A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

I can't believe it myself. I'm not here to show off or anything... just want you all to know that nothing's impossible and every cycle is a new hope.

Thanks gal for your support. I will update once i know the result

Choo, are you there.

Do you know how much Dr Adrian charge for bloodtest??
i didn't manage to go see gynae cos my idiot boss wanted me to rush something for her while she's away at KL. anyway, gynae straightaway refered me to a chest physician and has made an appt for me to see him tomorrow at 9.45am...

wendypooh: yes, i did...i'm already on my 2nd bottle of cough mixture with some phlegm dissolving tablet. it's still not good enough...

elmo: i wished i could go today but i really can't...i hope to get well soon too.

hopeful: thanks...
PM u liao,
pls sms me ur hp no after u gt my HP

wah dili mummy,
u are very blessed to striek after 2 cycles

dun worry, everything will be fine
update us tomr

thks for ur info

i will compare n considering both hospitals
hi sneaky
maybe u can try goign to "eu ren sen" to buy the pearl powder, cos i took that b4 oso and help a bit. u can tak vit c pill but not fresh orange ok.
how many week u now? if over 12 week can try taking cordecep it helps oso

u r welcome
dili-mummy: lol... ooi i am gng to charge you for copyright ya. whahaha... safe 9mths ahead.... hey... how come u dare not post n secretly read our formular har... noti... hope all our talks here helped you in one way or another... so happy for u.. welcome to the MTB club.. whahaha... hmmm how come i Queen? dun understnad leh.. u all like know i go to sleeping n chatting non stop.. whahahaha.. really good to hear such a piece of good news.. if u dun mind join us for an outing on 28 March.. we gng to Merchant Court.. all TTC & MTB welcome...
HI Juve
Guess what... I also has some feeling happening around adominal area...
I was abt to post the same qns as your... but I'm still around the implanation period... it seems too fast to have cramp or pain... I think...

Sneaky & Ling >> you gals has some cramp before rite?? around when did the cramp start and at which area har?
I'm looking fwd to it liao...
all the gals here more fortunate than me ley...
my last trip to BKK was 9-10yr and my HB never been to BKK before except during Army days...hee hee....
Elmo: wat do u mean? u got cramp? are u on clomid?
i was on clomid and got the same problem as wat u mention above and it was afther i BD on my O day.... hoping to strike this round.
Ling Anyhow-Strike Queen,
thanks for the invitation! but I need to work late on mondays, so I can't join u girls this time round

Every cycle is a new hope, never give up.

Your girl's very beautiful! I'll continue to look at her and hope my baby has big eyes too!
Think Dili has order a number of strips ley....
If I also see "red " this cycle... can share share Dili's OPK strip???
if you dun mind la...

My OPK left with a few only...

But Hope both of us NO NEED to use anymore!!
wendypooh: i'm into week 12...don't think it's safe now....anyway, i've scheduled myself to see a chest specialist tomorrow...hope everything works out well...
sorry cookie, I ordered the saliva OPK. I kiasu wanted something reusable! Eeee... this one unfortunately cannot share! BUT hopefully don't need to sell to any of u!
I'm interested in your saliva OPK, but got to wait after this long weekend to see got "red" or not ....
I believe u'll be alright .... please keep us updated after your chest specialist visit ....
take care!
sexxy>> ya lor I got cramp cramp feeling... but hor.. these few days also alot of air ley... I release "gas" over the weekend alot...sigh... maybe I think toomuch, maybe just plain stomach upset....
Me CD 25 today... O around 18-19. Think I left with only 6 OPK strips...

Hope both of us and XXM and all gals TTC no need to use test kit anymore! Yeah!!!

Then Dili mummy got no one to buy from her liao...hee hee... but I'm sure Dili will be happy for all of us :d
hi cookie,
Dun dampen your spirit.
Stay Positive!
Jia you... good Luck. ;)

hi sexxy,
I mean after taking the clomid I got bit of cramps in my abdomen area and stomach upset also.... not O day yet. Just finish 4 dosage.. tomorrow is the last dose.......
your's maybe implantation??? possible??
sexxy>> ya lor I got cramp cramp feeling... but hor.. these few days also alot of air ley... I release "gas" over the weekend alot...sigh... maybe I think toomuch, maybe just plain stomach upset....
Me CD 25 today... O around 18-19. Think I left with only 6 OPK strips...

Hope both of us and XXM and all gals TTC no need to use test kit anymore! Yeah!!!

Then Dili mummy got no one to buy from her liao...hee hee... but I'm sure Dili will be happy for all of us :d
ling>> no sensitive yet... maybe breast abit... nipple no feeling ley...

Dili>> hee hee... ya u better dun ahve to sell to any of us...

Elmo>> Yap! will contineu to stay +ve!.. in fact this round I monitor temp closely that I forgot abt which CD I am liao kekekke.
so not so stress actually, not like Last cycle everyday I look at calendar... nearer to AF day I become more stress....
Cookie & elmo,
i use the OPK on fri nite and the line was darker then the control line so i BD lor, today is CD17 if i am not wrong cos AF came on the 5th...
now i feel cramp and uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen area....

do u think i O tat early, i anyhow test lei.. don't know correct or not... stress**
sexxy: aiyo dun stress.. kekeke.. anyhow test.. anyhow do.. anyhow strike.. dun stress.... BD dun stress.. kekeke..
I didn't feel any soreness on my nipples at all, not even now. I did, however, have a bad headache and urinate frequently. I also felt very hot all the time. HTH.
good good....

hi sexxy,
if your CD is 28 days, then your O day shd be around CD14 (28-14)..... OPK shows that O is coming within the next 24 hrs (there about).... so it's correct...
dili: cos the temp stays high.. keke.. dun believe.. go take a temp.. its gng to be abt 37.9 - 38.4.. whaha.. go tell ur MIL.. i bet she says u having fever. whaha just like mine.. told ur In laws yet?
sexxy>> err think I cannot adv much ley, must wait for senior to advise u....
last round I test and test on OPK and none of the days has +ve
so I ended up monitoring my CM and my BBT to determine if I O and timing of BD...

after u see the darker line.. u only BD once ah?? my friend gynae advise her can BD the same nite, the next morning and nite... very shiong hor..kekeke. but my friend only manage to BD the same nite and next nite and she strike liao...
So timing very important.
Wish you will strike this cycle too
My BBT is usually 36.2 to 36.3. Ever since conception, it has been 36.6... so I didn't think much of it. But throughout the rest of the day, my temp will be around 37.3 (considered high for me!) I'm not as HOT as you lah!
Ling: not tat stress when BDing.. hehe just anyhow do, anyhow strike can loh...

elmo: i got irregular menses so also don't know how many CD i have.... how my OPK is correct can lei!

cookie: ya, i only manage to BD on that nite til now... so tired every nite, nipples abit pain too.
wow sexxy... u have signs ley... really hope you strike!!!

Dili >> Congrats !!! and ya man.. have smooth 9 mths!
dili: temp will remain high till another 1week.. kekek.. i wish my bb is a girl.. so my in laws will be happy.. i think my MIL will be happy.. whahahah
