A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi choo,

though i dun noe u well but i still want to congratulate u, CONGRATS!!!!!

so happy for u and hope that my turn will come soon....

my hb normal spermies also 1% and when i read ur good news it reali reali gave me hopes
and at least i dun look down on my hb 1% lor, hee hee

in the meantime, take good care of urself and be a happy and healthy
oh ya hopeful, all the best for ur IUI this round

i wish u success and strike with

Me went to see Dr Fong juz nw and actuali wanted to do HSG test but he said im ovulating now so cannot do, have to wait until next AF clear liao then can... guess i have to slowly queue up to wait for my bb to come to me

thanks so much dear!!Yes would try my best to think positively!good luck to you and hope to hear good news from you very soon!


I have done my HSG at TMC on 4th July after much encouragement from the gals here esp mummy Sandy....yes this is the first cycle I strike after the procedure....I believe GOD really answer our prayers as my hubby has really low sperm count and just started on a new medicine...think it is all in the right timing...good luck to you!


thank you!have faith and you will strike soon okay!!!
good morning gals!
Choo so lucky, strike 1st cycle after HSG... i oso hope i got dat kind of luck... crossing fingers... & hope for the best for HSG test on friday

dun worry about the HSG okay!I was nervous at first and was trying to find'excuses'to back out cos I was quite pai sey for a male gyane to see my private part and having to insert the dye into me...but it was over so fast i didn't realise much discomfort and no light bleeding at all!

dun worry go for your HSG and we can hear good news from you soon!
keke... i not pai seh lah, me very thick skin one! :p
i jus scared later got blockage, dunno can take it or not. anyways, me praying for good news la
struggling... nowadays it seems my appetite is not too good..... maybe too much tonic liao. :p...... I've only been feeling tired....... other than that...so far quite alright.....
Good morning gals!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Choo,</font>
on your

<font color="0000ff">Hi Nik,</font>
on your "long feng tai".

Hi elmo,
How come your appetite not good? Gotta continue with the "bu"
. I drink the red dates longan, drink till I wanna puke
already... but still continue to drink...
Hey... stay in this forum... dun go to the sad ones if it affects you
Gotta stay happy and positive

thank you so much!

this morning,I tested again with Watson BBplus and it was 2 lines!actually wanted to buy Clearblue those'pregnant,not pregnant'but quite ex!

My dear ttc ladies,you can make it one day!!
Dear all, Good Morning!

I got your good news from Val yesterday, but yesterday too busy to come in to congrat u! Hee, so HSG works for ya!! U take care hor! Once u're ready to believe, hee, go and see a gynae!

Just an update, yesterday i went to scan, i can do IUI this cycle...
Most likely Thur or Fri, will be also doing a scan tmr to further confirm... Yesterday doc saw a few follicles on my right ovary, a 14mm, a 11mm and some others which are smaller so prob won't grow lor. I have to wait until the 14mm one reaches 17mm or more b4 i can do the IUI... like tat lor!
And oh yes, my thyroid is okie liao, though i still must continue to take the yucky meds... oh well, dear all, wish me good luck for my IUI, i'll need lotsa luck!!!

no worries for the HSG, just do it!!

So happy to know this time your IUI not painful at all... looks like this Dr Fong is one skillful doc! Good luck to both of us!!
must take care of urself. continue to bu &amp; rest more ya.

thanks! i'm gonna do it tis friday for sure. will surely be optimistic about it.
&amp; all the best for ur IUI... hope u cum in wif good news soon!
lyn, I also dunno leh... e.g weekend, I saw my favourite praline chocolates....then I took out and eat. After biting it, I know I dun wan to eat liao.. in the end only took one... normally I will take at least 3-4 :p.... then these few days when having dinner, I just dun feel like eating... though I feel hungry. I feel that I dun wan to eat anymore after a bit. :p

Maybe the tonic really affected my appetite.... I also dunno why... or maybe I'm too tired that's why affect my appetite.

I also drink until I very sick liao.... sun I begged hubby to let me drink coke (with no ice and not cold one) he die die also refused to let me drink... :p I know I cannot take lah... but I really have so much urge to drink... in the end I bo bian... drink my red date tea. Yucks!
:p I nothing to do mah... then not many people post here anymore... so I surf a bit... I really feel very sad for her...... dun worry I am alright...

Nat, hehehehe.. told you already anything can happen... Lots of Good Luck to you!!!!!

I will...... I everyday also not enuff sleep..... I find myself almost dozing off many times liao while on the road... so on the music damn loud to keep myself awake. :p
pls dun say dat... i dun wan to raise my hopes yet.. keke.. see how the results first.
btw, can u make it for lunch?
mei2, no... supposed to bu for 1 mth... I think I will stop when my body starts feeling heaty bah.....and I still have bleeding...
I think sat I might go and see the sinseh if I can spare the time and see wat he says.
juju.. i cant make it for lunch.. cant change leh..
will meet u all next week

am hopin for ur good news lor
keke good luck huh
I cannot access msn and yahoo liao...
yahoo ganna blocked by firewall liao and msn dunno why cannot msg thou I can see the list.
is it? But i dunno how to read signs leh, heehee! Anyway, i'll just try the IUI for fun lah, the burden is not on me now, since follicle seems to be growing well... now its up to the Doc to choose good spermies for us liao... I'm secretly hoping i will have 2 mature follicles, then maybe i can also have twins like Nik, heehee, but does that sound too greedy?

xie Xie Ni!
elmo.. u still got bleedin ah?? hw long liao huh? me went scannin on Sat liao.. its all cleared and cysts gettin lesser :p

gynae ask me wanna take clomid again onot.. i say dun wan.. haha :p let it come naturally ba
Ladies, thanks for all of ur well-wishes.

Elmo, u are trying the bai feng wan thingy??? I think i rather heaty. Dun take too much, ok? Is tat true tat long feng tai very cute??? Hmn...I will let u noe in 3 months times'.

Choo, i also heard about the 'pantang' thingy about carrying small kids or bb during preggie. But it's more on ur own safety lah. I dun carry any of them cos i'm afraid i lost my balance, the bb might fall together wif me. My MIL didn't even let me carry her 2 big boxes of biscuits during the early part of my preggie. She thinks the biscuits are 'too heavy'. (tat time she still dun noe i'm having twin somemore).

Nat, hopeful, good luck for ur IUI.
Nat, u didn't sound too greedy lah. But must warn u 1st tat twin pregnancy is quite different from single pregnancy. There's lots of things u can't do. But it's a good time to be 'offically lazy'. Kekekeke
Hee, Nik, not greedy of me meh?
Haha, talk as if really can choose twins or singleton, haha... i'm not fussy, i'll take watever God gives me lah, twins or singletons... so long as not triplets, cos i only have 2 breasts ah, wahahahhaha!

thank you for your well wishes! most probably will see my gynae next week...as according to my closest colleague mother of 2 said might not see anything at the moment....

hehe i dun know how to count how many weeks now?based on last LMP?


good to know you can do IUI this cycle!all the best to you and good news from you very soon!
Choo when is your LMP?? Tell us leh, so we can count your EDD for u, hee! Just add 40weeks to your LMP... i think u have regular cycles right? Now u shd be 4 weeks ba...
Nat, I'm not talking about reading signs lah... I say your thyroid is ok liao and your follicles are growing... good condition... all right timing!

Good attitude!!... no stress better chance of success. ;)

kock kok.... greedy fellow!!! :p hahahahhahaa...... I think everyone also envy nik liao.. :p
Choo &amp; Nik,

A big congratulations!!!

May be u can stop yr confinement food and carry on with some bu lor. If u find that red dates drink yucks, y not u either add more red dates or add brown sugar to make it taste better.

Hopw to hear gd news from you real soon!

Dont worry la...AKA DATANG!!!
elmo &amp; mei2,
thanks for the well wishes!

u not greedy at all! i oso hope to have twins, then can have 2 birds wif 1 stone... keke! dun have to suffer 1 more round cos me wan 2 bbs!
ya lor... I dunno when is it gonna stop man...
so tired liao.....
Very good for you!!! Ya, I know you have less cyst liao... so good hor???!!! I think I still have few leh... hiaz... really feel like asking gynae to cut it up and take out all. :p Kidding lah....

wah... you good...... I think gynae gonna ask me to continue clomid when I'm back... I think I'm left with 3 more doses liao....:p

Nik, ya!!!
.... I heard people saying before... so so far, the long feng tai siblings I've seen all very good looking!!!

now I can take very heaty food... you cannot imagine how much heaty food I take everyday... I finish up to 0.5kg of ginger, 1 big pack of red dates and plus other herbs in just 1 week and my martel and DOM left with half a bottle niah......only after 1 week plus...... I will start taking the "Bai Feng Wan" after my bleeding clears... I just realised last night the instruction says so after I read it... :p
tons &amp; tons of baby dust to u! Really really hope u will succeed on ur 2nd IUI try! glad to hear that it wasnt as painful as the 1st time.

good luck in ur IUI! Baby dusts to u too!
okie Elmo, kok kok myself, hahahahha!
i am also surprised at my thyroid, so well-behaved this time round?! I do feel more alert nowadays after taking the thyroid med... though it gives me occasional nausea, i guess its worth it ba....
chubby, I think I miss drinking water lor... that's why I'm sick of it.... :p
My confinement food is actually bu leh....
nowadays I just drink the soup liao... cos too much chicken liao... very scared..... I try to fry some veg with sesame oil but got to fry early in the morning lah.... then I take more veg... but I miss all the junk food. :p I very naughty gal... cos crave all the wrong things.
that's why I say it's all very Good Timing!!! You dunno...might just be the time liao lor... miracles can happen anytime

Your nauseous feeling better liao hah? good good...
Be gd gal la! Dont eat junk food yet. If u sick of chix, den just drink soup can liao. Soup v v nutritious.

Chubby doesnt want "thank u", chubby wants lots of b b dust....kekekekekeke

Morning gals!
Thanks a lot for all the well wishes! Really appreciate it!

Good luck for your IUI too! Ya, both of us need lotsa luck and bb dust! bb dust to the both of us!

good luck for your HSG too, don't worry, everything will turn out fine.
