A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


I took 50MG also.....Not everyone will experience these side-effects...Actually.I supposed to see my gyn on CD 12,after I finish my clomid,but i didn't go for my appt.

Hi ladies,

thanks for the info, i was given 3 cycles, will have to go back to gynea for follow-up after that.

hayashi.. some of my friends say that weight gain is also a problem. But the thing is my gnea did not explain all these to me.. she did not mentioned about the side effects.. im actually thinking should i change a gnea.. she is quite ex.. sigh..which gynea did you go?
I see, me on first round so wondering, I am a late O, so actually suppose to go do US on CD13 to check eggies size & endometrium, but on CD9, i itchy hand tested OPK & it was +ve, CD10 onwards my temp starts to climb already. so miss the boat this cycle, dear HB still thought he may be in time when he is back. Have to dissappoint him again.
Hi Juju & Posh

I have attach the pic of my OPK. Hope it clear enough for u to see. Hope for your kind advise.
hugz... jia you

opks are best tested in the afternoon & nite... dun test in morn cos LH surge quite low in those hrs
my blood test result not back yet. I also confirming whether have PCOS not.

nevermind, important thing is you & hubby did work hard that last few nights. To clear your dooubts, OPK test line must be as dark as or even darker than control line to show that you are O soon. Just to clear your doubts, if you have slightly fainter then control line, it maybe becos your LH level have not peaked or is not high enough, but just continue to BD. but if the test line is so faint till pathetic, continue to test the next few days, means LH have not increased yet or second scenario, tested too late, LH surge over on the decreasing so cannot detect. hope it is helpful for you.
Thanks everybody for the advise. Yesterday i tried still show a faint line, not as dark as Posh's. I'm still confuse. Not sure whether i ovulate or not....
farisah, might want to 'ning ke sha guo, bu ke fang guo' (better treat is as positive rather than to miss it) due to the following reasons :

(i) you might have tested in between your surge (especially if you test once a day and after the last test, the surge happens and its before your next test)
(ii) some kit are not as sensitive as others
The best is still to combine the results with BBT and CM lah.

BTW, read from Taking Charge of your Fertility that some women might not have EWCM, so for those people, the watery one should be treated as most fertile.
caitlyn- the requirement for BBT temp reading to be taken correctly is to have minimum of 3 consecutives hours of sleep. Otherwise you will have to take your temp at 5am if you are not going to get continous 3 hours after peeing :D maybe you try not to drink too much water 1 to 2 hour before sleep. This can help to reduce you eye from puffiness as well
bloom - how are you doing... show us your bb scan if got chance. hmmm, you also reading the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" ? at least i found someone... hee hee
gals - i took clomid before, the side effect on my was put on weight. So be careful, now it is simply hard for my to reduce the fat on my tummy.
Hi ladies,

i supposed to due for my menses today or yesterday but theres no PMS symphtoms except for tiredness and heavy breasts, usually i will have some yellowish or brown discharge about 3-4 days before my menses.. i have many white discharge instead and i felt terrible today.. felt very nauseous.. i took my BBT these few days.. it remains high like 37.2.. 37.4.

But i tested with the pregnancy kit yesterday .. it shows negative.. im suspecting if i am preggie or i think too much.. kekke
if u dun wanna wait, u may wan to go to ur GP or gynae to do a beta-HCG blood test. u may be too early if preg to hv enuff HCG levels to be detected by a urine test. if u ok to waiting, test wif a HPT again tis wkend.
good luck!

ohh.. same lor.. i just take my temperature.. still 37.4.. dun know if im going to fall sick but the feeling is gruesome.. i tell my hubby.. he say wait for a few more days.. see how..

i think normal GP blood test will not be ex..
Hi Juju78,
The blood test result is immediate? If not, how long do you need to wait? Anyone tried the BP of HCG test stripe? Its 20mIu compared to clear blue 25mIu. Clear blue can be tested on the day that u missed your menses. Whatabt the one with 20mIU? Anyone has any idea when is the earliest to test?
blood test need to be sent to lab for analysis. unless ur GP or gynae also operate a lab in the same premises, i dun think they can give u results dat fast... why dun u call ur GP or gynae to ask
Hi Juju78,
Thanks for your info. I was thinking if need to spend $40+ to get blood test and its not immediate, might as well get clearblue.

Anyone knows when's the earliest that we can use pregnancy test kit of 20mIu to get accurate result?
hi everyone..

need some kind advise here..

if my cycles are regular (28 CD), should i still try to take clomid? I've been ttc-ing for 14mths now... but to no avail...
hi teatea, did u try to BD during ur O date or u just try randomly?

pantone, i tried on my DPO 13 (one day before my period is due), the line was very dark. but i think depends on individual. maybe some produce higher HCG earlier. Remember to use first morning urine.
have been trying during O dates and then also randomly....for the first half a year of trying, i charted my bbt and could see the pattern, my O dates and all... but until now, it's still not happening... have seen gynae and all..

both dh and i are in the pink of health but it's still not happening.... :S
Hi belle,

i used the HCG strip that i bought from web to test.. 2 lines is preggie right.. i got only one very dark line..

hung.. why not wait for a few days see how.. im giving myself another 3-4 more days.. if AF dun come.. will see a doc.
do u hv ovulation problems? if not, dun need to take clomid... hv u also done any pre-conception chkups to chk if both of u r ok?
if AF due & not preggy, try testing 7 days later... sometimes AF could be late due to stress & result in late ovulation... if could be preggie, may be dat body produce HCG at slower rate so wun get +ve result dat soon too
Hi pple...
My af is still not here, it is late for a week already..
so just patiently wait for it to come..
i agree with juju that sometimes when u r stress, it will delay even further... esp when u are TCCing.
juju78, err.. i'm not sure if i have any O prob....i'd assume not since my cycle is very regular at 28CD... but then again, i m not sure really... and i did wonder," if we dun O, would it be possible to have our menses still." i search on the net and it says it's possible but the bleeding would only be 1 or 2 days and would be very light...but my menses are normally 5days.....hmmm..

yes, dh and i have gone for preconception check ups and we are both healthy.....
Hi gals, i feel sooo terrible ... feel sick, warm, nausea and uncomfortable. Slight giddiness also and not much appetite ... slog thru the whole day at work. Very irksome, never so uncomfortable before. Today 12dpo. So early meh?
teatea, if u have been trying during the right time and still don strike, better go and see a gynae and find out if it is due to insufficient hormones to support a pregnancy or what. How about sperm count? Do u try before O date? because sometimes by the time temp increase also too late.

elain77, i dunno about HCG test strip from the web. I presume these strips are not as sensitive as clear blue. since clear blue charge a hand and a leg for the test.
28 days cycle dun mean u got ovulate... menses come every 28 days also dun mean got ovulation... if u had tried at the right timing for a yr & still dun strike, seeing a gynae is the best option. ask gynae to help monitor ovulation
hi ladies,
just came back from gynae and was diagonsed with PCOS. my LH / FSH ratio is very high, close to 4:1, though i have no acnes, am underweight and menses were quite regular (though long cycle). she actually tried to put me on clomid last month. but dun think i reacted very well and it caused thinning of the wall. so she suggested laparoscopy. can I ask if any of you have a similar experience? would a laparoscopy actually increased my chances? and is it a temporary thing or a one-time permanent solution?

would appreciate anyone who can share your experience
hi jam

i read that a laparoscopy is just a method to look into your uterus or fallopian tubes. not to increase your chance. unless it is a surgery to be done through laparoscopy.
hi posh, bettle bug,

now 4 months liao. bb should be doing fine (ha ha actually i have no idea cos in between visits now). Actually I still come in regularly to read, but hardly post.

bettle bug, actually alot of ladies here do read that book. Feel free to discuss! No scanner at home so cannot scan lah. Anyway I think fizz/kermit should have some right? :p

Sounds like alot of potential good news coming up
jia you!
teatea - since you are doing charting maybe you might want to show us your chart for the pass few months. From the chart it can tell roughly whether you O.

Also, even if you got menses doesn't mean you O that month. Sometimes the egg not mature enough to be release, or sometimes hormone imbalance also will cause the problem.

Did you ask your gynae to monitor your Ovulations?

You can PM me for my email address.
elaine77 - can you share with me your chart. if you have more than 10 days consecutives high temp, high chances leh :D

sigh my temp didn't hit so high till now.
