A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Fatfat : Tks .. will check it out my mail ..

Hee hee .. tink .. for the sake of BS hor .. every ger will try to slim as much lor .. aft customary .. me din bother much on my diet aldy .. + I am a glutton
.... I like to eat .. supper also .. so, now .. put on weight liao ... hahaha ... so now, I try to control my diet again lor .. but now, dun ve much motivation like during weddin preps lor ...

Hi Gals,
Gosh...kodak gallery is temporarily down so unable to send. Hopefully the webby can be up later. Sorry for the delay!

I got your PS yesterday. Thanks!
Now I don't eat supper still fat...sama sama trying to control my diet but it's too hard for me to resist all delicacy once weekend is here...
Peg76 - That EG is OTR .. taken in photo is nice .. but when I wear it for PS .. my mum & sis give me that kind of "not nice look" haha ... Instead, that pink EG is MTM lor ..

Fatfat - No wonder .. check my mail
din recd any .. ok, will wait ..

3 more hrs to go & will b out of office!
Ok, let my PS entertain u gals! Just managed to load my PS in another webby before u gals knock off. Pls check your mail!
fatfat : Tks I recd it .. very nice .. U got 2 dogs also .. keke .. 1 JRT .. & 1 Husky ..

Yes .. going to knock off soon ..

Counting down to my last day .. 15 more working days to go ...

peg, i dun have the digital one leh. It's all in a album only 15 pieces. Mine is the cheapo package taken almost 5 yrs ago, so retro & aritifical, saw you all one, I really hv to stand aside..
Ya...but tt was the past...now no more dogs...PIL dun like...

I want to see your PS, can? [email protected] thanks!

Don't say liadat...5yrs ago wedding pkg not cheap compare to now.
Saw your PS. After Penguin I'm the next to stand aside...hopefully u won't get nightmare seeing my PS...
hi Yuki, can u help me update: Today is CD 2 (aft i posted msg saying AF missing, the next moment it came liao).

Today is my 1st time taking clomid! hee! So, i presume cycle may be shorter? Expected O: ard 15/6, AF expected: 30/6, cycle length: 30-32 days?

ladies - anyone did blood test (for hormone level) on CD2? Wat is it exactly for ah?? Thanks
Hi Penguin

It's Tioman... it's the 1st holiday that mi & my hubby had... so more memoriable for the 2 of us...

Dun feel sad... Wedding photos are juz "external" wat's more important is a wonderful relationship between the couple, isn't it?

Hi Sihui

Very very noti doggie... he's younger than yr sister's dog... this August then he will turn 2... hehehehe...

Hi Fat fat

Juz saw yr pics... alamak... where got fat... so pretty... heheheh...

That's when he's still young... now his ears are pointing kind.... no longer like rabbit liao...

Hi Koori

Send to me hor... [email protected]
Hi Yuki ..

Hee hee .. my sis's dog is 5 yrs old tis yr .. while mine is 2 yrs old
Ur boy boy .. very cute leh ..

See tis is my sis's dog when young ...
Hi Koori

Ya lah... when he's young... he's so chubby... now become so big & scary... ehheheheh...

Hi Hayashi

He's Mongrel.... Dog are always cute when they are bb...

Hi Sihui

Mine boy boy also like to hug his soft toy to sleep when he's young... now he only knows how to destroy them....

More pic on him...
Morning Gals....

Now the 'craze' is about sharing dogs pic...Hehe...But i scare of dogs leh...haha..


You very pretty leh...not fat leh...
*I expecting to see a fat gal when I open your mail*

i bought the grapefruit juice from cold storage. brand is florida's natural.


your doggie is so cute... but i scare of dogs! my hubby just did his SA this morning. but he do it in the lab cos scare we will reach there after 1 hr after collecting. then he say he so gan cheong, the spermie he collected like very little only.
dun say that lah, like what fatfat the wedding packages 5 yrs ago also not that cheap.

u are not fat lah...find it awarkard to call u fat fat...

can i see your pics. my email: [email protected]

your dogs are so cute...

My hubby has been asking for a dog in addition to the two cats but I have said let's have a bb first.

i also think so. that he keep asking me wat if it's sperm got problem. ai yo, the quantity he collected will affect the results also rite?
yesterday was my first encounter with the OPK thingy. a very faint line showed (or am i imagining). does it mean i am going to O very soon? I have read somewhere in the thread that have to test two times a day, is it??

will go and check on the summer's eve lubricant later...
Hi peg,

how faint is the faint line? You keep the opk and compare it with the next day. Someone in this thread managed to get a very very dark colour line. Forgot who le.

hi girls, I tested again and it shows a BFN. sob sob. if its a BFN, why period not here yet.
I love those doggie and cats pictures. Keep them coming!
I can never have a pet cos I used to work very long hours.

Sihui, view your wedding pics. Very pretty. Your hubby more good looking like lin ming lun lah.

Peg, did you say one or two faint line? There will always be one line (the control line). If the faint line you are referring to is the test line, might want to consider BD since it might be the beginning/end of the LH surge that you are encountering!
Yuki,Hoonie & Peg76
Thanks for the compliment! PS time I was not fat...after married every mth I neber stop putting on 1kg...among my friends I'm the fattest so they call me fei mu...no awarkard at all...make up of course pretty lah...if din put looks like ghost...

When your boy boy was a puppy sooooo cute make me wanted to kiss him...keke...me evny u all....can keep doggie.

You have two dogs, right? Show the other one lah I want to see!

My BS is French studio. Me like the gown too! The gown actually is translucent with all the white patches cover the sensitive part on top. Some of my friends don't like it they prefer me wearing something not cover up...

I think is penguin? She tested many times BFN den on thursday if not wrong she got a dark line on the opk.

Thanks! Later I check my mail!
Peg76 - Hi U checking the lubricant?? Me will go check too .. hee hee ...

Bloom75 -
.. K, will post some more now ...

Fatfat - I got 1 dog, the other one belong to my sis la .. shown 2 liao .. it 2 different dogs .. K, here is a more clearly pics of they grown up ..

Normally, how many OPK do you ladies use per month?? Anyone selling OPK, cos mine finishing soon dun wan to get "Clear Blue" quite expensive ..

This is my sis' dog .. also a mongrel, same as Yuki .. she is going to be 5 yr old soon

This is my dog .. Jack Russell .. 2yr old ..
Received your mail! Nice nice...think u are one of the mei nu here...You looks very young hor. How old are u?

better to the Spermie collection from the comfort of your house...But did the nurse says it's too little?If she says it's enough,then u dun have to worry

have u finished ur grapefruit juice?I gave mine to my SIL,really couldn't finish it....Giving me gastric problem....
cannot find the one from summer's eve so bought the vagisil one. dun know whether the same or not. compared to the other lubricants, vagisil is very watery.

I am not taking any chances so bd last night.

jia you!!

if u get a faint line yesterday then test again today or tomorrow, maybe u will see a dark test line. cos i think a faint line is consider as -ve.


the nurse never say anything abt the spermie collection leh. i haven't finish the grapefruit juice, i am drinking 1 cup everyday and i think i like the taste. i dun have any gastric problem so i will continue to take lor.

Hi Sharon,

Reg the OPK,the line must be dark to consider it as a sign of ovulation in 24/48 hours time? I tested yesterday CD16 got a dark line,then CD15 forget to test,CD14 negative...Hmm...Then how to count? When the egg is out,will the OPK show positive?? **very confusing leh**

I am experiencing cramps at the lower tummy this morning after BD last nite leh...dunno why...
*pain pain*
