A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Chloe,

I have PCOS too. I think maybe ya doc will suggest injection instead of clomid to make you ovulate. Me was on 150mg clomid and 1000mg metformin but it did not respond too. C
Nat: take things slowly, rest well.
take care ya.. be good girl.. stay in bed to rest.
Hi Dawn & Moonriver

Thanks for sharing ur experience. I was briefed at the clinic just now on the administration of the puregon pen. Dr is putting me on 75IU each time, for 3 days (today, next tue and thur) in this cycle. Had my first dose just now. Gosh, the next time i will have to jab on my own! Been all along scared of needles... Anyway, i have asked my hubby to do it for me. Hopefully can get used to it soon... Any tips from u gals?
hi Chloe, have not been given these FSH jabs b4...so can't help u. was it painful?
Good luck for this round....sounds like u r in good hands!
Hi Dawn

The insertion of the needle was not painful. But after the needle was pulled out, there was a slight tinge of aching at the tummy where the jab was performed. ok lar, should say less painful than expected. i will never wanna take jabs (they call it Superovulation SO-IUI) if not for all those IUI cycles that failed. But dr said since clomid has more side effects than the FSH jab, we should try something new. Going back for a scan next thur to see how's my follicle, dr targets to induce 1-2 follicles to increase chances of pregnancy. When on 150mg clomid, i tend to ovulate between day 14 to 16... Not sure about this cycle, cos i think dr is still trying to do some benchmarking.
Hihi Chloe!

Hey u are also doing IUI this cycle?? No worries, u are in the good hands of a specialist! Hope to hear good news from u soon!!

Hi nat, thanks much! Good luck to u too, and rest well, the battle has just begun!

Yes, me going IUI again... hopefully the change in dr helps for this round. Won't know the progress until next appt with dr next thur. u know wat, really enjoy this forum, it does me a lot of good to speak to pple who are having similar problems as me, something u cannot do with others cos pple will never understand how it feels. Thanks for warm welcome. Really encouraging.
Hi Everybody,

I'm new in this forum n beri keen to join u guys chatting aft reading all ur comments, hope u guys will give mi guidance n share ur knowledge wif mi.

I hv a miscarriage in Dec 03 due to etopic pregnancy ended up operation to remove one of my tubes, since then i hv been TTC till now... hv been seeing the chinese physician at JE n been referred to Dr Fong Yang... suppose to try IUI but 1st round i did not ovaluate... it's been 2 mths where i shld follow-up wif him for IUI but i did not... perhaps is bcos of time constraint n i dunno does IUI really works for mi...

Wif oni one side of tube n I hv PCOS n my hubby hv low morphology...guess tis r the factors tat cause me hard to conceive...

So far i hv tried using the OPK bought at JE... i can't seem to detect my ovualation, can anyone advise why is tat so? Cld it be due to the quality of the OPK or I did not ovualuate at all?
I'm interested in ordering the OPK, can add mi in for 20 strips?
Hi nat,
indeed, was very touched to see so many gals rooting for us. Very blessed to have known you gals. Yes, have to strive to be happy and positive! We'll make it one day!

Hi Chloe,
welcome to this thread. This cycle is my second cycle of IUI. But mine was not SO-IUI, so no need to take the jab. You are very brave to endure all the jabs. All the best to you, hope that this new gynae will help you to concieve! Let's jia you together!
Hi hopeful, yes let's jiayou together. Hope is all around!

Hi babybreath, i'm new too, just joined yesterday. i've been ttcing for quite some time (started in 2002, then gave up for quite some time and then back to ttc half a year ago), so these are the few things i have learnt along the way, hopefully they are of some help to u:

. Dr will perform ultra-sound regularly before ovulation. By D14, the size of the follicle(s) should be around 19-22mm. When the scan is performed right after ovulation, these follicle(s) would have collapsed and they will appear to be not so round and reduced in size;

. Blood test can also tell whether u have ovulated based on the hormonal levels;

. Basal temp is also another indication that ovulation has occurred. BBT should increase after ovulation. If ovulation has occurred, u should notice that there is a 2-prong BBT graph for the cycle. However, BBT also tends to be easily affected by external factors such as sleeping in an air-con room, flu, etc;

. To detect ovulation, best to test the ovulation kit in the morning, using ur first batch of urine

Hope that helps!
I am new to this thread.

Couple days ago, I tested preg with a cheap kit and a more expensive one. The cheap one shows a faint line (tested on day 1 at 4am)and the expensive one (tested twice next day - once at 4 am but the control line was faint so I discarded it, the third time at 11am but it shows negative) .

Any comments? My friend said that the second result is more reliable. Faint lines needs to be retested and since it is retested and somemore, with a more expensive kit, then it should be accurate.

It has been 4 weeks since unprotected sex. If I am really pregnant, shouldn't the line be darker.
The more I think about it, the more impossible that I am pregnant. Don't feel like testing again, waste money. Or should I?
KT: How long have u missed your period? u do not need an expensive HPT to determine if you are preggie, as the cheaper ones will do the job.

Can u determine how long have you missed your period? Do you feel any breast sore or nipples sore? Do you feel warm and hot esp. these few days?

how long did you leave the stick before gng back to see it? more than 10 mins? cos tts also another factor why the faint lines appears. If within 10 mins the faint line appears in both 1st n 2nd test, you might be preggie... but the 3rd test shows neg. maybe signs telling you that the fetus is not implanted properly and you will soon expect you period to arrive.

pardon me KT, are you married? if you are... why are you worried abt unprotected sex with your partner? something which puzzles me. Take care, and keep us updated.
we will surely try to help u in your questions.
Hi Nat,
Good Luck! Hope you will get BFP in two weeks' time

Hi Blue rabbit,
My hubby is also taking Dong cong cao, vit E. He's also taking Vit C sometimes and fish oil for his brain
. I also goes to KKH under subsi patient. But I rely on my gynae at Gleneagles more. KKH is just a back up for me
. My hubby just had a SA test.. will know the results next week
Dun just rely and conclude based on only one test. Do another test and see

NO NO bai feng wan if you got fibroids.

Hi Chloe, dawn, babybreath....

Dun worry about the OPK... maybe try again and make conclusions till you are very sure you have used the OPK correctly. I also had negative on OPK, but still preggie... just too bad it was ectopic. But how come I can get preggie even though OPK negative? Something to think about... so now I dun trust OPK anymore. It only gives me more stress.
Good Morning Gals!

Aiyah... no worries lah...

I know... without my HP... I also feel very helpless cos I cant remember any phone no. nowadays liao...
kekekkekekeke.... the other party must be totally confused??!!! :p

Hope you have a good weekend.... now just eat and sleep well.... that's all you can do now. ;)
Hi Jasmine,
I've pm u liao

thanks for ur best wishes. I also hope so but I think the chance is slim. Oh ya, I will send u a sms later
Hi KT,
there could be possibilities that you are still too early in your pregnancy and some test kits are not sensitive to pick it up yet.
You might wan to test again tomorrow morning using your 1st urine in the morning. Dun drink any water before that.
Hi there, yesterday was rather quiet! Dropping by today to say hello. Can i just check. Is it ok not to tell family members about our fertility problems? i dunno how my hubby's family will react to it. They seem to be noticing that after being married for quite some time, we are still without a baby. Felt quite sick yesterday, and yes really sick, when his brother asked whether we are going for a one-year old birthday celebration for a cousin's twins! The best part is when we said we not going, he asked my hubby about us and whether he has brought ME to see a doctor! Why me? Man has a part to play as well! Cried the whole morning over this. Am i over-sensitive? But why does he have to bring this up over attending someone else's birthday celebration? i dun take that as concern, i find him very insensitive bo jia cang!
Hi Chloe,
Hush hush... dun cry gal... you have to be strong...
I know how you feel....
I dun feel comfortable telling my family abt my "problems" ...... cos they may not be able to understand, and when they start asking will be more stress.......
Morning gals.

Dear Chloe,
Don't be too affected by your BIL's comments. People who didn't go through what we went thru will never understand how we feel. So they may be insensitive in their comments when they don't really mean it that way? Don't cry, ok. Sayang. You got the whole batch of us gals going thru this journey together with you. Don't be discourage, ok.

I pm you last Fri, did you recieve it?
hi chen sing, dun be upset over it. i understand tt it's really very stressful to monitor this and that, then can do it when we O.... agree wif u it's so unromantic! y dun just let nature take its course...
just continue to do wat u n ur hubby used to do, rekindle the fire. who noes when u follow ur heart u might strike rite
so cheer up.
Dear gals, thanks so much for ur comforting words! *very touched* will be strong and work towards having a bb. For those things that i dun wanna hear, i guess i just have to try very hard to disregard lor. The journey is not easy, but so far i think u gals are the only ones who could really understand. Thanks for listening.
Now i feel much better.
hi chloe, it's gd to c that u r feeling much better
maybe ur bil is showing his concern but the wrong way lor... some pple r not so sensitive.dun take it to heart... u will only make urself feel lousy.

the rd to conceive might not be easy for some of us here, so others do not understand the mental stress we go thru. but at least we can always share our thots and feelings here. i think most of us always feel better after we ' vent our anger' in this thread

anyone gg to watch the countdown fireworks tonite? since tmr is National Day and i tink most of us dun hv to work so y not BD tonite... just do it! dun care whether is ur O period

Follow ur heart
i've used OPK for the 2nd month, last month when i tried, i observed a ovalution of abt 5 days......from faint till dark and till faint and disappear.

this month, i only observed a faint line for 2 days and it complete disappears.

Does that mean that i do not ovaluate this month?
Hi KT and Poshbb,

i missed my period for about 1 week and tested with Clearblue pregnancy test kit last weekend. the kit will show 2 vertical lines if you are preggie and 1 line meaning not pregnant. Mine turned out to be 1 line (which is very clear) and the other line which is faint. At first, i suspected that i wasnt preggie at all, but after reading the instructions again, it stated clearly that "you are pregnant if you see 2 lines (one which is fainter than the other one).
In this case, i think i should be pregnant, right? I'm having doubts because i've been trying for 2 months. this is my third month of trying. I bought the test kit at Guardian, costed abt $12.90.
KT, do you considered this test kit as cheap and unrealiable? can anyone advise me?

Hi Chen Sing,
initially i was like you too... once reach fertile period, gotta work OT in order to succeed. when i first started TTC-ing, i was abit puzzled when my hubby's sperm flow out after we BD.... thought something is wrong with me. I was worried to the extend that i almost asked the gynae is this correct for the sperms to flow out.... i did the same as you too, raised my hips up to ensure that the sperms flow in and hopefully meet my eggs...

Hi Chloe,
your BIL is so bad to have make that remarks. ya, i agreed, some times the problem doesnt lies at us ladies.... man got a part to play too.... it takes 2 hands to clap! dont be sad over his remarks ok.... i wish you lotsa baby dusts.... smilez...
2 lines means BFP liao. dun doubt the faint line.
CONGRATS!!! take good care of urself & have a smooth 9 mths
Thanks Juju, but do you think i should test it once more? I've made an appt to see my gynae this wednesday. just wanna make sure i'm pregnant before i go to the clinic.
hi Pekochan,

thanks for the re-assurance. i certainly need that. i hope i'm really pregnant this time. been hoping to have a bb for very long....
Hi Young Bride,

was searching high and low for you just now. am glad that you are here now... you also think i'm pregnant? I did not do a second test like what KT did. And from poshbb's reply, there could still be changes.... though i'm tested positive, but when seeing poshbb's reply, i'm becoming afriad that it could be a false alarm... *touchwood_1000times*

Have you tried the home pregnancy test? you should try it liao... since your AF has been missing for so many days... hope to hear good news from you soon...
Hi ClarisseMummy,

you think i should try it again? Hmm... maybe i should just get one and try it again... am having fear now.. fear that i cant take the blow if the result turns negative...
Hi Gebbera,

Guess this thread is too active, tat's y u can't find me..haa..haa...

If you're really worried & in doubt, I suggest u to buy another brand of HPT, just to be sure.

I've tried HPT twice last week & it's negative,so I dun wanna waste money anymore....My husband is very excited about the possibility but I told him not to expect too much....I think I've missed my AF for about closed to 2 weeks....
hi gals,
normally the HPT / pregnancy test kit should not have a wrong reading. In the early stage, the HCG still low so some people see faint test lines in their test kit... but not to worry... you most likely preggy liao....
I have heard of a false negative...whereby after testing positive, no pregnancy was established.... it could be a result of the egg being re-absorbed back if there is something wrong with the egg....
however, this is extremely rare.....
if you not sure, test again 2-3 days later using the 1st urine in the morning when you wake up and dun drink any water before that......
go and see gynae who can then do a blood hcg for you to confirm your pregnancy. Depending on which stage you are in your pregnancy, you might /might not see the sac at the early stage.
Good luck to all!
Wow Ling, change ur nick again ar, kekeke

I also feel like changing my nick in case u made fun of me again, hahahaha
hello ladies

need your advice on this. I've done xray recently, around CD16. Now i'm very worried if i'm pregnant this month, will there be any problem to the baby?
wahahahhaah ya... clarisse mummy better.. lol..

Gebbera: cant take the blow.. kekek u arent the first..

JCML!!! ya manz.... jennifer Chan making Luilan... whahahaha
hi garfield,
what x-ray did you do?
Might not be a problem... but if you really preggy, remember to mention to your gynae.
i had xray on my spine & lower back. The radiologist asked when is my last menses but didn't say anything else. Then i heard from frens that xray will deform the foetus. Now i just hope tat i'm not preggy this month...


it's a boy!!

mashy, gimme the baby dust leh, i still have not catch it, kekeke....

Ling, aiyooo u tell the whole world my actual name liao
, notti notti
