A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

oh my.. loving & confused.. take care ok be strong.. *hugs

MIRACLE!! so long didnt see u here already... is ur job ok??

welcome kelly.. CONGRAT on ur PREGGIE!!! have a safe nine months

finally went for my gynae's appointment liao.. was so happy that my PCOS is getting better
at least my left ovary is clear from cysts.. nw 2WW so gynae ask me to give her a call if i tested +ve then will see me again.. keke

ya, Miracle, how's ur interview?

Loving n Confusegal,
BIG HUGs for u both, we are all here to support n care

did any of u watch CNA 8:30pm programme just now?
talk abt IVF, very informative
aiya.. missed the show... I wanna watch that but reach home late... hope they will repeat the show...

Sorry to hear your loss.. hugs...
must take good care of yourself after the d&c. Try to take some "bu" and a mini confinement.
There's a support group for miscarriage under "matters of the heart", "support group-miscarriage" if you wanna tok about it...
God bless...
Dear loving and confused,

Sorry to hear that. But please please never give up on TTCing...we girls here will support you..
Did anyone take folic acid?

I went to NTUC unity to buy...quite cheap for 1 box leh $2.50 and I pop my 1st pill today

Heard that this helps to make womb stronger and even better for initial weeks of pregnancy.

Now huh 3 of my colleagues all get pregnant liao. One sit infront, one at back and one beside me leh..I am surrounded by preggie ladies..
Hope they could spread alot of baby dust to me, hehe...
yes i did take and i also start my lst pill last night...
but i bought the one the also include other B vitamins and it costs me over 30 bucks for 100 pills... anyway heard its good but not sure if it can help us to conveive more easily...

can you update the list, i m CD01 today... still not used to getting disappointed although it is only my 2nd cycle trying... had been crying and feeling very sad recently... guess i just need to tune myself to get used to disappointment...
Lyn, CNA re-run the show later again last nite. Ard the time when u post ur last msg. I watched it from 1130-1200 midnite.

Verone, wow u got good 'feng shui' lei, surrounded from preggies. Soon, it would be u.

It's my HB's bday tmr. He took leave these to 2 days to take a break from work as well as pick up his big big present. He is 1 big happy man today.
hi loving,
hug..... hope you are ok.... be strong

hi daisy,
My medicine is Serophene....oops!..... just realised from the web that this is also clomid... Serophene is the brand name :p

Hi TTC2,
hug to you.... jia you jia you... dun give up....

hi hopeformiracle,
how have you been?

so no idea when it will repeat?i miss it too as I was watching Zoe Tay's last episode...


Glad that you are so strong!!Meanwhile,dun think too much..concentrate on building up your health ok!
Hee...hv a great time wif ur husband,
u find the programme useful?
of cos hope we dun hv to go thru all these lor..

how come u suspect u hv endoxxxx ah?

Hmm...where is Juliann??

congrats to Kelly
hv a smooth 9 mths of pregnancy

u seeing gynae today ah?
update us ok?

do drop in more often to chat often
hi choo,
I blur blur hor.... heee hee....
not yet... got to wait for AF to come first... now only CD 21..... maybe need to wait for another 15-21 days .....(so long) depending on my cycle....

how are you doing?

Hi Juliann,
ya... what happen to you??
verone: surely the bb dust will spread to u.. keke then ur boss will be having headache.. cos all gng maternity one after another.. kekeke

TTC: dun be disappointed.. i actually tried only 3 rounds since Oct 04, and i got +ve by accident in 4th round.. so dun get too stress up.

i like now counting down the days to hear my bb's heart beat.. and this feeling is really mixed, worried n worried n worried...
Hi choo,

Thanks. Cause I scared, suddenly my AF become very very little. I dun even need to change my pad but for the sake of hygiene, i change as normal.

I have schedule with Dr Adrian to do the bloodtest on 21 March.

Hi Loving,

Sad to hear abt your loss. Take care, rest more and drink bu tang to built up again. We are all with you...
elmo: worry heartbeat lor. dunno bb ok or not.. i tell u .. this 2 weeks like a nitemare to me.. cant sleep well n worried.. haiz...i was telling yk tt i will ask my gynae see me more often just to be sure.. i very very paranoid...
and yk says i siao... to much money no where to spend... but i guess i am just pure worried... dun wan to lose a single chance to miss this child..

me ok leh...just worry now cos left with 3 cycles of clomid...and hubby got low sperm count..tonight FINALLY see gynae to see wat kind of medicine he would give him to eat to improve his sperm count...
Hi nik,

Wat is your hb big big present??? Is it a car???

This yr think no one celebrating my bday except hubby cause is my cousin wedding this sat. We will be just going for simple dinner and movie.
Hi ling
don't worry so much.
if the bb is meant to be yours, no matter what you have done, bb will still be there.
<font face="calisto mt">


Dun worry so much. Let nature take it's course. Rem "Anyhow Do Anyhow Strike". Stress will only hinder ur path to graduation.


U r not alone. I also worried esp after hearing bout Loving/Confused case plus last mth's experience. Told my HB 4 once I'm glad to hv MS cuz at least tt show I'm still preggie. Told him cld b best if can see gynae every wk to do scan. He also said I siao liao.
jenifur: wahahah same same same... how come the hubby think alike.. but i guess they failed to realise our stress... our feelings....
choo: agree with jenifur: anyhow do anyhow strike.. kekek just like me.. anyhow do.. oso anyhow strike.. dun tink too much
<font face="Calisto mt"> Ling,

I tink our HB also worried but they not showing onli loh. My HB will touch/hear my tummy every nite 4 heartbeat.
I also said he siao, how to hear/feel like tt</font>
Hi Elmo,
ha ha, u r so cute, blur blur liao

I got mixed feelings now, don't know whether I should schedule to meet my gynae earlier or not but meet her early also no use as I'm in my 2WW, there's nothing she can do, haiz....

Hi Val,
I will come in as often as I can. During those days when I was so busy with work, I miss you gals so much!

Val, since u watch the IVF program last night, hee hee, can share the important points? Did the program mention abt any side effects on the baby during the baby growing up period, that's my concern lor.

Hi Lyn,
I also miss the program. Have u seen ur gynae? I've been waiting for the day to meet my gynae, seems like forever!

how have u been? Miss u....

Happy ROM Anniversary!! Hope u have a loving celebration. Enjoy yourselves!!

we are here with u, jia you!

u r so lucky ah. Surely will catch some baby dust one but I pity ur boss, ha ha

Mei Mei,
glad to know ur cyst has cleared. You must have rest well and relaxed a lot to improve ur condition, keep it up!

you are a very strong gal. Don't think about it anymore ok? Just concentrate on taking care of your health and u can try again after that. We are here with you.
daisy: dun think too much during ur 2WW... let things be natural.
though its a long wait... most of us went through tt as well.. kekeke.. but still cheer up ya!
hmm... actually was still happy as I had tender breasts after ovulation but this didn't last long just like previous cycles. Today, breasts totally not pain or sore at all, back to normal &amp; now I'm in CD21 liao, so I know chance is very low lor. I'm beginning to wonder is it because my progesterone level is low, so my chance of pregnancy is low too, sigh....
Hi Choo >> I'm always having blurred vision after taking Metformin &amp; Clomid...do u think i should consult my gynae?

Btw I'm having terrible backache now

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 02 Mar 05
ttc2 ........... CD 01
meijia ......... CD 03
aps ............ CD 03
hopeful ........ CD 05
cookie ......... CD 06
hopeformiracle . CD 06
nik ............ CD 07
sandy .......... CD 10
bookworm ....... CD 10
jentan ......... CD 12
naturally ...... CD 13
nyny ........... CD 14
loveluis ....... CD 15
badgirl ........ CD 16
juliann ........ CD 16
sugarbun ....... CD 18
angie .......... CD 20
elmo ........... CD 21
snowball ....... CD 25
verone ......... CD 25
bea ............ CD 26
dawn ........... CD 28
mei mei ........ CD 52
celestine ...... CD 76

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 13/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

Although I m not preggie yet... but i think i know what you are worried abt.. i m also SUPER paranoid. and at every stage of our life, we are always worried... when u are not married, u scare u will not get a good HB.. then after married, when u are tcc, (like me now) u worry u cannot have BB... then after you 'strike', u worry AGAIN... scare BB's heartbeat etc etc... then after birth, another set of worries.... haiz... like is full of worries... :p

hopeful and everyone out there,
thanks for your concern, i will try to get used to this disappointment...

If you are concerned over blur vision,do consult your gynae...and also ask him why he gave you 10cycles of clomid at one go
confused and loving,
both of u be strong...take good care!!

me same like u...cyst cleared last month. trying this cycle so hope i can bingo!!

dear all,
something to share....in december, i miss my period and i went to see my gynea. he told me that my hormones imbalance so he gave me some medicine to make my menses come...so finally in cd54 which is in january, my af came and i went to see him again on my cd4...he did a scan on me and found out that i've got 2 cyst in my left ovary so he told me to take conceptive pills to suppress it and make my mens come zhun zhun the next cycle...so finally after taking the pills for a month and on the next cd 4, i went back to check on my cyst again, *phew* the cyst is gone far far away....so he put me on clomid for 5 days and ask me to see him again on cd12 to check on my follicles...so last week on my cd12, i went back and did a scan, he told me that follicles are developing so i can try once i tested +ve...but then hor fm cd13 to cd18, tested -ve meanin i no "o" leh so i called up his clinic and went down to see him again to check wat's happening....so last evening he did a scan on me and said that ya u have not ovulate and he can see my follicles grew outsize liao meaning my eggs are growing but never ovulate...so he gave me an injection and he said my eggs should release in 40 hrs time but he say e chances quite slim to conceive cos due to the oversize of the eggs!!!! ***sigh*** i only knew that there's follicles not developing well but never knew eggs can grew oversize and never "o"!!!!!
Hope to share this information to u gals cos my gynea said that why some gals get cyst is becos of the above scenerio!!!! ***so cham*** hor
Dear Ling n Jenifur,
dont worry, if both of you hv positive spirit, baby will be fine and healthy too
God will you both be ok?
Manuka also very peranoid, I tell her dun be affected it

when ur AF come,
u start 1st course of clomid isit?

Lyn n Daisy,
think there will be another telecast of this programme this weekend,
do chk the programme list in the newspaper
is actually called 'your Healthy'
every tues will discuss about different health issue
so yest was about fertility n IVF

oh they interview 2 ladies
1 of them tried IVF a few times succeeded but got miscarriage a few times
very ex as IVF cost $8000 n emotionally challenging !
by time she pregnant already 40!
nw 44, she has a precious beautiful n healthy 4 yr old daughter by IVF
so she is trying for 2nd child by IVF
success rate of IVF is less than 30% becos of egg quality condition
the specialsit advise ladies to take cheapest fertility treamtent 1st, last resort then will be IVF

many weeks ago,
was talking about women health problem like endoxxxxx, irregular menses and woman cancers
was very informative too
what kind of cysts did u get? I know egg size matters, cannot be too small or too big. Take it easy and follow ur gynae's instructions. I believe the next cycle will be better one, cheer up ok?
hi hopeful,
thanks for updating CD list. didn't even realise that i am on CD14. hahah... anyway, i will wait for my next cycle then start TTC.

hi ttc2
yap, agree with you that full of worries in life. but just have to think +ve and stay cool. if not, i will get depression very easily. hehehe...
thanks for the summary. I'll try to catch the programme in the weekend then

I'll place IVF as the last resort too. Gynae also advises to take one step at a time. I don't think I can afford IVF at this stage as house coming...

my house is coming this year. I think should be in June or July. If delayed, then latest by November, I'm very excited
life is nt full of worries my TTC sisters here

God make us come to this earth is nt to worry, becos life is a gift frm Him

of cos we cant help worrying but I know there is God taking care becos He has already got big plans even b4 we were born
Any of you read' The Purpose Driven' this book?
If you believe in God, I strongly encourage you to read and life will never be the same again

A word to encourage all fo you here,

Cast all your anxities and submit all plans to Lord,
He will bless you and take care fo all your plans
Peace in Heart bring good news and health to the body

Hmm...means being single is better as no worries?

so what is the next step that gynae is planning for u?
i think before one can go for IVF, ur gynae will advice for IUI first... cos cost lesser than IVF. so ask for IUI first...
yup yup Ling,
IVF last resort, go for IUI 1st
u hor...better read more comedy books, that will make u laugh more
buy cute baby photos/posters to put in ur bedroom, will make u cheerup more
ask YK tell u jokes, dun give worred face or sad face here ok?
be a cheerful, sunny n happy mummy!!!
worry hor...make u grow old faster also leh :p

maimai... see too many cute bb poster.. like my bb come out golden hair.. whahaha.. better see bb's daddy more often.. whaha cos daddy got not much hair.. whahahhahahahaha... i am ok so far.. just worried.. i old faster har?? i think so too.. ekkekeke..
