A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

this is a great poem... thank you!
naturally: wah...like sticking some medical gadgets onto my belly...mai lah..so silly leh...

hihi val...did you drink a glass of milk before going to bed? i think this helps...last night baby Samuel was obedient...he did not disturb my sleep leh...so guai...but now...he's kicking me like siao!
hello, yesterday went for gynae appt. Can see sac and a dot, now 6 weeks.

To share with you, basically mine is a Pre-seed baby. Saw EWCM on I think CD10, but OPK was -ve. Still, that night BD. The next day OPK turned +ve. That night BD again. Both I used Pre-seed, first cycle.

So anyone interested to buy over my 3 unused sticks of Pre-seed? hee.. email me at [email protected]
Not been in the thread for a couple of days and so many things to catch up with.

So sorry to hear abt your news. But I know you will be strong and continue to strive, right? All of us TTC will not GIVE UP!!!!
Take care ok... and dun brood over it too much.
When I knew I had bad news in my 8 weeks, I cried in the toilet not even wanting my HB to know. Eventually, both of us couldn't take it and broke down in tears and hhs each other to sleep. No matter what happens, the bond of Husband and wife is very impt.

Glad you are back on your feet.. as we all say be positive...
cheers and strive again.
*hugz*, will continue to pray for you. And look forward to the day you come back again.

that was a very touching poem, brought tears to my eyes.
remember these 2 keywords:
1. Stretchy (fertile),
2. Sticky (non-fertile).

After your fertile period, your CM will become thicker and stickier, a bit like glue like tat, heehee... this will sorta trapped spermies lor. I think of it as a natural barrier to prevent additional spermies from attacking the eggie (if fertilised)...

U're making me laugh again.... wat a funny idea!!! But i think there are people who do tat! Serious! Hey, when no one is watching, u can try lah! see whether samuel can hear?? heeheehee!
Hi Sneaky,
so nice to see u here again
How are u doing? It's a pity I missed ur posts

it's alright, sometimes I miss posts too, so many
Glad to know u have fixed an appt with ur gynae, yah usually weekends will be long queue but a little rushed if need to visit gynae on a weekday. However, u dun have to wait too long on a weekday. Apple, hope u see a sac that day

this must be a very inspiring book. Read it often
Last time I don't believe in anything but as we grow older, I tend to believe in Feng Shui too. Good that ur sis knows feng shui. Hope that after the change in ur house, u lead a better life. You can postpone ur TTC plan till u r more ready but don't give up since u still have a mei mei ovary
That's a really good news from ur gynae

just to share with u. I have a colleague who has 2 children now. However, her TTC process was not always smooth sailing. She had 2 problematic pregnancies after her first child and either miscarried or had to abort. The fourth one was born full term but had blood infection and died days later. She was in despair and could not understand why but with family, friends and colleague's support, she stood up and faced her problem bravely. I remember that whenever she talked about her baby that passed away, she would be in tears but she kept on trying till she got pregnant for the 5th time. This time, she gave birth smoothly
From here, we see her perserverance and courage. I know u are someone who does not give up easily. Hope u get over the grief soon and join us here again to TTC. Hugs

I read somewhere that not all females are suitable to take Clomid. Some may get over stimulated. Some may have higher risks of miscarry. However, there are also many cases of successful pregnancy, so I think it may really depend on individual. Whatever it is, we still keep on trying, thinking of the positive, fighting away the negative. It's easier said than done but we have one another here, let's support each other

it's a really nice and touching story
I cant drink milk for a moment , will LS :p
so drink milo without milk

gd to see ur post again

it's gd that you are back to work again
take it easy at work ok?
if u are moody in office, just let ur colics knw
sure they will understand

so when is ur EDD n which hospi/gynae u seeing?

woh siao liao... then i m not producing emough fertile CM lei. sob sob. mine was like (i really dun noe how to describe). is like in one lump yellowish colour, got stretchy and also sticky type lei.. sorry it sounds er xin. before ttc-in, i got clear stretchy EWCM but now where hv they gone too... arrrggg
if u have good quality fertile EWCM which can stretch very well, then maybe no need pre-seed, cos it is basically just like good fertile CM! But if u scared your CM not stretchy enuf, or quantity not enuf, then can use the preseed lor... If u want to use, try to use as near your O as possible hor? Optimum effect mah. heehee!

So I can drink milo? Have been abstaining cos not sure got caffeine inside or not.

I go to Dr Kee Wei Heong at Jurong Point Women's Clinic. Think EDD is 5th Mar.
dun panick first, cos sometimes we do have EWCM, just tat hidden inside, never flow out, heehee... Hey, if lumpy CM, then i think u're in your 2WW liao (which CD are u now?) Cos stretchy means can stretch between your 2 fingers for at least 2,3 inches or even more!
Congrats, Melissa!!!!!

naturally: my hubby sure laugh at me one...i'll need to strap both the player the the earphones on my tummy...wahahahaha.a.a.....so funny

daisy: yah....i've not popped by for a long time liao...suddenly thought i should appear again, so i posted yesterday...how're you?

val: wah...so poor thing...think milo w/o milk is the best for now...hope you can drink milk milk soon...it helps...
Thanks nat.
Me got no sticky or stretchy during ovulation.
These 3-4 months, never experience it. Before my last M/C, i still experience strechy ones.
afternoon ladies

feelin giddy nw
light headed leh.. dunno y.. sianz.. yday nite temp was 37 and this morning oso like this.. feelin both warm and cold leh.. sianz nausea oso.. dun feel like eating
manuka.. Havent test yet.. last fri tested but -ve so dun wan test le.. keke

boobs startin to get sore @ the side le.. and fuller nw.. :p bloated tummy oso...

nat.. actually me no sick leh.. juz feelin too tired to go work so take Mc :p nw only abit cough nia.. keke
hey nat

me CD19 liao. we didnt BD during the fertile period. too tired. dun noe why i m always tired these few weeks. getting fat like garfield..keke
but i juz cant find my EWCM. it's always the same yellow thing i m experiencing during my fertile period lei. they cant even b stretched lei.

sigh..yalor.. when dun wan to hv bb, the EWCM keeps coming. now want bb, dun hv and got those werid CM.
Dor, dun vex over the CM... just buy pre-seed!

oorh... u keng MC! heehee, but okie lah, tired must rest rest! This friday test again okie!
sore sore sore... Mei2 sore sore sore.. sore more.. kekeke.. Temp high high high.. kekek high till reaches the sky.. kekekke
notti mummy ling.. keke
juz took temp.. its was 36.8 :p feel like gettin HPT leh... :p :p :p

nat.. me pass 1 HPT to SIL coz her AF oso haven come.. haha... if we both strike NIL will be damn bz liao.. keke
oh in tat case, u gotta wait for our order to arrive... no pt buying locally lah, so expensive!! It's been 1 week liao, dunno if tonight will receive our hpts?
Hope both u and your SIL make your MIL damned busy ah, hahaha!
<font face="calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Lyn/Elmo</font>,

Sorry to hear bout your loss. Nothing I said now can ease ur grief but please take care of urself. Stay +ve &amp; rem to do a mini-confinement to nurse back ur health.

<font color="0000ff">Hopeful</font>,

Ya I tot I saw u too but then nv wear spec so not too sure. U were in white swim-suit huh?</font>
I also pop in once in a while but more often these days. I'm fine, thank u. Waiting for AF to arrive

as long as no AF and breasts still sore &amp; temp still high, u still stand a very good chance!
yalor....eversince I preggie, tummy or intestine goes haywire liao
bloated n LS, dunno why...given charcoal pills
but at least no constipation, consider lucky :p

ya, becos I gt lactose intolerant eversince I find out I preggie
LS a few times liao :p
so nw gynae advise me no to dairy products
milo v nutritoius mah, gt several vits n no caffeine at all
a must beverage for me everyday as breakfast

hee...some ladies tell me milo buy frm Austrailia brand, taste better than Malaysian one, go chk it out
so which gynae u seeing?

test again this weekend, pray a BFP for you
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Val</font>,

Woman r more prone to IBS especially when they go thru major changes in their body like pregnancy/1st menses. I cannot drink most of e milk but HL seems ok 4 me so u might want to give it a try. Or alternative u can drink rice/soya milk for calcium.</font>

daisy: ah? not wait to strike but wait for AF to come meh??? why lack confidence???

val: wahahaha...LS...i was opposite of you...i had constipation and after drinking half a glass of prune juice, i started LSing...very sensitive to prune juice leh....

mei2: jia you!
