A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

morning babes

yo.. nat & mashy.. hws ur day??

yeetay.. u may wan to test.. but i think miss abt 2 weeks then test better..
if not waste $$ on HPTs.. Good luck

had a horrible night. Haven't been sleeping well lately. Got invisible itch on my hands (no rashes, no bite marks) at night. It happens only at night. In the morning, suddenly ok.

Felt pain like bites on me too. Ouch. But can't figure out what it is. Rashes rashes everywhere else. Itchy like mad.
mashy.. me too.. looks like a monkey nw.. keke
but scratch till bleed lor.. coz too itchy liao.. especially on my boobs, sides of tummy @ the the waist there and some where near the armpits.. been thinkin to go see doc but scare he give me injection some more i dunno can take onot coz not sure preggie onot...
Hello gals,
I'm feeling better liao I think... at least more stable.... now with work... I feel more occupied and less time to "Hu Si Luan Xiang".....tears still come to eyes when I think about my bb...... but what the hack.... I'm entitled to cry right??
but at least I can face it now...... I got to move on.....
Yuying, thanks for the article.... I went back and had a long moments thinking about it.....I'm feeling better partly becos of that... at least I take comfort that my bb is in good hands....
I ordered some ovulation kits liao... will be able to start once I "tiao" back my body....
Thanks gals for the support... *hugs*....
I'm feeling much better liao...
maybe u have to drink more water? Could it be your skin surface too dry, so more prone to skin irritations? And u sleep in aircon room? Well, at least u can take a nap later...

my day started with Mashy telling me abt mother being wei da and she wants me to sacrifice, heeheehee!
check your mattress for bed bugs..... esp those folds... just to make sure... that it's not that....
also make sure you pile up on moisture.... sometimes... could you your skin stretching....
Morning Elmo!

Yup yup yup, who say u cannot cry, i'll hantam that person for u!

Distractions like work, are good for u, but must remember to take care of your health okie?

Really glad to see that you're better. *hugz*
Jia you! Hope to see u soon again in the list of graduates!

I checked before leh. But have not seen any bed bugs at all. So it's either bugs that are invisible to the eyes or i've got bad eyesight.

u seem to display all signs of a BFP. Hope u'll get confirmation soon!
Good MOrning!!

Glad to hear u r feeling better..
do rest well n 'bu' ur health..
we all here will support each other..
let's jia you together..

me laughing myself when read post by both of u..
still thinking tat will 2 of u start fighting on smoke...

i m very understand how u feel.. we r same boat.. my hb is smoker 2.. 1st dating wif him, asking, begging, scolding, etc on his smoke, but cant help, not easy for him to quit... so nowadays me already give up liao..jus let him be.. wash my hand..

me always automatic fall sleep in MRT when travel to work every morning.. hehe
nat.. u seems like playsin stocks leh.. Speculating somemore... keke

well.. got to wait till the HPts arrive then test lor..
or go company's GP to test lor.. keke
aha... got new target for u... Loving!

i also wash my hand until very clean liao! But u got ask hubby to stay far far from your boy when he smoking? Now, seems like even after smokers finish their smoke, they might still continue to exhale out smoke!
nat, loving

you all too chong your hbs already.

last time my hb had this bad nail biting habit. bite until nails very ugly. Told him off and he has never bitten it anymore. now his nails are nice nice. can only change b4 get married. Now too late liao lor.

Least they can do is to stay away brom the children when they smoke & after they smoke. Esp if children have asthma.
my boy so 'clever' n his always very co-operate wif his father.. my hb never smoke in front of me, cos he know i hate it.. at time, he will go back to our own house wif my boy while me at mum place, then his will smoke outside the house while boy playing himself inside the room.. all along my boy dare not told me at all, but his told my mum abt his dad smoke.. u know wat, he CRY imme when me jus asking him nicely is it ur papa smoke.. dunno wan to laugh or cry when see his react.. see, fr here my boy side my hb lor.. cos i m BADMAN while hb GOODMAN...

think u need to educate your boy abt smoking leh. Apparently he doesn't understand. Think u should teach him. Then later he might be the one to tell his papa not to smoke leh.
Aiyo Loving!
your boy so scared tat u'll know ah? Poor thing... is it daddy threatened him cannot tell mummy ah??? No lah, i think your hubby is the BADMAN, heehee, sorry ah!
Actually having children is also very troublesome... last night my hubby's elder niece whole night pester us to help her find pebbles and fake grass! her kindergarten project lor... And then the funny thing is, she remembers my hubby has this mini golf "putting green" (is tat the name? i'm a golf idiot) and kept asking hubby to cut and give her the fake grass, she say teacher gave them the dimensions, must be square, cannot be rectangle!
So ma huan... if its my kid next time, dunno if i'll have the patience to help find pebbles and fake grass, or will i say "your teacher siao ah? ask her find herself!"
ok! but still must bu hubby. cos we used to have weekly bu soup. Now cannot so xian4 shi2, I don't need already don't cook for him like very cham .
my bad hb never threatened my boy leh.. maybe he jus told boy tat not tell mummy lor.. so he listen, never told me, but told my mum.. then who know my mum told me aft tat.. haha.. so poor thing my boy when his crying...

my boy 7yrs old, P1 one.. my mum help me to take care at jb.

me sure fainted if take bus, cos got bus sick, cant stand stop, break, move, stop, break, move...... luckily me stay at west side, can take mrt fr Boon Lay all the way to Bugis.. sure gt seat for me sit n sleep... hehe
Not yet..... will start after the bleeding comes and stops......

I already like the 1st recipe liao...liver... yummy!

kekekekeke... my hubby also used to have the same bad habit.... but I got him to quit after we got married...now ok liao....
must try to give and take.....
I think most men dun like to be told what to do.... given a strong motivation, they will do it....

loving.. good for u.. boon lay sure got seats

from hougang dw to bugis.. confirm no seats.. haha

mel... wow.. 6 weeks liao.. so fast huh..
go gynae le mah??
