A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Daisylove u very smart leh!

Like dat u win lor!

Dear confused, rest if u need to, after that try again alright? wo men yi qi jia you!

Eh, how do i jia you on my own??

hubby stressed with work... i dunno whether shd tell him i fertile leh, or let him sleep early??

your situation is almost the same as me.. i had my customary dec 03 and only ttc in jan 05. married abt 1 yr 3 mths.. u married young also?? how young is young? i married at age 25 and now 26 going 27... still consider young or old? actually like u said, last time they also asked me why i marry young and my reason is i wan to have kids earlier too... same same..
now when pple kept asking... sometimes it is very difficult to answer...
I'm trying all sort of ways to reduce stress lah. Hope that if AF comes again this cycle, I'll be able to take it better
Hi wishbear,
Good luck good luck

Hi Daisy,
how have you been?

Hi Daisy/Naturally.... okie, I will try my best not to think about it...

Hi Ling,
most impt you like can liao.... dun care so much... bb most impt... so maintain good temper....

Hi Jenifur, if you dun feel comfortable, then find some excuse ...... err... like you change date... then forgot to inform her... :p

Hi cookie,
me too.... I felt so sad for the baby... why can't they give the bb up for adoption since they have already carry the bb for so many mths? So cruel!
hi daisy,
really so qiao... told you we will be trying together...

but this mth unlikely liao for me... but I still hope you have better chance than me. Jia you Jia You!
naturally: i only know my trip will be paid for...and if i go shopping with MIL, i prob need to pay for some of my expenses and if i stick to her all the time, what she buy i'll buy some also, they'll all be paid for loh...
provided they are not LVs or Pradas or Chanels, blah blah blah...
sneaky: u very good life hor... :s
my dreams of gng london all crashed when i tested +ve... so dun think i can go anywhere.. haiz... but dun go london can change for a little bb.. surely more worth it.. kekeke
I worse than u leh... I married for abt 1 yr 6 mths liao. I ROM at 24, customary wedding at 25, one of the few who married earlier comparing to my peers. Only start to TTC mid last yr and have been trying without luck till now. Going 27 too. I was at one time very stressed but only recently manage to handle better. Try to keep thinking that though TTC is my priority but I have other matters which are important as well and I can't lose concentration either. I felt that ever since I started TTC, I hadn't focused on my work much. Now trying to get everything back on track

Yah lor, last time I big mouth go and tell those aunties that I want to have babies earlier so married earlier (although at 25 is still considered late when comparing to the age they married last time). Now feel like I have slapped on my own face for what I said last time. Really no answer for them, just keep thinking of excuses lor
hi daisy,
me too..actually got married earlier than you.... Dec 02, so last yr onwards already people started asking... but I didn't try until last yr end.... if not would never realise my problem... hiaz!
Anyway, I did tell my aunt abt my problem and once she understood why, she stop asking me already and even started encouraging me...so it felt better.... and now when family ask me... I always say ya ya... trying my best liao..... then they say... ok never mind try your best can liao.. so I bochap how they think.... I just focus on TTC already not much energy left...so dun worry too much... just focus on the thing you need to do... dun bother about the rest... the world will still continue to spin no matter what happen... of course unless end of world... oops... I talk nonsense.. heehehhhehhheee
Hee hee Elmo, yah, we always together one

Don't say that lah, sometimes things go unexpected in the end. I don't hold high hope for myself too, may be I'm just so used to be disappointed liao. It's ok, if we fail again, we try harder next cycle
girls never give up trying.. like me.. in jan i wasnt trying very hard due to my heavy work load.. and i got +ve by accident.. so miracles to happen.. dun just give up...
Me too.. I ROM at 24... and wish i can have have 2 babies by the age of 30... now that i know it is so difficult.. not too sure if i can still meet that target... btw i m born in the yr of the horse, what abt you?

i think i worst.. i still tell my colleague i wan to be a mummy by this yr end.. but doubt i can meet that too...
hi daisy,
tell them you need some time for er ren shi jie mah... so get married earlier than when you have enuff qing qing wo wo will have bb lor...
heee heee.... if not got to rush into having bb soon after marrying than no time left for romance mah....
hahahah... like me lor... now not much time left so gan jiong already.....me going 30 this yr liao.... cham! :p
what's the problem u are having? Is it the scan?

I think our aunties asked because they tried to strike conversation with us but didn't know they have upset us during such process. I guess only until we get preggy then only we will appreciate their concern. For the time being, I also stay bo chap and concentrate on TTC, no energy to chap liao. Nowadays worse still, MIL's friends ask in front of her, FIL, my hubby and myself. Then MIL always answered faster than me and told her friends 'soon soon, very fast one, they planning liao'. My eyes always popped when I heard that!! I thought of saying 'not so fast' so that I wouldn't be stressed but she answered for me, haiz.....
hi TTC2, dun worry too much... me older than you... so, you not too late...

Hi daisy,
yes yes we jia you.... but I still cross my fingers for you...... yesterday gynae did follicle scan for me liao... follicle not growing..... so gonna this mth....but I'm ok already lah.....I can't wait for AF to come soon.....so can start next mth with the new hormones medicine....
thanks for ur encouragement!

same same
I also horse! Ha ha, but I worse than u again... My colleagues asked me how many I want too.... In my heart, I actually want 3 and I also told them, but now how to???

every time I feel discouraged, I think abt Zoey Tay and Julia Roberts. About slightly later than mid 30s and can still get preggy and give birth. Zoey is fortunate to have conceived naturally. I ever read 1 article that Julia Roberts was very stressed as her gynae said that age was catching up with her and even with IVF, her success rate might be very low. However, she still got pregnant and gave birth to twins! So, even at 30, there's still a very high hope. In fact, I have lotsa friends and relatives at this age conceiving faster than me leh!
I'm going to request my gynae to do hormone tests, scan & HSG for me when I visit her in March to make sure I'm ovulating and fallopian tubes aren't blocked. If everything is alright, then I will ask if I need to take Clomid or I will just let everything goes naturally if I know I'm perfectly alright. What kind of hormone pills are u taking hah?
hi ling, ok.... but how not to see it as a chore? still got to take temp and use opk..... like predicting stock mkt movement like that....
eh... I miss touching your tummy leh... next time see you can molest???

Hi daisy,
I have polycystic ovary...meaning my follicles are not growing... so dun ovulate regularly or not at all..... so gynae gave me some medication and see how I react to it next cycle....

hah? ...maybe just say out next time... ya...see how first... job very busy....if not dun listen to what she say... she say not you say right?
I very naughty hor...
My MIL also say she wish me " Zhao Shen Gui Zi" during the chinese New Year.... I say "hah?" than act blur.....
even thou I have a good MIL, I dun feel comfortable telling her my problem.... cos I dun want to worry her also.... so I just act blur lor...feel better that way...
Hi daisy,
Initially wanted to do hormones test but since gynae asked me to try the medication.... so I try first... he say it's low dosage just see how I respond to it first... I cannot remember how to spell think starts with sxxx something .... will check and let you know tomorrow. but it's not clomid

hmmm.... guess you are right... I am still telling myself to remain positive....
why not 3 kids??? can try mah, hee!
My grandma gave birth to my mum (4th child) at age 40, while my mum gave birth to my baby sis (3rd child) at age 37!

I may want to do the same, heehee... but must see whether i enjoy pregnancy or not, hee!
I really think its nice to hv a younger child such that when your older children gets married and leave the house, at least still got a young one for u to mother! In a way, i think my mum was able to cope much better than my MIL, as my mum still has my sis, whereas my MIL really suffered from empty nest... but then again... my mum is also less drama, heehee....
good that u found out abt ur polycystic ovary earlier and can get help from gynae to prepare for ur next TTC cycle

My MIL is kind at heart, just sometimes quick- & short-temper and can be rather temperamental. Once we start chatting, can chat quite long, even longer with FIL. This is when she's in good mood lah

Yah, let me know the medicine name, thank you
Hi yasmine, daisylove n naturally

thanks. i'm alright liao. (i try not too think too much abt the operation lor, dont know painful or not) Now looking forward to the operation n after that i can start all over again.

yeah! let yi qi jia you

Daisylove - Dont be stressful. for my case if anyone were to ask me when i get pregnant i'll tell them soon soon, n dont worry i definitely inform them when i get preggie. (after they hear this they stop asking liao)
we cant stop people from asking right? so let them ask lor.
ling: indeed worth it...but if you really want to go on a trip, you can go to nearby places mah. i think my MIL knows that i can't go after delivery of bb, therefore, asked HB to ask me if i want to go with them loh...
Hi everyone...

Hows everyone feeling? Hope those trying to have bb will strike soon and those graduated will have smooth 9mths..

Hi Elmo,

Just wanna tell you are not alone...I am going 30 this year same as you...are you rabbit? I also married in 2002-Nov.I also started TTC end of last year Nov..How do you know your follicles not growing? I am quite worried now..
Hi kelly,

Congratulations!! Have a smooth 9 months.

Hi confused,

Glad that you are alright liao. Rest well and start all over again.

Hi gals,

I feel that my menses volume is getting lesser. Today CD2 but i don't have heavy flow at all. Have start my clomid today and have called hynae.

He just ask me to go back on CD22 to take blood test. But din ask me to scan for follicle.

Is it strange???
hi daisy,
Okie... will let you know tomorrow.

I dun have much topic with FIL, but like to chat with MIL also... just that my MIL worries too much... so sometimes I dun like to tell her too much....
she even worries when I go back home alone ...sometimes when hubby cannot fetch me and she makes sure I reach home safely....... so bo bian.... dun tell her too much... sometimes I forgot and shoot off my mouth then make her gan jiong... :p
Hi Verone,

One way to check for follicle growth is thru' scanning. The gynae will be able to measure the size. If you go every 2-3 days (after day 10), he can see whether it grew. Up to a certain size, the follicle will rupture (ovulate), if not he can induce the ovulation for you.

my gynae said that is better to take blood test on CD21 to check if I did ovulate cos if scan follicles on CD10 onwards,it might not have'burst'hence not too accurate...that's his explanation..
I very scared I may be in high risk group when I give birth at 40 leh..

Aiya, u so notti to say ur mum less drama, meaning ur MIL more drama lah... notti gal

ha ha, ok, next time will use this excuse
Hi Verone,
yes! me bunny rabbit..

very near to mine!
I went for a checkup before TTC last oct/nov and thru the scan, gynae showed me that my ovaries have unripen follicles, so he mentioned to me I might not be ovulating regularly and ask me to try for 6 mths first...but after these few mths of monitoring... still no ovulation using OPK... and AF getting irregular and long cycle.... so I went back and he did a follicle scan for me again and he found a follicle which he told me can try and see this follicle will grow or not.... then few days later I went back again for monitoring and he told me that the follicle is not responding.i.e not growing... so most likely this mth also mission fail liao....

dun worry.....maybe there's nothing wrong with you.......
you can go and do a checkup.......if you are worried..... but it's normal for normal couple to try 1-2 yrs before striking.... it's just that I realised I have some problem and so now getting getting anxious to have bb soon.... if not I dun mind waiting initially ( maybe it's my punishment for waiting so long) kidding lah.........
Hi Verone,
yes... wishbear is right... initially, gynae wanted to see if my follicle is growing.... if it's growing... he wss planning to give me an injection to release the egg but too bad.... the follicle refused to coorporate..... so no choice....
hi daisy/naturally,
heeeheee... if healthy why not?
me also want to see if I can take it or not..... dunno if I can cope with the children... if can I dun mind having 1-2 more... but at the moment, only thinking of 2... ( last time wanted only 1 cos scared ah...)
ha ha ha, that shows ur MIL really dotes on u like her own daughter. My MIL initially also like that when I return home late, somemore I stay with my PIL now, so they know my movement in & out of the house. Then my hubby explained to her that when I was staying with my mum, sometimes I returned late too due to work or meeting with friends. She even said I'm very yong gan as she dares not go home late herself. Now she's used to me coming home late liao
Bye daisy!!

Hi Elmo...great to find a bunny same as me here...tot i am the oldest leh, hehe..

I went for ultrasound scan, blood group test, pap smear etc...result was ok..

But I guess maybe I did not calculated my ovulation very correctly and not so hardworking BD loh..

I started when I am back from Korea..wanna have a break after our honeymoon 2 years ago else have BB cannot travel liao loh. For the 2 years, we use protective method.

Ya...sometimes think whether God punish us or not when come planning, no so fast can strike...who tell us to protect and protect last time...SIGH!!

I will give myself chance to try naturally 1st loh.. if this cycle no strike then I will buy ovulation kit and monitor by EWCVM.

Don't think we are too old to start la..I've got few colleagues who give birth mid 30s leh. I think its quite common now...don't worry..

We jia you jia you together..
Hi Verone,
hee hee... I think there's a few bunny here also.... just that I cannot remember if they have graduated or not gan jiong.. like me... too stressful liao... I think you just take it naturally...maybe like they say anyhow do anyhow strike.

Ya... so now I pray very hard....
Yes, jia you jia you!
pls remove my name from gradurate list..

me schedule tml 1130am doing d/c at TMC..

after all check up, me finally able to accept the fate, will be strong n brave to overcome all of this...
yes, already accept the fate after big crying.. i m fine now.. dun worry..

once again, thanks for concern..

feel glad have all of u to support n sharing...
Hi choo, ttc2,
I was on leave today, celebrating my ROM anniversary today, so got no time to post in the morning, might as well post last night.

so sorry to hear that, hope that you'll be strong and built up your health to try again. God bless.

hugs.... hope that you'll recover from this physically and emotionally. We're here together with you.
