A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


Please try your best to attend our gathering.

We all hope to see you.

<font face="calisto mt"> Choo,

M glad tt u r taking things so well. Dun give up.

I understand how u feel. B4 preggie was hoping for bb now preggie liao also v worried bout e responsibility &amp; financially. *haiz*</font>

thanks....maybe i have adopted the'have will be bonus,dun have also never mind'kinda of attitude....now I think of resuming my exercise I so happy!!as i stop when i reach my 2WW!!
thanks Kris,

guess i m just getting fatter then. :p anyway, may i know what are the food we die die cannot eat if we wan to be pregnant or if we suspect we are going to be pregnant?
hello. back :p take a break from work.. keke ;p

choo.. good to know u r u sad ;) me too coz didnt really try as i juz started work :p nw goin 2mths only.. waiting for confirmation.. whahaha..

juz enjoy ur hot &amp; STEAMY session lah.. lolz
Juliann, yes I will try to attend if i can. i too hope to meet up with all of you

Choo, glad to know that u hv become stronger. Cheer up okie &amp; enjoy ur intimacy moment wif ur hb..... least u can still continue to try in yr next cycle but for me, worst lei, hv to wait for 2 cylce.... in a way u r still more fortunate than me, so Muz Not Give Up Trying okie?
harlow gals,
got one qns...
the preg test kit - how many weeks will it start to show +ve if u pregnant?
is it after 2 weeks u conceive then can test? or 1 day after conceive can test already har?
cafe dear,

thanks!!I have learnt to 'kan kai'...if it is mine,it will be mine...

let's jia you together okok!
juliann: yes, i have informed my Singapore colleagues. however, my German bosses are not informed yet till later...i needed to tell my colleagues cos i cannot help them pack goods liaoz...

choo: i salute you...keep it up!
hi choo,
glad that you are taking things easy...

yes, let's jia you together.....
hot and steamy???!!! but cannot be too hot literally hor..... not good for the soldier...

yes....maybe this time round...anyhow do...anyhow strike....like some of them have said.
jia you jia you!!!

hmmmm....know what you meants by stress.... stress been getting to me lately
.... I'm also learning to take things easy....
actually to be frank..... this cycle I'm having 2nd thots cos I was so stressed up and work and the TTC thing...... nearly wanted to "Pijia!"
So, this mth I become very scared to "try"..... dunno why I like tat..... maybe becos I scared if really strike then baby will be very stressed in my womb.....
Am I going CRAZY!!!???
Hi choo,
glad that you are fine. That's the way, gal!

As the day goes by, my hope and feeling of being preggie is getting dimmer and dimmer.... And the feeling of AF coming is getting stronger.... haiz....
Hi Manuka,
can only start testing when your AF is due but didn't report for work... reason being after BD, the sperm still need to wait for the to fertilise it. Then the egg will then travel down the fallopian tube and finally get embedded in your womb lining.... only then is the pregnancy achieved.
some women get an earlier indication of pregnancy cos everything also very "Zhun Zhun", but sometimes, the sperm got to wait for the egg to be released and as such it's difficult to pin point exactly when you actually conceived.
Hope I'm not confusing you more...
elmo... thanks for the clarification. Very clear, no confuse more.

tomorrow i go see doctor to confirm to make sure no false alarm... hahahahha
thanks ladies for your encouragement...

honestly,i dun feel sad leh...wat happen to me??

think my hormones change liao..hence not tat eager to be a mummy...also good in a way i won't be that stressed!!


cheer up!dun stress yrself ok!try to relax...like wat u mentioned...any how do anyhow strike...dun focus too much on ttc...and soon u will strike!


good that u have the symptoms!!

dun give up hope ok!!


I salute u ah!!never plan to ttc and now strike!

thanks for your encouraging words!
my dear fren Manuka,

it's God's will for u get pregnant!
here so many ladies want to get preggie but nt yet
so u are very bless with baby so soon, hee...soon to see little L or little JR liao

update us tomr!!
hi choo,
ya... I guess you are right.....maybe I should stop worrying so much....
anyway, I'm glad that you are so strong....

anyone know if it is true that we can't consume more than 6 cycles of clomid?tomorrow I dun know if i should start my 4th cycle of clomid...
never mind, jia you jia you, at least u can look forward to your hot and steamy night, heehee! After preggie, things might change (though some lucky preggie ladies will continue to have hot and steamy nights...
), so now must treasure and enjoy every chance of intimacy with hubby, okie?

Yah, clomid can't be taken more than 6 cycles in succession... not good to overwork your ovaries! But since your gynae prescribed u with the 4th dosage of clomid, shd mean it is okie right?

I feel like not trying these 2 mths, wait until can try for doggie bb... but once fertile period comes i think i will still xin1 yang2 yang3... ha, see how lah!
gals, side track abit
these few days very stress abt work cos a colleague on MC, for 3 weeks so got to cover her work
my section are very short handed nw, duties cover here and there, so do other colleagues too

ask u all ah...
isit fair if your manager ask u to draw letter for her on her behalf becos she hersefl also cannot handle other job duites?
i myself got alot of job to do, really overwork liao
workload super heavy....
then this morning give me a big stack of files to draw letter for them, isit fair?
i feel that is nt fair, cos i never did before n they just email me a soft copy of the draft n tell me to follow n draw out the letter
i think later better thell them too i cannto handle my work cos some duties hv been delay for a few days liao

want to vent my stess here

thank God,
nt TTC this mth n in fact look forward to my MC
Hi everybody..

Choo...Jia You Jia You...I think you've the right attitude. Maybe just take away this TTC off your mind for awhile and maybe you will feel more relax and who knows...you might strike next cycle
Hi Val,

Its best to tell your boss that you could not cope with so much work. If you never say anything, they will take it you could handle..

Also, is everybody fairly distribute the job?
I'm with U here to start on 4th course of Clomid.. We must have faith in Clomid.. and we will over come the hurdle and become proud parents..
thanks all!

but wat is the consequence if taken more than 6 cycles?

but wat if i stop after completed this 6 cycles and rest for one or two more months and i start clomid?


thanks...just feel bad if can't take clomid on long term...


think you have to speak to your boss..if not it is just unfair for you...
Hey Bea... u mean initial stage for a lot of discharge?! I have very very little, in fact, near to none leh... how? meaning the test kit something wrong... *alamak* now my heart beat very fast...
Hi Val,
I think sometimes, it's difficult to have fairly distributed workload...however, if you cannot cope, it's impt to be assertive at work and let your boss know that you cannot cope liao.
Maybe she is not aware of it.
For the last cycle, I also tot I pregnant..got the symptoms of pregnant like body aches, tired, sore breast and miss my periods by 2 days, even light spotting so I bought the kit to test...I tested with a positive, a clear horizontal line but very faint vertical line. I tot I see wrongly and asked hubby to see and he could see the vertical line.

Thought I was pregnant then...but so sian AF immediately report to me next morning...

So test kit not 100% accurate, its best to double confirm with gynae for blood test..

I've heard some people have spotting during initial stage due to implantation in the womb..any mum to be have this symptom?
Manuka: don't be paranoid, k?? all pregnancies differ lah...i also had very little discharge during early pregnancy and now i'm beginning to get some...gynae also said there will be more discharge as days pass...probably need to wear pantyliners next time...
Like wat naturally said overtaking clomid is no good to our ovaries..

I m not sure if after 6 courses of Clomid and no result, maybe gynae will suggest IUI or IVF method...

BTW, have U gone for any HSG test before? Maybe U can ask yr gynae on his opinion
sneaky... i think i paranoid too! hahahaha

i will do the test again when i reach home later since got one more extra test kit at home...
I also had symptoms of pregnancy in my last two cycles. I have nausea, tired, period late... But tested negative!

Not everyone will have spotting during implantation. Sometimes spotting is not a good sign. In my last pregnancy, I had spotting, and it's not a good sign according to my gynae...

Ya, dun be paranoid k? +ve means +ve liow.
like sneaky said, every pregnancy is different, but it is true that leukhorrea (the white discharge we get when we are preggy) will increase as your pregnancy progresses into the 2nd and 3rd trimester, and by then you'd really need to wear panty-liners!
Dun worry k??
Hi all...

wonder anyone still here??....
Just wanna ask for advise...hmm... I'm still waiting for my AF to come already late for 5 days.
These few days I kept having quite abit of discharge ( every now and then got to go toilet check if AF has come...) which I thought different from my other cycle, usually before AF should be quiet dry rite??...
but just now when wiping with toilet paper, I notice the white/yellowish discharge seem to have a tiny bit bit of brown brown too....
so my heart dropped.... like AF coming...

But do you gals also has discharge come together with AF?
sorry I very lohsoh


have you try to test if you are pregnant? aren't you curious and excited about it since you are already 5 day late? but of cos the earlier you test, the faster you will know but sometimes we are just afraid that there will be disappointment.. then will just have to try it again next cycle...
