A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


ya lor..Everyday, go hm oso sian hor, meaningless sometimes...But well, at least.i will command my hubby to go out wif me on wkends, bcoz if he stay at hm, hes the one facing PC wif his games, & then i will be left alone watching TV. But he knows, he neglected me, & will cheer me up by compromising wif me if i wanna go gai-gai or holiday... Ya lor, me planning to go Chiangma in July 2003...I oso heck care now, b4 TTC our relationship is sweet & then after TTC, period go haywire & then quite stressed wif the perfect timing to hv sex thing, sianzzzz.....

Micky, u will be fine, dun worry!!!

Rainbow, u will get lots of support fm us here as all of us are wanting to be "MOMS-SOON"!!! Understand the trauma of having bb after trying & lost it again...

i hv got a stupid qn..After making love, i always wear a sanitary pad as semen will sometimes flow out, i dun want to dirty the bedsheets as well as making my bums feel sticky.. Wat do u all gals go, any suggestions??? I can't stand the stickiness but dun noe whether putting the pad will hinder my chances of getting pregnant....

i no take bai feng pills...which brand is gd har??

Micky n Monkey,
is there any side effects when u took clomid?? i noe is stress when pple ard us is asking us to work harder..so i chose not to tell anyone,n just "shun qi zi ran"...

usually aft bb dance,i will go n wash up one..but nowadays i oni use use tissues to wipe myself,then wait for a while before i go n wash up..dunno like tt will increase my chances or not..

u will hve to email the seller to ask them for shipping costs to s'pore,usually they will quote u in USD..if i'm not wrong,the shipping costs to spore shd be ard the px range tt Linda mentioned..but then oso hve to depends how heavy is the thing tt u order..
do u all still take folic acid har??i nowadays vv lazy leh..hve stopped for a mth or two liao leh...

shs i still continue to take har??
hi linda,... fibroid is outside womb but attached to outer skin of womb. so still need to cut skin between f and outer womb to remove f. understand? sorry, i too lazy to type liao... very sick of this 'f' thingy.

claire, don't worry about your fren la,.... people always like that , like to pour cold water, b4 i got married, frens always ask...'why still don't marry', or 'wait for what? old liao leh,.... one foot into the 30s liao....' now ttc, people again ask 'why cannot?' , 'got news this month?'...... and the people who ask are usu people (esp frens) who are married or preggie or have kids liao. sometimes they too happy with thenselves, they forgot the pain they went thru in the diff phases of their lives. so ignore them.

forgetmenot, i stopped folic acid for 2 months, now take back again... but always forget leh,.. like i forget again today morning :p

i juz take folic acid juz few days ago....Actually, take clomid no side effect for me, but this is the western style for making u ovulate properly for tat particular mth...But long term down the road, it is not so gd for health..& furthermore cannot take for too long...

is Bai Feng Yuan go anot? I oso wondering since my period so haywire, but oso quite scared too take, wat if take oredi, period lagi irregular, can die ah!!! BUt wat brand is recommended...
gals i read that don't have to prop bum up on pillow after sex one leh,... if the sperm strong, it'd already have reached inside in teh few seconds,... those that flow out are the weak ones and no use one... so Monkey, that's my answer to your qn.
Hi Kis,
If you are bidding in US site then it will be in US dollars.

Hi monkey,
Hubby does accompany me on weekends. But we both work half day on Sat and he even worst, he sometimes work till 6pm plus...then he always say Sunday is wife-day....but hor, Sunday is only rest day so sometimes need to go out "entertain" relatives, parents and whatsoever.... very siaz.... I hate going home these days.... not to mention baby dancing.... Should I get a dog???
Abt semen flowing out, I stuck tissue btw my legs and butt.... Then I put on underwear and just go to sleep.... Washing up will hinder the success rate....and proping your butt up helps...i think I got pregnant like that.... Think the pad works the same way....

Hi forgetmenot
I also dunno what brand is good...but I heard the Eu Yan Sang one quite popular.... As for folic, I am still taking...not very faithfully though..but once I remember I will take... Doc says some m/c occur due to folate defiency...so dun take chance....
Wow Ob-rider.... Maybe that's the reason for my m/c??? The weak sperm kena "forced" to swim into my womb cos i proped my butt the entire night....
How to improve quality of sperm???
Abt the fibriod, hmm..now I understand.

Monkey, try Eu Yan Sang brand.... It contains pearl and ginseng... so skin will be nice too...however after eat cannot eat carrot... cos will counter-'attack' the goodness..kekeke
hi linda,

no lah... dun get a dog lah... later i not only have to watch your windows, i also have to go help u feed your dog leh...kekekek
me oso think of getting a dog leh!!! As previously when i was staying at my mum's place, we have a dog. So everyday, dog will welcome me back hm & play too. I was so happy then. My husband oso work on Sat. Sunday, oso entertain his relatives or parents, Sianzzz...If never go, sure will kena calls fm them to come back for dinner. Then at their hse, keep on asking us whether got gd news or not, sianzzzz..... I tell my husband everytime, ask me oni never ask u, its as though i m the one responsible for not having bb. Y must woman be the target & one to blame, how come not man!!!
!!! Then he will sure say dun care them, as long as we know tat we r oredi making efforts, if its fated tat we cannot hv bb, wat to do???!!!!

But rearing a dog is not so simple...& wat if bb comes along then how? Later got asthma, worse rite? So many things to consider sian oso hor....
did u take bai feng pill regularly??i heard tt those one big pill tt needs steaming one is better..hmm..think later will go yu ren shang n take a look...

like tt ah..then next time i dun pop my butt under pillow liao..

hmm...looksl ike i better start eating my folic acid again
Hi ladies
I am taking Yu Ren Shen bai feng yuan not sure if it's good, some western doc don't encourage but chinese does
its quite expensive but I took because i did nt take any tonics after my menses clear
u take bai feng pill oso?

Y r so depressed? Did ur hubby blame u for the lost of ur bb or u r blaming urself? How come he neber cheer you up? Dun be like tat lah...But i understand ur situation. Have been working hard tat time, & then it juz slip out of ur hand....Must be wondering Y???
Hi, I'm taking Bai Feng Yuan also. And I bot them from Eu Yan Sang but without the ginseng one. I was advised to take them right after my menses. Heard from my mil that those that need steaming one is more effective. But I can't stand the smell of chinese herb leh. So I take the pills one at least they're very small like Po Chai Yuan so easier to swallow.

Hi Ob-rider, I still think that it's best to remove "f" if it grows lor. No point taking chance mah. I've friends who got preggie within 3 mths after the op. And they all gave birth liao. I'm the exceptional lah. If the doc is skilful, I'm sure he will sew the wound properly one. But see what your gynae say during your next visit lah.

~~~Baby Dust for All of You~~~~

Hi Linda, don't be depressed lah. Find some activity to do after work lor. Don't go home and face 4 walls yourself everyday lah. You play mj rite? Find kakis to play with u lor. I find playing mj can used alot of time leh. If u need kaki, can look for u. heehehe..........

Hi rainbow, the Bai Feng Yuan I bot not very ex leh. Also Eu Yan Sang brand and it cost only $5.80 a bottle. I'll need to take them few days later after my menses end.
Hi "Sasha"
Nah... Sometimes think abt it, getting a dog is like getting another ES...have to clean up after him...kekekek

I took bai feng yuan when I m/c and MIL ask me to eat...finish my supply liao...must go buy somemore....

Hi rainbow,
Y western doc dun encourage take bai feng yuan leh???

Hi giggler/ monkey
well... I cannot be playing mahjong the whole week through right... Felt so demoralised in working, going home, sleep, wake up work again...aiyoh...like life very meaningless....

No lah, hubby did support me a lot when I m/c...just that he too busy at times and I dun feel nice to "trouble" him too much.... Men afterall more strong and sometimes I feel that he won't understand me lor.... Or rather sometimes I think I am too 'crazy'
and bo-liao...He didn't blame me for the loss lah...just that I hate to know I am such a failure....

Girls, i am getting creamy yellow discharge liao...for a moment, I felt as if I could have good news...
but dun think so late, this month not very 'productive'.... maybe AF coming.....

Been tryin since i got married late last yr.. keke...

btw.. how long hv u girls been married before TTC?

me taking folic acid also.. but sometimes forgot.. so i put the pills at my pull-out keyboard compartment to remind myself...

jus ignore them...i noe the pressure..cos i got married the same time as my hubby's bro... and his wife is aldy preg...
Hi linda, go sentosa to relax lah. It's nice to go to the beach. Somehow, you'll just relax near the beach.

Hi pumpkin~puff, I think I got married for abt a year before I TTC.
Linda, be thankful u have a job.... me trying to find a job for last almost 1 year liao :-(

stress!!! no $$ how to make bb in peace???? sigh

sayang..dun be so unhappy.it's not your fault that you had a m/c, so dun blame yourself over it.
if u are feeling bored, find soem evening classes to attend, will occupy your time. me also can play mj, so all those bored here can 'jio' kaki and play ..

girls, almost all of u take bai feng yuan. me took nothing except folic, sometimes also forgot to take.
Hi Pumpkin~Puff,

i started TTC once i got married in Jan'03. But still no news...

ur menses due liao. Maybe tis mth got gd news...If late, test again lah...

Ya, why Western doctors dun encourage bai Feng pills har? I guess Western/Chineses medical got conflicts...

ME now oso sianzzzz....Me dun tink got gd news tis mth oso, never work hard oso...Sianzzz liao...
Hi Linda, see u got mj kaki liao. Mayb we can find a day to play mj hor? I thot u like to watch HK serials also? Go and rent some to watch at nite lah. Watch TV also easy to pass time.

Hi ob-rider, I thot you're in FLP? Biz not gd? I agree that it's difficult to find job nowadays.

Hi Micky, I take bai feng yuan to regulate my menses and find that it helps. So forgetmenot, I think you shd try taking leh.

Hi Monkey, your yi ma has not arrived yet so got chance mah.........

HI Sasha,
No thanks for sentosa... Need to bring Snow to swim on Sun then ES got father's day lunch.

Hi Pumpkin
I start TTC-ing abt 5 mths after customary.

Hi Ob-rider,
the problem is tt my job unstable...so I also like stuck in btw whether to wait till I get new job then TTC or TTC now...But what if TTC succeed then out of job how???

Hi monkey,
I also dunno when AF will come leh...this month VERY diff to calculate cos last AF came 3 weeks after D&C...but my normal cycle is 30 days one...so i also dunno when this time....

Thanks for your concern...Think I am just going thru a phrase lah.... Hopefully will be more cheerful soon...Getting sick of being grumpy....

Hey! If you wanna share shipping, I will be glad to do so, in fact, I just ordered a pants from Vevee but I am waiting to see if there is something else I like so tt she can send together and I will save on shipping lor....
Hi Claire,

I can empathise with what you're going though. I was exactly in the same situation as you and fell into depression for months!

It's also a friend of mine. During her pregnancy, she'll tell me how nice it feels and after giving birth, she'll go on and on to tell me how blissful she is etc etc...

I know I should feel happy for her, just like how I feel happy for my other friends. But it's the way she tells me things, she just made me feel bad that I'm not starting a family now and I shouldn't delay any longer cos I'm not getting younger blah blah blah.... and some other insensitive remarks that I shall not go into details here.

After meeting her that day, I really fell into depression for months!
I wonder whether hubby and myself made the right choice for him to take up the overseas posting and delay our family planning. Plus hubby's not around, I really feel very lost and empty and I started to wonder about life... The meaning of life and I also dunno where my job is heading.... Hai... the more I think the more problems I have...

Anyway, I'm much better now. Just to let you know you're not alone. I'm sure you'll have good news pretty soon! Lots of baby dust to you...
Hi Linda,

Initially, I wanted to wait for hubby to be back in Spore before we start trying. But as the days passed, I got impatient and sink deeper into depression - dunno how much longer do I have to wait (it's already been more than a year).

I know I'll need a lot of support from hubby during pregnancy but I've sort of made up my mind to start trying early cos I know it's not easy to conceive. At the same time, I try to tell myself I have to be really independent and strong if I really conceived and hubby not in Spore.

I can't really join him overseas as he travels frequently. And he doesnt want to leave me alone in a foreign land whenever he makes his business trips. That's why I feel so trapped.....
hi giggler, flp is like a long term biz.... moreover i lazy,... i don't go all out to talk to frens about it.... i'm more passive, u want to know more, i share with u lor type.... but now i went to a level where i can get good discounts for pdts liao :) and the pdts are so far so good, and works for me and hubby.. cheap after discount la... so i'm more using the pdt myself than doing a biz with it. so u know la,... don't do biz how can make money from it :p

hi linda, wat u doing? why u say unstable? don't mind to share here? if yes, can write to me at email

i oso can understand ur feelings...Sometimes feel like theres no motive in life, everyday same routine, go to work, go hm, sleep, next morning go work again. Esp. when u r alone, w/o ur hubby, gets lonely sometimes. Married oredi but like no hubby...& then ppl gets to stress u to hv bb...Sianzzzz... But come to tink of it, i got hubby to try but still no news leh...More demoralizing ah!!!

Aniway, all the emotional support is here to encourage us...WORK HARD EVERYONE!!!
Hi linda

i am like you, very boring at home when hubby went to work. recently just got a dog and he really keeps me occupied.

i also have the yellow discharge. is it PMS or something we are waiting for???

wat dog u have? i m oso tinking of getting a dog leh, keeps me occupied. Actually, i hv got a Chinchilla at hm, but not so active...I like dog better...previously used to have at my mum's place.

Hee, i'll be glad to share shipping cost if possible. But must be the same seller rite??? OK, i will try look for this Vevee. I was wondering if ebay can combine the things we wan from different sellers.

no lah, working now cos hubby seems to work 7 days a week though officially is 5.5 days. sigh..... so my dog will entertain me lor.


mine is an australian silky terrier. still not toilet trained yet, so everytime has to clear his pee
hi soft, i see... can u imagine how bored i am then? not working, and hubby works almost 6-7 days a week thou officially 5 days? *smile*

i scared of small dogs,... they always jump around and lick me,... think i got scared by a toy dog my family had for a while when i was young kid. i prefer big dogs,... more steady in teh sense that they not jumpy kind only lick lick u and lie on your lap. we used to have a doberman at home.... he enjoys lying in our lap... very gentle one. but i think twice about keeping a dog now... got to clean up poo and got to bring him for walks... think i prefer to walk alone with my stereo receiver or with hubby :)

i also prefer big dogs but i am staying in hdb, so no choice. i do not want to "nie tai" the dog cos we will be working from mon to fri and only at night then we will be back. so in the end get my current dog. wait lah, wait till i strike toto.. 4 million, then i buy a golden retrieiver. hee...... day dreaming.

my mum's place oso a silky terrier, its urs a mini one or will grow bigger...My mum's one is the one big one, not mini... Btw, i oso like golden retriever...Big & golden...But me oso staying in HDB, if not sure will get golden...But one thing abt big dog, tat is needs a lot of space & must walk/run a lot. Not easy to maintain big dog.....BUT>>>>> I LOVE GOLDEN RETRIEVER!!! My hubby say wait till he go rich, he will sayang me with golden & then will not keep tinking of bb liao...HEE!HEE!HEE!

me not a dog expert. i also dun know big or small. yes, big dogs need a lot of space to run around, thats why and golden is not approved to be kept in hdb. need to always bring them to walk walk and run run.

think the dog will get jealous if i become pregnant and turn nasty?
Hi Angelia,
AF = Menses, D&C is dilation and curagette (not sure if I spelt correctly) = dilation of the cervix and scrapping the womb to rid pregnancy.

Hi Raisin,
Poor you...How long does your hubby have to be on this o/s assignment? And if your hubby is there and u are here, how to get preggie?? *scratch head* U intend to go visit him soon? Are you staying alone?

Hi ob-rider,
The branch I working is shutting down. So i still have no idea if I will be transferred... IF I am, then I will stay cos want to try for baby...If not, then how? Cannot be I just join another Co then I get pregnant right??
Won't even know if I can stay till after probation or not...that's what I am afraid of.....

Hi soft,
you are like me... We so poor thing hor? Like now 10.30pm and hubby just came back home...
Sometimes cos I alone for too long, I dun even bother to talk to him when he is back.... Have u considered taking up classes? Feel like going for pottery or cooking classes or even baking.... Where u stay?
U also have the discharge?? I had VERY creamy tanned colour discharge prior to discovering I am preggie...but this round it does look like THAT type...
So maybe just wisful thinking on my end.

Hi pumpkinpuff
Bai Feng Yuan is a chinese traditional medicine. It comes in a wax covered 'ball' containing tiny pills black in colour..Have to crack open the wax first. Contains pearl and ginseng which is good for the women's general health and complextion.
What is your race? If your race allows, then I can buy for you if you are interested. Most chinese medical halls sells...one ball cost me $6.50 dunno abt elsewheer though....

Hi Monkey,
Sounds like you and I quite similar huh?? Meaning life... such a routine... Sigh....
hi linda,
oh another interesting thread!!
i hvn TTC yet, have to wait for customary over first in nov who knows mayb can try early??..so now i'm going to c another gynae for PCOS. mayb wants to try dr christopher @ KK. heard he's not bad..seen thomson medical and NUH liao so was thinking switching gynae n c how..
dun be too sad..try to find something to do...i oso wan to take up some courses at cc...thinkg of taking cooking lessons...

bai feng yuan must take aft menses clear har??but then mine so irregular,how to take???is those with ginseng ones better??

there is a yu reng sheng in the shopping mall next to my hse..maybe i will go n take a look tomolo...

actually i vv lazi n i dun like to work..like to be a hse-wife n raise kids on my own..but cant survive with oni my hubby's income..so hve to work..

so i actually quite envy pple who is not working..

wat type of job u looking for??

go n buy bai feng yuan lah..both of us try n eat lah...

i heard women hve to "pu" esp aft menses...so if u not taking dang gui aft menses,then hve to take bai feng yuan..

u gng to see ur gynae tomolo,rite??keep us updated...
Good morning gals. Hate to grumble but I FEEL TERRIBLE!!!!
Think I must see a shrink soon.

Hi forgetmenot,
YES!!! bai Feng Yuan must take AFTER menses ends. If yours is irregular, start to take after your next menses. Normally I ate one every 3 days. So you eat for abt 2-3 weeks then you stop to wait for menses.

Hi Mao!!!!!
Wow...you seen 2 diff gynaes liao? Why? Not comfortable with them? How serious is your PCOS? Actually you can start TTC earlier if your wedding is in Nov..but bear in mind hor, if you do get pregnant, you will feel very tired on your customary... or nauseous depending on how far along you are....
gd morn linda..
yup..seen 2 gynaes loh, one is private that i dun think so gd and another NUH. NUH appt can only be during weekdays and i cannot take so much leave.
so wanted to c another one..
actually my hubby also planning TTC early. he said will be jus nice lor, after customary can wait to carry bb liao..
but of cos, cannot be rushed so let nature takes its course..
Hi, my apology for not able to write earlier. The nature of my job do not allow me to logon often.

I am very glad to share this with you. I tried on 3 cycles and I managed to conceive. Ofcourse i also believe in prayer and i have been praying to God that i want a baby..and He answer my prayer.

I find that using OPK is less stressful, it tell us 1-2 days in advance for a sure ovulation so that husband can preserve his sperms for best use, esp my husband sperm count is low. The test works by detecting an increase in the amount of Huteinising hormone(LH) in ur urine which causes the release of an egg 24-36hours later.
(u need not test several time a day, once is enough)

Okay, how should do -
- You must be familiar with your fertile days, can use the babymed.com to calculate. If your cycle always varies between 25 - 30 (eg), choose the shorter one, 25 to calculate. Those with varying days would end up spending more because you need more stick to test ( 5 stick per pac, cost $68). I usually need 6-7sticks

- Next check on the date supply by the OPK instruction (depending on ur cycle days), and note down the date you should start to test.

- When you start testing, always choose the same time to test everyday, normally in the morning upon waking up is ideal because you should not urine for at least 4hours before the test.

- When you test positive, you shoud do the following -
- babydance immediately ( we took urgent morning off from work to do it!
- babydance on the second morning
- babydance on the third morning
That should be sufficient, as the ovulation normally occurs 24-36hours after the test turn positive. You can stop testing once it turn positive.

However, we cannot assume straight 36hours once test postitive because you could have been positive during the night or right after the previous morning test (remember we only test once a day ), that is why we need to babydance immediately when positive (because if in worst case it actually turn postitive right after our previous morning test, that means we had past 24hs, so left with 12hours before ovulateâ¦and we cannot wait till the evening which it will most likely past the 12 hours...preferably we should babydance before ovulation. I hope I am not confusing..)

We use the following to calculate - Egg will survive 24hours or less, sperms will survive about 2 days.
The following diagram assume we test positive on 12June, 7am.


7am 7pm 7am 7pm 7am 7pm 7am

If you babydance everymorning for 3days once the test turn positive, the chances of hitting one of the day is very high.

Good luck to all and tons of baby dust to all !!``````````````````````````````````````````````````
hve to take aft menses ah??then no need to buy so soon liao,cos my menses for last mth,hve passed..so hve to wait till next cycle then buy n eat..

Thanks for offering to buy for me.. perhas I can ask my colleagues here to get for me instead cos got lots of chinese medical shops opp where i work.. keke...

btw me malay gal.. since its ginseng n pearl..shd b ok..can oso improve complexion ha? wow added bonus leow...

how many pills must take after menses? one time only or for a period of time?
Hi Mao,
So which gynae have u decide on? I am also looking at one who is open after working hours on Sat. The dr my brother recommended doesn't

Hi forgetmenot,
Well since ur menses is not here yet, you can try and eat some now...

Hi Pumpkin
You will have to check the exact contents...but I think Malays can consume although there is no halal certificate. One wax cover contains many tiny pills. Eat all. Dun eat turnips or carrots for 1 day after that...cos it will neutralise the effect.

Hi Linda,
I understand you're mentioned the benefits of folic acid before.I'm sorry that I missed that out.Can you please enlighten me on the benefits again?Thank you very much.
