A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Elle, mao, monkey

so PCOS can only be detected after u visit the gynae huh? like that I better go for check-up soon..

good luck! hope everything's well when u visit yr gynae

wah u come work so late? shift ah? anyway.. dun quit trying!

you may want to buy folic acid from NTUC Unity. Quite cheap bout $2-3 for 100 tables

btw.. u gals seems to go for gynae v far from my place leh.. all in town or west area.. how bout those in the east side?

hi pooh,

Me staying with PIL too. Before the M/C, everytime after bathing when my MIL sees me throwing newspaper, she knows that I'm having my period cos she will said no birdnest for you this week. Hence do feel very stress and no privacy.

hi ob-rider,

Are you in IT line ?

hi Monkey,

I have PCOS too according to the chinese physician. Have many eggs but the eggs not mature. After taking the medicine I got pregnant but end up M/C.
Hi Pumpkin,
no lah,i was on leave..just came back to work today...

dun worri,i'm sure everything will be alright with you one..

y your MIL like tt one...dun be so stress...okie..
will u be moving out??
pumpkin puff, where u stay? me in east too. there is one gynae at tanjong katong... whom i'm planning to see. her clinic very crowded,.. but don't know if that is the reason, but i found my first visit with her disappointing. i was out in 15 minutes. but when she did ultrasound scan, she very pro and fast... anyway, i'm willing to try her one more time, bcos very near to my place.... prob will see her in 1 to 2 months time for my f... let u know then, if u can wait?

vera, yah, me in IT. u too?

i same as u leh..Many eggs but not mature... well , i did seen a chinese physician. Izzit Yuan Ching Medical Hall at Jurong East har? I took her medicine, & now my period go haywire leh...I oso dun noe wat happen...Never go & see her liao...GOing to see my gynae tis Sat. Well, i dun get pregnant after seeing her, instead worse still leh...

Can i ask how come u M/C? Izzit due to her medicine har? Is ur period regular?
Hi Pooh,
Yah, same fate...
Wonder why....are u those who before take medication will be in agony then after take liao become very active?? Me is like that and sometimes people think I bluff....
Very siaz.... They dun understand...some ask me "Where got so pain?"

Hi forgetmenot!!!
Wow...so good take leave ah? I thinking of going Bintan...but hor in July so ex...
As for your trying, just be natural lor...or if a few months passed, you still have irregular menses, then maybe u shld see doc like monkey and see if it can help you too...

Hi vera,
Huh??? Ur mil so "xian-shi" one ah??? Or is it that she just scared brid nest too liang for you? Are u staying in their house or they staying in yours? I dun think the m/c is due to the medication lah...u saw the notes i posted in the m/c thread? Most m/c which occurs early in pregnancy are due to chromosomes defects.....

Hi Ob-rider,
By the way, me 25 this year liao....1/4 of a century gone....
hi monkey,

The one I saw is Ying Chuan Medical Hall at Jurong East. Is it the same as yours ? I'm still seeing her. I believe if not of her medicine I would not have got pregnant in the first place though it ended M/C. She was recommended by my SIL who has M/C 2 times. After seeing her, my SIL gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
My period is quite regular, after taking the medicine is still regular loh.

Since you have stop taking the medicine, is your period back to normal already.

My M/C may not due to her medicine. My situation is likely due to hormone or unhealthy eggs or sperm.

Hi Ob-rider,

Me 2 in IT, but very sick of IT already. Wanted to shift job or career. But in this economy, very difficult. YOu are more in biz application or system ? Just KPO to know.

Hi forgetmenot,

Will be moving out soon, new house still under reno. My MIL is not bad just that sometimes really need some privacy. Did you take EPO, heard that EPO can regular menses.

i 26 leh!!! U "suan" me ah!!! Still young lah...Btw, my hubby oni 27 oso..so consider young couple for us...Walk together, ppl tot tat we like "U" graduates ah!!! Like small kids, tats y my hubby alwaz its bcoz we like kids, tats y god dun wants us to hv bb first..Wait till we grow up...Ai yoh, by then, i "lao" liao!!! SIGH!SIGH!SIGH!

y dun u see gynae, i/o waiting..unless u not as kan-cheong as us..As urs oso not so regular, cannot juz hope tat mircacle to happen leh!!! Aniway, juz pop into 1 gynae & let her/him access u...

i visited a gynae,chineses physican oredi...but intending to see another one which my hubby's friend recomend. They hv difficulty in conceiving oso, seen a few b4, but tis one helps them to conceived & now got 2 children liao...So no harm see lor, since naturally oso sometimes useless...

HEE!HEE!HEE! I beri kan-cheong lah!!!

i tink its the same lah...But i took for 1 mth, i stop liao.. My period did not come since then leh...Chiam...Now i oso dun noe how..But i thot the medicine is to "pu" ur body oso... I oso dun noe leh why it dun work for me, funny body aniway...Aniway, at least i go see gynae can see internal parts.. Menses go haywire, oso dun noe y???!!!

But i dun see her liao, scared my body react wrongly to her medicine...
Vera, me more in app side. but now, i'm studying for Oracle certification. halfway thru... u? app or sys side? software house? if u plan to change let me know,.... me replace u... hehe.... just kidding.... ya i know, the grass is always greener on the other side... when u get there, u find it greener elsewhere again.... so don't think too much la,... esp now,... got work just do,... mai hiam buay pai la.

Linda, Monkey,.. enjoy your youth, once u hit 28, the dreaded thirties come fast... actually u 2 very young wat... ready for motherhood? anymore young MTB's here? i'm sure alotla.... in fact i find a lot of people get married younger nowadays too,..at least on this forum.... But i have lots of frens in late 20s, early 30s, still single and unattached.
hi Linda, Thanks for welcoming me!!.. she didn't tell me is a contraceptive pill .. only said also good for skin .. tats why wanna change gyne lor..
Linda, You r a very strong girl..i've read the thread and learnt of your purpose of having this separate thread.. Yes.. we shall jiayou together okie

Don't feel so lonely when your hubby have no time for you.. you can always come in and chat w us.. and we share our ideas and complains w each other.. Yup.. me stay near sembawang.. but dunno whether the gyne there good or not leh.. so hows your health so far?.. i hope u r getting fine.

hi monkey, you also 26? me too
PCOS got so many different stage one meh?..can elaborate or not?.. how do i know i am at which stage.. i only know that i don have those common symptoms (acne prone, overweight,etc)..and gyne checked wombs healthy, ovaries ok.. But base on my very irregularity(max:3times a yr), the gyne suspect i got PCOS.. thats why gimme diane35.
Wonder why she gave me that when i told her i plan to have BB. what shld i do leh.. ? My Mother also keep nagging and nagging asking me to give birth early ah.. blah blah blah.. till i fed up with the idea liao.. and indirectly gimme more stress.. don't u think so? like that how to conceive man!

you still young what.. me going to 27 this yr oredi.. really hope to deliver b4 30. with this PCOS really makes my confidence level go lower... sigh...sigh... initially my mum also ask me to TTC mths b4 custom.. but seems like i got a more conservative thinking than her and replied her "xiao ah".. but come and think of it.. i shld have go check up earlier.. So you better start buck up.. we support you.. !
Hiya girls...

me 27 goin to 28..two more yrs to 30! alamak old aldy!!! that y had to TCC soon.. cos i want lots of kids... hehehehe......

wats the name of the gynae?
hi elle,
me too, jus like u..gynae checked everything but nothing wrong with my womb leh..so he suspected PCOS then he took my blood for a test. results out cfm i hv PCOS..he said something like the eggs stick to one side not mature enuff to regulate menses thus menses like being stuck cannot flow out.
me young but hor hubby not young liao..he oredi stepped into 3-digit area. tats y he wans BB soon..but anyway, he oredi planned to TTC early..
but then again, seems like cannot enjoy 2 ppl world leh. once BB cm, no freedom liao. cannot do wat i want, like further studies,etc.
hehe, alot of my gal colleagues has warned me leh..
Morning gals,

me quite happy tat my colleague had given birth yesterday, but oso quite sad tat i still cannot make it... Feel quite demoralized today!!! Can't really share the happiness, feel sad inside...Ai yah, why is the world so unfair... Her pregnancy is consider a accident, but for me, planned oredi oso no results.....SIGH!SIGH!SIGH!
hi okea,
seems like we in the same boat leh egg kenna stuck!.. hahaha (jus kidding)

My gyne didnt even said anything jus say i got PCOS. U know what she didnt even do blood test for me.
Which gyne did u go to? is he/she good?

me too used to find that having a kid is a burden,no freedom and eat into our exps.. heehee..
BUT hor i believe kids would definitely bring a different priceless joy to the family. Having said that of course, couple got to be financially and mentally be prepared. Most imptly husband willing to share the house chores more esp. when BB delivered.
I also thought of completing higher studies than have BB.. but i guess these kinda things can't wait.. The longer you drag the higher risk both "system" go down..
I've got friend who got married early at age 24. but planned to be mother only at age 28 where she quit her job and stay at home for 1 yr plus.. But even though she left her stressful work.. she didnt manage to conceive sucessfully.
Thereafter she went back to work. Now she is 31 praying hard to have their own kid esp. when her hubby is 7 yrs older than her..
From her experience i could understand how hard it is to be able to conceive. No doubt she got regular menses but than timing is not easy to catch man.. So pple like us with PCOS.. must even WORK HARDER!!!!!!
Hi gals.

Guess what? I just tested positive yeaterday! I read your replies last friday.But I was too tired to reply..maybe it was the pregancny symptoms. I was waking up at 4 am for the past few days. I appreciate your postings and only todayI have the energy to do that. sorry for the late reply

Micky and MOnkey.
Tks for the encouragement.

Hi raisin,
U really makes me feel better..

U make me laugh...
U r always so funny and cheerful. That's why I thank you for starting this thread. cos' u r popular... If I started the thread. sure closed shop.sigh..Ithought it was so nice to share our TTC experience and now I am disqualified already.

I had done 5 or 6 months of BBT charting. Lat year. tried few times but not consistent . dunnoabout charting then. so many times false alarm..so till now. still think it is like a dream.

To those haven't conceived. next 2 months conceived very gd. Not that I am superstitous. I just checked outthat those born chinese month 3 and 4 monkey yrs very gd life. obe eg is cecilia cheung. born 4th month of monkey yr..rich . famous and gd career.

My BB will likely be 2nd month... no chance liao... so u gals dun worrry.. maybe bb waiting to come out at the good times..

Baby dust to all

me turning 29 this Sept.. so muz really work hard cos i oso wish to deliver latest by 31 leh
Hi girls,

Good morning! IS raining so heavily this morning...how i wish i can stay at home to have a good rest.

I actually realise that girls that don plan got pregnant so easily . But for us, who r ready & wish to have want one...don seem to get one so fast. Life is so unfair!

BTW, how many cycle u girls have tried before consulting a gynae? cos i also a bit scared i got PCOS.
Hi Claire,

Congratulations! Must be very happy i am sure!
Any secrets to share with us? So did the BBT charting helps?
hehe.. actually hvn't been trying very hard, cos hubby always say "very tired" on wkdays.. then once every couple of mths he gotta go on biz trips for 2 or 3 wks. hiaz..
Congrats claire!....now you can "upgrade" to the other moms2b thread....

morning babes...early morning rain... so cold.. good mood for bb dancing...but alas got to go to work

congrats!!! Btw, wat kind of symptoms do u have b4 u know tat u r pregnant...Can share? Btw, how long u hv been trying b4 u succeed...

Well, at least someone had graduated fm here..

So happy for you! Have you seen a gynae? Wow reaLLY 3RD AND 4TH Month monkley good huh? then i must work harder liao.
Hi Claire

Congratulations!!! So happy for you.

btw, where did you check abt the 3 and 4 month good huh? is it a website?

Rest of the ladies here

We all jia you jia you.... soon will be our turn.
Congrats, Claire!! our first success in this thread!! Take care and don't walk too much okie?

Pumpkin puff, her name is Dr Esther Ng, her clinic is along Tanjong Katong Road.
congrats claire..
we got claire giving BB dust to everyone!! so no worry..must work harder!!

i went to CCK polyclinic, there got NUH gynae. he diagnosed me PCOS, he even drew out the diagram for me to hv clearer pic of PCOS..he drew eggs stick to the lining etc..nice guy..and handsome oso!!! but i forgot the name liao..
the only thing is tat i need to book appt during weekdays and must b before 4pm, their closing time. so i gave up seeing him, not much leave to take..cannot tahan, always take leave..
if u can, u can try to c him.

we, PCOS women, must work harder...cheers for everyone!!
** its got to be BB dancing time**

<FONT COLOR="ff0000">Congrats!</FONT> ya, very happy for you, it's wonderful that the good news start to spread!!
Hi Claire,
So glad for you!!! Now that you graduated and can join the mums-to-be thread!!!!
Take GOOD care of yourself and have you decided which gynae to see? And dun flatter me lah... Me not popular lah, just KPO.... And everyone here plas a part in maintaining this thread mah....
HOPEFULLY, this will mean a string of good news to come.

Hi Elle,
I stay in woodlands and was considering switching gynae cos it is SO much more convenient for me to go home...but before i could, i m/c. Never mind, now body okay but still wondering if I should start trying soon due to work-related problems. Kind of stuck in between.

Hi monkey,
Okay what!! U one year older than me but my hubby already 31 liao. Not young leh...

Hi Pooh,
When to see the gynae will depend on yourself. For me, I would see one if I do not conceive within one year of trying. Some others will see one earlier. If you scare, why not go for a through body checkup first? then the doc shld test for you those tests necessary for women who are trying to conceive.

aniway to carry baby is women's job so when u r young u tend to be able to conceive. So hubby older is ok lah. Hes juz the sperm donor mah...
hi ladies,
can anyone help me on this?
i would like to ask if its possible to be pregnant even though the test kit shows negative?
i missed my period last mth, tested 2 days after i'm supposed to have my menses and it showed negative. my menses is irregular, but yesterday it came a bit (usually the first day a bit right), but today also a bit, i wonder what's wrong?
anyone experienced this before?

also, the chances of conceiving if hubby use condom is vry unlikey right?

test again. Maybe u r spotting even if u r pregnant..Well, condom is no fool-proof lah, accident can happen...
Hi gals,

Thanks for the well wishes.

Think will stay here for awhile. see have buddies close EDD as me. Anyone waiting to test soon.

As i have mentioned b4. I had good timing every month. Have EW Cm too... But failed all the time.

What i did:

to improve male fertility
=force hubby to take vit E and L-Argine(?)
Herad royal jelly also gd.

to improve my CM:
took EPO and the cough syrup containing G..
to amke CM slippery for sperm to swim

pop up with pillow and slept after..

sigh.all didn't work.

The secret of this month.i rinse with douche to make it less acidic using baking soda... anyone dare to try? AND IT WORKS!!!

I have read that sometimes. some of us might have auto immune system in our body that couldn't accept the spermsand take it as foreigb objects.Dunno true or not. But I did take a lot of antibiotics while I had flu many times in winter weather.

SO if this time dun work hor. I will take heparin. baby aspriin that TTC website said has many success story.

If still dun work.plan totake clomid. pregesterone and even IVF!!

BTW, I used BBT charting from BAbymed for several months .Just switch to fertilityfriend last month...It is easier to use.

about symptoms b4 missed period. I had a light menses last tuesday. Thinkit is implantation bleeding.breast only sore after missed period... hee urine kind of strong b4 I knew conceived. only symptom that i never had during PMS.

haven't decided on gynae yet dunno to choose Dr Fong chuan wee or Dr chan kong Hon? Heard the former price is reasonable... but hesitated when found out he joinedin 1970.. dunno very old or not?

Hope have answered all questions..

Hope to see many more gals reporting positive here.

Many more baby dust to all..

PS.. sorry i didn't replied to each posting personally... summarize a bit...hope dun mind..
Hi puzzled,

maybe it is inmplantation bleeding likemy case. Try testing again after 4 or more days.

hope to hear gd new from u

Congrates !
Must take good care !

Hi Monkey,

May be the medicine not suitable for you. Which other chinese physician you going to see ? I heard the Ma Guang Ji Tuai is quite good too.
wat is douche? i mean i dun understand u by mixing everything lor.

no lah, i going to see a gynae who used to practiced in KK, but now go private. My friend after see many gynaes, tried for 2 yrs no result, so see tis gynae, &amp; then gotten pregnant liao..So decided to try him...See whether will i hv good news then...so any gd news fm u?
Hi Claire, what type of baking soda u use? Those that made cake one izzit? I very suaku leh. Never heard of using baking soda to rinse........

Hi Puzzled, did u test early in the morning once u wake up? I think that'll be more accurate. Why not u wait for a few more days and see how?
Hi Monkey,
I will only try probably next month. Which gynae you intend to see ?

Hi Ob-rider,
Me in app too and in end user environment. You taking the Oracle Certification, must be tough, I heard. Now don't feel like taking any IT courses. Don't mind courses liking cooking, arts an craft etc.
try testing fews days later if your menses still did not come.

what's L-Argine(?)

After discussing with hubby, he agreed that it will be good to start taking Vit E now, since gynae did mention during the visit that it will improve sperm count. so no harm taking and see how. anyone of you have any good brand to recommend and what's the daily dosage required?

me now fertile, could see my clear stretching mucus. tonight got dancing appt..

how's things on your end? try getting your hubby to take Vit E as well, maybe it really helps. when is your menses due? any chance this mth?

thanks for the baby dust!
****holding on to it nice and tight******
actually hes a indian gynae but quite old liao...My friend after seeing him gotten pregnant, but then change a gynae once pregnant as hes quite old, scared he cannot help to deliver, old liao so actions slow. But all tat i can say is tat he actually help her to conceive 2 healthy kids, even though he dun help in delivery..But he will oni see patients in couple..he dun oni see 1, he see both... My friend actually tried for 2yrs plus, &amp; seen quite a lot of gynae &amp; chineses physician oso, but still no news, but once seen him, she gotten pregnant..

I will update u once i see him tis Friday...
Hi Micky, my da yi ma just left me on Sun. So I can only try mayb next week.BTW, how do I count the o-day huh? I just take my cycle and minus 14 rite? eg, my avg cycle is 30 days so my o-day is on CD16 rite?

Hi monkey, keep us update on your gynae appt ok?
Wow...so baking soda not only for making cakes...but also for making babies....
kekekeke Hmm....won't it feel a bit funny??Mix baking soda with what???

Now already 11pm...You must be resting now after working hard liao...kekekeke... Hope tonight will be THE night for you!!! Do continue making baby dancing sessions with your hubby for these few nights eh??? Must maximise chances leh.

Hi monkey,
Hubby considered old liao cos older sperms prob cannot swim as well leh....

Hi Vera,
Hmm.. U and I and Soft same...thinking of trying next month...but I kena held back by work probs... So dunno if it is a good time to try again....

Hi Giggler
Yup yup yup! Normally O-day is what u calculate. But hor dun skip dancing if u dun think is near your O cos sometimes will O late or early... Just keep it regular....2-3 times on average shld be good enuff and more during ur fertile period...

Hi Puzzled
I dun understand...How long have u missed ur menses liao? Cos u said missed it LAST month.... If u missed for so long liao, and test kit still negative, then see a doc.... My colleague missed hers for 2 months and also not pregnant...then she ate some pills to make her menses come, that's abt 4 months ago...and she goes home only on weekends...Like that also can get pregnant again 2 months ago... Wonder if the pills she ate made her fertile...
Life so unfair....

wow, so good ah..Maybe her luck is here lah... Dun worry so much, when ur luck is up, u will hv ur chance...I understand the stress tat u have lah...Ppl ard u all get pregnant, but we ourshelves trying so hard, still getting zerso results, very disheartening...But u r still young...

How cum so late u still surf net? Ur hubby not back yet? Do u hv any symptoms tis mth?

A douche is an insertion for washing vagina. U can get it at all pharmacy or Watson. Just bought the douche but not vaginal solution. the douche is tomake use the soda gets into the vagina. actually I very scared doing that. I thought that could be thelast time I try that method.

U r right. But must warn u gals hor...If u want BB gals this solution is not advisable.

forgot to mention zinc supplement as well. But the vit E and the amino acid were the 2 given by most fertility spoecialist I think.Can get the amino acid from GNC. Remember. all supplements need to take at least 3 mths to work.

Below is an extract form TTC website:

&amp;#61623; Zinc: Semen contains high concentrations of zinc. Supplementing the diet with 30-60 mg zinc a day may improve sperm count and sexual function.3,4 A good dietary source of zinc is pumpkin seeds, long recommended as a fertility-enhancing food and a remedy for benign prostate enlargement.5 Pumpkin seeds also are rich in two other nutrients beneficial to male sexual functioning: the plant steroid beta-sitosterol (which binds to the testosterone receptor) and vitamin E.
&amp;#61623; Vitamin E: Formerly labeled the anti-sterility vitamin, vitamin E is crucial to proper reproductive function in both men and women. In fact, the chemical name for vitamin E, "tocopherol," originated from the Greek words tokos, which means "offspring," and phero, which means "to bear." One of the body's main antioxidant nutrients, vitamin E protects hormones from oxidation. As vitamin E becomes less available in processed foods and exposure to harmful oxidizing agents increases, supplementation with 400-800 IU a day may improve fertility for some men.6
Amino acids: Arginine has been shown to raise sperm counts and sperm motility. The recommended dosage is 2-4 g a day.7,8 Taurine, another amino acid that may enhance sperm
Good morning ladies....

sigh.. anor boring day at work.
..anyway just want to share with you gals something..

Ystdy went dinner together with my sis in law.. and she showed me the ultra scan pix of her baby...immediately when i went home.. can't help myself but cry n cry under hubby's arms n he trying his best to console me...

Did some
baby dance
after that with hope that we will strike lottery this time! ke ke

Hi Linda, u mean must bb dance 2-3 times a day or a week during my fertile period huh???

Hi Claire, so u buy the douche and dip it in the baking soda and insert in your vagina? The baking soda must mixed with water or not. If yes, how much baking soda to mix with how much water?
