A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Need some advice from you ladies...Just found out that I'm preggie for 5 weeks...
Would like to check if manicure and pedicure is ok to go when pregnant?
Good afternoon ladies.. It is raining heavily at my workplace now.. so shiok, want to Zzzz.. :pP

Haiz.. today my CD21 liao still no ovulation! I wonder where my egg gone to?! Go on strike liao.

I feelSad to hear your about your loss. Hope you will be strong and look forward. No matter what happens, it will be over. Life still have to go on.. time is the best "medicine". Take Care!

You take care too!

Aiyo.. the dog very naughty leh! Must beat backside already! The thought of your swollen hand sound scary.
ur icons really very funny. laughed when i saw it and my colleagues thought what's wrong with me. din know of these icons until i joined the forum.

sorry 2 heard of ur loss. try to keep urself occupied and don't think too much about it. have a good rest.

glad 2 hear that u're better. rest a few more days or even weeks before u do any vigorous activity.

take care of ur hand ok! is it very swollen?

i learnt swimming when i was around 22. a bit paiseh but there are older people in the class so not so paiseh. why don't u give it a try? it's very fun. anyway, until now, i'm still not a good swimmer. instructor says don't panic but i always panic leh so movement always very fast, cannot catch my breath.

think it's fine. when i signed up another facial package, the person says it's ok for pregnant women to have facial, manicure or pedicure. just that for facial, the woman might not feel comfortable for lying too long cos the blood cannot really circulate well.
We have position for admin officer. So you can just write in too. We didn't advertise in newspaper but usually thru recommendation will get the job.
hopeformiracle: i want i want! preggy got people want to employ or not? hahahaha

hi everyone...today, i also see a lot of "old birds". how's everyone???

ling: am sure your dog didn't do it on purpose...forgive him okay??? meanwhile, do monitor the wound condition closely to prevent further infection....
Hi Sneaky!!!
So long never "see" u here liao! How are you and bb Samuel doing?

u here? Did you went to Yishun Safra to swim 2 Sat ago? I thought I saw you there, but then afraid I see wrong person, so in the end didn't approach you.
hello sneaky! hello baby samuel!

now week wat? By week 27, bb eyes can differentiate between day and night liao... can train him to sleep when night falls liao!
But i dunno how to train ah?
need u to teach us! heehee!
Sneaky mummy,
aiyo u are such a kind person, treat ferri like a human...
But i feel tat all animals no matter how domesticated, still have their animal instincts, and when angry sure bite one... so those with dogs or cats or other pets, do be very very careful when u are preggie!

Too bad ferri doesn't understand the meaning of never bite the hand that feed (or had fed) you... notti doggie!!!
hopeful: hihi....^five! we are doing fine...except that he's getting a little bit naughty to the extent "irritating" cos he kicks and knocks me during my sleep...sometimes feel like beating my belly to ask him to stop doing that to me non-stop from 1am till about 4am...he's disturbing my sleep leh...how?

hihi aunty naturally...i wish i know how to train him...he's now the opposite liao leh....he kicks and knocks very very hard at night for 2 nights liao...i hope he will learn not to do this to me again...else, i will be a panda in no time...and you are right, animals are animals...i was once bitten by my favourite dog cos i grabbed his food in the dark (he couldn't tell that it was me) and he did not dare to come close to me for a week (guilty lah)...that's why i said ling's dog might not have done it intentionally...

sneaky, i know, threaten to smack his little bottom if he continues to be notti! ha! But make sure u carry out the threat ah, else kiddo will think mummy say say only then won't treat u seriously... but first are u able to tell when he is butt facing up???

Maybe u can play some soft soothing music at night to lull him to sleep?
sneaky: dog was long forgiven. well he did not do it on purpose...

Val: dunno why... maybe the roots are here.. difficult to part.
hee... notti boy boy ya. Maybe you can try talking to him and ask him to go to sleep when you are about to sleep? Or even play some soothing music before bedtime? But I dunno will it work, got no experience leh. hee....
naturally: unfortunately i can't tell where his butt is leh...music ah? he only gets up to disturb me in the middle of the night...how to get up and then turn on music for him ah??? very silly leh...

ling: i knew it...remember to monitor the wound hor...

hopeful: i will try tonight to relax myself and Samuel with soothing music before getting on to bed...see if this works...
hihi mummy n little Samuel

nice to see you!!
wah, me hor..i got insomia already leh, so early

will wake up in middle of nite to pee then need 30mins or 1/2 hrs go back to sleep
today just came back to work, feel so sleepy n even dose off infront of pc just n :p
aiyo, I cant imagine next time when bb kick me during my sleep :p

hee...can understand
but sure u gt a grp of kakis in Oct MTB rite?
me trying to establish my frenship in Feb MTB there
luckliy gt Mashy there

VVF, we of cos feel free to welcome u join us chatting here

Bearyhip do come in once awhile too
suddenly some doubts come to my mind, wan to voice out, no offended.. is it the woman who hv endo, cyst, fibroids or some woman sick not suitable to take clomid? cos from my case, lyn or elmo case same result in the end. Success conceive but bb not success to growth up? guess if we ask gynae, he/she also dunno how to answer us. me ever asking my gynae why will caused m/c, his say no specific reason...

once again, above jus my douts, no mean offended to some ttc-ing sis who take clomid.. cos diffirent body got diffirent reaction lor...:p
babes.. wow.. had a very good sleep from 5 to 7.. keke so shiok nw.. :p

VVF.. mei2 is oso tryin to get BFP ..

lovin.. i know u r curious.. me too.. but from wat i know is.. PCOSer got a higher chance of miscarry.. mayb it applies to all problems like fibroids, endo lor.. hugz... dun think too much.. if really cant get preggie may go see gynae and ask wat can we do get rid of these peoblems ok
daisy, sorry today is a busy day..now only got time to browse thru all the posting for today.
Already make appt to see gynae this Thur evening..wanted this Sat, but appt overflow

Mei2, hold-on for a while..maybe will show BFP soon
haha.. apple.. hopefully ba

nipples is senstive nw... and side of boobs gettin sore le.. will not get high hopes and will juz ML as normal :p

apple.. u haven see a gynae yet??
hey..i think high hope for your case Mei2. I got sore boobs on both sides too!
Haven't see gynae yet..going this Thur evening at 5+. Gynae Sat appt all overflow
unless I willing to wait 2to 2 1/2hrs at least.
Wow gals... So many posts to catch up today

Hi Loving,
With cyst, fibroids, endo, the chances of miscarry is higher. So we will need more time and maybe more miscarriage than normal people.
I think I react to clomid super fast. First cycle strike already. But too bad la.. the baby chose to implant on my tube.

Hi Daisy,
It's a book by Dale Carnegie - "How to stop worrying and start living." My sis lend me "Dale Carnegie - The Golden Book". It's a small booklet that I can carry around and memorise what's in there

Congratulations on getting your keys to your new love nest
u decided on a ID already?

Talking about fengshui... I think maybe I lost my babies becos I got bad fengshui
. This afternoon my hubby's aunt came to my house and helped me see fengshui. First my "fu lu shou" not in proper position. Next the worst thing is I have a figure that is white in color, without eyes, nose, ears that looks very sleek and modern. I used it to hold our wedding photos with the white figure in the middle. HIs aunt said that figure looks like a not yet formed baby ah... alamak, my house got so many man... even my master toilet and kitchen I also have this type of figures... aiyo.. I got so many "siao ren" in my house ah... Maybe no wonder I lost my babies... Now I throw all of them away liao. So hor, if you all wanna put any figurines, better be something not without eyes, ears, nose, mouth...

Yes, the kitchen will affect the women. The best if you can stand in your best direction while cooking.

Hi Valerie,
Yap, my gynae suspected ectopic. Initially I want the operation on monday.. but he worried I will collapse during the weekends cos I already having giddiness.
I might go somewhere to travel and relax with hubby, but maybe not make anymore baby...

Today, my gynae told me my ovaries "hai hen mei". hahahaha... I find it so funny... Gynae keep telling me "ni hai ke yi huai yun de".

Hi yuyinghng,
I think roller coaster is ok. As long as the sperms are not subject to heat that can kill them... hahaha... you are so funny... The egg is very very tiny le...

Hi poshbb,
You must really take care of yourself le. Leave the dogs to your hubby ok?

I also not preggie liao...

Just now I went to see my gynae already
He asked me to see him again in a week's time. I will be seeing him on Saturday for the lab report
. He said he helped me clear the bloodclots and endo already.
Lucky my fibroids did not grow back **touch wood**. And my ovaries still "hen mei li". kekeke... Then told me "ni hai ke yi huai yun". Today go there mainly to change dressing la...
But stitches still there wor... I feel like dipping into the jacuzzi and relax ah... Very tempted... dunno can or not.. I got waterproof bandange le... Just now forgot to ask gynae...
val: kekeke as for me.. maybe i am one of the most stingy MTB, i did not buy as much as the rest, maybe i felt there wasnt a need too. I got those essential ones only and things which i gotten are usually from super cheap with discount, as i dun believe in spending money on getting expensive ones and many as baby outgrows very fast. Yk is heading for some interviews and have to keep all spending down, just in case really he thinking of changing jobs, we wont have too much to pay.
Moreover, bb gng to due in Oct, once she is out, gng to spend on the milk n diapers too..
lyn: well its surely a good idea to have a nice nice jacuzzi, but hold on till u recover ok?

girls. the swell is gng down.. i never blame my dog for the accident, Ferri did not do it on purpose.
so u shld be fang4 xin1 you still hv mei mei n hao hao tube,okie?
well, tomr is a better day n do continue read the inspiring book

ya u better dun do any strenous activities, spa, jacuzzi do later okie?
so happy u are the cheery n beautiful sunflower again

thk God for ur wound is healing

Happy to haer that everything goes bk to normal liao. After another few mths rest, u can start jia you liao.


Think u strike liao la. Been waiting to hear your gd news for so long liao.


I hv the same thots as you. Is it really taking clomid got higher chances of m/c? My gf also has this prob.

Will be seeing my gynae next mth. Those we are seeign gynae, kindly check wif gynae is it true that clomid has higher chances of m/c.

Hi Gals,
thanks for all the comforting words.... actually I'm still feeling sad and still cry very easily when the thots of my bb creep into my mind.

I just got back to work today.....
The feelings I have now are very vulnerable and that is the same sadness I feel when my grandma pass away last time.....cos there was life... but now it's gone....
I know I need to get out of it... but somehow the fact I still need to wait for "things" to happen makes it very tough for me to put it down and move on....

I hope the bleeding comes soon.... at least I know I can officially close that chapter and move on... I dunno if it's as easy as what I say but that's what I would wan to do....
Sat I still got to go and do blood test and wait for result, do a final scan.... so the thot of all that makes me sad...cos it's a different feeling now... cos last times I did blood test it's a very pre-emptive feeling and very forward looking... now it's looking the other way....

I know I will be alright eventually, just that I need a bit of time........please dun be sad for me.... just pray for me... Thanks gals!
I will be back again.......I promise.....

Ling, please take good care of your hands...... hope you get well soon.
Lyn, take care too!
Mei2, hope it's good news for you. Good Luck!
Lyn, speedy recovery for u. U shd on-hold sock yourself in jacuzzi first, ok? coz the massage u get fr jacuzzi will hurt your wound.

I'll see my gynae this Thurs..Sat appt overflow for him and I'm not going to wait for 2-3hrs ler..very tiring
Elmo, so fast back to work?
Also good lah, distract yourself with work! ok ok, we will not be sad, we will be forward-looking...
MOrning gals

Will praying for u.
Be strong n take care.
Waiting for u to come back again

pls dun say dun wan bb..
lets shun4 qi2 zhi4 ran2..

seen high chance to strike leh..
test again this weekend..

I found this on another website thought you ladies might enjoy it:

What Makes a Mother

I thought of you all, I closed my eyes
and prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother
and I know I heard Him say,

A Mother has a baby.
This we know is true.
But God can you be a Mother
when your baby's not with you?

"Yes you can!", He replied
with confidence in His voice,
"I give many women babies,
when they leave is not their choice."

Some I send for a lifetime
and others for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb
but there's no need to stay.

I just don't understand this God,
I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared His throat
and then I saw a tear.

I wish I could show you
what your child is doing today.
If you could see your child smile
with other children and say,

"We go to earth to learn our lessons
of love and life and fear.
My Mommy loved me oh so much
I got to come straight here.

I feel so lucky to have a Mom
who had so much love for me
I learned my lesson very quick
My Mommy set me free.

I miss my Mommy oh so much
but I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep
on her pillow's where I lay.

I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
and whisper in her ear,
Mommy don't be sad today
I'm your baby and I'm here."

So you see my dear sweet one,
your children are OK.
Your babies are here in my home
and this is where they'll stay.

They'll wait for you with me
until your lesson is through.
And on that day that you come home
they'll be at the gates for you.

So now you see what makes a Mother.
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you had so much of
right from the very start.

Though some on earth might not think
you're a Mother until their time is done.
They'll be up here with me one day
and know you're the best one.
