A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

mashy: u only need to RIB for 3 days.. whahha.. u better be good stay on bed hor... if not i will get ready the cane to cane u too.. kekkee

Poshbb ~ We shall wait for feedback if they want wkday or wkend then we decide the date how abt that??
For me i prefer wkday after work lor. central area lor. or ur hse also can. but some pple might be working very far lor.
jenny: ya tts wat i worry.. i dun mind gng out for food too.. kekeke i am totally game for anything.. whahahahaha
aiyo hope u wont hv to go for anymore jab
stay at hm n rest well, dun go anywhere

so gd can give urself MC
I be away from 27th June to 1st July
weekday , me free on Tuesday only
aiyo, Ling u just set a date lar see which date most ppl can make it lor
dun hv to accomodate everyone

but venue wise think central better
like orchard/suntec/bugis
me leaving on a jet plane, yeah yeah yeah, this sat! coming back next sun!
so happy no need to work next week!!

Organiser, pls set a date first, hee, then everybody check schedule and feedback attendance lor!
Juliana: my plc in cck.. thinknig likely to be in Central.. easy for everyone.

Val: Tuesday u free ok.. kekeke..

14 June (Tuesday) or 24 June (Friday) ?!?!?!?
Buffet @ Merchant Court
Swensens @ crown prince
Marche @ Hereen

Marche @ suntec
Joaquim @ suntec

i cant think of any...

Sushi Tei @ China Sq. Central
Ling Zhi (Vegetarian only) - Far Fast Sq.

anymore suggestions?
Don't worry too much. My doctor said "detecting the heartbeat brings the success rate to >80%" Just make sure you get lots of rest, never underestimate what good rest can do for you
Hi gals,

I jus did a HPT... Result is +ve. (2 vertical lines).. Shld I see a gynae to double confirm? Any recommendations?

BTW, can a preggie take vitamin C and E from GNC daily?


Preggie is preggie lah. Don't need to double confirm. Remember to take your folic acid.
If no cramps, bleeding, spotting, pink/red discharge, don't need to see gynae in a hurry. can wait a bit till after 6.5 weeks so that u can see baby's heartbeat. But if got any of the above, must see quickly to get medicine/jab.
saw u asked yesterday...
Anyway I have a slight dip after O ... somewhere around DPO6. The dip is a slight one abt 0.1 or 0.2 degree nia and the dip is comparison to after O temp.

My discharge is clear white milky...at times oni, m i normal?

Ydae went to see normal GP, forgot to ask..other den that i'm okay. GP said, i can see gynae ard wk 12.
hello fan!
congrats... wat a nice way to start the day, with good news!!

cookie, jas, mashy,
u 3 preggies very early today, good morning!!

clear white is ok. So long as not other colours.

u asked abt implantation dip? Didn't read the archives. I didn't have any significant dip.

Hi! Good morn! Tiang tiang koon like piggy mah. So must get up and walk around a bit. getting bad blood circulation. if not left leg numb, it;s my right leg got pins & needles.
hi karen,
dun worry...... cos sat appt they are normally rather packed liao... and they probably have difficultly slotting you in within a short period of time.....
1st appt will normally be a bit longer cos he will ask you questions and then see what you need.....
dun worry....
COngrats to Fan!!...

Praise God you are fine :p
hmm... I also have cramp from time to time ley...
err... I thought it was normal...though not severe (Thank God)... but pretty uncomfortable.
he is quite nice...so far quite comfortable with him. you are in good hands.... he also highly recommended by my fren... that's how I got to know him..... well known for his stitching skills....he was from kkh last time.... delivered many babies liao...

but I think gynae is a very personal thing... so most impt you must be comfortable....

i also thot cramping is normal, but dr says it's not normal and must stop the cramping. Maybe u ask your gynae. When are u seeing him again? Your appt like very far away leh. I already see my gynae twice liao. Spent a bomb.
Karen SG,
that time my fren m/C but my gynae ask her to carry on as normal.. never ask her to abstain... shortly after .... she preggy again...
maybe ask your gynae why abstain... cos maybe got reasons...

I can't go on 14th June, but i can send all of u a flying kiss from shanghai, heehee... As for 24th, i can't confirm either, so never mind me, u girls go ahead and settle on whichever date u all prefer!

Yeah, counting down to my holiday!!
oh i just remembered, i'm not free on 24th too, going genting for william soo and andy hui concert! Aiya, mummy Ling u really know how to pick dates, hee, how u know i'm away on both dates?
how come u taking jet plane??? I never sit in a jet before leh... :p but I also dun dare..... cos I'm scared of heights.... so cant take much movements.. :p
me also leaving on friday!
Vit C ok.. but not too much of Vit E cos excess can cause harm... so dun take above the Daily Allowance..

wow! You're their fan? Go all the way to Genting. I used to work closely with some celebs and realised after that they are just a packaging. Like a product on the shelf. Not everyone's as real as the public sees them.
hee hee nat... good morning...
Must stop reading soon... bo whole co know I not working.

Ya lor.. my appt so far away...
my appt next week 16th June. My first appt with this gynae.
I went for scanning in KK on my 4th week.. abt 3 weeks ago but cannot see anything so KK gynae also cannto comment.
I pray that my coming appt, everything will be great for me and BB.
yes... cos I've read that there could be a dip.. but I also read some sites that says it's not conclusive... so a bit confused and wan to see if it is common to have a dip in temp btw 6 to 10 DPO... and how much dip are they talking about.
I read that mild cramping is normal.... but you should call your gynae to ask whether it's normal... gynae should know better.

fertility friend also say dip after DPO is not conclusive...just that some preggie has such sign only...
after O.. my temp remain around 36.8 , think the dip was 36.6 or 36.7 not significant one but when read the chart can tell there is a dip lor.

u have dip ah??kekeke... Good Luck!!

when I saw the gynae on last mth... he also ask me if I have spotting or pain, then I told him I got AF kind of cramp... then he say " Oh... that's ok"... that's why I thought it was ok lor.
