most likely see 2 dark lines
hi slk,

i think not gtg to test again cos i never buy pregnancy kit leh......i not happy yet,cos not too sure....by the way,is it ok to have sex wif hubby ejact inside or must use condom???
thanx lilac and oreo... but i was confused when angelia previously mentioned that AF can still come without ovulation... so how will i know if i ovulated or not... hiaz...


yes, can still have sex. no condoms needed, cos there is a mucus plug (think this is what it's called) at the vagina that protects baby from all bacteria, semen etc. so no worries... but not too vigorous huh :p

wow... if you confirm your pregnancy, there'll be 3 oct babies from this thread... break record. and i'm sure there's more to come...
