A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Cookie,

I always get bit bit brown brown discharge 2 days before AF coming

It's visible when I wipe with toilet paper after I urinate

when I was 2 days late already tested...
( and it's -ve lor.. so very sian to test again..

ya I always get brown discharge first in other cycles...but thought this cycle has more discharge than other cycle and these few days I look really really closely to my discharge to see for trace of AF, that's y I noticed...

Thank you Gals... anyway I'm not pinning too much hope this cycle... got a feeling AF is coming liao.
well it's just that some part me is still hoping for miracle

i TOTALLY understand how you feel.... its those feeling that you are hoping it is not AF and a bang of disappointment comes esp. when u see the BFN... but like many others in this thread, they are always so encouraging that there is always the next cycle to 'battle' again... btw, how many cycles have you tried? any average cycle to compare for getting preggie?

sometimes i just don't understand why those people who do not wish to be pregnant can get pregnant so easily. IS it because they are not thinking too much and so easier to 'strike'? whereas we are always having a 'mission' whenever we do it...
sorry can anyone tell me where to get folic acid? i know it is a very stupid qn but i m really clueless about it... :p
Hi all

Just wanna to confirm again... CD1 should be when we see AF in "red" or when we see dark brown discharge then consider CD1 liao? sometimes the 1st day only have dark brown discharge only 2nd day then see Red...

Thanks Thanks for understanding...until recently I started TTC ( have been married for couple of yrs liao), this is 2nd cycle.
Anyway no more miralces, AF REALLY coming liao just went toilet to check... hmm.. since expected so not extrememly disappointed... but frankly will still feel bit bit disappointment.

Hmm.. I think you are rite, for us that are TTCing perhaps really put too much stress on ourselve, well at least for me I feel. Usually my AF VERY zun zun one, and this is 2nd time in my whole life that my AF late for some many days. I think it's becos I kept monitoring, taking temp, perhaps phycologically I dun wannt AF to come and my body is trying to tune to that...but still can't beat nature I guess...

me and my thoughts....
thanks lyn,

hmm.... near the vitamins/health supplement section?? i tried to search for it at guardian yesterday but cannot find... is it under other names other than 'folic acid' itself?
Yap... at the supplements section. Guardian should have. NTUC pharmacy also have. It's called "Folic Acid" - no other names. I think Natures also have. I think you will need Vit C for folic acid to be absorbed into the body. So take multivitamins or take more fruits while taking folic acid. FDA's recommendation for folic acid is minimum of 400mcg per day.

you are very similar to me.. i had been married abt 1 yr plus and only tried ttc recently... (ALSO 2nd cycle this time and usually AF also very zhun).. last time i used to believe once you have no protection on, it will be very easy to 'strike'... unfortunately i m too ignorant then... if i know earlier, will have go without protection earlier liao.. keke
Look at the labels when you buy.

Last time I bought mine from Robinsons and each tablet is 300mcg (microgram). My gynae prescribed one is 5mg each tablet... So I have shelved my 300mcg folic acid. BTW, there are many brands of folic acid...
you mean you can get these med from co. doc? what is your reason? can i just ask the nurse for it or have to see the doc?

thanks.. maybe i din see clearly at guardian yst.. was in a rush actually... will try to look out for it again...

sometimes i m really amazed by how this thread is been updated... once you are busy doing something, it can be updated with many many responses....

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 24 Feb 05
sandy .......... CD 04
bookworm ....... CD 04
nyny ........... CD 08
loveluis ....... CD 09
badgirl ........ CD 10
juliann ........ CD 10
sugarbun ....... CD 12
angie .......... CD 14
elmo ........... CD 15
snowball ....... CD 19
verone ......... CD 19
dawn ........... CD 22
aps ............ CD 23
kelly .......... CD 29
hopeful ........ CD 29
nik ............ CD 31
mei mei ........ CD 46
meijia ......... CD 62
celestine ...... CD 70
hopeformiracle . CD 73

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
confused ....... 21/09/05
garfield ....... 22/09/05
loving ......... 03/10/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 13/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

good morning everyone...

wah....our forum has a fresh new look...very nice...brightens up my day liao

how's everyone today?
Although I always heard of case of friends or relative not able to concieve. I also kinda worried for myself. I think I'm the more paranoid type. and only recently finally convince my HB it's time for BB...
kekekee... I should have "trick" my HB earlier...
ANyway I'm praying for the best and I also believe God in his time will grant my wish and also Grant every gal their wish.
We just need to have more Faith.
If this cycle still cannot strike, I will have to go Gynae for a check up I guess just to be "An1" "Xin1"
thks for ur advise, ya...yest evening let my boss knows abt my concern
thank God they are understanding cos everyone know is being stretch to the limit

halo, sunflower lyn,
how did u change ur nick ah?
also want to take away my valerie n change to a nicer nick

Hee...manuka just sms me
she tested last night, BFP again
now seeing her GP to double confirm,hee...so excited for her!!

dun be upset, try again this cycle, how long u been trying?

u meeting us tomr?
if nt...u will pass the supplements to hopeful?
I'm a Thalass minor so sometimes will have dizzy spell and co doc says folic acid will help so I'm taking 5mg per tab per day.

thanks... not really upset but still a bit disappointed. hmm this is 2nd cycle bit I'm ready for next battle !!! Can make use of the OPK kit liao !

Thanks... when I see red will inform you... think you put me back on the list ba...

I think most of successful cases are unplanned,
as they relax n enjoy, no ttc mission in the mind
so body relax, husband spermies are relax too

as what my hubby always said to me, it's all in your mind
which is very true

like my fren here,
manuka, her cycles are irregular, very difficult to detect ovulation for her case
didnt plan for bb so soon n yet strike now, so happy for her

wait for to come back n share good news with us
Hi hopeful,

Would like to join in, my CD as of today is CD06. There are so many posts here, i am overwhelmed at the moment hehe
it's very true... my friend married for 5 yrs... one time no precaution, strike already, they also no TTC in mind...
Hi choo,
today not feeling good, have a bad feeling that AF coming. Haiz... but at least can prepare myself lah.

Cookie, Jen, Bea and TTC2,
no problem, will add you gals tomorrow. Welcome for joining us!

what happened to Loving? I hope it's nothing serious.
hopeful n sneaky,
ask u gals ah....today me CD12, can start using saliva kit, so must unscrew the black ring ah?
hope can see some fern pattern tomorrow

ya cookie,
use the O kit to help u detect ur O
just relax n enjoy the intimacy wif ur husband, dun think ttcing as a misiion
otherwise will be very stress
u gt a gynae? in case u still feel stess, can consult ur gynae
they are our ttc best fren so must find a comfortable n nice one

u joining us tomr outing?

oh, wat happen to loving?
hope she is coping well...
I asked Chin Leng whether I can change. The answer is no. I do not want my previous nick. It brings back sad memories of my last pregnancy.
So I signed up another email account and register again. By the way, how did you know I changed my nick?

Wow, really congrats to Manuka!

I also think the more we want to strike, the pressure will be there and it will not be easy. I have been legally married with hubby for 4 years. I just took a risk for once, that is, BD a few days before ovulation and strike! Before that, we avoid BD one week before and one week after ovulation cos my cycle very accurate one.
HI Val

ya this time I will make use of the O kit to help me det O and also monitor my CM. I know basal temp monitoring is a good way too but somehow I find montioring Temp a bit too stressful...

Do you think if I just use O kit and CM good enough to monitor O?

I use to be 27-28days cycle but this cycle it's 33 or 34CD, so should I follow 28 or 33 cycle har?

Friday gathering is a bit difficult for me cos I usually have cell group meeting on Friday. Hmm.. this time I will have to give it a miss. next time I will try to make arrangement...thanks for invitation.
lyn sunnyflower

i write a post to u in support grps mah....
under endometrisis/fibroids suppert group to encourage you
say my church fren got preggie successfully even with a 10cm fibroid

i at times will read the postings in miscarriage supprt grp too
cos i find all ladies there are very strong n really peifu them,
hope those who lost their babies will conceive soon,
then happen see u say u chane nick lor
so do u okie? dun lose hope, God will bless you with good health

but does EPO really estrogen base?
I took EPO but only on alternate days till my O day
hmm...anyway will ask my gynae this sat regarding dang gui n EPO
Hi Val

May I know who is your Gynae?

I'm considering Dr Ho KH ( I think ) from Mt A
or Dr Dolly Wee from Mt E ( recommend by friend).
hee...i also hv cell grp meeting every friday too
but I skip this meeting, tell my cell leaders liao
they are ok with it :p
which church u r frm?
I am frm Trinity Christian Centre@Adam Rd

ya, think the O kit n CM is good enough for detection
err....when ur AF comes,
minus 14 days frm the back, hope u know what i mean

u seeing any gynae at the moment??
my gynae is Dr Eunice Chua frm TMC,
she is a devoted christian and I find it it helps alot
hopeful: i like this look leh...so refreshing and easy on the eyes...

val: no need to unscrew leh...just pull out the lense can liao. the screwing thingy is for focusing...i also forgot how to use liao...*blur*
Hi Val,
Sorry, I forgot you :p.
My gynae said EPO is equivalent to Dang gui. I avoid Pak Zhen too. My mum's friend's daughter also has a lot of fibroids. After the surgery, she took a lot of dang gui.. And her fibroids grew back in no time and her condition got worse... So now, I dun dare to take anything except what my gynae prescribed. I have 3000 tablets of EPO on my shelf!!! Before that, I bought 2000 tab and my sis bought 1000 tab! Now we dare not take anymore. I watch my diet too...
good morning girls...

so happy to see this new refreshing look of the forum..

i think i should be able to join in for tmr gathering .. but can i give U a final answer by tonight (i will sms U)..
I'm attending Riverlife church @ Pasir Ris
very near my place.
Perhaps the next meeting I can join you gals

errr.. so if my last cycle is 33 days, I minus 14 from 33 har?? I use to have 28 days...easy to count, this cycle all messy liao...

I'm not seeing any gynae yet. Thinking of doing so...
Good morning ladies

Val >> my good friend (Priscilia)is attending the same church as you

Manuka >> CONGRATS !!! Take care yeah

Hmm... I've been taking EPO 1000mg and Korean ginseng powder everyday is it advisable?
Hi gals,
good morning. does anyabody have this burning sensation after u have ovulated?? I thought it was due to acidity, becoz of something i ate, but it is not going even after i eat anacid tablets??
Hi gals,
good morning. does anyabody have this burning sensation after u have ovulated?? I thought it was due to acidity, becoz of something i ate, but it is not going even after i eat antacid tablets??
y ah?
isit becos of the GLA?
omega 6 is okie right?
cos i presuume no omega 3 n 6 in dang gui
anyway I hv nt take dang gui as in BFW for a long time
hope my gynae can help me clear my doubts
cant wait this sat to see her, think i too gan joing to ttc liao

ya diet, play apart, well take more antioxidants food or power/healing food

hopeful n sneaky,
okie will bring my kit tomr n 'yan2 jiu1' together

hope to see u tomr

update me ur godma case,
keep her in prayer
just wondering if any of you guys have more zits on the face after you ttc?/ i tried last cycle and my forehead is full of mini zits.... not those acne type but more of those like goose pimples.... and some pretty big like acne... it is still on till now as at first i tot it will go away after my last AF... some of my colleagues said its hormone changes... at first i tot it is just those normal PMS when AF is coming but this time round... it is quite persistent... anyone have the same 'symptoms'??

Thanks for uplifting my godma in yr prayer.. She is having very high fever when we saw her last evening.. Very sad to see her suffering like this..
