A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Everyone ,

i am new here.. i have a bb gal which is now 6 months old.and i ttc for a 2nd bb...i conceive my princess using clomid. so this time round i had clomid again. But don no when to test cause i still breast feed my bb at nite and mense was hay wire.. the cycle is short also.. my CD 1 is on 29 Aug... and my symthom for now is having some sticky discharge from viginal and temp is always on 36.9 to 37.1. My nipple oso a bit sensetive. so any advice...althought i am a mother....

Hi erin00,

the 1st 3 months is the critical period so still hv to be careful. But at least now it is confirmed a normal pregnancy rather than ectopic preg which is suspected earlier. now sac etc.. is at average range.
Hi Gals

I am new in posting althou I hv been reading the threads silently.

I am trying to conceive after a miscarriage in Jun. What are the things that I have to look out for or take care?
chen sing,

think my af also coming soon. thought it will come yesterday but din. anyway, I have done pre-conception tests at kkh which incl. ultrasound scan, pap smear, blood test (for Thalassemia, Anti-HIV Screening Test, VDRL Screening,Rubella IGG Antibody, Blood Grouping, Full Blood Group) and Urine FEME.

results showed that everything is ok. just talked to hb yesterday. will not do hsg this cycle but if we still did not conceive, we will be doing the fertility check-up then.

I think you might get more information from http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/22127.html?1127255725. Hope it helps.
Hi Jenifur,

Hi Chensing,
I think depends on the blood test tat you are doing.. if I'm not wrong, some are done in Day 1-3 (LH) some are done around 21 days (check fo r ovulation).... but better to check with gynae in case I'm wrong.... call the clinic and check....

most gynae will not ask you to do blood test if you have not been trying long enuff like 1 yr.... cos they might not wan you to waste the money doing so many test.......... but if you really wan to do the test, just let your gynae know.
Most impt is relax!
Hi all sweet ladies.I'm new to this forum,have already been reading alot about pregnancy tips from here.Thanks to all of you for giving me the encounragement and support.I have been TTC since 1 year ago...but sad to say still not preggie yet.Im really sad.Right now im having sharp pain on my left abdomen and my nipple is painful.Need some advise whether should I test my pregnancy test and im so disheartened to do any more test
Welcome smileybaby and roseytulips!!

So sorry for your loss. I noticed that you are already in the thread that Erin suggested. You will be able to get good support there. Unfortunately, miscarriages are beyond your control. All you can do is live and eat healthly and be happy.

I sometimes have these symptoms as well just before my AF. So for me these may not necessary be pregnancy signs. Depending on how long is your usual cycle. If your AF is late you may want to test. If you are only at DPO 12 or less, I would say wait a while more.
hi smileybaby,
If your AF is due liao, can test... but if you test positive and still have sharp pain, better go see gynae asap... as sharp pain is not normal...
Hi there,

I am new in this chat. I have been reading and you gals gave me alot of info.
I have also been TTCing for abt 1 year already. I have a 3 yrs old son conceive naturally 6 mths after my wedding. I have tried taking clomid for 2 cycle. For the first cycle on the ultrasound my egg did not mature, the doc then gave me 2 jabs and still my egss did not mature after few days. For the second cycle the doc increase my clomid dosage and gave me another tab ( i couldn't) remember the name...Was suppose to go back to him for ultrasound but i didn't...cos its quite stressfull..for me...
The doc say maybe my hormone level go haywire cos of my obesity...

I was so stressfull cos besides going for the fertility thingy the doc kept on telling me to lose weight...and the waiting time for the doctor was so long.. VERY STREESSEDD UP..

So now i decide to try and lose weight first then will go for checkup again.

But can a person conceive naturally have PCOS later on?
Hi Bernice

Yah I joined tat thread too...

I guess what you say is right. As wat the gals say there "There is a Cause to everything" So maybe its all predestined as well.

I will try to be positive n try all over again.

Gd luck to me & you as well.......
Thanks a million for the reply from bernice....have you conceived yet?Anyway to let you know also I had brown stains since aug 6 and slight blood discharged till 13 aug,so I do not know is it my AF or what.As I took clomid as given by my gynae from SGH (Prof SK Tay) during those days.Pass few days been having stomach pain and sore nipples ....just wondering what is the reason...Anyone had the same pain like me??Advise....pls
gadis.. aiyooo u might hv chnce leh.. i heard be4 those having sore nipples soon reported they got BFP liao... be careful also. today what CD liao? maybe can test HPT..
Hi Dilla,

Welcome to this forum....I'm new here too.I myself a PCOS before even my marriage so I do not know what is the actual cos of PCOS and whether a person can develop after conceiving.Since you are able to conceive,I dun think you should have any problem conceiving again.Do not give yourself and hubby stress as they might also be one of the important factor in conceiving.Weight is also the important factor for our hormone level.Dun worry,hope to hear good news from you
Jenny,thanks for the reply...hehe anyway what does BFP stands for??.Today if calculate from my last menses(brown discharged only )its only into CD16.I'm really confused on my cycle.Anyway I just called up my doctor and made appointment with him this Saturday.He requested me to do a blood test..Cross my fingers and hoping for the best

May I ask if a rise in BBT is a 100% garantee that i ovulated? Is it possible to have a BBT rise in the luteal phase but no ovulation occurred? Reason i ask is I had a BBT rise which was quite distinct but i did not have any EWCM. Instead the mucus was moist and creamy. So, did i O??
Hi gadis,

Thanks for encouragement, are you seeing pte doc or kkh doc. Cos i give myself till end of this year if still nothing then i dunno whether i should go to my previous gynae or kkh gynae.
Hi Marble,

Have you tried using the ovalution kit,as I have heard from quite a few of them it really helps as it will show your O day.You may purchase them at any guardian pharmacy.All the best....Looking forward to hear good news from you
Hi Dilla...You are most welcome....all of us here are TTC,so we are here for each other support and encouragement.Currently,I'm seeing a gynae from SGH.He is Prof SK Tay.I have been seeing him for half a year,what i can say about him ....I have to salute him.He is really nice and caring...The nurses there are really helpful.So if you are looking for a gynae,i strongly recommend you to him...All the Best !
hi smileybaby,
not trying to scare you... but I suggest you see gynae asap....
if you only have brown staining for your menses, that's not normal.....plus the pain in your stomach....I dun like the sound of it....
better go and get gynae to check it out for you....
Marble, it depends on the range... if your rise in temp is about 0.2 higher than your normal raneg before O, then it is highly likely that you could have O.
So, you should look out for an obvious shift in the temp range.. after O, the temp range would be higher...
BFP=big fat positive=positive pregnancy test. Nope, not pregnant yet. I have been trying for more than 18 months. SK Tay is good. I heard that he is the guru for fertility treatments.

Not all women have EWCM when they ovulate. BBT is a better indicator for ovulation compared to cervical mucus. But OPKs are the best but can be expensive. Usually my temp goes up by 0.2-0.3 C higher after ovulation
Hi pekochan,

Seemed that some side effects might apply for some but not all. I have taken clomid for 2 cycles. No side effects for me. Fyi, I took the pills in the morning. Hope this helps.
Hi Bernice and elmo..Thanks gals for the advice given.I have already fix an appointment for this Saturday,that's the earliest day that I can meet up with my gynae.I will be doing pregnancy test tomorrow morning.I'm really looking forward to the test and the result.Gals,pray hard for me that it shows positive.Keeping my fingers crossed.Right now I can't walk to fast if I do,I will feel the sharp pain poking in my left side of my stomach...Just have to endure I guess till Saturday.
Hi Pekochan,

I myself was on Clomid (50mg)for 3 cycles or so,so far i did not see any side effects on myself...So I guess it should not have any side effect if you take for a short while unless you been consuming for 1 year or 2 .Dun worry,take it with a relax mind.All the best to you.Awaiting for your good news yah....!
hi smileybaby, did you let your gynae know that you've been feeling the poking sharp pain?... your gynae should be able to see you immediately....cos sharp pain is NO GOOD..
not good to wait till sat...too long liao...

Hi pekochan,
50mg is rather low... so you might not feel major symptoms... dun worry...
Hi Pekochan & Smileybaby,

I was also give 3 courses of 50mg clomid to try. I'm about to start my first tab tomorrow. May i know how is your clomid dosing like - CD day x? to y? I am told to take from CD2-6 but i thot that's rather early...

And anyone knows if starting clomid earlier in the cycle will result in earlier than usual ovulation? my previous O was on CD17...I wonder if O would happen earlier once i start on clomid?
Hi Marble,

I was given by my gynae to take clomid from CD2-CD6 days.I was also given other pills to consumed as well such as metformin with clomid and folic acid...**sob** so many pills to be consumed.I just dun like it,but I guess I don't have any other choice.
ok so start on CD2 is the norm..

did any of u check if you ovulated earlier than normal while on clomid. I am asking because my hubby travels frequently and we need to plan the period he should be around.

Just to share with you gal...I have tested my pregnancy test today....and it shows negative **sob** I'm so sad today.Never mind will see my gynae this saturday and hopefully everything goes well...
Hi PekoChan,

I do not feel the sharp pain anymore,so i'm feeling rather confused also..Me and hubby a bit dissapointed with the result of HPT that I took this morning.Thanks for the support given yah.I feel much better than .Thanks.So how about you.Are u and hubby trying for kid this month
Hi Jess,

Yup I only tried taking the HPT test once this morning only.today its CD16 if previously that is menses that came as I only has brown discharge since then....I'm confuse
hi smileybaby,

could the sharp pain due to AF? i noe hw u feel but dun be upset, let the gyne do a check on you first. dun need to thank me lah we all need each other support here
i've been trying for the past few mths oredi.
hi chen sing,

u mean there are different types of hormone test? my AF is irregular so gyne suspect my hormone is not balance so he suggested to do the test. The result will be out by end of this month.

har so scary ar over stimulation may cause overian cancer??
hi chen sing,
if you prefer a more detail gynae, probably you might wan to look for another one... most impt is to have a gynae which you can trust and be comfortable with......
no lah... me not knowledgeable, just that I have been reading up a lot... me started TTC since beginning of this yr.... got preggy... but etopic... so now got to start all over again.... me now resting and recuperating... so will not be actively TTC for a couple of mths....
hi smileybaby,
there could be many reasons why you having sharp pain.... if last cycle is AF, then you tested too early... if it's not AF, it could be something else....
so dun be too uptight abt it yet..... just relax and wait and see
Hi chen sing,

I'm only going back to my gynae 3 mths from now so a bit hard to show him. what should a biphasic chart look like?
smileybaby, clomid was supposed to be taken on CD2 and CD1 starts when you see bleeding, not spotting.... so did you took your clomid while spotting?

Did you go back for scan while on clomid, cos gynae supposed to do scan for u to see how u responding to clomid, not supposed to let you take and try.... cos not everyone is suitable and not everyone respond to clomid or the dosage....
elmo.. am good..
hw abt u??

went for my bhcg blood test juz nw.. hopefully its the last lor.. keke then can start to rest and chiong next year..
chen sing,
oh... then no choice...
yes, easier say than done.... so must learn to focus on other things ...if not will get very stressed up and that's definitely not good for TTC.
jia you....

mei2, me same same... af come liao... phew! So now got to take good care of myself and try to be as healthy as I can... then will go for hsg couple of mths later.
I think yours should be alright liao.....dun worry.....
hope you've been treating yourself well? :p

Hi Elmo,

I took the clomid on my CD2 during slight bleeding but after that day I just had brown discharge,I'm also confused as well.Right now my stomach pain is no longer there anymore and my sharp pain is also gone...Im so relieved but my breast is really painful and sore.Anyone who took clomid has such experience before....Need advise on this.I really feel uncomfortable as its painful at times..
