A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


I have just SMS her the address of our meetup.

Thanks for reminding her.

juliann.. me not goin coz got dinner appointment with gfs already ;)

btw anyone can help me with my question below

-> juz wan to check hw long does the EWCM last huh?? i saw some transparent discharge and abit stretchy.. is that EWCM?? me blur leh.. but i do abit pain at the side below my pelvic bone.. am wondering if i'm having O.. pls help me ;) thks :p

dun kan chiong.. try testing again next few days.. dun give up hope till u see red ;)
mei mei,

Hope it wont show up mean got higher hope. But very strange i monitor my temp at night for this few days is from 37.2 to 37.5, that why i'm quite confident that I already strike, but who know .... sigh
sneaky: lol.. which part of holland? i come pick u lor. ai mai? dun say i not friend hor.. keke i am gng.. kekek... wanna to see who is Q-ing to touch ur tummy.. whahahaha...
me very similar to you... my usual cycle also 28 days... but today CD33 liao... AF still like coming and not coming like that...
my cycle also haywire... dunno how to count liao...

this morn tok saw brown brown... but till nothing still no sound no picture on AF... not even getter more brown. It's like stuck..Oh no....
sandy: wah? since when i Kai Xin Guo?? kekekek.... i am coming... u all make sure dun scold me being noisy ok.. kekeke

btw.. wat time meet? whahaha i know where but dunno time.. see lah.. i blur or not. whahaha...
juliann: most.. but not me... can i wear shorts whahahah... i never buy clothes leh.. how har? can go or not?

my male Jack russell making noise.. whaha wan to mate with my female jack russell.. siao liao.
ling: nvm lah..i try to make my way there...very inconvenient for you to purposely come pick me up...moreover, i'll knock off at 6.00pm, reach home after 6.30pm and will be extremely late for our gathering...i'll go myself...thank you, "simon video" friend...the girls will also touch your tummy one...kekekeke

juliann: got it but what time ah??? sneaky blur like ling! thanks...
sneaky: gng to be late.. okok.. whose gng early?? keke sneaky gng to pay cos she is coming late... whahahhahahahaa... ok lor.. then i go myself lor.. so bad.. hmpf... dun friend u liao.. whahaha

juliann: thinking... maybe lor.. what u wear har?
precious.. *cross fingers for u ;) coz its mayb too early to detect lor ;D

ju.. will sure join u all on the 3rd meeting ;)
but need to know when :p kekeke
Anymore ladies joining?? any updates??

2nd outing 25 february 2005,Friday:
<font color="ff0000">Sneaky
Classy will confirm on Thursday again</font>
So we'll have a total of 9 ppl tmr ; 7 TTC-cians and 2 MTB

It's gging to be gang molest for the MTBs.

Ling and Sneaky,better wear your armour
wah...must wear padded clothes especially to protect the stomach area...kekekekeke

ling: you posted in Simon Video thread...i replied...
wah, these 2 mummies think we are a bunch of monsters like dat, how abt this, tmr we make sure ling and sneaky sit in the middle, and then hor when we walk, we must make sure these 2 walk between us also, so that no careless waiter can bump into them! Hey, like dat friend enuf or not?
oh, like that is called super thoughtful?? Then lucky i never say more (eg must take care see wat u 2 order, no raw or semi-cooked stuffs), if i say more i think u all will fall in love with me liao! Then my hubby will have to worry liao, hahahaha....

No lah, preggie liao must take extra care mah, ri4 pan4 ye4 pan4, finally pan4 dao4 bb, of cos must treat like bao3 bei4!
Oi! Wat alien??? sneaky is the elegant mummy, Ling is the cheery mummy (hee, looking forward to see u in real person)...
hi juliann, ling and all....
i will be able to join u gals tomoro but izit possible if i need to leave around 8 plus or 9?? pai sei hor.......
no classy, cannot! we will tie u to the chair, heehee...

Of cos dearie, if u tired liao or want to go home early to bd, heehee, we will be most understanding one, heehee!
naturally: be careful hor...i fall in love easily one leh....

indeed, bao bei...but no need to be so kuazhang mah...

tomorrow i will wear baggy pants and will look casual; not elegant...kekekeke
the attendance list for tmr is increasing liao.. good work..

i m just as curious as Sneaky, wat type of food is serve? me very mountain tortoise la..
Anymore ladies joining?? any updates??

2nd outing 25 february 2005,Friday:
<font color="ff0000">Sneaky
Classy (leaving early)</font> - someone suggeset to tie her to the chair to prevent her leaving.. wakaakakakakaka
