A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

thanks for the well wishes.

try to do HSG, less invasive than lap & cheaper too. HSG can also see whether ur tubes r blocked. i did my HSG at KKH for $135... but thr r pte clinics which charge up to $200 plus...

ur O shld be ard cd22-26, did u manage to BD during those days? today which cd liao?
duphaston = progesterone.
can induce AF if not preggie
will secure baby if preggie

ur AF is full force or spotting? maybe i also no chance liao lor... were u on progesterone since ur HCG jab? i'm taking Utrogestan every day now, till 18DPO. u thinking of doing IUI? why not try for another few cycles?

jia you! jia you!
HSG very fast one... jus a 15mins process. inject dye, see flow thru, ok, rest, go off. but i had bad cramps so laid in hospital for 1 hr... but most ppl din kena cramps
i just did a HPT using the clearblue digital one. i accidentally wet the holder and it is not working liao as in not showing the results. haiz. waste my money. saw the cartridge. saw a blue line... anyone use this before?

Are you above 30? Don't be impatient cos' you've been TCC-ing only in Feb06. You and partner are healthy, so shouldn't think about lap. If you need to check tubes, HSG is enough. B'cos, if lap is not done properly, it could leave scar tissues on reproductive organs (only if unlucky!!!)You'll strike soon!

BTW, I've tried 2 years..sob....hopefully will strike one day too.

u r not the only one who tried for 2 yrs in vain. jia you!

control line is the line dat appears no matter u get a +ve or -ve result. if the line is there, then the test result can be trusted. if the control line is spoilt, dun trust the test line alrdy

oh, it's a fast test. well guess the next thing i need to do is to ask my gynae abt HSG test. he did not mention anything abt HSG, only ask me to do lap to check my tubes.


i am 29 yrs old this yr liao... old already.
i'm 28, not young either.
yes, HSG is fast & u can go off in less than an hr, if u dun get cramps. expect some bloody discharge & slight AF-similar cramps due to the procedure, but everything shld be ok.
if u still see bloody discharge after 2 days or still kena severe cramps, go back to ur gynae.
hi ladies... sorry to interrupt. i recently got to know someone who tried for 4 yrs w/o success cos she was overweight, had hormonal probs & cyst. aft taking some natural supplements, she got pregnant in 1 mth. was sharing w some of my ttc-ing frens & so happen to see tis thread so not sure if i shd barge in like tis.

but i understand wat u ladies felt cos i also feel quite anxious when i was ttc-ing & each mth was a rollercoaster ride. juz trying to help. if u r interested, u can email me at [email protected] for more details. hope i can help all fulfil their dreams.
char - all e best to ur BD-ing.. hope u'll have good news for us soon! =)

dodo - how're u? decided on wat to do yet?

sharon - haven't seen u in awhile.. sorry i not sure how to help u coz i not sure of wat e procudures are..
morning ladies...

caitlyn- my AF finally came this morning! after such a long waiting... this cycle super long, 66 days... actually i think BBT quite accurate, coz my temp this 2 days drop from 36.87 to 36.49... i will work hard again!
hey dodo,

wah, finally ur AF reported liao.....Try hard next month okay!!!! Shower u with lots of bb dust...
hi juju/ sharon - AF came full force today. did not take progesterone aft HCG jab. Called clinic, they said if AF still spotting type, don't count it as CD1. So, I shd only take clomid tomorrow since today AF full force. Not sure if shd do IUI lor, coz' I find last CD12 CM maybe not a lot... so wif IUI, it is directly inserted to uterus, maybe better although I know no guarantee. Hub also q sad lor, how come tis cycle still not successful!

Dodo, can start new cycle liao!!
u have a buddy to start cycle wif u together! hehe
hi beetlebug,

wah, so many postings!

i managed to get an appt with Dr Heng yest. I'm so glad dat i decided to seek for 2nd opinion... u kw, she said i dun have PCOS at all! and she cannot see any cysts in my ovaries. she oso said i ovulated verie well this mth. yeh! i so happy! not to mention dat she is so nice and patient!

hey, btw, thanks for providing all the info abt PCOS. can't thank u enuf. *Hugs*

hi jolene,
r u still here? i wld suggest dat u seek another opinion too. u might want to go to Dr Heng, she is realie nice!

btw, i super busie today, "pia-ing" thru my work, so might not have time to pop in...
hi may,

yes, yr temp will drop abt one or two days before AF. for eg, my temp before O is abt 36.35, then aft O, it will shootup to abt 36.85, then when AF abt to report, it will come down to 36.65, and the next day, it will be lower again until AF reports...
hi may,
yup.. i remember i ever read tt BBT will drop when AF approaching... not sure whether my interpretation correct... maybe some other experts here can help?
posh,synergy = Thanks for the welcome...

Hi ladies,
Finally got myself a HPT yesterday and tested it immediatly in the toilet mall. And the result is a disappointment again... sob.. sob.. (saw only 1 faint line in the window) As for now, hopefully, my AF will come soon so that i could restart my mission again. It has been so torturing and am getting impatient on this whole ttc thingy. but no choice, DH wanted so much to have a kid.

Told my sis yesteday and she said i should have waited 2 weeks later to test. What do u girls think? Is it too early for me to test? (AF 7 days late)
hugz... ya, only count full force as cd01... think carefully before doing IUI ya, and remember even though they inject spermies near O day, u still hv to work hard at home to increase the chances. be prepared for more hidden costs (e.g. injections, medications) before & after the IUI process
good luck

congrats on being clear of pcos
dat's very good news!

yes, u count cycle days frm cd01 (1st day) of ur last AF

yes, bbt drops jus 1-2 days before AF comes

is ur AF overdue alrdy? wld be more accurate to test after ur AF is overdue
Hi Dodo and Christine,

on the sudden drop of temp, how many days prior to AF will you see the drastic drop? I am currently on DPO6, at which day should I look at for signs of AF? My cycle is 30 days. Tks
Hi juju,

yup. my AF is late for 7 days = 1 week. but usually it comes on time. not sure what happen this month. wondering whether is it the TCM that I started taking last month causes the delay.
usually try not to look out for signs as it will cause more stress... usually AF comes at 14DPO, if not earlier. dat's the most standard guideline, but of cos each woman's body is different, so allow some fluctuations

maybe try again 7 days later... if u r preggie, HCG levels may be too low to be detected. try to think of any events between AF & ovulation which may have triggered stress & thus cause unexpected delay to ovulation... dat delayed O will lead to delayed AF too
hi juju,

Any stress between AF and O.. hmmm.. I dun think so.. but not100 percent sure. and yes.. i did remember not having any CM during my expected ovulation period. So, I think my ovulation has delayed which in turn delay my AF for this month.. And i have sore breast for the past 3 days which i usually have it before my AF. So, most probably AF will come next week lor.. sigh.. what a WAITING game..

ju, Thanks for info.. really appreciate it!!!
hi grace,

coz i have irregular cycle. so i started to suspect when i noticed a sharp drop in my BBT... then 2 days later, my AF came...
hi zenia,

hey, which line isit dat u see the faint line? isit the result line or the guide line? if it is the result line, then i sugg u wait for a few more days and then try testing again if AF still did not report. there's a chance dat u might be preggie if it is the result line which is giving a faint line...

hi grace,
normally, AF will report abt 1 to 3 days later. if yr AF cycle is regular and yrs is a 30 day cycle, u can start expecting AF around yr DPO14.
Hi juju,
yup,I am expecting my AF on DPO14. This is the 1st month I'm charting BBT so don't really know how to read the chart. Only know that I've ovulated this month.

I am using FF to chart my BBT and when I look at other people's chart in the chart gallery, there seem to be a common trend:
Preg - temp will dip a bit around DPO9 or 10 but climbed back again thereafter.
Not Preg - temp dip around DPO9 & 10 and a couple of days before AF.

Not sure if I got the interpretations right. Anyway, I think its best not to think so much. Wait start to imagine things hehehe
Hi louie,
dun rely on CM coz me also dry dry all the time. I don't notice much CM on me and I thok last cycle no hope leh! (Didn;t drink much grapefruit juice last cycle either that's why not much CM).

Recently I keep coughing and coughing, i think I kenna whooping cough, had been for a month liao. Dare not take any mediciation except for the chinese medicine like the Chuan Bei Pi Ba Gao and the Sea coconut brand cough syrup. i think I dun wanna trust Western medication at this point of time. I had been on so much medication, took the gastro medicine also and medicine to clear phelgm etc... so many I really scare duno would it affect to the fetous which is forming now. Duno why I have to fall sick at such critical timing.

dodo, your LMP till now 66 days? So long ah? Are you on clomid or other medicine? Maybe you can try using BBT and OPK to track your O day too, at least another few ways to catch the eggies coz your CL is quite long.

Zenia, could it be good news?
sorry ladies had been disappearing for quite a few days liao. Me really very bz with work after back fro Aust trip. walau 3 days down the week not even a miniute free for internet access until today at least a bit relief..
when's ur 14DPO? dun stress urself, else AF come later... of cos hope u test +ve on hpt... good luck

dun worry so much... some say preggie symptoms at early stage involves flu & coughs... so maybe it's jus preggie symptoms for u
grace - u really did ur homework, good!
ya, lets not too stress over it... jia you oh!

penguin - yup.. my cycle have been very irregular, from 30+ days to 60+ days... sigh~ im not on any med, dr chua encouraged me to try naturally for 1 to 2 yrs b4 thinking of other options coz she said im still young...
ya.. now monitoring using BBT method... as for OPK, im also quite clueless when to test for it coz my cycle is so unpredictable...
hi juju,
my DH & i BD on cd22 & cd24, after dat no energy liow!
today cd32(36.3C only), but yesterday & today saw brown discharge, look like AF reporting me....
but if i o-ed on cd22~cd26, AF shdn't report so early right?
my gynae gave me duphaston to take starting cd19, 1 day after i visited him, may b bcos of this, my AF report to me earlier?
i just called my gynae, e nurse told me if today see brown discharge, today shd consider CD1, tomorrow hav to start clomid alr
but i tot only when we see red, then consider CD1 right?
i so confused leh!
hi penguin - thanks for ur assurance, althou we zun zun BD on the correct days, but still no success tis round... rem fizzy saw big egg & went home to BD immed strike! hee hee! Btw, are u also seeing Dr Heng? Lost count of the no. of gals who r under her here... :p
synergy - my gynae nurse said to start clomid on 2nd day of see RED! She said some ladies can have spotting for a few days then AF actually comes. Very confusing hor!!
keke... yeah, jia you!

shld be good enuff liao bah... let's see whether spermie managed to catch eggie boh lor, else try again... me also anyhow pom...
usually AF come btw 10DPO to 18DPO... so AF possible to arrive early. only when AF full force then considered cd01.
Hi Christine,
glad that you went for a 2nd opinion and came back with good news...seems like we are quite similar, DR 1 diagnose w PCOS, but Dr Heng says its clear....

Em... but kind of odd... I did see the 'so call' air bubbles in my Yr 2003 scan, but when I went for the scan done by Dr Heng, seems that everything is clear.....Was thinking maybe i really had PCOS in Yr 2003 but has cleared out now...
