A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

dew.. i didnt go for hormones jab leh.. coz i dun do BBT, too stressful liao.. BBmaking must be stress free keke :p who is ur gynae?

mashy.. me recovering well from Lap
thks u.. ur boy must be like u.. keke have u chosen a name for it? and i saw that u bough the pregnancy journal.. from spring?

mummy carole.. so shiok hor.. can sleep till nw :p keke nvm.. u gonna have a good rest liao coz giving birth to clarisse soon ;p

Great to know you're recovering well.
boy's name is Caeden. Didn't buy from Spring. Bought from Kinokuniya. It's Peter Rabbit Baby Journal. Very cute. Like story book.
mei: woke up very early.. 2am to puke.. kekek.. n again puke at 8am.. so sickening.
when time for food, little girl inside will start making noise...
Hi All,

Went GY yday, confirmed pregnant but since it is less than 1 cm and found 2 dots. 1 dot in the uterus and the other one outside. not sure which is the water bag or the cysts, so suspect etopic pregnancy.

Anyone experience this when scan the first time ?
Twinkle: this one i cant advice u... i know nuts... best person to advice will be ur Gynae. from now till cfm of ectopic, pls take care of urself. dun let this ectopic to effect u.
hi twinkle.. sorry can advise u on this though i got ectopic oso... my scan is totally nothin in my uterus coz its @ my tube... took 3 blood test to confirm its ectopic..

did ur gynae do any blood test for u?
Hi Mei2,
Yes he did a blood test yday , will see him again next week and results shld be out then.

did u remove your ectopic ?

Here now trying to think good thoughts etc not to make myself worry.
Due to cramps etc, doc advise to rest more and reduce stresss and absolutely no travelling liao.
Hi Chen Sing

I am starting my battle soon too.

Same as you, I simply cannot BD on alternate days as per advised by gynae and TTC friends here....

Maybe you can try to BD around 5-7pm as the sperm is most active during these few hours. hopefully it can make up to the less frequent BDs...

Hi Twinkle

Don't worry too much and take it easy....everything may turn out to be fine....will pray for you...
hi twinkle.. remove the ectopic 3 weeks ago

y wait till next week.. ectopic is serious leh.. call gynae and ask abt the result liao.. usually result is out within a day.. for my case.. 1st result is 890+ then scan its nothing, 2nd result is 1039 again scan and nothing.. then the 3rd one juz did 7hrs b4 my op is 1089.. confirm ectopic le.. coz uterus is clear.. and gynae saw sumthin swollen... then i was giddy so i ask if can remove asap onot.. and did the Lap @ 10.30pm that very day

normal pregnacy HCG double every 1-2days.. so better play safe ok
Hi ladies,

Got a concern here about low sperm count.

Does anyone know if conception takes place despite HB's low sperm count, the sperm that fertilized the egg is likely to be healthy and normal?

Or is there a chance a weak sperm will fertilize the egg? If so, will this have an effect on the fetal growth & health?

Has anyone here checked with their gynae on this before? Coz it just seems very sad & worrying that after all the effort taken to conceive, problems occur with BB's health or growth.

my heart goes out to you! be strong! will keep you in my prayers too!

chen sing

i know..it's really hard sometimes...and the stress of needing to perform on our dear hubbies...aiyo...


i thought the best time to BD is in the mornings? think i heard it from someone else...not sure though...
Per Per

i have always wondered too...but i think i read before some miscarriages are due to bad quality spermies meeting bad quality eggs...i could be wrong though...

but your question about sperm count...i was thinking...in a SA, its not just the counts we are looking at, we also look at morphology (shape) and motility (speed)...

and i read that for a man's spermies, it's really not about quality but quantity...so effectively, it may mean that having a lower count means lower chances (assuming healthy everything else) but coupled with low morphology and low motility, the chance of fertilising a egg is even lower? hmmm...
Hi kermit,

Thanx for your response... Actually, I think you are right in that some miscarriages take place bcoz of abnormalities in either sperm or egg. So if a weak/abnormal sperm had fertilized the egg, it is likely to end up in miscarriage.

However, the concern is whether if there can be exceptions to the rule. Can the fetus continue to develop despite the weak sperm? If so, are there tests during pregnancy to be able to detect? And wat kind of implications will it have on the BB?
Hi Mei2,

Doctor just called the hormone is abt 5000+ so estimate 5-6 weeks liao.which means the water bag is small. Need to monitor it for a few weeks.

Hi Kermit,Piggymum, Chee sing
Tks you all for your prayers... Me trying to be brave too.

that is good news isn't it? :D having the HCG at 5000+? have alot alot of rest! keep us posted!

Per Per

i don't think i have good answers to your question...but i know there are difficult first trimesters that some women experienced...and with jabs and medication, some managed to keep their babies past the first trimester...my guess is...that could have been due to a weak/abnormal sperm/egg...yet the trick is to get it past the first trimester...because the pregnancy stabilises after that...

as for other abnormalities that surface after that, it could be due to genetic influences or sometimes unexplained causes...

in a piece that was circulated here a while ago, the author was even saying that an egg that was ovulated late could mean a higher chance of miscarriage too! @@
Hi Kermit

Read the active sperm thing long time ago...when I am free, will find out the original article...


Good to hear that your HSG increases...it is a good sign and make sure you have plenty of rest...

Per Per

I think there is no need to concern too much about the BB's health. If it is bad quality sperm, it cannot even fertilise the egg, right? As for the low sperm count, I think it is the easiest problem to treat in male infertility. Unlike morphology, which is genetic and we cannot do much about it, you can increase the count by changing of life style or even with male hormone.

You only need one healthy sperm to meet the egg...so even with low sperm count, low motility and morphology, there is a chance although lower than the normal couples...so dun give up....
Wah! Looks like I am late today. Got so much activity already.

Hang in there. My prayers are with you.

Per Per,
Fetal abnormalities are genetic (i.e something wrong with the genes). That means that if one spern has it, all sperms have. I have read somewhere that abnormal sperms will not even be able to fertilise the egg. There are certain test which you can do during pregnancy to check if your baby is normal. You can draw some fluid out from your uterus and check its genes. Doctors also will take certain measurements of your fetus during your pregnancy. These measurements can determine if there is a possibility of any problems.

Then again if there really is a problem......will you abort? I have asked myself this question before and it is difficult to answer
Per Per

guess this may answer your question. saw this at one website

Imran asks:
I've done a semen test, and my morphology is only 10 percent. Motility is good. I was told that 90 percent of my sperm are abnormal shapes and sizes. Could this abnormal sperm swim through the fallopian tube and penetrate an egg, hence produce unhealthy or abnormal baby? Also, are there any chances for my wife to conceive with only 10 percent normal shaped sperm with normal intercourse?

Kurt Barnhart, MD, MSCE responds:
A low morphology in your semen analysis can contribute to a reduced likelihood of achieving a pregnancy. The chances are lower if the morphology isn't normal, but the chance is not zero. However, it is unlikely that if you were to achieve pregnancy that the child is at any greater risk of having a problem. In other words, it is usually an all or nothing issue. If the sperm is abnormal it will not result in pregnancy. An abnormal sperm will not result in an abnormal child.

The chance of conceiving can be increased by "selecting" the best sperm with a sperm wash used with insemination. Also if you are having a really hard time achieving pregnancy you can consider having a single sperm injected into the egg (called intracytoplasmic sperm injection - ICSI) used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF).

hi ladies,

Thank you all for your help with my question.

Your article is very reassuring, kermit. Thanx!

The fact is, I am in Week 10 of pregnancy. But my HB did a SA and was diagnosed with low sperm count with only 20% normality. He was put on hormones but I believe I conceived only 2-3 days after he started medication. I dun believe the hormone pills he took had time to take effect yet.

Anyway, my pregnancy has been stable so far with no spotting or discharge at all. But we are very concerned if his condition would have any undetectable effects on the BB. We will be doing the triple test and any other tests that will help detect abnormality as the time arrives. Bernice, I don't know wat I'll do if the test results are not positive. I try not to worry abt it unnecessarily. Tried to reassure my HB too, but I think he is more worried than me.

In any case, to all TTC couples whose HBs had the same condition as mine, pls dun give up. You see, we were ready to let things take its natural course and quite prepared to go childless once we knew of his condition. But I conceived! And it was totally unexpected. Now I just hope and pray the rest of the pregnancy will go smooth and safe.

Good luck to everyone!
yup i am...last month midcycle (cd 18) i started charting...my temp hovered around 36.6 to 36.9.

when AF started, it dropped to hover around 36.1 to 36.4.

on Cd16, bbt dropped to 35.9 and then the next day it went up to 36.4...guess i ovulated (but i was not in Singapore then...woowoowoo...)

the next day it went up to 36.5...now i am hoping to see a sustained rise to 36.7 and higher...*fingers crossed*

really hoping to see the classic biphasic bbt chart...

how did your charts look like? :D
Congrats Per Per! :D

your post was so inspiring! JIAYOU everyone!

Would you mind sharing with us what are his numbers like? and when you say 20% normality, is it only 20% morphology?

am going to sit out this cycle and try again next cycle! wish me luck!
i think your chart just shows that you haven't ovulated yet right? *scratch head* the hovering between 36.1 to 36.4 is a bit like mine...

are you using a OPK too?

this month i tried and it detected LH surge on CD15...which is confirmed by the BBT chart of a temp drop to 35.9 on CD16.

Keep on BD-ing! LOL...maybe ovulation haven't come!
Hi Mei2,

My dr is Dr TB Lim at Mt E. He had operated on me in April 05 to remove a fribroma.(spelling might be wrong).
Hi All

If I am supposed to ovulate on day 16 according to 30 days cycle. Am I supposed to detect positive on day 14 in OPK or even earlier ah?

I am using the temp charting and OPK this month..I started testing using OPK on day 10. But it still shows negative today (day 13)...also the temp is still around 36.7 and shows no trend to dip....does it mean that I am not ovulating this month??
Good Morning!!

Chen Sing,
Looking at your chart it is not a good tool to determine ovulation le. Do you take your temp first thing when you wake up (even before you get out of bed), same time every day? Think maybe the OPK result is a better indication for you. To be on the safe side, just BD every other day till you are sure you O. Must remember your goal then you die die will have energy. Ha Ha..

too early to tell that you did not ovulate this month. You are only day 13. Plus sometimes because of stress or other issues the O date can differ 1 or 2 days. Continue your OPK and keep BDing!!
hi kermit,

I dun have the report any more, so I can't recall the exact figures. But I remember 2 items stood out. One is the sperm count. I believe is 8 million (normal would be at least 20?) and the other is abnormality 80%. I think the other items, including morphology is normal.

Once again, to all TTC couples, good luck but don't give yourselves excess pressure. I know it is easy to say but tough to practise, but I really think it's important for the couple to enjoy the act rather than just perform it.

hi piggymum,
like u, i thought i din O this cycle. at first, fertility friend shows I O on cd 9 but later took away my O date as my temp drops for a couple of days. was rather worried then but now temp rises again and now cd 16 is shown as O date. so confusing!

anyway, O dates do differ but luteal phase would normally be the same. I O late last month and so cycle is longer. so don't worry lah. perhaps, u r stress n hence cause u to O late.

din see u online for quite some time. take care.
Chen Sing,

Try taking ur temp while in bed, just as you wake up. Put the thermometer just by your bedside. Do not even sit up. Try and see it your temps dont roller coaster too much. I think that it will make a difference.
FF base its conclusion on the data that you enter into the system. This includes temps, CM, cervical position and other ovulation signs. Try to include other signs in FF, then it will be able to more accurately predict when you O.

Then again it is just a prediction. You cannot depend on FF 100%.
hi erin..

coz not TTC-ing nw mah.. so didnt come in so often liao lor.. keke :p u too take care

Halo gals...
I have good news to share with all of u here. I m pregnant and currently is my 11th week, EDD will be on 30/Mar/2006.

For those older batch of TTC gals may know that I have one bad m/c experience in Mar05. After d/c, my previous gynae refer me to HSG test in Apr05 ( my 1st AF aft m/c). HSG result showed everything prefect. He saying that I may start my trying next cycle. But hor, me actually not really putting any effort for trying, jus BD as normal when we wanted to.. ( but I hv use OPK tested my O for fun, cos I forever not able get +ve).. actually taking BBT its more accurately for me.

After 45days, still no symptoms at all either AF coming or preg symptom. So hand itch n imme to use HPT which mess purchase thru Naturallys, result showed +ve. I cant believe at all. I m super duper kiasu, since still hv a lot of HPT, so I keep on test n test on alternate day for 6 times..

1st AF after my m/c, I actually hv go to see sinseh once, she saying a lot of rubbish n blah blah blah on my condition although might be true, but I dun like her way talking, so never go back to her again aft that.. anyway I m still finish all 2wks medicine given by her. At same time, also taking Kordels brand Royal Jelly, Folic Acid, Chicken Essence n Spriluna oh ya, I also taking Bai Fong Wan everyweek once my Af clear I think all those thing mention in above its helping me a lot , but of cos HSG test also help to clear n wide my tube for more easily conceive

Go to see new gynae aft 2wks BFP. He did a 2 blood test for my Progesterone & beta-HCG level to compared, its good increased for 2nd test .. And I m given Progesterone to stablise my BB n increase my hormone due to my progesterone level slightly lower than normal. I also need to take the injection twice weekly till my 11th weeks..

So now I have finished all my injection and Progesterone pills.. No more injection, so my butt can be relax n dun need suffering the pain..

On my gynae visit yesterday nite , BB is now grown to 5.6cm, we also can see bb's full shape leg n hand clearly.. accordingly to gynae, bb in very good size, cos abit bigger than expected if in 11th weeks.. he also commented that bb super active, cos he/she use leg n hand boxing n dance inside non stop when doing scan. BB shld be consider stable nw..

I hope that my bb story will motivate and encourage all of you to strive on with your TTC dream.. Most important dun over stress n pressure urself.. Timing playing a good part.. of cos u may use ClarrisMummys slogan ANYHOW DO, ANYHOW STRIKE..

Spreading tonnes of Baby Dust to all of you!

Dun give up hope, ur bb dream sure will come true soon!!!! Jia You !!!!
hi loving,

ur effort had finally paid off...

haiz, me still in the process of trying...
hope some of ur bb dust will rub onto me...
hi loving

A big congrats to u again...ya finally u made the announcement
really happy for u. hv a super safe 9 mths ahead!

thanks for making the announcement, now we can talk freely abt ur BFP liao! hahaha!!! & yest, i was still wondering which wk u r at now... keke, now all in the open liao!
wish u a smooth & safe journey for the rest of ur preggie term... enjoy urself & take more care ya... hope mine will come soon!
Hi Loving, CONGRATS to you!!!

Hi everyone else, i'm new here, and been TTC since May this year, but not really trying that hard la... My period is nearly 20 days late liao, but i tested last nite with clearblue, it was a negative. and i don't have any pregnancy symptoms at all. Have been lazy to take BBT, until this week, and it's been quite high (between 36.7 to 36.9). really don't know wat's happening... anyway, my periods have always been rather irregular.
