A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


yah, the womb kind of like having contractions. Dr says no good.

Mine is 2-3 times aday...Cramps dat last abt 2-3 mins..

My GP told me its the growing uterus dat causes the cramps, as the BB is growing.
cookie: during the 1st trim, usually the timing to see the Gynae will be abt 2 times a mth. after 1st trim is 1 mth once....
dun worry too much.. keke i understand cos i been through tt.. keke.. during the 2 weeks wait to see gynae i was like thinking hows the bb is doing etc.. keke.. not everything is ok.. kekekek.. kicking like mad in tummy..
kekekek... dunno also....
CD21 36.95 - rounded 37.0
CD22 36.77 - rounded 36.8
CD23 36.84 - rounded 36.8

a bit panic when I see CD 22 temp....
but if I round off then looks ok bah.. Is it?
think I really O late leh cos this morning temp is 36.7!!
wah today CD25 leh!

Nat think hor u put me back on list lar
cos I think AF will come late lor
strange how come this mth O so late ah???

Congrats Fan!!
take gd care of urself
Poshbb ~ I reali want to join this gathering but Oni 24th June (Fri) I cant make it, i got class to attend to.
AS for ur venue to Ling Zhi Vegetarian Restn, this is a very high class veg restuarant lor. will "po kai" if we all eat ar.. And i also not sure others are comfortable with vege meal anot also becos of me & carrie?

I have a suggestion, Maybe June all of us are packed with appt liao. Why not we it on 1st Jul a fresh month start & all can marked on their calender that there is an outing for TTC So they wont get themselves hooked on something else.. What do u all think?? My schedule is not out. hopefully i will be super available that day also.
I'm fine lah.... so long as its nice. :p
why dun you and carrie gives some suggestion of the place you go for meal and then we have better idea?
Mashy mummy,
u still hving cramp ah?
did Eunice say anyway to reduce the cramp since u say is nt gd?
ur medicine can reduce cramp or nt?

not much stress leh
homework, u mean BD?
feel abit kek sim leh
cos I BD quite often frm CD12 to Cd20
now feel my effort wasted :p
but also gd lar nw I think I really need OPK to help me pinpoint my O lor
Thanks! kekeke I'm looking fwd to see gynae next week... a bit anxious yet nervous.

hmm... I used the normal thermometer ley... only 1 decimal point...but your CD22 really looks lower hor...I also not very sure ley
if u wan I can email u my last chart... ;P
<font color="ff0000">Fan</font>
Congrats. How many wks are u now? Take care &amp; have a smooth 9mths ahead. Dun carry heavy things as well. Everything leave to ur hb 1st lar. kekeke
Hi gals,

Thanks for all the good wishes.... Think I will arrange an appt wif a gynae this weekend though I dun feel any discomfort... cos I didnt do any pre conception tests at all.. so feel safer to see if everything OK or not.

Any good gynaes to recommend?
mai gek sim.. maybe your thermometer really spoilt leh.....
if really O late.... temp rises today means you O yesterday on CD24. so sperm can still survive for few days... still got chance....
Hi Jenny,

Thanks... Actually I also dunno how many weeks... Do we count from the date of last menses or from the date of conception? I only jus tested the HPT this morning ... didnt even see any gynae yet...

I walk v fast and need to carry things at work. somemore v chor lor one.... so now have to observe my movement liao...
1st July (Friday)
Buffet @ Merchant Court
Swensens @ crown prince
Marche @ Hereen

Marche @ suntec
Joaquim @ suntec

i cant think of any...

Sushi Tei @ China Sq. Central
Ling Zhi (Vegetarian only) - Far Fast Sq.

anymore suggestions?

jenny: i think if those set at Lingzhi not very ex.. i went there once.. value for money unless like the last time we went Merchant court, some have buffet while the vegetarians go for the A-La-carte
fan ~ U can try Ling gynae.. she got very high grade on her, me too after she told me her bad incident &amp; the doc rushed to hosp immed to attend to her even thought as late as 12MN... but charges are exp. She is at Raffles Hosp.

My gynae also very good. Dr Fong yang. he has a clinic at tiong bahru &amp; paragon.He can oni help to deliver in Mt A or TMC if i am not wrong.
try charting for 1 whole cycle first....
you need to ascertain your temp range first in a cycle....
probably you have a low range...
but it looks like you have not O yet.
where are u going this fri? Your bbk trip?
have fun okie! Ha, got this song "Leaving On a Jetplane" mah!! hee... by john denver i think, and then made popular again few yrs back by the movie Armaegaddon (very hard word to spell!!
) So every time i fly, i'll think abt this song, hee!

hee... unfortunately i'm never able to obsess over singers or movie stars!
We are going just for fun, the tix are so much cheaper than sgp concerts! And then can go play jackpot, so shiok, heehee... last mth "donate" liao, see if this mth whether i get lucky or not, heehee!

i thot cramps are common? Why Dr say no good?? Every MTB here also tell us they kena cramps.... say its due to expanding uterus.... shd be fine lah, so long as not too jialat...
fan ~ Pls hor. FROM NOW ONWARDs, walk slowly &amp; duncarry heavy things esp u are just expecting leh.. Even thou i believe if its ur , it is yours issue. but i do have a frd last time she oni carry a light thing to move the box down oni leh...at night she already miscrriage liao leh.. pls hor.. pls inform ur HR or boss abt ur pregnancy &amp; refrain from carrying heavy things.

Poshbb ~ We shall wait for all to confirm the dates again..
morning ladies

congrats to u, fan. take care

hey mashy
u in real estate... me too keke. u take care hor, dun move so much har.

ask you (and elmo &amp; nat) hor, i finally took my OPK test on the 2nd urine today after wasting so many OPKs tesing in the afternoon from CD9 to today CD17, wah.. the line is as clear as the control line. This means i m in the peak today, izzit. And my temp dips again today. it's like sloping down for 4days liao. And i hv slippery CM this morning onwards after 1 day of dryness yesterday... can advise.. keke. looks like i gonna to BD tonight, rite
ya, i'm hoping no O yet. at least still can try tis month. 1st 2 weeks of the cycle was like 35 or 36++, then suddenly dip so low for 3 wks, then AF no come. 1st time charting - feel so strange to see temp so weird
Hi Jenny,

Thanks... I will heed ur advice... but cannot tell boss yet cos he not very family friendly one.. last yr my wedding he even ask me to postphone my honeymoon...

BTW, can I have more info abt ur gynae Dr Fong yang? male or female? What are the charges like? Is it the same for Mt A and TMC? Reason why I ask abt him is cos I stay at Tanjong pagar so location wise is good....

Is it cheaper to choose premier pkg from KKH (cos I wanna choose gynae) or to choose pte gynae?

Thanks for all ur advice....
Juliana ~ Try charting for this full month. cos my 1st charting also very weird. all go as lowe as 35 one. very weird.. then this month are all on 36 side..
Try using the fertilty chart online to monitor lor. but i find it not very accurate leh compared to my OPK.. i dunno lar. i maybe have to chart a few more cycles again.

fan ~ Dr Fong yang is a male doc. he is patient &amp; honest lor. his1st consult is $70 &amp; scanis abt $50 lor. 2nd consult onwards will be $45. If u are at TP, then u can visit him @ Tiong Bahru. He also have night session there on Mon, Tues &amp; Thurs if i am not wrong.
Hi Fan,
I am currently on the premier pkg from KKH. Actually, u can start using the pkg from 16 weeks onwards.. was told that we need to come up about $2k+ cash (after medisave) for the whole delivery (including ward (A1), delivery charges etc etc). Not sure about the pte charges thou.. the reason why i chose the premier pkg is that the services there are more personalised and environment is more cosy compared to those Clinic A or Clinic B, which is often noisy and crowded.
but Mon n Tues my temp was 36.5, before that was 36.2 for a few days
today 36.7
this mth my temp increase very slow leh
Hi Ling,

Thanks for organising the outing. However I am not free on all the Fri till 1 July. I am free on the following dates in June: 15,20,22,23,27,28 and 29.

I agree with Jenny, dun know if the rest is comfortable with vege food.

Think your go ahead with the outing, enjoy!!
hi jenny,
thanks. glad to know only 1st cycle so weird. i almost want to give up on charting liao. now try to tahan few more cycles

it just shows like contractions on the ultrasound, dun think there're the same.

i'm taking medicine lor. But still feel very tense in the womb, maybe it's the baby growing.
Looks like u O liao oh.

i find that the premiere package &amp; pte gynae not much diff. Might as well get pte gynae. Pte hospital nurses are more attentive. My SIL delivered at KKH, find that like production line like that. Treated like sows.

I also dunno lor. I try not to worry too much over it. Just take my medicine regularly. Anything beyond that I also bo bian right?

hey, same same. U BD BD tonight!!!
mashy brainz...
deliver at KKH really that bad? when did your SIL delivered? she also take up the premiere pkg at KKH? oh no...

but so far, my checkups with them all very pleasant and the nurses there very helpful. they even help me wipe my tummy (cos of the gel they use on the scanner) each time after my ultrascan leh...
hi mashy,
I think your cramps are probably different from jasjas, so that's why your gynae say it's no good??
anyway, dun think about it.. if gynae say no good... then you must take extra care...

I think your thermometer really got problem... :p
Harlow elmo, how are u?? I'm same same lor...
today no boss so lazy a bit and can surf a bit of web... hehe

see u gals talking about cramps.. i am 19 weeks into preg, sometimes i do feel some cramps... like now, i do feel some stretchy cramps... gynea and GP both say as long as the cramps are mild, its normal. So girls, dun worry.

Hi! i did a brief check on the prices and find that the prices are not very much diff. It will be diff only if there's complications.

My SIL got the same gynae (recommended by her cousin i think), so i suppose that's under premiere package right? She's got C-section &amp; they chased her out quickly coz' KKH is overcrowded and needs the bed space.

So, it doesn't really matter whether you're in premiere package or not, when they need the bed, off u go.
mashy, chose gynea does not automatically means premium package. u may be chosing the gynea but still under the clinics and not the private suite
But do agree that the premium package cost the same as pte price cos they provide premium service compared to normal KKH clinics
in fact, i heard its even higher than pte hos.

orh. After that visit at KKH, i decided not to give birth there. Told my hb, he must at least let me have a hospital that i'm comfortable with. I'm no sow.
hahha... mashy. ya... i do heard a lot of 'horror' stories about KKH... but its ok lah... i will go there and experience the horror stories and update all TTCs and MTBs ok?

Hi gals

Toking abt KKH and Pte Hosp..My SIL says KKH would be betta, jus in case got any complications.
She said Pte hosps may refer u back to KKH...BUT i dun agree leh..
Wat if we give birth halfway..den got complications, den they ask u to go to KKH meh???

For me, i prefer pte hosp...tink the nurses are more attentive..
