A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

sneaky n hopeful,

i saw fern finally on my saliva kit today FINALLY!!!
today me CD13, but too bad cant ttc this mth so just monitor my CM n saliva fern pattern
show u all tonight!

Congrats Manuka! So happy for you!

Don't worry, it's only 1 time. Probably both of you are too stressed up. Think you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Perhaps you need a holiday to spruce things up. Don't worry. Try again lah. There's always another chance.

I spent 2 frustrating years of not being able to BD. Too painful. Only able to do it recently. So kind of understand how it feels not being able to do it. Feel bad for my hb too. He's been so patient with me. Somemore so embarrassing to tell anyone.

How's Garfield? Haven't heard from her since. Been watching the thread for her reply. I hope she's alright.

BTW, what's a saliva kit?

ya, finally see FERN!
thks Hopeful for her advise n trick, really can see it only after eating, but early morning cant see anything at all
Me gng for wisdom teeth operation on 8th March, so cant TTcing lor

hang on strong okie,gal?
ur HCG test will be fine, meanwhile keep telling n touch ur tummy to ur bb be strong

ya, Juliann
Sandy cant join us,
she sms me last nite too

be positive ok?
u will get preggie soon

Mei Mei,
grap well of the opportunity
BD for the next 2 or 3 days!!

since I am ovulating soon,
will i be able to see follicles or eggie tomr when I do V scan?
shld be lor hor?
dun mention it... me never angry on u la...
once again, thanks for all concern..
glad to hv all supporter to me...

btw,wat brand wholemeal bread u buy har?
luckily my hb in quite +ve n strong to support me although his r sad too, jus never showing up to me..

but me will accept the fate that it's not mine, will not force to keep... it's mine, will be mine def...

thanks for praying for me...
val: actually hor, i have never seen anything when i used early morning saliva...i always test it in the afternoon while at the office or at home after dinner...it's a pity you can't try...wanna take a chance? very wasteful leh...
Hi Juliann,
think I cannot make it today for the gathering liao.
got to go and fetch hubby....
can you help me "molest" the preggy ladies then pass the luck to me?

Hi Sandy, Hope you feeling alright..... take good care ya?

Hi Daisy,
glad to hear from you....
keep wondering what happened to you..... know what you meant.... busy busy....... didnt managed to get preseed cos the last 2 times I went there, they were closed so suay..

Hi gals,
I'm feeling ok already. Yesterday seen gynae liao and seek help. He gave me something that supposedly will help during BD *shy shy* he did a scan and found on developing egg
So Happy! so he asked me to try BD during the weekend and then go back to him next week .. will probably give me an injection to help the egg a bit *cross my fingers*
we are all here for u, as i said continue to talk to ur bb
glad ur husband is strong

saliva kit is a mini microscope to test for ovulation using our saliva sample

although heart itchy itchy want to try but dun want to take the risk,
i will be taking antibiotics n painkillers after my operation, so nt good lor
somemore 8th March is my CD21...very dangerous....
anyway tomr will ask my gynae abt this matter, see what is her advise

It is great you are feeling alright now...*pat pat* dun think too much ok...must learn to relax okok....

you are in your CD16?start the BATTLE!!
val.. keke me will BD again tonite.. already told hubby liao.. lucky he is on leave today oso :p y not u BD 1st then go extraction for ur wisdom tooth??

Wahahah got a pillow to put underneth my butts after BD yesterday for abt 5 mins :p hubby ask me y then told him so that his cong cong "sperm" can swim faster :p
oh Choo,
she CD16 ah? hee....i didnt see

yup Elmo,
start ur battle!
BD for the next 3-4 days but relax n hv a steamy one

ya lor,
Mei Mei,

cannot lar....
imagine I BD, then conceive n a little life start gowing
then go for op, eat painkiller n antibiotics
all these stuff,can meh???
u will meh?? hope u understand wat i mean
loving: always talk to bb.. like when i have bad tummy pain, i was touch and sayang.. telling, bb dun be noti.. kekeke

i took guardian bread...

loving joining us tonite?

cafe: how? wanna meet at cck? so pick u and we go hand in n hand together? kekekeke...

thanks!!! but now one worry...if I still can't strike after finish the 6 cycles of clomid then wat is the next step? give up? IUI?IVF?....i really dun wish to go through tat...not only it is a financial burden..but also a strain emotionally and physically...

I try not to think too much....now really immune to see AF report....I just DON'T BELONG to this
'fertile women'category....

I am fine...just worry about the above point....


cos my boss lor...ask me join him for the evening dinner as there are a lot of overseas guests attending...so I got to go...
guardian bread?? got this brand of bread??

me not able joining tonite, got nite class need attend...

next gathering will joining if not fall on my tue n fri class...
Hang in there, gal. Try to be positive. We're all here to give u our support and prayers.

Mei Mei & Elmo,
jia you and BD hard this weekend!

most probably you'll be able to see your follicles when u go to your gynae.
the gathering tonight is at 7pm, at China Square Central, Vil'age restuarant. It's at the basement of China Square. Here is the map.

hmm...Naturally n I are meeting at Chinatown mrt at 6:30pm,
anyone want to meet too?

actually can come frm Raffles place mrt too
Now I feel that TTC very stressful and disappointing
It's the constant keeping track of temperature, predicting ovulation, etc. Then BD even when tired just in case missed the egg... I am finding it so stressful
Dun feel like TTC liao... There's no enjoyment in sex.. just trying for baby...
ling: tks... i cant make it so early. its alright as my hb will be sending me there.

hopeful, tks for the map & also noted the timing liao. i will probably reach there at about 7.30pm. Ya me also very excited to meet all of u
Hi gals,
I just recieved a surprise from my hubby, he send a bouquet of flowers to my office today. Make me so touched that I cried..... haiz.... nothing is as important as hubby's love. TTC is only part of it, having a bb will be the result of our love, we shouldn't be too focus about TTC and forgot the reasons why we marry in the first place.... just my thoughts....
hi gals....
something to check wif u all.....i went to see my gynea on wednesday and he detected egg forming liao...so he told me to start using opk to test from yesterday but hor me forget abt it then this morning, my cd14...i tested and there's 2 lines...one darker and the other one slightly lighter so wondering i "o" or not??? cos saw the clearplan box state that both lines colors must be the same then meaning "o"...so me abit confuse lor.....any advise?? and if detect "o"...will it be only a day only or will still detect +ve if test again the next day???? pls advice me....

thank you so much all...
aiyo, huggies for u,
please dun be stress okie?
it's nt fun anymore if we think making love now is a chore
just recal the enjoyment n the intimacy u had wif ur husband

and also like Choo n Elmo,
they are so strong, positive liao

so sweet of ur husband,
hee...show us ur flower tonite?
yup, married must be for love nt TTcing only
juliann, can you email me your mobile no.? juz in case i "sotong" cant find u gals when i reached there? u hv my email address right?

hi juliann...
u be there at 6.30pm??? i think i can oso be there at this timing leh cos my office in tanjong pagar...so very near only!!!
Hi lyn,
if you feel so stress abt TTC, why don't u stop doing everything, don't care about when u ovulate, just enjoy the married life with your hubby and make love as and when the passion arises. In the end, if you have bb, then it will be a blessing, if not, don't be too affected and disappointed by it. I know it's easier said than done, me too has been trying to be like that, but sometimes will be too overwhelm by the TTC thing.
Hi classy,
from what I know, if you do not see 2 lines of the same darkness, that means u have not O and have to continue to test until u see 2 lines of the same darkness. I think most probably you'll be able to detect O tomorrow. Normally after detecting O, the next day, won't test already, so don't know will still see the lines a not. Maybe someone else can advise?
Hi Choo/Val,
yes I will try to be positive!

Gynae say to start BD on saturday.....I can't wait to try the medication the gynae gave me... it supposed to increase the sensitivity of the vaginal and make it more wet so will not feel painful
*shy shy*
Gynae say to start BD on saturday.... so tomorrow than can start....

Hi lyn,
know exactly how you feeling.... hug hug...hang in there.....maybe you just start monitoring your CM first or just take temp... nowadays I just take temp cos really no time to do so many thing..... I believe alot of us here is also feeling the same thing... so hang in there!!
<font face="calisto mt"> Val,

Sorry for e late reply. On MC; feeling so miserable w all e puking. I'll try to persuade HB to drop by China Square later if possible. If not then mayb u might want to email me either ur Office/hse addy so we can make other arrangements.</font>

your hubby so romantic!! is he always like that?my hubby down to earth one...only when I HINT HINT then he will send on Valentines' Day which is ex!!

take photos for us see ok...
hopeful: i can contribute on the OPK thingy...here it goes: -

CD10 : Control line = extremely light
CD11 : Control line = super light
CD12 : Control line = very light
CD13 : Control line = light
CD14 : Control line = slightly darker
CD15 : Control line = even darker; almost same as Test line
CD16 : Control line = darker than Test line (this is when i ovulated on our 1st gathering day)
CD17 : Control line = slightly lighter than Test line

after seeing results on CD17, i know ovulation is over and it's no point testing liao.

where else can we meet? what's there?
the last time my hubby send me flowers to my office was 6 years ago already. But he has send softtoys to me in between lah, cos he said flower not very practical, so he seldom buy for me. Here is a photo of the flowers.


Hi Classy, for clear plan...if the test Line is similar to or darker than the Reference Line then ovulation can be expected to take place 24-36 hours later.

If the test line is not visible or if paler in colour than the Reference Line no LH rise has been detected.
Once you have detected your LH surge,
Your two most fertile days begin from the time that you detect your LH surge. If you make love at any time during the next 48 hours, you will maximise your chances of becoming pregnant. Once you have detected your surge there is no need to carry on testing.
Since you are not sure if you have ovulated, why not you do a temp test. If your temp is high, it means that you might have ovulated. If not high, continue to test the next couple of days.
hope this helps!
