A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Congrats to Loving!

hi olive, did u see the gyne since u r TTC. maybe u can go the gyne there to do a chk up since ur AF is irregular. i oso got this problem like you.

Everyone seems to come back... welcome back and keep this forum alive again

Loving : congrats to u
hv a smooth 8mths ahead

Mashy, u not online har.
Hello everyone,

A little depressed today because got signs of AF coming. Sore nipples, bloated, spotting, outbreak.....

Sigh and I was hoping that this is my lucky month... especially after HSG. Looks like its IUI for me....
Hi Bernice,

Please do not be disheartened. I am sure, with our perseverence, all of us will have our little darlings one day. Ganbatte!
hi Loving,
Congrats again!! ;)
take good care of yourself and hope you have a smooth pregnancy.

Hi Bernice,
dun be sad... must "zhai jie zhai li"......
hi all, been a long time since i came into this thread. finding hard to catch up liao..

i tested a positive yesterday
can any1 advise me wat am i suppose to do next? still in a shock so abit blur. thks
Congratulations, Milo66!!!! Thats great news. I bet you are dazed at the moment.

The first thing is to start taking your folic acid (if you have not already started). Then the next step is to make an appointment with your gynae. If you do not have a regular gynae then you might want to get feedback from others on the other threads. Other than that, maintain a healthy diet and relax and enjoy the nine months!!!
thks bernice!

i jus called my gynae, thinking of making an appt for a few weeks down the road (cause they always say, too early cannot detect) but they ask if i got cramp and i said yes, she say ask me go down today to check...now so worried cos cant find my hubby
jenny, been ttc-ing since apr liao..u still remember me? i was that kanjiong woman that ttc not long then went to see dr ho for check up.

sprinkle bb dust on all of u *sprinkle*
hi milo,
congrats! wish you a smooth pregnancy.
dun worry too much... mild cramps are normal.. think your gynae just wan to ensure that everything is fine.
hi..thks for all the congrats!

jus came back from dr ho..he confirm my preg but cant see the sac yet, gotta go back next fri for checkup again.

mashybrainz: seen from the forum that u have some prob with tigerairway re the tic right? i am currently facing the same prob, how did u manage to let them allow u to sell ur tics to some1 else?


i got them to agree to let me change names, in the end they agree provided that i produce a medical letter that i'm not fit to fly and to pay $30 for each name change. It took a long time though, coz they are very slow. U better work fast if u wanna get it done.
hi chen sing,

It's true that clomid can help pple get preg esp when they do not ovulate every month. My friend whose period is very irregular managed to conceive in the 1st cycle when she took clomid.

Btw, how do u know u have a history of not ovulating?
hi pekochan, no ovulation can also have menses one.... I also have some cycles that I dun ovulate.... AF is just shedding of womb lining cos no fertilised egg implanted.. but it doesnt have to depend on whether got egg release (ovulation) or not...
temp and OPK can point to that fact... but I think to be certain, at least to rule out other possibilities (e.g. error in temp recording), blood test can be done but I've not personally did the test before....cos I have PCOS, so that's one of the ways to tell I could have missed ovulation... or not regular Ovulation...
but for chensing, since your ovaries look fine, maybe a blood test will be able to make sure...

oh and chen sing, to take clomid, you need to go back for regular scan. CD10/11, CD13 or so depending on your egg's growth... doc need to ensure they check how you responding to clomid, cannot just ask you to take and try.
Hi gals

I've completed 5 cycle of clomid but still failed. Went for the HSG test yesterday instead of Lap. My HSG test is normal with no tubes blockage. So can anyone advise me what is next step I shall proceed to.
has hb taken his SA test? are his swimmers ok?

i am not sure too...is that the maximum cycle you can take clomid? and would going for IUI need clomid too?

would going for IVF be the ultimate step?
If you have an ovulation problem, then I do not think IUI is will help. IVF may be a better solution.

There is no maximum cycles of clomid you can try, it just depends on how long you want to go on trying this method. But after 5 cycles I think you should try something else.

Talk to your doctor and see what he says. Sorry cant help much. All the best.
how did you respond to clomid? did egg grow?
There could be many reasons why clomid fail..... suitability of using clomid, Sperms quality, egg quality....
normally gynae recommend 6 cycles of clomid..... cos too many cycles will have certain risk of over-stimulating the ovaries....risk of ovarian cancer in long-term.....
You might need to do more blood test to ascertain what could be the reasons....

Consult your gynae on the other options you can take.... if you not responding well to clomid, then IUI might not be able to help..... if you are responding to clomid, then could be other reasons liao... more test will tell...
hi gals, do take note that u can't take too many cycles of clomid...over stimulation of ovary might lead to ovarian cancer. Most gynae stick to max of 6 cycles.

Khoo53, maybe try IUI??? check with your gynae what is the best alternative....they will be in the best position to advise.
hi all,
jus to update dat i went to gynae's for review. i passed my HSG as told by the radiologist. hubby's SA test is good, except dat normal spermies only 6% (normal is 14%). rapid sperm motility is 59%, nothing written for slow & immotile sperms... wat does dat mean? hope hubby's spermies r healthy enuff
hi milo,
dun say u kam chiong lar. we all ttc here also kam chiong mah. not oni u lar. ahahhah congrats to ur pregnant once again. i also gg to try hard but i seen tcm with hb. she say that hb kidney is weak & his sperm is no good leh. nid to TIAO for certain time. but hb meow lar. dun bear to part his money with him lor. stupid hb. i also dun care lar. so if my MMIL ask i say is her son fault not me. ahhaa which i aldy did say last wk. ahaaa
hi jenny, thks once again! must jia you k
i went into down slump before during my journey of ttc-ing. hb has a very stressful job thus we tried ways and means to go on holiday to relax but still fail. the most disappointing and hurtful part was my MIL saying that me and hb "bu zheng qi" till now cant pop a bb out. i was so hurt and mad at her which till now hb still is lor. told her the news and she is like "ok lor", alittle sad too, but who care, i am happy to have my bb and all i wish is for bb to be healthy

HB has already gone for his SA's test and result normal except dat normal spermies only 8% (normal is 14%). But gynae say still okay.

elmo, I respond well with clomid and there is also egg growth. My gynae has ask me to proceed to do a lap. The hsg test is done by myself cos gynae refuse to refer me to do the hsg test. Since my tubes are not blocked, is there a need to do lap surgery or not. Quite confused and helpless now after some many cycles of failures.


Have you done IUI before and what is the procedures. Tks.
why not try a few cycles of clomid first before you go for lap. if you did not do HSG how gynae knows your tubes are not block?
Dun get too stressed up... Stress in a strict no no during TTC. Take it easy ya? Perfectly normal couples take up to a year to conceive... and that is normal...

on my 3rd cycles of clomid I strike liao.. but ended in Etopic..... so I will need to do hsg later.
Milo, dun be too sad by ur MIL words.. they all ah siao one. dun care abt them. we aldy gek sim liao they still add salt& vinegar to us. somemore such hurting words. my MIL also sort of want bb fast. i think i gonna make her suffer the more she want the longer i let her wait lor. cos pblm not with me mah is her precious son lor. kekeekkekek they think we like them last time no work so easy pop pregnant & pregnant again one after one ar. we all stressed working pple leh. not like them do hse work everyday where got stress?
dun get too affected by your MIL.. must keep a happy disposition... so can have happie bb.... take extra good care of yourself...
all other things are NOT IMPT! :p

don't bother abt your MIL. They always like one. Want u to have bbies, then when u have, they do not appear the least bit happy nor supportive.

Just take good care of yourself. Your bb is more imp than her opinion. Like what elmo said, have a happy baby!
Having a bb will change your life forever.
yes, i agree wif the other gals... dun bother abt wat ur mil says. jus focus on urself & bb & enjoy ur pregnancy
Hello gals...
Wah.. Long time never come in here liao...

Congratulations milo on your pregnancy
Keep positive thoughts
Wish you a smooth pregnancy.

Congratulations to Jenifur on the birth of baby Janelle.

Hi Jenny,
Men's kidneys are very important in fertility. My hubby's kidneys used to be not as good till he started the daily DCC. That DCC you got will improve the "chi" of the kidneys. I did do a bit of search about fertility last time... ;)

Hi khoo,
Dun kan chiong
It can get very frustrating during TTC... but gotta try to relax and not focus too much on TTC
Baby is really a gift of God...

Jia you jia you! Try to stay relax
If BBT or OPk are giving you stress, then leave them aside
. I have thrown away the OPK already cos it gave me lots of stress trying to monitor ovulation. In my last pregnancy, OPK tells me negative but I still get preggie... How come? I dunno.
As for BBT, nowadays I am getting a bit forgetful and not so hardworking to take temperature every morning already ;).
hi gals,
anyone bought the hpts from naturally the other time? Wanted to ask whether there's any indentation when u used them? TIA.
Hi Chen sing, it is possible to get a false positive on the OPK even if you didnt ovulate.... this could be caused by too much LH in your body... but you need to get gynae to do blood test for you to confirm that... that is just 1 possibility.... but I think you dun have to worry too much... nowadays medicial science is so advance....
Hi erin,
i've combined order from naturally..
wat u mean by indentation?? i dun think mine one hv any 'indentation'.. maybe u can post the pic over here.. btw, any good news to share har?? ")
it's like a little bit pop out near the test line. no lah, no good news yet. clearblue showed -ve this morning.
lyn, thanks for the advice. Right now, I learned to just try naturally and dun give myself so much stressed. By the way, may I know what is the meaning of daily DCC.

hi loving,
think af coming. temp drop drastically today.
most prob will do hsg this coming cycle.

congrats. everything's ok now?
